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- 1946
Part of Irish Jesuit community houses
Poster detailing the times of Easter ceremonies in St Francis Xavier's Church, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin.
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Part of Irish Jesuit community houses
Poster detailing the times of Easter ceremonies in St Francis Xavier's Church, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin.
Poster advertising a Solemn Triduum in St Francis Xavier's Church, Upper Gardiner Street to celebrate the fourth centenary of the foundation of the Society of Jesus.
Part of Irish Jesuits
A file of notices and order of time for retreats conducted by Fr John Counihan SJ at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin.
Fourth centenary of the death of St Ignatius Loyola
Part of Jesuit colleges in Ireland
Documents relating to the events organised to mark the centenary, including the staging by the Old Crescent Players of the play 'The First Legion' in March and April 1956. Includes letters addressed to Fr Robert Tyndall SJ, Rector of the College, in reply to his invitation to attend the play. Also includes a souvenir programme, a poster, and photographs of the cast of the play, as well as newspaper announcements and reviews. A newspaper article from January of the same year reports on a sermon preached by Fr J. B. Stephenson SJ, Mungret College, on the important links between the Jesuits and Limerick.