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765 Collection results for Photographs

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Province file for Fr Patrick McGovern SJ

Province file for Fr Patrick McGovern SJ which includes correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials and curia, personal record and application to join the Society.

Scrapbook belonging to Brother William Glanville SJ

Scrapbook belonging to Brother William Glanville SJ. Includes postcards to Brother Glanville, newspaper cuttings, Clongowes Wood College sesquicentenary and photographs (Loughrea Parish Church 1886, Jesuit brothers and Clongowes Wood College ).

Scrapbook belonging to Rev. Major Henry Gill SJ

Scrapbook belonging to Rev. Major Henry Gill SJ. Includes letters from the War Office and memorabilia relating to his tasks as chaplain to the 2nd Royal Irish Rifles.

Gill, Henry V, 1872-1945, Jesuit priest, scientist and chaplain

Second draft of unpublished manuscript by Fr Henry Gill SJ recording his time as a chaplain

Unpublished manuscript by Fr Henry Gill SJ recording his time as a chaplain, entitled ‘1914 – 1918 As seen by a Chaplain with the 2nd Battalion Royal Irish Rifles’. Completed in 1933. Includes newspaper and journal articles and fifteen pages of original photographs. Manuscript appears to be an amended version of CHP1/27.

Gill, Henry V, 1872-1945, Jesuit priest, scientist and chaplain

Series of photographs of Manresa and the horse show

Series of colour and black and white photographs of Manresa and the horse show which took place there. Includes photographs from the roof of Manresa, the selling of tea, Punch and Judy, presentation of rosettes (by Charlie Haughey), work on new building (17 September 1966; 7 January 1967), one day retreat for engaged couples (5 April 1969).

  • photograph of Mrs P. J. Lavery presenting the championship trophy at the Manresa Horse Show to Comdt. W. Ringrose who won on Daragh (1967);
    • photograph of Fr Donal Mulcahy SJ, Superior, Manresa House receiving a cheque from Mr P. J. Lavery, director, Player and Wills, sponsors of the Manresa Horse Show, in aid of the Jesuit Retreat House fund. (28 May 1968);
    • photograph of Mrs P. J. Lavery presenting the championship trophy at the Manresa Horse Show to Miss Marian McDowell who won on Sweet Control (3 June 1968);
    • photograph of Fr James Moloney SJ and his cousin Miss Kay Nolan at the Manresa Horse Show (4 June 1973).

Manresa House, Dollymount, Dublin

St Ignatius' College, Galway, classrooms

Photographs of students in class at St Ignatius College, Galway. The doors interconnecting the classrooms are open therefore you can view different classes. A Jesuit is standing in both photographs.

St Ignatius' College, Galway, junior group

School group in four rows and five Jesuit priests of St Ignatius College, Galway, taken outdoors (photographer, Clement J. Leaper, Nuns' Island, Galway). With Jesuits Bartholomew Coghlan ,Michael Fitzgibbon, John MacSheahan (Vice-Rector), Richard Gallagher and John A Byrne.

St Ignatius' College, Galway, school group

School group of St Ignatius College, Galway, in seven rows with five priests, including Fr John MacSheahan SJ (centre), and five lay teachers. Taken outdoors Robert William Simmons.

Simmons, Robert William, photographer

St Ignatius' College, Galway, school group

School group of St Ignatius College, Galway, in seven rows with six priests, including Frs John Mallin (far left), John MacSheahan (centre position) and two lay teachers. Taken outdoors by Robert William Simmons.

Simmons, Robert William, photographer

St Ignatius' College, Galway, school group, with three Jesuit priests

School group and three Jesuit priests of St Ignatius College, Galway, taken outdoors (photographer, Clement J. Leaper, 6 Nuns' Island, Galway). One individual is looking out the window. With Vice-Rector, Fr John MacSheahan SJ (centre), Fr Richard Gallagher SJ (left) and Fr Michael Fitzgibbon SJ (right). Names of pupils are handwritten on the mounted board.

St Ignatius' College, Galway, senior rugby team

Group photograph of the St Ignatius College rugby team, Galway. In three rows, taken outdoors, with Fr Richard Gallagher SJ. In the middle is a cup. [Kit is maroon shirt with white horizontal band, white shorts and maroon and white hooped socks].

St Ignatius' College, Galway, senior rugby team

Group photograph of the St Ignatius College senior rugby team, Galway. In three rows, taken outdoors under the goalpost. Names are attached to one mounted photogrph. Two mounted photographs of the same scene include a Jesuit priest and another individual, one with the imprint of Clement J. Leaper, Nuns' Island, Galway.

St Ignatius' College, Galway, students at play

Black and white photographic album of boys at St Ignatius College, Galway. Includes brief index to the photographs at the front and rear, by way of number on reverse of photograph. Photographs include boys playing Gaelic football, hurling, swimming, physical education, playing in the snow, conker playing, group photographs, individual portraits and school sports day. Two loose photographs are in colour.

St Ignatius’ College, Galway, group of several classes

Group of several classes from the school, arranged in 5 rows and taken outdoors with a statute of [St Aloysius Gonzaga] in the centre. (Accompanied by an incomplete handwritten note which identifies Gerald Keary and Fr Henry Foley SJ). Scribbled caption for Fr Henry Foley SJ.

'The Ignatian'

Photocopy of pages of the 'The Ignatian' 1929 - 30; 1979-80'; which contains an article by Fr Liam Greene SJ on the history of Coláiste Iognáid and sketches and photographs of the 'Jes' and the students of the school, circa 1910 - 1918.

Greene, Liam F, 1942-2008, Jesuit priest

Various memoranda sent to the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ

Various memoranda sent to the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ. Includes lists of Irish Jesuit chaplains and their addresses; estimates for chaplain’s uniform; memoranda concerning the appeal for military chaplains serving at home and abroad and their origins and ‘Memorial to the Irish Hierarchy re Shortage of Catholic Chaplains.’ Includes:

  • remembrance card for the 2nd Battalion of Irish Guards, attending mission in Cologne, January 1919;
  • name card (O.H.M.S) for wounded man's kit, belonging to Lieut Sheil, No 2. Squadron, R.A.F. (Frac. skull);
  • carte postale depicting Fr Frank Browne and Irish soldiers at Loudres, France, 30 October 1918;
  • carte postale depicting Fr Jerome O'Mahony's altar, 23 September 1918;

Whole school group of St Ignatius College, Galway

School group of St Ignatius College, Galway, 1911-1912, in five rows with Fr Henry Foley SJ, Fr John Egan SJ and Fr Andrew Macardle SJ, Rector, St Ignatius College, Galway. Taken outdoors by C.J. Leaper, Galway, with list of names

Leaper, C.J., photographer

Results 701 to 765 of 765