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  • UF Pamphlet

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19 Collection results for Pamphlets

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Text of the inaugural address delivered by Fr John J O'Carroll SJ to the Clongowes Wood College SJ Historical and Debating Society 1874-1875

Text of the inaugural address delivered by Fr John J O'Carroll SJ delivered at the opening academical session of the Clongowes Wood College SJ Historical and Debating Society 1874-1875. Published by McGlashan and Gill, Upper Sackville Street, Dublin. Fr O'Carroll was President of the Society, and Prefect of Studies in Clongowes at that time. He subsequently became Professor of Modern Languages at Catholic University (University College Dublin), reputed to be a master of fourteen languages. he dedicates this address to James Arthur Dease, to whom he was related and who had died in September 1874. His topic in this address was that of "Eloquence" as distinguished from Oratory or Rhetoric.

O'Carroll, John J, 1837-1889, Jesuit priest

Red Cross, Irish Civil War and Eoin Mac Neill

File of material found in envelope, entitled Free State papers:

  • copy of a page from The Freeman’s Journal (12 April 1922);

  • newspaper clipping, Bulletin, L’Etat libre d’Irlande (written in French) (9 December 1922);

  • copy of a note from the Red Cross secretary Champain, London (on behalf of Sir Arthur Stanley), acknowledging receipt of your letter (3 December) and in reply ‘I am directed to say…My Society feels that it cannot at the moment take any action in the matter’ on the subject of the treatment of civilians in Ireland (13 December 1922);

  • letters from Madame Chaponniére-Chaix, ex-President, International Council of Woman, Geneva, Switzerland (16 December 1922-26 January 1923) to ‘My dear President’ (of International Council of Woman, Lady Aberdeen, Aboyne, Scotland). The first letter (written in French) comments on the potential for a Red Cross mission to Ireland (16 December 1922). The second letter (written in English), refers to a letter received from Miss O'Brennan, through the Peace and Freedom League, regarding a visit from the Police at Dr Lynn’s Hospital and the arrest of Miss Mary Comerford. Madame Chaponniére-Chaix doesn’t believe that the time is right for a Red Cross mission to Ireland (26 January 1923);

  • copy of note ‘Projet Hayes Humanity Dublin’ which refers to Madame Chaponniére-Chaix and the establishment of the Red Cross in Ireland (In French), (nd.);

  • leaflet entitled ‘The extreme penalty’ which details the words of Mr Eamon Aylward in relation to his involvement in disturbances in Kilkenny "The extreme penalty”: Mr. Eamon Aylward, in the document with his signature attached which has been found upon an irregular captured by the Kilkenny force, has lighted up, as by a lightning flash, the criminality of the militarist attack upon the people...but that such an order could be issued by a man blaspheming the honourable name of Irish Republican will reveal to the people the tyranny that they have escaped (1922);

  • letter from Richard Mulcahy, Commander-in-Chief, Oglaigh na hEireann, Dublin to Miss Margaret MacNeill, Industrial Schools Office, Government Buildings apologising for keeping ‘those papers so long’ and ‘that the Red Cross people have been suitable replied to’ (25 January 1923);

  • pamphlets to the electors of the National University recommending the candidates Eoin Mac Neill and Patrick McGilligan [1927];

  • handwritten notes on the resignation Eoin Mac Neill from the boundary commission and events surrounding his candidacy for the university election of 1927;

Freeman's Journal, newspaper, 1763-1924

Pamphlets relating to 'University Education, Ireland 1849 - 1918'

Pamphlets relating to 'University Education, Ireland 1849 - 1918', with a catalogue compiled by Brendan Woods SJ, May 1989, (4pp). Includes:

  • Address of the Catholic University Committee to the people of Ireland, 1850, (12pp, 2 items), (Ir.082.4158/T32B);
  • Catholic University, Dublin. School of Engineering, 1855-56, 2 items, (Ir.082.4158/T53B);
  • Rules and Regulation of the University (Catholic University), 1856, (34pp), (Ir.082.4158/LI55);
  • Scheme of Rules and Regulations, afterwards to be adapted to University use. 9 May 1856, (55pp), (Ir.082.4158/T53B);
  • The Rector's Report, Catholic University, for the year 1856-1857, 1858, (35pp), (Ir.082.4158/T53B);
  • Calendar of the Catholic University for the year 1854-58, 1860, 1860, (Ir.082.4158/T53B);
  • The Rambler, Vol. III New Series, May 1860, Part VII. The Catholic University of Ireland, (10pp), (Ir.082.4158/T53B);
  • The Catholic University Charter, 1862, (33pp, 2 copies), (Ir.082.4158/T42A);
  • Report of the Dean and Faculty of Science of the Catholic University of Ireland, Session 1857-1858, 1858, (40pp), (Ir.082.4158/T53B);
  • Report of the Catholic University, 1863, (6pp), (Ir.082.4158/T53B);
  • The financial exigencies of Ireland before and after the legislative union, 1864, (26pp), (Ir.082.4158/L179);
  • Notes on "University Education in Ireland", 1865, (45pp), (Ir.082.4158/T42B);
  • Catholic University of Ireland. Instruction for students desirous to enter as interns or externs resident in Dublin, 1865, (11pp), (Ir.082.4158/T53B);
  • A free inquiry into the Education Question by John McEvoy, 1866, (45pp), (Ir.082.4158/T42B);
  • Constitution and statutes of the Catholic University of Ireland, 1869, (79pp), (Ir.082.4158/T42B);
  • Catholicity and Progress: An essay which obtained the prize offered by the Solicitor-General of Ireland to the Literary, Historical, and Aesthetical Society of the Catholic University written by Charles Dawson, 1869, (21pp), (Ir.082.4158/L195);
  • Academical course and examinations of the Catholic University of Ireland in the faculty of Philosophy and Letters, 1873, (30pp), (Ir.082.4158/T53B);
  • Report on the present condition of the Catholic University, 1873, (26pp), (Ir.082.4158/T53B);
  • Intellectual Resources of Ireland. Supply and Demand for and enlarged system of Irish University Education. by Robert D. Lyons, London, 1873, (84pp), (Ir.082.4158/T42B);
  • Report on the Catholic University, 1875, (28pp), (Ir.082.4158/T59B);
  • A National university for Ireland. A speech. by Isaac Butt, 1876, (24pp), (Ir.082.4158/T42B);
  • Catholic University of Ireland. Academical Course. Programme of Examinations. Examination Papers 1875, 1876, (75pp), (Ir.082.4158/T53B);
  • On the study of mental philosophy by Catholic students in the Royal University of Ireland by Rev. James Kavanagh, 1885, (28pp), (Ir.378.415/T130);
  • Address given by the J.F. Whittington Howley, auditor of the Literary and Historical Society, University College Dublin, on Prussian Education: A history and a lesson, 15 November 1889, (23pp), (Ir.082.4158/T121A);
  • Prize Essay on Love of Nature in English Poetry by Patrick Morgan MacSweeney, M.A., winner of the Chancellor's Gold Medal for English prose composition, Royal University of Ireland, 1896, (52pp), (Ir.082.4158/T74B);
  • Irish University Education: An academic study by J.P. Pye, 1897, (41pp), (Ir.082.4158/T42B);
  • Catholic Higher Education in Ireland by Thomas Arnold, 1897, (17pp), (Ir.082.4158/T130);
  • A University for Catholics in relation to the material interests of Ireland by Edward Thomas O'Dwyer, Bishop of Limerick, 1898, (72pp), (Ir.082.4158/T130);
  • University College, Dublin. Rules and Ordinances. [1903], (14pp), (Ir.082.4159/T30B);
  • Statement of Proceedings in reference to the Disorder on Degree Day, 27th October 1905, The Royal University of Ireland, 1906, (30pp), (Ir.082.4159/T30B);
  • University College, Dublin. Prospectus [1908], (4pp), (Ir.082.4159/T30B);

Woods, Brendan, 1924-2014, Jesuit priest

Pamphlets and articles by Edward Boyd Barrett

Published pamphlets and articles by Edward Boyd Barrett. Includes:

  • reprint entitled ‘ The Education of the Will’ from 'The Irish Ecclesiastical Record' (May 1929, 13pp);
  • pamphlets entitled 'Effects of Strikes' (Office of the Irish Messenger, Dublin). One edition is inscribed “To the ‘Loveliest and Best’ of Mothers from her most affec(tionate) Son. E.B.B., S.J.” (1914, 1926, 24pp each);
  • pamphlet entitled 'Our Schools and Social Work' (Office of the Irish Messenger, Dublin) (1922, 24pp);
  • copy of 'The American Mercury' containing an article by Boyd Barrett entitled ‘The Catholic Church Faces America’ (Vol. XVI, No. 61, pp. 1 - 10) (Jan. 1929, 10pp).

Boyd Barrett, Edward J, 1883-1966, former Jesuit priest

Pamphlet by Fr Thomas Halpin SJ entitled "Principles of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry"

Pamphlet by Fr Thomas Halpin SJ entitled "Principles of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry Adapted to the Class of Rhetoric in Clongowes Wood College SJ", published by James McGlashen, 50 Upper Sackville Street, Dublin, 1854 and printed at the University Press, by M. H. Gill. It is not ascribed on the pamphlet itself, but there is a note in pencil by Fr Edmund Hogan SJ ascribing this pamphlet to Fr Thomas Halpin SJ

Halpin, Thomas, 1819-1878, Jesuit priest

Material relating to the Jesuits in Dublin

Material relating to the Jesuits in Dublin. Includes:

  • notes by Fr John MacErlean SJ, on Dublin Jesuits and their activities from 1592 to 1800 [1910]-[1950] (180pp);
  • typescript extract from the 1766 South Dublin Religious Census (5pp);
  • photocopies of newspaper articles on Jesuits in Dublin (18[ ], 1961, 1962, 3pp);
  • copy of John Speed’s plan of Dublin, 1610, showing Back Lane (Jesuit residence in the 1620s) (1p.);
  • book, 'The Jesuits in Dublin, or Brief Biographical Sketches of those Deceased Members of the Society of Jesus, who were Born or who Laboured in the Irish Metropolis; with an Account of the Parish of St Michan, their Ancient Residence' by William J Battersby (John Fowler, 3 Crow Street, Dame Street, Dublin, 1854) (124pp);
  • pamphlet 'The Parish of St Michan' by Very Rev. Myles Ronan, (Dollard, Printinghouse Ltd., Dublin, 19[48]). Presented to Fr Charles Scantlebury SJ by the author. (c.30pp);
  • booklet 'The History of the Roman Catholic Church and Parish of St Michan, Dublin' (Office of ‘The Irish Builder’, Dublin, 1892). Includes references to Jesuits, p.19 - 23 and p.27 - 29 (34pp);
  • reprint from 'Archivium Hibernicum', Vol. XXIV, 1970, entitled 'Letters from a Jesuit in Dublin on the Confraternity of the Holy Name, 1747 - 1748 (Documents from the archives of the Irish College, Rome)', edited by Hugh Fenning, O.P., p.133 - 154 (22pp);
  • extract from 'Reportorium Novum' entitled 'The Jesuits in Dublin (1660 - 1760)' by Fr Francis Finegan SJ, p.43 – 100 (58pp);
  • extracts from 'Interfuse', No. 18, Christmas 1981 and No. 19, February 1982, entitled 'Old Dublin S.J.' and 'Jesuit Dublin' by Eddie O'Donnell, on the various Old Society Jesuit residences in Dublin (2 items, both 11pp) and
  • pamphlet 'Roman Catholic Chapels in Dublin AD 1749' with an introduction by Most Rev. N. Donnelly, Bishop of Canea, (Catholic Truth Society of Ireland, Dublin, 1907) (40pp).

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial and printed pamphlets relating to the First World War

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial and printed pamphlets relating to the War. Includes: circular sent to the Irish Fr Provincial from the Irish Volunteers protesting against the proposal to introduce conscription in Ireland;
– letter from the Irish National Aid and Volunteer Dependants’ Fund seeking contributions towards their ‘Gift Sale’ in order to raise funds [for the administration of the campaign against the introduction of conscription];
– circular and printed matter from the Irish War Savings Committee seeking support for their ‘Thrift campaign’;
– letter from the Lord Lieutenant’s Private Secretary regarding a proposal to establish a fund ‘to be devoted to the purchase of literature suited to be despatched to Irish Regiments at the front’, also includes copy of Irish Fr Provincial’s reply;
– copy letter from Andrew Bonar Law (Treasury Chambers, Whitehall) to the Irish Fr Provincial seeking a subscription to ‘the new War Loan’.
Also includes printed matter on ‘Catholicism and War’; ‘Voluntary Women Patrols’ and an ‘Address From the French Catholic Association for Young People. To the young Catholics – Allies and Neutrals’.

Biographical information Fr John Ffrench SJ

  • IE IJA J/148/1
  • File
  • 6 February 1854 - 31 May 1878; 20 September 1983
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Biographical information Fr John Ffrench SJ which includes 'A few particulars relative to the Hon. and Rev. John Ffrench SJ', Dolllard, Printinghouse, Dublin (1887), 'Memoirs of Father Ffrench of the Society of Jesus', Manresa Press, Roehampton (1898) and copy of a letter from Fr Ffrench, St Stanislaus College, Tullabeg, County Offaly to Mother Ursula Querk, Ursuline Convent, St Joseph's, Sligo concerning his nephew's accident and his cure due to the intercession of (6 February 1854, 4pp), with note from Sr. M. St. Dominic, Ursuline Convent, St Joseph's, Sligo (20 September 1983).