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  • UF List

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176 Collection results for Lists

Only results directly related

Various memoranda sent to the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ

Various memoranda sent to the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ. Includes lists of Irish Jesuit chaplains and their addresses; estimates for chaplain’s uniform; memoranda concerning the appeal for military chaplains serving at home and abroad and their origins and ‘Memorial to the Irish Hierarchy re Shortage of Catholic Chaplains.’ Includes:

  • remembrance card for the 2nd Battalion of Irish Guards, attending mission in Cologne, January 1919;
  • name card (O.H.M.S) for wounded man's kit, belonging to Lieut Sheil, No 2. Squadron, R.A.F. (Frac. skull);
  • carte postale depicting Fr Frank Browne and Irish soldiers at Loudres, France, 30 October 1918;
  • carte postale depicting Fr Jerome O'Mahony's altar, 23 September 1918;

University College, Dublin roll book

University College, Dublin roll book detailing student's names and results obtained in examinations, starting Hilary term 1883.

Insert, p.36, printed list of students, who registered since 12 November 1884, at University College, annonated with fees; Insert pasted newspaper clipping with list of students and results from conferring of degrees by the Royal University of Ireland (1885).

University College Dublin, 1854-

St Stephen's, the magazine of the Catholic University of Ireland and the removal of the medallion from the cover of the magazine

A file relating to 'St Stephen's', the magazine of the University College, Dublin and the Catholic University School of Medicine, Cecilia Street, Dublin and the removal of the medallion from the cover of the magazine, and insertion of the Catholic University of Ireland. Includes a letter from Joseph Brennan, Honorary Secretary to the Representative Council, Catholic University School of Medicine to Fr William Delany SJ referring to the medallion. Remarks, ‘ was not their (the Representative Council) intention to substitute a medallion of the Catholic University for the existing medallion. Their object simply was to remove the false impression conveyed by the wording of the medallion, that the magazine belonged exclusively or mainly to the students of University College, and was not the joint organ of the students of University College and of the Catholic University School of Medicine.’ (22 March 1906, 2pp). Fr William Delany SJ established St Stephen's, as a magazine for University College, Dublin, and not for the Catholic University of Ireland. Includes list of subscribers to 'St. Stephen's' (March 1906) and accounts (1905-06).

This disagreement seems to precipitate the end of 'St. Stephen's : a record of University life', Vol. II No. 12 (May, 1906).

Sodality of B.V.M - Lorcán Ua Tuathail

Handwritten account for the sodality of B.V.M - Lorcán Ua Tuathail (In Irish). Includes a list of those who attended a week-end retreat conducted in Irish by Fr Michael McGrath SJ (1872-1946), 29 - 31 January 1916. This Irish retreat was arranged with M. Colman, 1 Edward Terrace (sic) Dalkey.

Season tickets for Old Crescent matches

Tickets in booklet form belonging to Fr Stephen Bates SJ. Include information on location and date of matches and other teams involved. A list of the Club's officers appears in each booklet, and some contain receipts.

School roll for St Ignatius College, Galway

An Rolla’. Bound official school roll for Coláiste Iognáid S.J., Gallimh. Typed names with addresses. In Irish and English.

Ó Duibhir, Seán Tomás, 1921-2007, Jesuit priest and Irish language editor

Schedule of documents transcribed/translated by Fr John Grene SJ

  • IE IJA J/459/4
  • Item
  • October 1879 - 11 March 1881
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Bound volume containing documents transcribed/translated by Fr John Grene SJ, Milltown Park, Dublin.

Pp1-68: State of the Society in Ireland 1641-1650, by Fr John Young SJ;
Pp 69-70: A prophecy of Fr Julius Mancinelli SJ, 1606;
Pp 70-106: Annual letter of the Irish Mission, January 1669-December 1674, by Fr Stephen Rice SJ;
Pp 107: Copy of letter addressed by Supreme Council of Kilkenny to Fr Mercure Verdier SJ, Visitor of the Society of Jesus in Ireland;
Pp 108-120: De Arte Logica Carmen Didactium, 1825 by Francis Mahony (Fr Prout);
Pp 121-149: Annual letters of the Irish Mission, 1619-1620;
Pp 149-158: Life of Br James Murphy, Scholastic, 1839-1869;
Pp 159-414: Julius Cordera De Suppressione Socitatis Iesu. Opus nodum prolo commissum.

Roll book of pupils for St Ignatius College, Galway

Handwritten roll book of pupils at St Ignatius College, Galway. Entries are arranged under headings by pupil names, dates of attendance and remarks which details pupil, addresses, term dates, school notices and dates of birth. Includes pasted insert of results of Collegiate Easter examinations (1900). Front and back cover of volume are detached.

Results of public examinations held at Clongowes Wood College SJ

Results of public examinations held at Clongowes Wood College SJ 1912, including :

  • National University of Ireland Matriculation;
  • National University of Ireland Entitled to Matriculate on Senior Grade Intermediate Results;
  • National University of Ireland University College Entrance Scholarship;
  • National University of Ireland Civil Service Scholarship;
  • National University of Ireland County Council Scholarships;
  • Intermediate Examinations Medals;
  • Intermediate Examinations Exhibitions;
  • Intermediate Examinations Prizes;
  • Intermediate Examinations Composition Prizes;
  • London Chamber of Commerce
  • Academical Distinctions of Past Students, National University : University College Dublin, Scholarships and Degrees
  • Academical Distinctions of Past Students, National University : University College Cork, Scholarships
  • Academical Distinctions of Past Students, Oxford - Trinity College
  • Academical Distinctions of Past Students, Cambridge, Christ College
  • Solicitors Apprentices' debating Society Awards
  • University College Legal and Economic Society Awards
  • King's Inns Debating Society Award

Requisitions on title re. Crescent field

Lists of requirements drawn up by the solicitors of the purchasers of the Crescent field ('Rev. L. P. Potter & others) for Richard Hartigan & others (Ignatian Sodality) including the production of leases, receipts and other evidence of proper title to the property. Includes handwritten replies supplied by the vendors' solicitors.

Reasons for not publishing the names of students in the Intermediate Honour Result List

Document entitled 'Reasons for not publishing the names of students in the Intermediate Honour Result List 1902, 1903, 1904':

  1. The original intent was to allow Catholics to avail of themselves of the Nutting Bursaries at Trinity College Dublin, and these no longer exist.
  2. Setting school results in competitive comparison does a great injustice to small schools of great merit.
  3. The rivalry engendered by such lists brings unhelpful pressures on clever students, often to the serious injury of their healths.

Purchase of Baymount Castle, Dollymount

Purchase of Baymount Castle, Dollymount. Letters from Mr J T Gwynn, Baymount Castle, Dollymount to Frs Sean McCarron and John Coyne, regarding the sale of Baymount to the Jesuits which refers to sale price, dates in which they can occupy the house, solicitors details and queries (boundary wall, rates), items for sale at Baymount which the Jesuits intend to buy (278 lbs of jam), discounts on items. Includes lists of items bought from Mr J T Gwynn, Baymount Castle by the Jesuits which include items from basement pantry, kitchen, dining room, drawing room, etc (August 1948) and items required (December 1948). Mr J T Gwynn was the uncle of Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ and had been headmaster of the Protestant Preparatory School at Baymount. His daughter made an unsuccessful effort to carry on the school with a small mixed infants class (See letter from Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ to Father Provincial, 16 February 1948). See CM/MAN/55.

Manresa House, Dollymount, Dublin

Pupil fees for St Ignatius College, Galway

Bound register of payment of fees by pupils of St Ignatius College, Galway, (1888 - 1904; 1903 - 1940). Contains handwritten information under the following typewritten headings; name; class; birth date; address; remarks and rate of payment of fees. Arranged chronologically and alphabetically.

Petition signed by all pupils of Clongowes and submitted to the Fr James Brennan SJ, Rector and Irish Fr Provincial on the study of Irish

Petition signed by all pupils of Clongowes Wood College SJ and submitted to the Fr James Brennan SJ, Rector and Irish Fr Provincial James Murphy SJ, requesting that students be allowed to engage in the study of the Irish language, "if not as one of the examination subjects, at least during some part of the ordinary class and study time" (11pp). Contains lists of the members of each class in Clongowes who have signed this petition

Notes compiled by Fr James Rabbitte SJ on the history of the Society of Jesus in Ireland

Notes compiled by Fr James Rabbitte SJ (Custodian of the Province Archives, 1924 - 1930), on the history of the Society of Jesus in Ireland. Some inserts in the hand of Fr Edmund Hogan SJ. Includes lists of:
– Superiors of the Irish Mission (7pp);
– residences of the Old Society in Ireland (1p);
– ‘Summary of Work Abroad’ (1p);
– Summary of literary works by Jesuits of the Old Society (5pp);
– schedule of Jesuit writers and professors (5pp and 6pp);
– distinguished preachers (1p);
– those who suffered for the faith (2pp);
– aliases/variants on surnames (2pp);
– ‘Vestiges of the Old Soc(iety)’ (5pp);
– names of writers (arranged alphabetically) and of their works (c60pp) and
– some Jesuit schools of the Old Society (6pp).

Rabbitte, James, 1857-1940, Jesuit priest

Notebook ‘Irish Jesuits of the Penal Days’

Notebook ‘Irish Jesuits of the Penal Days’ compiled by an unknown Jesuit. Includes a table of contents on a loose page and a calendar of events in the Irish Society 1542-1822. Separate typewritten page lists 'Jesuit writers of Penal Days'.

Memoranda and notes, lists relating to chaplains in the Second World War

Memoranda and notes relating to chaplains and lists of those serving as chaplains. Includes:
– Memorandum on 'Emergency Arrangement for Irish Army Chaplains', Clongowes Wood College, 1939;
– Draft of letter sent by Irish Fr Provincial to Frs Thomas O'Donnell, James Bates, [James] Stephenson and Leo Donnelly; inquiring if they would be willing to ‘work for God as a military chaplain’ (n.d., 1p.);
– Note listing names of first two ‘batches’ of chaplains and the dates of their departures from Dublin (n.d., 1p.)
– Lists of ‘Volunteers for post of Army Chaplain’ (17 February 1942, 2pp, n.d., 1p.).

Material relating to the Irish Jesuit priests working in Hong Kong during the Second World War and the Japanese occupation of the city

A file relating to the fate of the Irish Jesuit priests working in Hong Kong during the Second World War and the Japanese occupation of the city. Includes returned letters to Irish Fr Provincial marked 'No Service Return to Sender'. Includes letters from family members asking for news or reporting to Irish Fr Provincial on letters received by them. Includes letters from other individuals seeking news about non Jesuit family members. Includes a copy of a request by Irish Fr Provincial John R. MacMahon SJ to Joseph P. Walshe, Department of External Affairs seeking help in assisting four Jesuit students to return home to Ireland (23 March 1943, 1p). Includes a reply stating that a proposed scheme to exchange civilian internees applies only to British or Allied subjects (12 May 1943, 1p). Includes a memorandum written by Fr Joy on Irish nationals in Hong Kong. The memorandum was sent by Irish Fr Provincial to the Irish Red Cross (24 October 1942, 2pp). Includes letters concerning Irish Jesuits who left Hong Kong to live and work in India during the war and subsequent return to Hong Kong when the war was over. Includes 'A Priest in a Japanese Jail' by Fr Gerard Casey SJ (1948)

Material on the golden jubilee of Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin

A file relating to the golden jubilee of Rathfarnham Castle - 50 years as a Jesuit house. Includes lists of first Jesuits at Rathfarnham Castle, invited guests, letters from those who attended the celebrations including Éamon de Valera, President of Ireland and John Charles McQuaid, Archbishop of Dublin. Includes a letter from Archbishop John Charles McQuaid, Archbishop's House, Dublin 9 to Fr Fergal McGrath SJ remarking that he will not be able to attend the lunch after mass 'You will not miss my speech, I assure you, and the Province does not need to be told what I think.' (6 September 1963, 1p).

London Branch annual dinners for Crescent Past Pupils's Union

Documents re. the establishment and early years of the union in London. Includes meeting minutes, lists of contact details of members and potential members. Correspondence includes letters to Fr Stephen Bates SJ from John McMahon and Fr Donough O'Malley, and one from the latter to Michael O'Malley, president of the Union.

List of "The Annual Academical Exercises" Clongowes Wood College SJ, July 1870

List of "The Annual Academical Exercises" Clongowes Wood College SJ, July 1870. "Academical Exercises" are divided into "Schools". This document states at the end "The Academical Exercise will terminate at two o'clock and at three the distribution of "Premiums" will take place. In each "School", Premiums will be given to such Gentlemen as have obtained pre-eminence in any of the various species of composition appropriate to their respective Schools, viz :- Greek, Latin, French and English".

List of students attending University College, Dublin

List of students attending University College, Dublin detailing disciplines, subjects chosen, scholarships and studentships obtained, attendance at morning lectures and evening classes (B.A. and M.A.). Includes a list of Fellows, subjects taught by them, dates and number of students in attendance - this last list goes until 1901.

University College Dublin, 1854-

List of students and their progress

List of students and their progress in their studies and Holy Orders,11 June 1615-21 March 1682; 24 September 1736, by Fr John MacErlean SJ.

MacErlean, John Campbell, 1870-1950, Jesuit priest, historian and archivist

List of names of the elementary class at Hodder

  • IE IJA J/473/6
  • Item
  • 2 August [1815]-[1816]
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

List of names of the elementary class (30) at Hodder, possibly pupils of Robert Haly SJ. Haly was a novice at Hodder from 1814 - 1816).

Haly, Robert, 1796-1882, Jesuit priest

List of melodies for schools and mission

List of melodies for schools and mission. Includes a note remarking that the words did not accompany the table of contents. Asks for the words to be included in Fr Dalton's bill and box.

Results 1 to 100 of 176