United States of America



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United States of America

  • UF U.S.A.
  • UF USA
  • UF America

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United States of America

164 Collection results for United States of America

15 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

'A Jesuit Account of the Fall of Guadeloupe, 1759. The Deposition of Père Magloire, “natif d’irlande” ’ (Roger(?) Maguire)'

Typescript entitled 'A Jesuit Account of the Fall of Guadeloupe, 1759. The Deposition of Père Magloire, “natif d’irlande” ’ (Roger(?) Maguire)'. Translated and edited by Marshall Smelser, Assistant Professor of History, University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA.

Smelser, Marshall, 1912-1978, historian

Burses founded in the Apostolic School, Mungret College

A file relating to the Burses founded in the Apostolic School, Mungret College but given to All Hallows. Includes note explaining the provenance of the correspondence (25 September 1977) and documents such as; Lord Emly Burse (January 1883, 2 items); Boyce Burse (23 June 1905 - 10 October 1910, 5 items); Michael Leahy bequest (20 October 1909 - 31 May 1912, 4 items); Madeline Josephine M. Sampson Burse (St. Marie Therese of the Child Jesus and of the Holy Face, 3 May - 6 June 1913, 2 items); Canon Doyle Burse (24 October - 28 November 1922, 5 items); letter from Fr O'Donnell SJ to Fr Edward Cahill SJ relating to ‘De Jure Burses’ (12 September [ ], 4pp).

Comments on, and reviews of Edward Boyd Barrett's doctoral thesis

Comments on, and reviews of Edward Boyd Barrett's doctoral thesis published by Longmans, Green and Co. 1911 under the title 'Motive Forces and Motivation Tracts: a Research in Will Psychology'. Includes:
– letter from Fr James J Carlin SJ (Socius, [Maryland and New York Province?] to the Irish Provincial Fr William Delany SJ drawing attention to the view of certain American Jesuits that the book ‘contained propositions, which, to say the least, seemed at variance with Catholic philosophy’ and enclosing a copy of the review originally prepared by the professor at Woodstock for inclusion in the publication 'America' and a ‘list of passages deserving of special notice’ (25 January 1912, 3 items, 2pp, 10pp, 2pp);
– letters from Boyd Barrett to Irish Fr Provincial defending his book and a ‘Reply of Father Fröbes to a request for his Opinion on some Points concerning Mr Barrett's Book’ (25 February - 4 March 1912, 3 items);
– letter to Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Coemans SJ comprising the formal judgement of the Louvain professors on the book and the reply from Louvain “to the criticism of Mr Barrett’s book by a writer for ‘America’ ” (both in Latin) (1 March 1912, 2pp & 12pp);
– copy of letter to Irish Fr Provincial from Fr. Mc[…] (Stonyhurst) judging the book and the American Father's criticism of it (12 March 1912, 6pp);
– rough notes by Boyd Barrett defending his work [by systematically dealing with the points raised by his critics] (n.d., 5pp);
– copy typescript comprising ‘Pauca notanda velim’ on the book (n.d., 7pp) and
– copybook compiled by Boyd Barrett of reviews of 'Motive Forces and Motivation Tracts' published in various journals and periodicals. Also includes some newspaper clippings, telegrams and certificates relating to Boyd Barrett’s academic awards (1911 - 1913, c68pp).

Controversy between Dr Edward Thomas O'Dwyer, Bishop of Limerick and Mungret College concerning the admission of lay boys to the College

A file relating to the controversy between Dr Edward Thomas O'Dwyer, Bishop of Limerick and Mungret College concerning the admission of lay boys to the College. The file contains manuscript material written by Fr Thomas Morrissey SJ. In a summary he remarks that the Bishop saw the presence of lay students at Mungret 'as a threat to his seminary' (nd, 1p). Includes correspondence, and prospectus for Mungret College, 1882, Annual reports of the Irish Apostolic School, Mungret, 1889 and 1895.

Copy of letter from Fr Christiaan Hoeken SJ, a missionary to the Pottawatomie tribe of North America, to the Fr General

Copy of letter from Fr Christiaan Hoeken SJ, a missionary to the Pottawatomie tribe of North America, to the Fr General. Describes some of his experiences as a missionary, including his converting of a number of the tribe. Relates his activities in a typical day, including the celebration of Mass, the hearing of confession etc. Speaks of the natives’ devotion to the Virgin Mary. Asks the Father General for his assistance.

Hoeken, Christiaan Jacob Adriaan, 1808-1851, Jesuit priest

Copy of letter from Fr Fergal McGrath SJ to Fr Anthony Bischoff SJ concerning the books

Copy of letter from Fr Fergal McGrath SJ to Fr Anthony Bischoff SJ concerning the books, following a recent inquiry about them from Dr James Cotter, New York. ‘I gave you the news that I had found five (probably seven) of the books used or annotated by G.M Hopkins, which you so painstakingly located in 1947. You had mentioned that you had found fifteen to twenty such books. I sent you a list of all the books which I had found in the same cupboard, and asked you to let me know whether you could establish a link between any of them and Hopkins. If my letter went astray, I shall be glad to make another copy of the list.’

McGrath, Fergal P, 1895-1988, Jesuit priest

Corporate Strategy in Religious Orders by David Coghlan

Corporate Strategy in Religious Orders by David Coghlan

B.A., National University of Ireland (1972)
B.D., Milltown Institute of Philosophy and Theology, Dublin, Ireland (1979)
M.Sc., University of Manchester (1980)

Submitted to the Alfred P.SLoan School of Management in Partial Fulfillment for the requirements for the degree of master of science in management at the Massachusetts Institute of technology.

June 1985

David Coglan 1985

Coghlan, David, Jesuit priest

Correspondence between Fr Robert Nash SJ and Irish Fr Provincials

  • IE IJA J/300/4
  • File
  • 12 October 1936 - 30 August 1989
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of correspondence between Fr Robert Nash SJ and Irish Fr Provincials concerning his schedules of missions and retreats, publications, places of residence, donations and issues arising from his articles in the ‘Irish Press’. Also contains the censor’s report on an early pamphlet, ‘Not Yours’ and death notice and obituaries.

Correspondence relating to Fr Joseph Lentaigne SJ

Correspondence relating to Fr Joseph Lentaigne SJ, who was Irish Vice Provincial, 11 February 1858-7 December 1860 and the first Provincial of the Irish Province of the Society of Jesus, 8 December 1860 - [ ] 1863. No index.

Lentaigne, Joseph, 1805-1884, Jesuit priest

Correspondence relating to the shipment of a painting of ‘The First/Irish/Jesuit College Dublin’

Correspondence between the Vice-Provincial, Mr Andrew MacErlean (brother of Fr John MacErlean SJ) and J.F. MacCarthy (New York Art Dealer) relating to the shipment of a painting by Mr MacCarthy to the Provincial. The painting is by Sir Thomas Thorpe/Sharpe of London and is thought to be entitled ‘The First College of Dublin’, although there is some confusion over the correct title. The painting thought in Dublin to be of poor quality and incorrect title.

Documents and letters relating to Fr John Hayes' career before becoming a military chaplain

Documents and letters relating to Fr John Hayes’ career before becoming a military chaplain. Includes:

  • Letter of John Hayes to the Irish Fr Provincial John Fahy SJ in reply to Fr Fahy’s instructions that Mr Hayes goes to Tullabeg (Novitiate), County Offaly on 1st September (Fr Hayes entered the Society on 1 September 1925) (5 August 1925, 1p);
  • John Hayes’ confidential medical report, prepared by Dr M.S. McGrath for the Provincial (25 June 1925, 1p)
  • ‘Informatio de Candidato’ – reports on John Hayes by five Jesuits for the Provincial (n.d., 5 items);
  • Letter from Mr John Hayes SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Laurence Kieran SJ regarding his application to go on the Mission in Alaska (6 August 1932, 1p) and
  • Copy letter to Mr John Hayes SJ from the Irish Fr Provincial Laurence Kieran SJ relating to ‘two faults…(that)…have been mentioned in the Informationes taken recently concerning you to which I must call your attention’ (26 July 1936, 1p);
  • letter to Irish Fr Provincial John R MacMahon SJ from Fr Louis Lachal SJ, Loyola, Watsonia, Victoria, Australia (20 February 1945, 2pp) enclosing 'a letter for Frank Hayes, John's brother'...'The news of John's death was a big knock to those of us out here who knew him well'. Mentions Fr Victor Turner SJ in POW camp, Tokyo.
    See also CHP2/35 (43);CHP2/35 (44) and CHP2/31
  • Dog collar identification for Rev. John Hayes C.F. RC, 199879. See CHP2/18

Hayes, John, 1909-1945, Jesuit priest and chaplain

File relating to Fr Robert Stevenson SJ

  • IE IJA J/411/1
  • File
  • 28 April 1923-1 April 1977
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File relating to Fr Robert Stevenson SJ, including application to join the Society, correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials, catalogue entries and memorial card.

Fr Éamon Egan SJ

  • IE IJA J/139
  • File
  • 9 June 1941 - 30 July 1974
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

A file of material relating to Fr Eamon Egan SJ including biographical information and correspondence relating to his death in a boating accident.

Egan, Éamon, 1923-1973, Jesuit priest

Fr Eugene Aloysius Ward SJ

  • IE IJA J/437
  • File
  • 26 August 1925-9 February 1976
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

A file relating to Fr Eugene A Ward SJ. Includes application to join the Society, correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials, catalogue entries, extensive correspondence relating to Fr Ward's work in America.

Ward, Eugene Aloysius, 1906-1976, Jesuit priest

Fr Henry Brendan Lawlor SJ

  • IE IJA J/514
  • File
  • 29 May 1934 - 6 December 1989
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File containing Henry Lawlor's admission papers; correspondence relating parish work in England and ‘The Eucharistic Crusade’; newspaper cuttings relating to stance on television censorship.

Lawlor, Henry Brendan, 1911-1989, Jesuit priest

Fr J Anthony MacSeumais SJ

  • IE IJA J/524
  • File
  • 17 May 1928 - 13 January 1989
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File containing MacSeumais’ admission papers and correspondence with his Irish Fr Provincials from post-war Germany, Pakistan, England and the United States. Photograph included.

MacSeumais, J Anthony, 1910-1989, Jesuit priest

Fr James Tomkin SJ

A file relating to Fr Nicholas Tomkin SJ. Includes a letter from Barbara J Marek, 2150 Garnee Drive, Eagan, Minnesota, USA to Fr Fergal McGrath SJ seeking information on Frs Nicolas and Joseph Tomkin.

Tomkin, James, 1866-1950, Jesuit priest

Fr John B Kerr SJ

  • IE IJA J/220
  • File
  • 8 July 1936 - 28 February 1978
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Material relating to Fr John B Kerr SJ which includes correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials and curia, personal record and application to join the Society.

Kerr, John B, 1919-1978, Jesuit priest

Fr John Coyne's translation of 'Christian Prayer in its Course through the Centuries' by Josef Andreas Jungmann SJ

  • IE IJA J/42/7
  • File
  • 20 July 1973 - 1 February 1978
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

A file relating to Fr John Coyne's translation of 'Christian Prayer in its Course through the Centuries' by Josef Andreas Jungmann SJ. Includes correspondence with the publishers and Josef Andreas Jungmann. The translation was published by Paulist Press, New York posthumously. Includes a typed manuscript of the translation.

Fr Joseph Carlin SJ

  • IE IJA J/480
  • File
  • 11 December 1915 - 13 July 1988
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of correspondence between Fr Joseph Carlin SJ and his Irish Provincials covering his admission and ordination to the Society of Jesus, his time as a teacher at Belvedere College and his work from 1959-1988 in the Jesuit provinces of California, New Orleans and Missouri, United States of America.

Carlin, Joseph M, 1915-1988, Jesuit priest

Fr Michael William Shallo SJ

Obituaries of Fr Michael William Shallo SJ, which includes poetry, holograph letter from Fr Michael A. McKay SJ (30 January 1898) and black and white portrait photograph of Fr Shallo.

Shallo, Michael William, 1853-1898, Jesuit priest

Fr Nicholas James Tomkin SJ

A file relating to Fr Nicholas Tomkin SJ. Includes a letter from Barbara J Marek, 2150 Garnee Drive, Eagan, Minnesota, USA to Fr Fergal McGrath SJ seeking information on Frs. Nicolas and Joseph Tomkin.

Tomkin, Nicholas James, 1859-1942, Jesuit priest

Fr Patrick Cashman SJ

  • IE IJA J/89
  • File
  • 1944; 25 March 1947 - 31 December 1969
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

A file relating to Fr Patrick Cashman SJ including information on his health and letters from friends and penitents when a decision was made to transfer Fr Cashman from Galway to Dublin, asking Irish Fr Provincial to reconsider his decision. Includes catalogue entry.

Cashman, Patrick, 1900-1969, Jesuit priest

Genealogical notes compiled and collected by Fr Timothy Corcoran SJ on his family

A file of genealogical notes compiled and collected by Fr Timothy Corcoran SJ on his family. Includes letters, from Margaret Ryan, 14 Grand Street, Pokepsie, New York, U.S.A. to Fr Corcoran concerning other relatives in America (18 October 1931), Rody Dwan, Lisnagonoge, Thurles, County Tipperary (1 June 1915) and John D Corcoran, Williamsport, Ohio, U.S.A. (24 January 1929) ; genealogical notes on Corcoran of Clontaffe, parish of Killea (1766-1842) and of Honeymount, parish of Rathnaveoge, Ikerrin (1855-1929) and Curraduff, parish of Killea, Ikerrin, (1855-1929), 1p; copies made by Fr Timothy Corcoran SJ of family relatives in census material, 1821, 6 June 1841, at the Public Record Office, Dublin, (16 April 1916, 24 December 1917), 2pp; copies of originals at Lisnagonoge, Thurles, County Tipperary (25 August 1915), 1p; notes by Fr Timothy Corcoran SJ from the Public Record Office, Dublin (March 1914) on the numbers of peoples in townlands related to him - Rathnaveoge, Honeymount, Gurteen in 1821 census; inscription in Monsea burial ground and photocopies of newspaper clippings (1911).

Gonzaga Preparatory Faculty Building, Spokane, Washington

Gonzaga Preparatory Faculty Building, Spokane, Washington
Main Floor Plan (Includes 41 bedrooms, Priests Recreation Room and Scholastic Recreation Room. Built around a central circular chapel.)
Architect: Culler Gale and Martell, Spokane Washington
Engineer: Norrie and Davis, Spokane, Washington.
Paper: Blue black on off white

Letter from Alexander I Rorke, New York to Fr John Coyne SJ

Letter from Alexander I Rorke, 51 Chamber Street, New York to Fr John Coyne SJ regarding the Rorke family - his granduncle Henry J Rorke SJ, his cousin Marie O'Rourke, St Brieuc, France, his uncle Fr Andrew J Rorke SJ, his cousin Mae Rorke Fitzgerald who was a Poor Clare at Donnybrook, son of his grand uncle Fr Andrew H Rorke SJ.

Letter from Ellen Russell to her cousin Dr Charles Russell describing a rough crossing across the Atlantic Ocean

Letter from Ellen Russell to her cousin Dr Charles Russell describing a rough crossing across the Atlantic Ocean. Describes a storm which occurred off Newfoundland '...which blew us far south of the Banks which turned out most fortunate for us as many besides that kept north of the banks were that night more or less injured we thank God not only escaped that but the cold and icebergs.' Describes her arrival in America and stay in New York city. Remarks 'I cannot give you any opinion of the Americans as I think we have seen the worst of them...'. Concludes that she will write again when they reach Columbus, Ohio.

Letter from Fr Arnold Damen SJ, writing from Chicago

Letter from Fr Arnold Damen SJ, writing from Chicago, to [ ]. Informs the latter that he has given his bonds to a banker to dispose of them ‘to the best advantage’. Suggests that they not be drawn on for some time, until the value of gold decreases.

Damen, Arnold, 1815-1890, Jesuit priest

Letter from Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ to the Librarian, Pierpoint Morgan Library, New York, concerning Fr Gwynn's inquiries about MS 627 in the Library

Letter from Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ to the Librarian, Pierpoint Morgan Library, New York, concerning Fr Gwynn's inquiries about MS 627 in the Library, ‘commonly known as the Drummond Missal.’ Fr Gwynn wants to get answers ‘to a whole series of questions which need to be answered before I complete my paper…on the history of the Roman Mass in Ireland in the twelfth century’ (10 February 1980, 4pp). Includes two pages of questions concerning the manuscript and covering letter to the Librarian from Fr Brian Grogan SJ, Rector of Milltown Park. Includes copy of a slightly different version of Fr Gwynn's letter (4pp).

Letter from Fr Edward Boursaud SJ, secretary to Fr General to the Irish Fr Provincial on the need for suitable men by the Maryland Provincial

Letter from Fr Boursaud, Secretary to the Fr General, to Fr Tuite. Explains that the Provincial of Maryland, Fr Fulton, is in need of ‘some capable man’ for the Scholasticate, who could teach philosophy or theology, and asks if Fr Tuite could spare Fr Denis Murphy to fill such a position for a few years.

Boursaud, Edward, 1840-1902, Jesuit priest

Letter from Fr John J. Nerney SJ, The Queen's Work, A Magazine of Catholic Activities, 3220 Russell Avenue, Saint Louis to Irish Fr Provincial

Letter from Fr John J. Nerney SJ, The Queen's Work, A Magazine of Catholic Activities, 3220 Russell Avenue, Saint Louis to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ concerning his visit to America to observe the work of the magazine so that he can start a similar enterprise in Australia.

Nerney, John, 1879-1962, Jesuit priest

Letter from Fr Robert Whitty SJ, writing from Fiesole, to Fr Murphy

Letter from Fr Robert Whitty SJ, writing from Fiesole, to Fr Murphy. Refers to the reaction in America to an article in the March 1890 edition of the Lyceum on ‘The Church in America’, and to a letter received by the Father General from an American Jesuit on the subject. Includes a review taken from a Chicago Catholic newspaper, which criticises the article.

Whitty, Robert, 1817-1895, Jesuit priest

Letter from Fr Terence L Connolly SJ to Frank Gallagher, Director of Government Information Bureau, Merrion Street, Dublin

Letter from Fr Terence L Connolly SJ, Boston College Library, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, USA to Frank Gallagher, Director of Government Information Bureau, Merrion Street, Dublin (brother of Fr Richard) thanking him for sending a inscribed copy of his book ‘The Four Glorious Years’.

Connolly, Terence L, 1888-1962, Jesuit priest

Letter from Fr William Stack Murphy SJ, St Mary’s, Lebanon, Kentucky, U.S.A. to Fr Patrick Bracken SJ

From Fr William Stack Murphy SJ, St Mary’s, Lebanon, Kentucky, U.S.A. to Fr Patrick Bracken SJ. Thanks him for the books that were brought out by Dr Litton. Refers to the fact that Fr Peter Kenney SJ had been appointed Rector of Palermo. Asks Fr Bracken to arrange for a subscription to be made to the 'London Tablet'. Refers to the Teetotalism and Partial Abstinence campaign in the US. Answers Daniel O'Connell’s views on America’s tradition of slavery. Gives a brief outline of the establishment of the school (St Mary’s in Kentucky).

Murphy, William Stack, 1803-1875, Jesuit priest

Letter from Irish Fr Provincial to Rev James E. Walsh MM, Bishop of [ ], Superior General, Catholic Foreign Mission, Society of America sympathising over the death of the Vicar General of Maryknoll

Copy of a letter from Irish Fr Provincial John R MacMahon SJ, St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin to Rev James E. Walsh MM, Bishop of [ ], Superior General, Catholic Foreign Mission, Society of America sympathising over the death of the Vicar General of Maryknoll.

MacMahon, John R, 1893-1989, Jesuit priest

Letter from Patrick William Riordan, Archbishop of San Francisco to the Fr Superior seeking some students for the San Francisco diocese

Letter from Patrick William Riordan, Archbishop of San Francisco, writing from Thurles, to the Father Superior. Reports that he was seeking some students for the San Francisco diocese at an un-named seminary. States that he will be unable to return to Dublin before sailing, as the president of the seminary was not there, and therefore he has to remain in Thurles until the next day. Thanks the Father Superior for his invitation.

Riordan, Patrick William, 1841-1914, Roman Catholic Archbishop of San Francisco

Letter from Richard Doyle to Dr Charles Russell apologising for the delay in replying to his note

Letter from Richard Doyle, 17 Cambridge Terrace, Hyde Park, England to Dr Charles Russell apologising for the delay in replying to his note and informing Dr Russell that he will make inquiries to an acquaintance on his behalf. Includes a note by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ (former Irish Province Archivist) on Richard Doyle and surmises that he is Dickie Doyle, an artist for Punch.

Doyle, Richard, 1824-1883, illustrator, printmaker, and watercolour painter

Letter from Sr Carroll, Convent of Mercy, Mobile, Alabama, USA to Sr Mary Baptist Russell sympathising over the death of Lord Russell of Killowen

Letter from Sr Carroll, Convent of Mercy, Mobile, Alabama, USA to Sr Mary Baptist (Katherine) Russell sympathising over the death of Lord Russell of Killowen (brother of Sr Russell). Remarks 'what made the shock greater for me was the fact that I had never heard of his being weak or ailing...'

Letter from Sr Mary Baptist Russell, St Mary's Hospital, San Francisco to her sister Sarah Russell concerning her desire to join the sisters in Newry

Letter from Sr Mary Baptist Russell, St Mary's Hospital, San Francisco to her sister Sarah Russell (later Mother Mary Emmanuel, Sister of Mercy, Newry) concerning Sarah's desire to join the sisters in Newry but that their mother has objected to this. Suggests that Sarah might come out to join her in California. Remarks '...I half concluded in my own mind that the Almighty destined you to share in our [life] here and was making use of dear Mamma's opposition to your wishes.' Remarks that they are very short of sisters. Concludes 'I dare say Mother Catherine (in Newry) will think I am somewhat selfish but no selfish motive activates me I assure you...'

Russell, Mary Baptist, 1829-1898, Sister of Mercy

Letter from Stephen Kuttner to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ

Letter from Stephen Kuttner (President of the Institute of Medieval Canon Law, School of Law, University of California, Berkeley, California) to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ, a ‘Corresponding Member’ of the Institute, informing him that the ‘appointment of Corresponding Members should henceforth be understood as made for a period of five years…’

Letter to Fr Fergal McGrath SJ from Fr Anthony Bischoff SJ concerning books used by or belonging to Fr Gerard Hopkins SJ

Letter to Fr Fergal McGrath SJ (Irish Province Archivist 1975 to 1986) from Fr Anthony Bischoff SJ (Jesuit Community, Georgetown University, Washington), concerning books used by or belonging to Fr Gerard Hopkins SJ, found in St Ignatius’ House of Writers, 35 Lower Leeson Street. ‘I confess I am appalled at the idea that these books have been carelessly assimilated into the house library. In 1947, I spent hours examining every book in the Leeson Street house Library. The result was that I segregated some fifteen or twenty books that had definitely belonged to or been used by Hopkins. All of these I turned over to Father Aubrey Gwynn, then librarian. I made clear to him what the books were, their value as having been associated with Hopkins, and suggested that they be kept as a separate collection. I do not have a detailed listing of the books…I have only two definite titles that I recall…There are also several books by Richard Watson Dixon that belonged to Hopkins…You ought to also have the autograph manuscript of Hopkins’s poem ‘St. Thecla’, as well as manuscripts of one or two of his letters.’

Books used by or belonging to Fr Gerard Hopkins SJ
Annotated books, 1876 - 1884
IE IJA J/11/18 - 'The History of Tacitus According to the Text of Drelli. Books III, IV, V.'
IE IJA J/11/19 - 'Corpus Poetarum Latinorum'
IE IJA J/11/20 - 'The Acharnians of Aristophanes'
IE IJA J/11/21 - 'Aeschylus – Choephoroi'

Non-annotated books, 1884 - 1918
IE IJA J/11/22 - ‘Poems’ by Richard Watson Dixon
IE IJA J/11/23 - 'Poems' by Henry Patmore
IE IJA J/11/24 - 'Prometheus. The Firegiver' by Robert Bridges
IE IJA J/11/25 - 'Eros and Psyche. A Poem in Twelve Measures' by Robert Bridges

Bischoff, Anthony, 1910-1993, Jesuit priest and academic

Letters and postcards to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from Fr Robert E. McNally SJ

  • IE IJA J/10/131
  • File
  • 29 April 1956 - 12 May 1969
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Letters and postcards to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from Fr Robert E. McNally SJ (Munich University, Woodstock College, Maryland and Fordham University, New York), mostly concerning Fr McNally’s research and publishing work, including ‘a new edition of the Pseudo-Isidore, Liber de numeris, which we suspect to be certainly a product of early Irish scholarship.’

Letters and royalty statements from publishers Russell & Russell Inc., New York, who reissued 'Roman Education'

  • IE IJA J/10/93
  • File
  • 29 January 1964 - 31 December 1973
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Letters and royalty statements from publishers Russell & Russell Inc., New York, who reissued 'Roman Education' in 1964. ‘As you know, the book has never been protected by copyright in the United States and is, therefore, in the public domain in this country. Nevertheless, it is our practice as a courtesy to the author to pay a royalty on all copies sold.’ (29 January 1964, 1p.)

Letters concerning Fr Michael Mansfield SJ

A file of letters concerning Fr Michael Mansfield SJ and the legitimacy of his stay in the United States. Fr Mansfield had been en route to Australia but had remained in America without permission. Includes a letter from F. A. McQuade SJ, Provincial's Office, 501 East Fordham Road, New York City to Irish Fr Provincial John R. MacMahon SJ, St. Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin remarking 'He seems to have a terrible aversion to the Australian Jesuits and he feels unwanted there.' (17 July 1947, 1p).

Mansfield, Michael, 1910-1985, former Jesuit priest

Letters from Dr Blanche Touhill to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ on news, and reviews of her book

  • IE IJA J/10/74
  • File
  • 15 January-13 May 1982
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Letters from Dr Blanche Touhill to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ on Fr Gwynn’s health and some of their mutual colleagues including Geoffrey Hand. Encloses copies of various Irish and American reviews of her book 'William Smith O'Brien – And His Irish Revolutionary Companions in Penal Exile', (4 November 1981-17 April 1982, 6 items).

Touhill, Blanche, historian

Letters from Edward Boyd Barrett to his friends Frs Charles Byrne SJ, Edward Coyne SJ and Joseph Canavan SJ

Letters from Edward Boyd Barrett (Soquel, California) to his friends Frs Charles Byrne SJ, Edward Coyne SJ and Joseph Canavan SJ. Includes:
– letters to Fr Charles (Charlie) Byrne SJ concerning Fr Joseph Canavan’s declining health, his work for ‘Strays’ and his new book 'Shepherds in the Mist' ([21 November 1949] – [January 1963], 7 items);
– letter to Fr Edward (Ned) Coyne, S.J. stating ‘Now that you’re ‘laid up’ and have to listen to me I want to say this to you. “You’re in my heart – not because of being handsome or smart – but because of being kind and good to me!’ ” (16 March 19??, 1p.) and
– letter to Fr Joseph (Joe) Canavan SJ who is recovering from a serious operation. Also mentions his new book 'Shepherds in the Mist' (3 September 1949, 3pp).

Letters from Fr Albert Power SJ to Irish Fr Provincial concerning his voyage to Australia, and work at Newman College

A file of letters from Fr Albert Power SJ to Irish Fr Provincial concerning his voyage to Australia via America. Includes letters referring to William Tucker SJ and his health (6 October 1918 & 7 October 1918, 2 items). Includes a letter concerning his journey to San Francisco. Remarks 'At San Francisco there is a Priest (Fr O'Neill) who is Rector of Newman Hall in the University at Berkeley...a Catholic Hall like the one I am going to be acquainted with. I have a letter of introduction to him and hope to get some lights from him. They say he has done a great deal for his Hall...' (21 November 1918, 2pp). Includes a letter concerning his new position as Rector of Newman College. Refers to Fr O'Dwyer SJ. Remarks 'The poor man has had a v. heavy trial over this Newman College affair - and I think he has been dealt with rather unceremoniously.' Refers to an offer by the Archbishop of Perth inviting the Jesuits to establish a see also residence in Perth. Remarks 'I would remind your Reverence that we are very much undermanned out here - and unless you can send us out a good few subjects, it might be better not to extend the frontier that we have to garrison.' (21 January 1919, 2pp). Includes a letter reporting on Newman College after 18 months as Rector of the College (19 August 1920, 4pp). Includes a letter referring to a consult of the mission at which the proposal of Australia becoming a Vice-Province was discussed. Summarises the points raised (13 October 1924, 3pp).

Power, Albert, 1870-1948, Jesuit priest

Letters from Fr George Byrne SJ to Irish Fr Provincial concerning the voyage to Australia and his work

A file of letters from Fr George Byrne SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ concerning the voyage to Australia and his work with the Novices and the community in Loyola, Greenwich Road, Greenwich. Includes a letter concerning a trip to America and refers to a meeting he had with the doctor of Mr William Tucker SJ. Remarks 'I saw the Doctor, his opinion is that, as far as climate etc. is concerned, home was just as good as USA but because of "T(ucker)'s temperament he believed California would be better...I doubt very much whether the man himself really seriously wants to remain in the Society...' (31 May 1919, 3pp).

Byrne, George, 1879-1962, Jesuit priest

Letters from Fr John Barrett SJ to Fr Daniel Shields SJ requesting his assistance in the return of scripts

  • IE IJA J/404/7
  • File
  • 22 March - 17 July 1974
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Letters from Fr John Barrett SJ, Shrine of Our Lady of Martyrs’, Auriesville, New York to Fr Daniel Shields SJ requesting his assistance in the return of scripts deposited at the Gate and Abbey Theatres. Includes a note from The Abbey Theatre and a copy Fr Barrett’s play ‘Requiem for Jesuits’.

Barrett, John, Jesuit priest

Results 1 to 100 of 164