Worcester (Mass)



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Worcester (Mass)

13 Name results for Worcester (Mass)

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Taylor, William, 1795-1865, Jesuit brother

  • IE IJA J/2178
  • Person
  • 01 November 1795-23 June 1865

Born: 01 November 1795, Gorteen, Co Kilkenny or Gurteen, Co Sligo
Entered: 05 April 1818, Richmond, Virginia - Marylandiae Province (MAR)
Final vows: 15 August 1832
Died: 23 June 1865, Worcester, MA, USA - Marylandiae Province (MAR)

Strain, James, 1832-1889, Jesuit brother

  • IE IJA J/2158
  • Person
  • 01 May 1832-24 April 1889

Born: 01 May 1832, Banbridge, County Down
Entered: 21 August 1852, Frederick, MD, USA - Marylandiae Province (MAR)
Final Vows: 15 August 1863
Died: 24 April 1889, Holy Cross College, Worcester, MA, USA - Marylandiae Neo-Eboracensis Province (MARNEB)

Slattery, John, 1808-1852, Jesuit priest

  • IE IJA J/2136
  • Person
  • 27 December 1808-02 April 1852

Born: 27 December 1808, Portarlington, County Laois
Entered: 16 March 1844, Frederick, MD, USA - Marylandiae Province (MAR)
Ordained: 1850
Died: 02 April 1852, Holy Cross College, Worcester, MA, USA - Marylandiae Province (MAR)

Shealy, Terence J, 1863-1922, Jesuit priest

  • IE IJA J/2112
  • Person
  • 30 April 1863-05 September 1922

Born 30 April 1863, Kilbehenny, Mitchelstown, County Cork
Entered: 04 September 1886, Frederick MD, USA - Marylandiae Neo-Eboracensis Province (MARNEB)
Ordained 28 June 1898, Woodstock College, Maryland USA
Final vows: 15 August 1903
Died 05 September 1922, St Vincent’s Hospital, Brooklyn NY, USA - Marylandiae Neo-Eboracensis Province (MARNEB)

part of the Kohlman Hall, New York NY, USA community at the time of death

by 1899 came to Milltown (HIB) studying

◆ The Mungret Annual, 1898

Our Past

Father Terence J Shealy SJ & Father Michael Mahony SJ

Rev T J Shealy SJ, and Rev M J Mahony SJ, were ordained at Woodstock, Md., on June 28th. Both were among the small band of pioneers who laid the first foundation of the Apostolic School in the Sacred Heart College, Limerick, and were afterwards in the first batch of Apostolic students sent forth from Mungret.

Born at the base of the grand old mountain, Galtee-more, near Mitchelstown, and brought up amid its scenes of wilde grandeur and beauty, Terence J Shealy entered the Apostolic School in Limerick on September 4th, 1880. When Mungret passed into the hands of the Society, he read there a very successful course in Arts, and graduated in 1885. During most of his time in Mungret he was employed in the responsible office of prefect of the seminarists and lay boys, and besides reading for his University examinations, he taught a class, for two or three hours a day during the last two years of his course. After getting his degree, he taught the Matriculation class for a year, and finally, in 1886, entered the noviceship of the New York province of the Society of Jesus.

On finishing his philosophical studies in Woodstock, he taught poetry in Fordham College, New York, and afterwards taught poetry and rhetoric in Holy Cross College, Worcester, Mass. It was in the latter college that Mr Shealy's rare gifts as a master became conspicuous. The literary taste which he imparted to his pupils and the magical influence which he exerted over them were alike remarkable.

We have before us copies of the “Acroama”, published in 1892, and of the “Eutropius”, published in the January of 1895, and newspaper accounts of the representation of the “Sibylla”. The Acroama was originally a class journal which Mr. Shealy, then professor in the Holy Cross College, Worcester, started in the autumn of 1892, to stimu late the literary ambition of his class. The beautiful volume before us is merely a souvenir edition, containing a short poetic extract from each contributor to the Acroama, with a portrait of each member of the class, accompanied by a racy epigram touching off some salient point in his character...

To Father Shealy belongs the credit of being the first master in the United States to attempt an original Greek play. His “Eutropius”, written in Greek, and constructed after the model of an Attic tragedy, created a sensation in the learned world of the States.

“Sibylla”, Father Shealy's next venture, is an original Latin play, in which the pagan King of Erin sends his chief bard to Rome to investigate the Sybil's prophecies about the Virgin and Child.

This play also was publicly represented bythe students of Father Shealy's class, and was highly praised at the time.

After the usual term of teaching, Mr. Sbealy went in 1895 to Woodstock, to enter upon his theological studies. There he was this year raised to the sacred dignity of the priesthood.

Father Shealy is now completing his course of theology at Milltown Park, Dublin.

Most heartily do we wish Father Shealy many a long year of holy work in the Society of his choice. May he ever remain an honour to his country and to his alma mater.

◆ The Mungret Annual, 1906

Letters from Our Past

Father Terence J Shealy SJ

Father Shealy writes from New York :

How I should like to give you a long account of my experience in the St Louis Exhibition. I assure you it was inost valuable and most varied. I had to do with all the educational systems of the world, and with many of the educators. Well, I shall not begin description, for it would take a long article, and I cannot afford the time at present. I may say, however, that I never received so much honour and courtesy and deference in my life. I had to exchange views with and co-operate with a body of eminent scholars - mostly all Protestants and nearly half European - and they were most generous in their appreciation of my services. Not, indeed, because of any personal merit of mine, but rather because of the Society I represented

◆ The Mungret Annual, 1921

Letters from Our Past

Father Terence J Shealy SJ

Through the courtesy of Fr Joseph McDonnell SJ, we publish extracts from a letter sent him concerning the wonderful work being done by one of our most distinguished past students, Fr Terence J Shealy SJ.

Overbrook, Pa. USA, 1-12-20

I have read in the “Irish Messenger” the suggestionis from friends, and also of the zealous efforts of the late. Fr Wm Doyle SJ, towards. the establishment of retreats for the laity. To me it is a great pleasure to be able to say a word in favour of such retreats, For two years I have been present at the annual week-end retreats for laymen in the arch-diocese of Philadelphia, which are held at St Charles' Seminary. I have been edified beyond words by the grand spirit shown by the devoted lay men from all walks of life.

For several years the Rev T J Shealy, of Fordham University, NY, has been conducting retreats for laymen. at Staten Island. Some years ago a large house and plot of ground was purchased for this purpose, and to-day he has a regularly established retreat centre with a week-end retreat for at least fifty inen for nine months of the year. Each week Fr Shealy, although he is Dean of the School of Law and Sociology at Fordham, finds time to conduct a retreat from Friday evening till Monday morning. From Staten Island the good work has spread, and from a tiny mustard seed it has grown to a big tree. In 1913 the late Mr J Ferrick, a prominent businessman of Philadelphia, proposed the holding of retreats in Archdiocese. With the approval of Archbishop Prendergast, and with the generous aid of Mgr Drumgoole, Rector of St Charles Seminary at Overbrook, the seminary was chosen as the place of retreat. Two retreats were held in 1913. About one hundred and fifty men made the retreats. Lawyers, doctors, 'school-teachers, politicians - in fact, men from every walk of life - made up, and still make up the list. This year Overbrook was taxed to its capacity when over five hundred men made their retreat under the guidance of Fr Shealy.

Two years ago the movement received a new impetus when the late Mr J Ferrick and Mr J Sullivan, now the President of the Retreats in Philadelphia, made a tour of the principal cities of the USA to make the movement better known. They met the Bishops and talked with them on the subject, and their response was very gratifying. To-day the result is seen when cities like Pittsburgh, Pa, Toledo, Ohio, and Albany, NY, have their own retreat houses where retreats are held throughout the entire year. We hope at no distant date that Philadelphia will also have its retreat home, provision for which has been made in the will of Mr Ferrick. Nor has Philadelphia confined its retreats to its own people. This year at Overbrook, we had men from remote Western cities, and one even from the far-off land of New Zealand, This gentleman, by the way, was a non-Catholic. Judging by what he said at its close, we feel satisfied that the right spirit is back of the movement. We have many non-Catholics at each retreat, and the result is shown in the many conversions, and even if there were not conversions at least an amount of bigotry is removed; Nor are our retreats confined to men of more mature years, we have boys of the age of sixteen making them.

Throughout our Archdiocese, too, in our boarding schools for young ladies, retreats for women are held each year during June, July, and August. In New York City there are also regularly established retreat houses for women; one such is the Cenacle of St John Francis Regis.

Every day we bave new proofs of the salutary effects among the laity. To the devoted sons of St Ignatius is due everlasting gratitude for the unselfish interest they have taken in the welfare of the people in the establishment of houses in which they can spend some time thinking over the one great truth of our holy Faith-save your immortal soul.

The above letter encloses a cutting which relates how Mr M Joyce of Oswego, NY, having made retreats at Staten Island, wished his friends to have the like advantage, Remembering the tale of Mahomet and the mountain, he resolved to bring the retreat to Oswego. The use of a hotel at Mexico Point, on Lake Ontario, being obtained, retreats were given in 1919 and 1920. The extract states that at the closing exercises the retreatants felt reflected in their souls something of the gorgeous beauty and the peace of God that surrounded them in the wilderness of Mexico Point.

◆ The Mungret Annual, 1923


Father Terence J Shealy SJ

Last September one of the very earliest and certainly one of the most distinguished of the past pupils of the Apostolic School, Rev T J Shealy SJ, was called to his reward.

The writer of the present sketch has a very vivid recollection of Terence Shealy as a student at Mungret, just forty years ago. He was then a stalwart, athletic young fellow from the country, who immediately attracted attention by strongly-marked features, brilliant eyes and coal-black hair. He was very animated in conversation, while every feature showed expression and life. He was a man of strong convictions and none too tolerant of the views of others. Hence, although respected for his earnestness and transparent sincerity, and admired for his intellectual abilities and high ideals, he was never specially popular with his companions. Still he was acknowledged by all to be generous and unselfish, and was known to be a staunch and faithful friend. Even then he was a brilliant and forceful speaker with great persuasiveness. Altogether, young Shealy was one whose rugged strength of character, deep earnestness and brilliant parts marked him out as one fitted by nature to influence others, and make his mark in life: he did not squander his talents or allow them to lie idle.

A native of Carragane, Co. Tipperary, near Mitchelstown, T Shealy was one of the small band of pioneers that formed the first beginnings of the Apostolic School in the Sacred Heart College, Limerick, He came to Mungret with the others, when at the opening of the latter College, in 1882, the Apostolic School was transferred thither. He was afterwards, in 1886, one of the first batch of Apostolic students sent out from Mungret after the completion of their course.

T Shealy graduated in Arts in the NUI in 1885; but he was not one of the type who do brilliantly in written examinations. After getting his BA degree he taught for a year in the College. On leaving Mungret in 1886 he entered the Noviceship of the New York Province of the Society of Jesus. Already in the “Mungret Annual” a short sketch has been given of Fr Shealy's distinguished record as a teacher in Fordham College, NY, and afterwards in Holy Cross College, Worcester (Mass). These years were distinguished by the public presentation given by the students under the inspiration of Mr Shealy, at one time, of a Greek play called “Eutropius”, and later of a Latin play called “Sibylla”. After his ordination in 1897, Fr. Shealy spent a year at Milltown Park, Dublin, where he completed his Theological studies. Apparently one of the main reasons why his superiors accorded him the privilege of returning for a year to Ireland was to give him an opportunity of visting his aged mother, whom he revered and loved with an almost romantic affection. Some few months previously, on the occasion of his first Mass, Fr Shealy had written a very beautiful little poem voicing the sentiments of his mother away in Ireland and unable to see him offer the Holy Sacrifice, a privilege for which she had yearned for thirty years. This poem, which is entitled “From my Mother in Ireland for my First Mass”, was published in the American “Messenger” in 1898, and has been repeatedly reprinted in many Catholic papers in Ireland and America.

A few years after his return to America we find Fr Shealy, though still comparatively young, chosen as Educational Commissioner for the State of New York at the St Louis World Exposition. During those years, too, he be cane noted as a preacher of remarkable eloquence and power. When the Law School was commenced at the Fordham University, New York, Fr Shealy was appointed as its first Dean; and he filled the Chair of Professor of Jurisprudence for many years. The organisation of the school was due in large part to him.

Fr Shealy's great life-work, however, for which he was well know and esteemed through out the Catholic world of America, and for which his name will probably find a permanent place in the history of the Catholic Church there, was the establishment of the Spiritual Retreats for Laymen. This work he began in 1909, and the first Retreats were held at Fordham College during the summer vacations of that year. The work gained such approval from the Ecclesiastical authorities, and was so evidently aclapted to meet the needs of the time that its success was assured from the beginning. So great were the numbers of men wishing to follow the Exercises that a permanent house specially devoted to the purpose had to be requisitioned. During that year the retreats were held at Manresa Island, South Norwalk (Conn). In April, 1911, Fr Shealy was enabled by generous contributions from friends of the Retreat movement to purchase a small estate at Staten Island in the suburbs of New York City. Since that time these Retreats were given every year from April to December under Fr Shealy's direction. The house can accommodate only about sixty men at a time; but, as the retreats go on continously for nine months, more than two thousand men inake the spiritual exercises there in the course of the year.

From New York the retreat movement quickly spread to other centres in the United States. Where no buildings are yet set apart for that special purpose, colleges or diocesan seminaries are utilised during the summer vacations when the students are away; and there large numbers of men spend a few days in uninterruptect silence, prayer anal meditation, under the direction of the Fathers of the Society. At St Charles' Seminary, Overbrook (Pa), Fr Shealy limself for the past nine years gave every year two retreats, at each of which nearly two hundred retreatants made the Exercise. At other places, such as Malvern (Pa.), special houses have been built for the purpose.

It would be difficult to describe the love and enthusiastic affection which Fr Shealy inspired among the men who followed the retreats under his guidance; and it is impossible to estimate the far-reaching effects the retreats produce in the lives of the inen themselves, and the members of the whole civil community whom these mnen afterwards influence. Since Fr Shealy's death funds are being put together under the caption of the “Shealy Memorial Building Fund”, to erect at Staten Island, which has been the parent house of the American Retreat movement, larger and more commodious buildings at an estimated cost of about £40,000.

In connection with the retreats, a Laymen's League and a School for Social Studies have been founded in New York. These works, also, which are still flourishing, owe their existence and success in large part to Fr Shealy's energy.

Fr Shealy's health had been failing for some time, owing principally to the continual strain of his busy and crowded life. “Far better to wear out than to rust out”, he used to say; and he followed that principle in practice. · The end came rather rapidly, and his happy death occurred at St Vincent's Hospital, Brooklyn, NY, on September 5th, 1922, at the comparatively early age of 59 years. He had been Director of the Staten Island Retreat House for thirteen years and had finished the last retreat he conducted eight days before his death.

During these years some 386 retreats had been given there, most of which Fr Shealy himself directed. His unexpected death aroised quite an “enthusiasm” of sorrow and regret, especially among his numerous spiritual children of the Catholic laymen of New York, by whom he was loved and venerated in an extraordinary degree RIP

O'Sullivan, Michael, 1812-1881, Jesuit brother

  • IE IJA J/1959
  • Person
  • 29 September 1812-19 November 1881

Born: 29 September 1812, Dingle, County Kerry
Entered: 09 June 1840, Frederick, MD, USA - Marylandiae Province (MAR)
Final vows: 15 August 1851
Died: 19 November 1881, Holy Cross College, Worcester, MA, USA - Marylandiae Neo-Eboracensis Province (MARNEB)

O'Neill, James, 1815-1883, Jesuit brother

  • IE IJA J/1934
  • Person
  • 25 May 1815-13 June 1883

Born: 25 May 1815, Leighlinbridge, County Carlow
Entered: 01 September 1843, Frederick, MD, USA - Marylandiae Province (MAR)
Final vows: 15 August 1859
Died: 13 June 1883, Holy Cross College, Worcester, MA, USA - Marylandiae Neo-Eboracensis Province (MARNEB)

Muldoon, Patrick, 1834-1891, Jesuit brother

  • IE IJA J/1781
  • Person
  • 01 March 1834-23 March 1891

Born: 01 March 1834, Ballymahon, County Longford
Entered: 06 June 1858, Sault-au-Rècollet Canada - Franciae Province (FRA)
Final vows: 07 May 1869
Died: 23 March 1891, Holy Cross College, Worcester, MA, USA - Marylandiae Neo-Eboracensis Province (MARNEB)

Moore, James, 1799-1868, Jesuit priest

  • IE IJA J/1756
  • Person
  • 25 July 1799-02 January 1868

Born: 25 July 1799, Kilrush, County Wexford
Entered: 28 November 1839, Frederick, MD, USA - Marylandiae Province (MAR)
Ordained: - pre Entry
Final vows: 15 August 1852
Died: 02 January 1868, Holy Cross College, Worcester, MA, USA - Marylandiae Province (MAR)

McElroy, John, 1812-1894, Jesuit brother

  • IE IJA J/1702
  • Person
  • 01 May 1812-15 January 1894

Born: 01 May 1812, Tydavnet, County Monaghan
Entered: 01 October 1840, Frederick, MD, USA - Marylandiae Province (MAR)
Final vows: 15 August 1859
Died: 15 January 1894, Boston, MA, USA - Marylandiae Neo-Eboracensis Province (MARNEB)

Part of the Holy Cross College, Worcester, MA, USA community at the time of death.

◆ Interfuse

Interfuse No 98 : Autumn 1998


Fr John McElroy (1782-1877)

As we remember the 1798 Rebellion it is interesting to note that there is a Jesuit connection with this event. It is not well known that John McElroy, (1782 - 1877) who later became a Jesuit and founder and first President of Boston College, was a part of the Rebellion.

This is a summary of his entry in the Dictionary of American biography. Boston College itself knows of his early life. Fr. Frank Mackin, SJ, at Boston College would be grateful for any information.

John McElroy was born in Enniskillen, County Fermanagh, where according to the Dictionary of American Biography, he obtained a scant education in a hedge school. The Dictionary goes on: 'A gigantic fellow, wiry, and red faced, he spoke with the nasal twang of Ulster and committed treason with the Presbyterian United Irishmen.'

Like many of the United Irishmen he had to leave Ireland and went on a flax ship to Baltimore where he began a business in Georgetown. After a conversion experience he joined the Society as a brother in 1806. Eventually he decided to be a priest and was ordained in 1817. McElroy build a church at Liberty in 1828, another new church of St. John at Frederick, an orphanage under the Institute which at one time rivalled Georgetown. McElroy also became famous as a preacher and mission giver, and he conducted the first clerical retreat in the Boston diocese. He was the favourite preacher for many an episcopal ordination, cornerstone ceremony, and anniversary.

In 1846 McElroy served in Taylor's army as a chaplain during the Mexican War. The Dictionary of American Biography says that “He won the soldiers' favour and became a living argument to the Mexicans that the war was not being waged against their Catholic religion”.

After the war McElroy was assigned to St. Mary's Church in north Boston by Bishop Fitzpatrick who found the “congregation fractious”' As the first Jesuit pastor in Boston and as Rector of the largest Catholic Church in Boston, he became an influential leader in the city. Even at the age of 78 he went through vexatious litigation in order to purchase lands to found Boston College in 1860. McElroy died in 1877 when he was the oldest Jesuit alive in the world.

In September this year I attended a function at Boston College at which the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, Mo Mowlam, launched a programme to train the new Assembly members in the art of governnient at Boston College.

At this event I certainly felt the paradoxical presence of Fr. John McElroy, SJ from Enniskillen who left Ireland after 'committing treason' in the 1798 Rising!

MacDonough, James, 1836-1867, Jesuit scholastic

  • IE IJA J/2359
  • Person
  • 18 July 1836-07 March 1867

Born: 18 July 1836, Dingle, County Kerry
Entered: 26 July, 1860, Frederick, MD, USA - Marylandiae Province (MAR)
Died: 07 March 1867, Holy Cross College, Worcester, MA, USA - Marylandiae Province (MAR)

Loftus, Michael, 1820-1901, Jesuit brother

  • IE IJA J/1587
  • Person
  • 29 September 1820-11 May 1901

Born: 29 September 1820, Ballyheer, County Mayo
Entered: 03 September 1858, Frederick, MD, USA - Marylandiae Province (MAR)
Professed: 15 August 1869
Died: 11 May 1901, Holy Cross College, Worcester, MA, USA - Marylandiae Neo-Eboracensis Province (MARNEB)

Hogan, Michael, 1816-1897, Jesuit brother

  • IE IJA J/1454
  • Person
  • 02 February 1816-01 July 1897

Born: 02 February 1816, Golden, County Tipperary
Entered: 18 August 1847, Frederick, MD, USA - Marylandiae Province (MAR)
Professed: 15 August 1858
Died: 01 July 1897, Holy Cross College, Worcester, MA, USA - Marylandiae Neo-Eboracensis Province (MARNEB)

Farrell, John H, 1811-1890, Jesuit brother

  • IE IJA J/1275
  • Person
  • 19 March 1811-09 March 1890

Born: 19 March 1811, Bagenalstown, County Carlow
Entered: 10 June 1847, Frederick, MD, USA - Marylandiae Province (MAR)
Final Vows: 07 May 1859
Died: 09 March 1890, Holy Cross College, Worcester, MA, USA - Marylandiae Neo-Eboracensis Province (MARNEB)