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11 Collection results for Transcriptions

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Transcripts in Italian made by Fr John MacErlean SJ concerning the Suppression of the Society of Jesus

Transcripts in Italian made by Fr John MacErlean SJ from various sources, concerning the Suppression and preservation of the Society of Jesus. Includes:
– extract of a published document dating from 1773 ‘Frederic II to his agent in Rome, giving reasons why he wishes to preserve the Jesuits in his states’ and
– ‘Lettera del Cardinale Cristoforo Migazzi Arcivescovo di Vienna alla Santità di N.S. Papa Clemente XIV’ (3pp).

MacErlean, John Campbell, 1870-1950, Jesuit priest, historian and archivist

Transcripts by Fr John MacErlean SJ concerning the Irish College in Seville

A file of transcripts by Fr John MacErlean SJ concerning the Irish College in Seville [ ] 1612 - 10 July 1649. Most of the transcripts were made from originals in the Archives of the Irish College Salamanca (now in Maynooth University). Includes transcripts relating to the origins of the Irish College in Seville.

MacErlean, John Campbell, 1870-1950, Jesuit priest, historian and archivist

Transcript of an account of the voyage from Coruna to Ireland

Transcript (perhaps by Fr Edmund Hogan SJ) of an account of the voyage of General Pettre de Cubuani from Coruna to Ireland with supplied of arms and men for the Spanish Army who has set sail for Ireland on an earlier occasion (from the Archives of the Irish College, Salamanca).

Hogan, Edmund, 1831-1917, Jesuit priest

Material concerning the reason(s) behind Fr David Woulfe’s leaving of the Society of Jesus

Material concerning the reason(s) behind Fr David Woulfe’s leaving of the Society of Jesus. Includes typescript by Fr Francis Finegan SJ entitled ‘Why did David Wolf Leave the Society?’ an appendix to his privately published pamphlet on the earliest period of the Society in Ireland (n.d., 7pp);

  • nineteenth century transcript of a Latin document ‘formerly’ in the archives of the Society at Gesu, supposedly the evidence of Fr William Good SJ, accusing Fr Woulfe of a ‘moral delinquency’ (n.d., 15pp) and
  • transcript of the same made by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ (Irish Province Archivist to 1986), with explanatory note attached (n.d., 30pp).

Extracts relating to the Belgian novitiates of Mechelen and Tournai containing brief biographical details of the Irish novices

Documents relating to the Belgian Novitiates of Mechelen and Tournai. Includes extracts from Albums of Novitiates at Tournai (from 1584 to 1667 and 1710 to 1750, 26pp) and Mechelen (from 1614 to 1744, 33pp) containing brief biographical details of the Irish novices. Transcribed by Fr John MacErlean SJ. In Latin.

MacErlean, John Campbell, 1870-1950, Jesuit priest, historian and archivist

Extracts relating to [Irish] novices, from ‘Liber Ingressum et Votorum’ of the Provinces of Castille and Toledo, arranged chronologically 1592-1765

Extracts relating to [Irish] novices, from ‘Liber Ingressum et Votorum’ of the Provinces of Castille and Toledo. Arranged chronologically from 1592 to 1765. Reference to Irish Jesuits in Spain at the time of the Suppression, 1773. Transcribed by Fr John MacErlean SJ from various sources.

MacErlean, John Campbell, 1870-1950, Jesuit priest, historian and archivist