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25 Collection results for California

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Fr J Anthony MacSeumais SJ

  • IE IJA J/524
  • File
  • 17 May 1928 - 13 January 1989
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File containing MacSeumais’ admission papers and correspondence with his Irish Fr Provincials from post-war Germany, Pakistan, England and the United States. Photograph included.

MacSeumais, J Anthony, 1910-1989, Jesuit priest

Fr Joseph Carlin SJ

  • IE IJA J/480
  • File
  • 11 December 1915 - 13 July 1988
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of correspondence between Fr Joseph Carlin SJ and his Irish Provincials covering his admission and ordination to the Society of Jesus, his time as a teacher at Belvedere College and his work from 1959-1988 in the Jesuit provinces of California, New Orleans and Missouri, United States of America.

Carlin, Joseph M, 1915-1988, Jesuit priest

Fr Michael William Shallo SJ

Obituaries of Fr Michael William Shallo SJ, which includes poetry, holograph letter from Fr Michael A. McKay SJ (30 January 1898) and black and white portrait photograph of Fr Shallo.

Shallo, Michael William, 1853-1898, Jesuit priest

Letter from Patrick William Riordan, Archbishop of San Francisco to the Fr Superior seeking some students for the San Francisco diocese

Letter from Patrick William Riordan, Archbishop of San Francisco, writing from Thurles, to the Father Superior. Reports that he was seeking some students for the San Francisco diocese at an un-named seminary. States that he will be unable to return to Dublin before sailing, as the president of the seminary was not there, and therefore he has to remain in Thurles until the next day. Thanks the Father Superior for his invitation.

Riordan, Patrick William, 1841-1914, Roman Catholic Archbishop of San Francisco

Letter from Sr Mary Baptist Russell, St Mary's Hospital, San Francisco to her sister Sarah Russell concerning her desire to join the sisters in Newry

Letter from Sr Mary Baptist Russell, St Mary's Hospital, San Francisco to her sister Sarah Russell (later Mother Mary Emmanuel, Sister of Mercy, Newry) concerning Sarah's desire to join the sisters in Newry but that their mother has objected to this. Suggests that Sarah might come out to join her in California. Remarks '...I half concluded in my own mind that the Almighty destined you to share in our [life] here and was making use of dear Mamma's opposition to your wishes.' Remarks that they are very short of sisters. Concludes 'I dare say Mother Catherine (in Newry) will think I am somewhat selfish but no selfish motive activates me I assure you...'

Russell, Mary Baptist, 1829-1898, Sister of Mercy

Letter from Stephen Kuttner to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ

Letter from Stephen Kuttner (President of the Institute of Medieval Canon Law, School of Law, University of California, Berkeley, California) to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ, a ‘Corresponding Member’ of the Institute, informing him that the ‘appointment of Corresponding Members should henceforth be understood as made for a period of five years…’

Letters from Edward Boyd Barrett to his friends Frs Charles Byrne SJ, Edward Coyne SJ and Joseph Canavan SJ

Letters from Edward Boyd Barrett (Soquel, California) to his friends Frs Charles Byrne SJ, Edward Coyne SJ and Joseph Canavan SJ. Includes:
– letters to Fr Charles (Charlie) Byrne SJ concerning Fr Joseph Canavan’s declining health, his work for ‘Strays’ and his new book 'Shepherds in the Mist' ([21 November 1949] – [January 1963], 7 items);
– letter to Fr Edward (Ned) Coyne, S.J. stating ‘Now that you’re ‘laid up’ and have to listen to me I want to say this to you. “You’re in my heart – not because of being handsome or smart – but because of being kind and good to me!’ ” (16 March 19??, 1p.) and
– letter to Fr Joseph (Joe) Canavan SJ who is recovering from a serious operation. Also mentions his new book 'Shepherds in the Mist' (3 September 1949, 3pp).

Letters from Fr Albert Power SJ to Irish Fr Provincial concerning his voyage to Australia, and work at Newman College

A file of letters from Fr Albert Power SJ to Irish Fr Provincial concerning his voyage to Australia via America. Includes letters referring to William Tucker SJ and his health (6 October 1918 & 7 October 1918, 2 items). Includes a letter concerning his journey to San Francisco. Remarks 'At San Francisco there is a Priest (Fr O'Neill) who is Rector of Newman Hall in the University at Berkeley...a Catholic Hall like the one I am going to be acquainted with. I have a letter of introduction to him and hope to get some lights from him. They say he has done a great deal for his Hall...' (21 November 1918, 2pp). Includes a letter concerning his new position as Rector of Newman College. Refers to Fr O'Dwyer SJ. Remarks 'The poor man has had a v. heavy trial over this Newman College affair - and I think he has been dealt with rather unceremoniously.' Refers to an offer by the Archbishop of Perth inviting the Jesuits to establish a see also residence in Perth. Remarks 'I would remind your Reverence that we are very much undermanned out here - and unless you can send us out a good few subjects, it might be better not to extend the frontier that we have to garrison.' (21 January 1919, 2pp). Includes a letter reporting on Newman College after 18 months as Rector of the College (19 August 1920, 4pp). Includes a letter referring to a consult of the mission at which the proposal of Australia becoming a Vice-Province was discussed. Summarises the points raised (13 October 1924, 3pp).

Power, Albert, 1870-1948, Jesuit priest

Letters from Sr Mary Baptist Russell, St Mary's Hospital, San Francisco, California to her family in Ireland

A file of letters from Sr Mary Baptist Russell, St Mary's Hospital, San Francisco, California to her family in Ireland including her brothers Fr Matthew Russell SJ and Lord Russell of Killowen. Describes her life and work in California and discusses news from Ireland. Includes a letter to Arthur [ ] concerning Lord Russell of Killowen and his re-election but with a lower majority. Remarks 'Folks here do not seem quite so confident of Home Rule as they were a few weeks ago but all seem to say it must come in time.' Refers to Lord Russell's speech in the House of Commons. (7 July 1886, 8pp).

Russell, Mary Baptist, 1829-1898, Sister of Mercy

Letters to Irish Fr Provincial Edmund J O'Reilly SJ

A file of letters to Irish Fr Provincial Edmund J O'Reilly SJ (term as Fr Provincial 1863 - 19 April 1870). Includes an index/précis to the letters by [ ]. Other letters including undated letters have been added to, but not described, Fr E O'Reilly's list, J455.

Material relating to an article written by Fr Patrick Gannon SJ in the 'Irish Ecclesiastical Record' supporting a fellow Jesuit's interpretation of a passage in St Mark

  • IE IJA J/460/4
  • Item
  • 10 November 1944 - 7 April 1953
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

A file relating to an article written by Fr Patrick Gannon SJ in the 'Irish Ecclesiastical Record' supporting a fellow Jesuit's interpretation of a passage in St. Mark. This article sparked a controversy as Fr Gannon's views were disagreed with by Cardinal MacRory (and other eminent scripture scholars). Includes a letter from Fr John R MacMahon SJ (Fr Provincial), St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin to Fr Byrne SJ concerning the controversy. Remarks 'In reply to a letter from Fr Gannon, I wrote to him to say that I could not allow him to pursue the discussion about St. Mark III, 20 - 21 any further…that I would not approve of his seeking an interview with the Cardinal; that he might write to the Cardinal, but that I would have to see a draft of the letter beforehand.' Remarks that he received a reply from Fr Gannon and includes a passage from the letter describing it thus 'He is taking a most extravagant view of the situation.' (15 April 1945, 1p). Includes a copy of a letter from Fr Provincial (Fr MacMahon SJ) concerning a letter Fr Gannon wishes to write to Cardinal MacRory regarding the difference of opinion between the two men. Remarks 'Let me assure you (and I wish I could convince you) that you are taking far too tragic a view of the whole business. If you could put it out of your mind for a month, you would, I am confident, take a more tranquil view of things.' (26 January 1945, 1p). It would appear from the file that Fr Gannon was not able to put the matter out of his mind and that it was only as a result of his death in 1953 that the matter was laid to rest. It would also appear that Fr Gannon's view was gaining some support amongst scripture scholars when he died.

Material relating to Fr Henry O'Brien SJ

File of material relating to Fr Henry O'Brien SJ which includes correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials and curia regarding his years spent in Arizona, obituary, personal record and application to join the Society.

Material relating to Fr John E Murphy SJ

  • IE IJA J/265/1
  • File
  • 11 May 1932 - 23 September 1986
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Material relating to Fr John E Murphy SJ which includes correspondence relating to his work in the following areas: HAM (House a Marriage) - a low cost option for young married couples to rent affordable accommodation (helped found this scheme), Bethany support group for bereaved (founded by him in 1983) and the Catholic Social Services. The file reflects other social issues that Fr Murphy became involved in e.g. Guild of St Mary, St Francis Social Service Centre and his work as a chaplain in the training unit of Mountjoy Gaol. Includes correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials and curia, personal record and application to join the Society.