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12 Collection results for Maryland

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Comments on, and reviews of Edward Boyd Barrett's doctoral thesis

Comments on, and reviews of Edward Boyd Barrett's doctoral thesis published by Longmans, Green and Co. 1911 under the title 'Motive Forces and Motivation Tracts: a Research in Will Psychology'. Includes:
– letter from Fr James J Carlin SJ (Socius, [Maryland and New York Province?] to the Irish Provincial Fr William Delany SJ drawing attention to the view of certain American Jesuits that the book ‘contained propositions, which, to say the least, seemed at variance with Catholic philosophy’ and enclosing a copy of the review originally prepared by the professor at Woodstock for inclusion in the publication 'America' and a ‘list of passages deserving of special notice’ (25 January 1912, 3 items, 2pp, 10pp, 2pp);
– letters from Boyd Barrett to Irish Fr Provincial defending his book and a ‘Reply of Father Fröbes to a request for his Opinion on some Points concerning Mr Barrett's Book’ (25 February - 4 March 1912, 3 items);
– letter to Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Coemans SJ comprising the formal judgement of the Louvain professors on the book and the reply from Louvain “to the criticism of Mr Barrett’s book by a writer for ‘America’ ” (both in Latin) (1 March 1912, 2pp & 12pp);
– copy of letter to Irish Fr Provincial from Fr. Mc[…] (Stonyhurst) judging the book and the American Father's criticism of it (12 March 1912, 6pp);
– rough notes by Boyd Barrett defending his work [by systematically dealing with the points raised by his critics] (n.d., 5pp);
– copy typescript comprising ‘Pauca notanda velim’ on the book (n.d., 7pp) and
– copybook compiled by Boyd Barrett of reviews of 'Motive Forces and Motivation Tracts' published in various journals and periodicals. Also includes some newspaper clippings, telegrams and certificates relating to Boyd Barrett’s academic awards (1911 - 1913, c68pp).

Fr J Anthony MacSeumais SJ

  • IE IJA J/524
  • File
  • 17 May 1928 - 13 January 1989
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File containing MacSeumais’ admission papers and correspondence with his Irish Fr Provincials from post-war Germany, Pakistan, England and the United States. Photograph included.

MacSeumais, J Anthony, 1910-1989, Jesuit priest

Letter from Fr Edward Boursaud SJ, secretary to Fr General to the Irish Fr Provincial on the need for suitable men by the Maryland Provincial

Letter from Fr Boursaud, Secretary to the Fr General, to Fr Tuite. Explains that the Provincial of Maryland, Fr Fulton, is in need of ‘some capable man’ for the Scholasticate, who could teach philosophy or theology, and asks if Fr Tuite could spare Fr Denis Murphy to fill such a position for a few years.

Boursaud, Edward, 1840-1902, Jesuit priest

Letters and postcards to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from Fr Robert E. McNally SJ

  • IE IJA J/10/131
  • File
  • 29 April 1956 - 12 May 1969
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Letters and postcards to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from Fr Robert E. McNally SJ (Munich University, Woodstock College, Maryland and Fordham University, New York), mostly concerning Fr McNally’s research and publishing work, including ‘a new edition of the Pseudo-Isidore, Liber de numeris, which we suspect to be certainly a product of early Irish scholarship.’

Letters to Irish Fr Provincial Edmund J O'Reilly SJ

A file of letters to Irish Fr Provincial Edmund J O'Reilly SJ (term as Fr Provincial 1863 - 19 April 1870). Includes an index/précis to the letters by [ ]. Other letters including undated letters have been added to, but not described, Fr E O'Reilly's list, J455.

Manuscript entitled 'A short rule of a good life'

A short rule of good life To direct the deuout Christian in a regular and orderly course.

With a letter from Prof. Nancy Pollard Brown, (Professor of English, Trinity College, Washington) to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ, 2 February 1967. Brown traces the history of the printed version of the 'Short Rule, and it seems Gwynn had a microfilm made of the manuscript which he sent to her.