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7 Collection results for Galle

6 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Letter from Fr Denis J Murphy SJ, Bishop's residence, Galle, Ceylon to the Irish Fr Provincial.

Letter from Fr Denis J Murphy SJ, Bishop's residence, Galle, Ceylon to the Irish Fr Provincial. Describes the school and its progress. Outlines what is needed by the school. Remarks that they need a lay brother to prepare food and look after the boarding house 'A coolie in charge ran away with knives, spoons, forks, etc...his successor left today. Besides our boys have a deep caste prejudice against coolies'. Continues, one or two scholastics or young priest from Ireland. Parents look for a good English curriculum... Natives have no confidence in native teachers.

Letters to Dr Charles Russell concerning his book on the Life of Cardinal Mezzofanti

A file of letters to Dr Charles Russell concerning his book on the Life of Cardinal Mezzofanti, 'The life of Cardinal Mezzofanti; with an introductory memoir of eminent linguists, ancient and modern', Longman, Brown, and Co, London, 1858

The letters offer praise and compliments to Dr Russell and suggestions for a second edition of the book. The following is a list of the people who wrote to Dr Russell concerning his book on Cardinal Mezzofanti:

25 March 1859; George [ ]

7 June 1858; P. J. [Aerts]

17 April - 7 May 1855; Edward Badely

23 August 1866; L'Abbe Blanchot

19 January 1859; [ J. B. Borrcho]

4 February 1863; F. C. Brooke

25 August - 3 November 1858; Lord Broughman

11 July 1860; A. Bruni SJ

16 October 1858; [ ] Bunsen

6 May 1858; L. Major Cavagnari

13 April - 26 August [ ]; John Dalberg Acton (Lord Acton)

3 [ ] 1858; Luigi Da Via

22 December 1859; Joseph Barnard Davis

n.d.; Auguste Donnet

19 May [ ]; James E. Doyle

11 February 1859; [Fernando]

21 April 1958; Goodwin Son & [ ]

5 May 1858; Thomas Grant

5 October - 1 December 1858; Imperial Austrian Legation

19 - 28 April 1860; Evan Jones

4 July 1858; Pierre Le Croix

23 April 1858 - 9 March 1860; Longman Brown and Company

6 May 1858; E. C. Lewis

[1858]; Henry E. Manning (later Cardinal)

17 June 1858; Patrick F. Moran (later Cardinal)

25 May 1858; John Morris

[ ] 1858; A. Pezzanat

5 - 10 May [1858]; E. H. Reeves

19 April 1852; James Roche

2 March 1858; James Hope Scott

12 May 1858; [ ] Shilman

15 June 1858; W. H. Smyth

[1858]-[1859]; James Spencer Northcote

5 May 1858; A. P. Stanley

15 [ ] 1856; Franco Venditti

9 May 1858; Dr. [Wals]

19 April 1855; Charles Ward[ ]th

29 March 1858 - 12 February 1863; Thomas Watts

[1857]; Vladimir Petcherine

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial mostly from various Jesuit Superiors/Rectors seeking Irish Jesuits to fill posts left vacant following and during the War

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial mostly from various Jesuit Superiors/Rectors seeking Irish Jesuits to fill teaching and other posts left vacant following and during the War. Includes requests from Bombay, Madeira, Calcutta, Ceylon and Malta.