The Jesuit mission in Ireland: 1598-1651
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- 1981
PhD thesis by Fr Fergus O'Donoghue SJ entitled: The Jesuit mission in Ireland: 1598-1651.
O'Donoghue, Fergus, Jesuit priest
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The Jesuit mission in Ireland: 1598-1651
PhD thesis by Fr Fergus O'Donoghue SJ entitled: The Jesuit mission in Ireland: 1598-1651.
O'Donoghue, Fergus, Jesuit priest
Special Collections at Georgetown
Special Collections at Georgetown
A Descriptive Catalog
Washington DC
Georgetown University library
Text set in Palatino types by Ampersand, Rutland, Vermont. Printed by Edwards Brothers, Ann Arbor, Michigan, on 80-lb. Natural Endleaf.
Georgetown University
Peter Kenney, SJ, 1779-1841: the restoration of the Jesuits in Ireland, England, Sicily, and North America. Catholic University of America Press, Washington, DC, 2014
Morrissey, Thomas J, Jesuit priest, educationalist and historian
Notes made by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ concerning Fr Gerard Hopkins's books
Part of Irish Jesuits
Notes made by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ concerning Fr Gerard Hopkins's books. Includes:
– memorandum recording an inquiry into ‘the annotated books of Hopkins’ from a Dr. James Cotter, New York, in summer 1976, ‘I wrote to him (Fr Anthony Bischoff SJ) June 21st 1977…I received no acknowledgement. He was on a visit to…Inishannon, Co. Cork’ (n.d., 1p.);
– ‘1st Memorandum re Hopkins’ Books. Sept. 8th…1976’ noting how Fr Anthony Bischoff SJ spent a summer examining all the books in the library in 1947; how Fr Fergal McGrath SJ, on becoming Province Archivist in 1975 ‘received a few enquiries about these books. Nobody in the community knew anything about them’, how he wrote to Fr Bischoff about the matter. ‘In August 1976, I found ten of these books in the lower shelf of the press immediately outside my room. I have identified them and list is herewith. There was a typed note…(by)… Fr Gwynn in the press (See J11/17) stating that the books belonged to or were used by Hopkins. I made a card index of all the books…I have marked H those certainly connected with Hopkins.’ (8 September 1976, 1p.);
– ‘2nd Memo’: ‘At present certainly identified with Hopkins 5, probably 2’ and lists them (8 September 1976, 1p.)
McGrath, Fergal P, 1895-1988, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
A file relating to an article written by Fr Patrick Gannon SJ in the 'Irish Ecclesiastical Record' supporting a fellow Jesuit's interpretation of a passage in St. Mark. This article sparked a controversy as Fr Gannon's views were disagreed with by Cardinal MacRory (and other eminent scripture scholars). Includes a letter from Fr John R MacMahon SJ (Fr Provincial), St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin to Fr Byrne SJ concerning the controversy. Remarks 'In reply to a letter from Fr Gannon, I wrote to him to say that I could not allow him to pursue the discussion about St. Mark III, 20 - 21 any further…that I would not approve of his seeking an interview with the Cardinal; that he might write to the Cardinal, but that I would have to see a draft of the letter beforehand.' Remarks that he received a reply from Fr Gannon and includes a passage from the letter describing it thus 'He is taking a most extravagant view of the situation.' (15 April 1945, 1p). Includes a copy of a letter from Fr Provincial (Fr MacMahon SJ) concerning a letter Fr Gannon wishes to write to Cardinal MacRory regarding the difference of opinion between the two men. Remarks 'Let me assure you (and I wish I could convince you) that you are taking far too tragic a view of the whole business. If you could put it out of your mind for a month, you would, I am confident, take a more tranquil view of things.' (26 January 1945, 1p). It would appear from the file that Fr Gannon was not able to put the matter out of his mind and that it was only as a result of his death in 1953 that the matter was laid to rest. It would also appear that Fr Gannon's view was gaining some support amongst scripture scholars when he died.
Part of Irish Jesuits
Letters to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from Prof. Nancy Pollard Brown, (Professor of English, Trinity College, Washington) and Dr Peter Beal, concerning a seventeenth-century transcript of Robert Southwell’s 'Rule of Good Life' in Milltown Park, Dublin.
Brown, Nancy Pollard, 1921-2015, professor
Part of Jesuit colleges in Ireland
A file of letters from Fr William Ronan SJ to Fr Jean-Baptist René SJ concerning his fund-raising trip to and around America. Includes typescript copies of the letters by Fr Thomas Morrissey SJ.
Ronan, William, 1825-1907, Jesuit priest and chaplain
Part of Irish Jesuit Missions
A file of letters from Fr Albert Power SJ to Irish Fr Provincial concerning his voyage to Australia via America. Includes letters referring to William Tucker SJ and his health (6 October 1918 & 7 October 1918, 2 items). Includes a letter concerning his journey to San Francisco. Remarks 'At San Francisco there is a Priest (Fr O'Neill) who is Rector of Newman Hall in the University at Berkeley...a Catholic Hall like the one I am going to be acquainted with. I have a letter of introduction to him and hope to get some lights from him. They say he has done a great deal for his Hall...' (21 November 1918, 2pp). Includes a letter concerning his new position as Rector of Newman College. Refers to Fr O'Dwyer SJ. Remarks 'The poor man has had a v. heavy trial over this Newman College affair - and I think he has been dealt with rather unceremoniously.' Refers to an offer by the Archbishop of Perth inviting the Jesuits to establish a see also residence in Perth. Remarks 'I would remind your Reverence that we are very much undermanned out here - and unless you can send us out a good few subjects, it might be better not to extend the frontier that we have to garrison.' (21 January 1919, 2pp). Includes a letter reporting on Newman College after 18 months as Rector of the College (19 August 1920, 4pp). Includes a letter referring to a consult of the mission at which the proposal of Australia becoming a Vice-Province was discussed. Summarises the points raised (13 October 1924, 3pp).
Power, Albert, 1870-1948, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Letter to Fr Fergal McGrath SJ (Irish Province Archivist 1975 to 1986) from Fr Anthony Bischoff SJ (Jesuit Community, Georgetown University, Washington), concerning books used by or belonging to Fr Gerard Hopkins SJ, found in St Ignatius’ House of Writers, 35 Lower Leeson Street. ‘I confess I am appalled at the idea that these books have been carelessly assimilated into the house library. In 1947, I spent hours examining every book in the Leeson Street house Library. The result was that I segregated some fifteen or twenty books that had definitely belonged to or been used by Hopkins. All of these I turned over to Father Aubrey Gwynn, then librarian. I made clear to him what the books were, their value as having been associated with Hopkins, and suggested that they be kept as a separate collection. I do not have a detailed listing of the books…I have only two definite titles that I recall…There are also several books by Richard Watson Dixon that belonged to Hopkins…You ought to also have the autograph manuscript of Hopkins’s poem ‘St. Thecla’, as well as manuscripts of one or two of his letters.’
Books used by or belonging to Fr Gerard Hopkins SJ
Annotated books, 1876 - 1884
IE IJA J/11/18 - 'The History of Tacitus According to the Text of Drelli. Books III, IV, V.'
IE IJA J/11/19 - 'Corpus Poetarum Latinorum'
IE IJA J/11/20 - 'The Acharnians of Aristophanes'
IE IJA J/11/21 - 'Aeschylus – Choephoroi'
Non-annotated books, 1884 - 1918
IE IJA J/11/22 - ‘Poems’ by Richard Watson Dixon
IE IJA J/11/23 - 'Poems' by Henry Patmore
IE IJA J/11/24 - 'Prometheus. The Firegiver' by Robert Bridges
IE IJA J/11/25 - 'Eros and Psyche. A Poem in Twelve Measures' by Robert Bridges
Bischoff, Anthony, 1910-1993, Jesuit priest and academic
Fr William Lockington SJ's fund-raising tour to the United States of America
Part of Jesuit colleges in Ireland
A file relating to Fr William Lockington's collecting/fund-raising tour to the United States of America. A full explanation of how this tour came about is contained in the file.
Lockington, William, 1871-1948, Jesuit priest
Correspondence between Fr Kevin O'Dwyer SJ and his Irish Provincials
Part of Irish Jesuits
File of correspondence between Fr Kevin O'Dwyer SJ and his Irish Provincials. Material relates to his time in Australia, York, Limerick, London, Amsterdam, Nova Scotia, Montreal, New York, Iowa and Singapore.
Copy of a poem written in French in honour of Fr Peter Kenney's birthday
Part of Irish Jesuits
Copy of a poem written in French in honour of Fr Peter Kenney's birthday (he was in Georgetown, Maryland Mission at the time).