Dublin City



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Dublin City

Dublin City

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Dublin City

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Dublin City

44 Collection results for Dublin City

7 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

‘The Manuscripts of Gerard Manley Hopkins’ by Fr Anthony Bischoff SJ

Photocopy of an article ‘The Manuscripts of Gerard Manley Hopkins’ by Fr Anthony Bischoff SJ, from 'Thought', (Vol. 26, No. 103, Winter 1951 - 2) supplied by Dr Norman White (English Department, U.C.D.) on 9 February 1989, pp.551- 580.

Bischoff, Anthony, 1910-1993, Jesuit priest and academic

Article by Fr Gerald Kennedy SJ on China

A file relating to an article by Fr Gerald Kennedy SJ on China. Includes the MS of the article (92pp) and censor's reports on the article - relates to Fr Kennesy's voyage to Hong Kong,and travelogue about Rotterdam, Germany, Colombo and Manila.

Kennedy, Gerald Leo, 1889-1949, Jesuit priest and medical doctor

Article by Terence P. McCaughey: ‘Andrew Sall (1624-82) Textual Editor and Facilitator of the Irish Translation of the Old Testament’

Article by Terence P. McCaughey: ‘Andrew Sall (1624-82) Textual Editor and Facilitator of the Irish Translation of the Old Testament’. Delivered as an O’Donnell Lecture in Trinity College Dublin in 1995, and published in its present form in an unknown publication. (McCaughey (Terence): Andrew Sall (1624–82): textual editor and facilitator of the Irish translation of the Old Testament. In Unity in diversity (2004), pp. 153–171.

McCaughey, Terence Patrick, 1933-2016, Presbyterian minister, academic and social justice advocate

Article entitled ‘Father and Son’

Photocopied extract from Trinity: A College Record, of an article entitled ‘Father and Son’ which reproduces extracts from the Rev. Stephen Gwynne’s Dublin Journal, on the occasion of visiting Dublin for the purpose of entering his son John at Trinity College.

Trinity College Dublin, 1592-

Article on the illness and death of Gerard Manley Hopkins by Kenneth M. Flegel, M.D.

Photocopy of an article from 'The Lancet' (Vol. 349) entitled 'My winter world: the illness of Gerard Manley Hopkins' by Kenneth M. Flegel, M.D. which concludes that 'inflammatory bowel disease, particularly Crohn's disease of the colon, provides a better explanation of Hopkins illness, accounting for recurring diarrhoea with haemorrhoids, fever, progressive weight loss, and profound fatigue'.

Articles by Fr Kevin Laheen SJ entitled ‘The Jesuit Connection’ and ‘Sacred Heart Statute’

Articles by Fr Kevin Laheen SJ entitled ‘The Jesuit Connection’ and ‘Sacred Heart Statute’ which describes the statute by Albert Power of the Sacred Heart in the grounds of the parish church in Knock, County Mayo which had previously been situated in Rathfarnham Castle. Guinness workers who attended weekend retreats at the Castle paid for the statute. See Irish Province News, September 1931 as statute erected in June 1931.

Laheen, Kevin A, 1919-2019, Jesuit priest

Articles on the history of the Jesuit mission to Australia, includes articles on Ireland

Series of articles bound into book format concerning the history of the Jesuit mission to Australia:

  • 'The Woodstock Letters'. Vol. XXXVII. No. 3 'The Society of Jesus in Australia' pp303-318; Vol. XXXVIII. No. 1 pp1-9; Vol. XXXVIII. No. 2 pp161-176; Vol. XXXVIII. ? pp341-349; Vol. XXXIX. No. 2 pp145-160; Vol. XXXIX. No. 3 pp304-318; Vol. XL. No. 1 pp1-16; Vol. XL. No. 2 pp145-160; Vol. XL. No. 3 pp274-288; Vol. XLI. No. 1 pp1-6;

  • catalogue of the Adelaide residence of the Australian Mission (1862; 1869-1870; 1874; 1877; 1880; 1886; 1889) and the Australian Mission (1887; 1893; 1902; 1912);

  • contemporary newspaper clippings of Jesuit houses in Australia;

  • copy of 'Edmund Campion’s History of Ireland' by the Rev. John Hungerford Pollen SJ with an inscription to Fr John Conmee SJ by J. H. Pollen SJ reprinted from ‘The Month’, December, 1905, and February, 1906.

  • articles by Fr Matthew Devitt SJ on 'Summerhill, County Meath and its neighbourhood', published in Kildare Archaeological Society;

  • 'Irish University Education: A plea for Fair Play' by Fr William Delany SJ (1904);

  • 'Brief memoir of Fr Patrick Duffy SJ' (1904);

  • 'The Annual Report of the Apostolic School of Ireland' (Society of Jesus) 1884-1885, 1886, 1895;

  • extracts from the diary of Mungret College (1884-1885);

  • copy letters from Rev. F. Ronan to the Fathers and Students of Mungret College during the journey through the United States (September 1884- Christmas 1885).

Biographical information on Fr Leonard Sheil SJ

Biographical information on Fr Leonard Sheil SJ. Includes:
– potted biography by Fr Fergus O'Donoghue SJ (Irish Province Archivist, 1986-2019), (1984, 1p.);
– biography of Fr Sheil entitled 'Who Travels Alone' by Fr Robert L. Stevenson SJ (Dublin: C. Goodliffe Neale (Irel.) Ltd.) (1975, 56pp);
– photocopies from the 'Jesuit Year Book' of an illustrated article by Fr Robert L. Stevenson SJ entitled ‘Emigrants’ Priest: Fr. Leonard Sheil, S.J.’ (1969, 9pp) and an illustrated appreciation of Fr Sheil by Very Rev. Joseph Flynn, M.S.S (1969, 5pp).
Also includes appreciation of Fr Sheil by Very Rev. Joseph Flynn, M.S.S., printed in 'Irish Province News' (April 1968, 2pp).

Biographical material concerning David Woulfe SJ

Biographical material concerning David Woulfe SJ. Includes

  • typescript on his life, by Fr James Stephenson SJ (n.d., 13pp);
  • correspondence collected by Fr Stephenson in the course of research for the article (19 February - 26 October 1953, 4 items) - letter from Mary, Hartfiled, Santo Amaro, Oeiras, Lisbon, Portugal, Margaret Woulfe, Kerry and Joseph Ranson, Salamanca;
  • notes and letter compiled by Fr John MacErlean SJ on Fr Woulfe (1929, 4pp);
  • reprint 'The Last Years of a Confessor of the Faith, Father David Wolf' from 'Archivium Historicum Societatis Jesu', vol. XV, 1946 (15pp);
  • journal of notes made by Richard Woulfe, Dromlought, Lisselton, County Kerry, intended to comprise a ‘short and incomplete family history’;
  • biographical notes on Fr Woulfe, copies of correspondence, letters contributed to various newspapers by Maurice Woulfe (5 Bolton Street, Clonmel) on Woulfe family history (1904 – 1928) and copies of letters of Dr T. Woulfe of Bruff, County Kerry (1923-1924) (25 November 1935, c76pp);
  • draft typescript entitled ‘Unpublished Letter of Father David Wolf’ by Fr Manuel da Costa SJ (Portuguese Jesuit and historian). Foreword in English (3pp); letter (October 1568) in Latin to the Bishop of Killala, Redmond O'Gallaghair, written when Fr Woulfe was in jail in Dublin Castle, describing the events of 1566 – ‘68 (n.d., 24pp);
  • article on David Wolfe SJ and
  • article by Fr Thomas Morrissey SJ, 'The Career and Problem of David Wolfe, 1528-1579? Jesuit, and Papal Commissary to Ireland', NMAJ, vol. 47, 2007, pp21-37.

Biographical sketch of Fr John Austin SJ

Biographical sketch of Fr John Austin, with note on first page ‘This brief Memoir of the Rev. John Austin SJ was sent to Canon Conlan, P.P. St Michan’s, Dublin, by Mr. Edward Evans, July 14, 1900’ ([1900], 5pp), typescript entitled ‘Father John Austin SJ 1717 - 1784’ probably by Fr Francis Finegan SJ (n.d., 2 copies, 4pp each), pamphlet entitled 'Rev. John Austin, S.J.' by Dr George A. Little, Irish Messenger Office (1960) and article on John Austin and Thomas Betagh.

Book with the title ‘The manner of performing the Novena, or the nine days devotion to St Francis Xaverius...'

Book with the title ‘The manner of performing the Novena, or the nine days devotion to St Francis Xaverius of the Society of Jesus and Apostle of the Indies, as also the devotion of the ten Fridays to the same saint’ printed for Ignatius Kelly, at the Stationers-Arms in Mary’s Lane, Dublin, 1749 (88pp). Includes an article entitled ‘The Novena of Grace in Dublin 1749’ which was sent by Fr Kevin O'Rourke SJ to Fr Fergus O'Donoghue SJ with an explanatory note (10 May 2008). The article most probably written by Fr Francis Finegan SJ. The article explains the provenance of a book in the community library of St Francis Xavier’s, Gardiner Street, Dublin entitled, ‘The manner of performing the Novena, or the nine days devotion to St. Francis Xaverius of the Society of Jesus and Apostle of the Indies’. It concludes that the work was translated by Thomas Brennan and gives a brief biographical note. (5pp)

'Dawning Day', compiled by the Juniors in Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin

Bound volumes entitled 'Dawning Day', compiled by the Juniors in Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin containing articles, poems and songs on the various missions - China, India and Australia. Binding is loose on 'Dawning Day', 10th edition. Includes photographs of Frs Edward Bourke, Gerald Kennedy and George Byrne, Mr Richard Harris, Mr John Moran, Wah Yan College, the graves of Frs Saul and McCullough.

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr John MacErlean SJ on various matters

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr John MacErlean SJ on various matters including:
– Fr MacErlean’s censure on a Society Appeal for Funds;
– the progress of his historical research, news from Rome and news about the Society in Australia;
– the establishment of the Society in Ireland including a ‘list of whatever documents exist to my knowledge regarding the establishment of the Society in Ireland…What exactly the establishment of the Society in Ireland means I do not know. It may be a question for a canonist to solve. The canonical succession of the New Society to the Old is disputed, and Rome has never decided the point’;
– the proposed purchase of a volume consisting of ‘the indexes of the first eleven volumes of the Bollandist Acta Sanctorum down to the 3rd volume of April’ and the binding which is ‘much older than the contents…the binding of a Missal that was presented to Father (Nicholas) Leynach in 1613 - 14 by Francis Bray, at a time when Fr Leynach was trying to establish a chapel or oratory of the Society in Clonmel’;
– the Irish College in Rome;
– lists of books the Province could present to ‘the library to be established for the use of the Coll(egium) Scriptorum and a ‘list of those members of our Province who might now or hereafter be fit to cooperate with the Collegium Scriptorum in the production of works’ and a
– ‘Brief Sketch of the Work of the Irish Jesuits from the foundation to the Suppression of the Society 1540 – 1773’ (11pp).

MacErlean, John Campbell, 1870-1950, Jesuit priest, historian and archivist

Material concerning the reason(s) behind Fr David Woulfe’s leaving of the Society of Jesus

Material concerning the reason(s) behind Fr David Woulfe’s leaving of the Society of Jesus. Includes typescript by Fr Francis Finegan SJ entitled ‘Why did David Wolf Leave the Society?’ an appendix to his privately published pamphlet on the earliest period of the Society in Ireland (n.d., 7pp);

  • nineteenth century transcript of a Latin document ‘formerly’ in the archives of the Society at Gesu, supposedly the evidence of Fr William Good SJ, accusing Fr Woulfe of a ‘moral delinquency’ (n.d., 15pp) and
  • transcript of the same made by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ (Irish Province Archivist to 1986), with explanatory note attached (n.d., 30pp).

Material relating to Fr Seán Ó Catháin SJ

  • IE IJA J/317/1
  • File
  • 25 February 1930 - 26 December 1989
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Material relating to Fr Seán Ó Catháin SJ, including catalogue entries and memorial cards, letters from Fr Michael Browne SJ, and off print of articles by Fr Ó Catháin SJ.

Material relating to the Irish Jesuit priests working in Hong Kong during the Second World War and the Japanese occupation of the city

A file relating to the fate of the Irish Jesuit priests working in Hong Kong during the Second World War and the Japanese occupation of the city. Includes returned letters to Irish Fr Provincial marked 'No Service Return to Sender'. Includes letters from family members asking for news or reporting to Irish Fr Provincial on letters received by them. Includes letters from other individuals seeking news about non Jesuit family members. Includes a copy of a request by Irish Fr Provincial John R. MacMahon SJ to Joseph P. Walshe, Department of External Affairs seeking help in assisting four Jesuit students to return home to Ireland (23 March 1943, 1p). Includes a reply stating that a proposed scheme to exchange civilian internees applies only to British or Allied subjects (12 May 1943, 1p). Includes a memorandum written by Fr Joy on Irish nationals in Hong Kong. The memorandum was sent by Irish Fr Provincial to the Irish Red Cross (24 October 1942, 2pp). Includes letters concerning Irish Jesuits who left Hong Kong to live and work in India during the war and subsequent return to Hong Kong when the war was over. Includes 'A Priest in a Japanese Jail' by Fr Gerard Casey SJ (1948)

Material relating to the Jesuit presence in Galway in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries

Material relating to the Jesuit presence in Galway in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Includes:

  • letter from Fr James Rabbitte SJ to Fr John MacErlean SJ, concerning Galway records and Jesuit chalices (1 December 1935, 2pp);
  • notes by Fr John MacErlean SJ on the chalice of the Galway Jesuits (n.d., 1p.) and drafts of a typescript article by [Fr Francis Finegan SJ] on the Centenary of St Ignatius’ Galway, recalling the history of the Jesuits in the city in the seventeenth century (1963, 8pp and 9pp);
  • copybook by Fr John MacErlean SJ on the Jesuits in Galway using James Hardiman's version of 1651 map, and his history of Galway [1905], (71pp). Includes letter from Fr John MacErlean SJ, University College, St Stephen's Green, Dublin to Fr William Byrne SJ, St Ignatius, Galway on townlands (19 September 1905).

Material relating to the Jesuits in Dublin

Material relating to the Jesuits in Dublin. Includes:

  • notes by Fr John MacErlean SJ, on Dublin Jesuits and their activities from 1592 to 1800 [1910]-[1950] (180pp);
  • typescript extract from the 1766 South Dublin Religious Census (5pp);
  • photocopies of newspaper articles on Jesuits in Dublin (18[ ], 1961, 1962, 3pp);
  • copy of John Speed’s plan of Dublin, 1610, showing Back Lane (Jesuit residence in the 1620s) (1p.);
  • book, 'The Jesuits in Dublin, or Brief Biographical Sketches of those Deceased Members of the Society of Jesus, who were Born or who Laboured in the Irish Metropolis; with an Account of the Parish of St Michan, their Ancient Residence' by William J Battersby (John Fowler, 3 Crow Street, Dame Street, Dublin, 1854) (124pp);
  • pamphlet 'The Parish of St Michan' by Very Rev. Myles Ronan, (Dollard, Printinghouse Ltd., Dublin, 19[48]). Presented to Fr Charles Scantlebury SJ by the author. (c.30pp);
  • booklet 'The History of the Roman Catholic Church and Parish of St Michan, Dublin' (Office of ‘The Irish Builder’, Dublin, 1892). Includes references to Jesuits, p.19 - 23 and p.27 - 29 (34pp);
  • reprint from 'Archivium Hibernicum', Vol. XXIV, 1970, entitled 'Letters from a Jesuit in Dublin on the Confraternity of the Holy Name, 1747 - 1748 (Documents from the archives of the Irish College, Rome)', edited by Hugh Fenning, O.P., p.133 - 154 (22pp);
  • extract from 'Reportorium Novum' entitled 'The Jesuits in Dublin (1660 - 1760)' by Fr Francis Finegan SJ, p.43 – 100 (58pp);
  • extracts from 'Interfuse', No. 18, Christmas 1981 and No. 19, February 1982, entitled 'Old Dublin S.J.' and 'Jesuit Dublin' by Eddie O'Donnell, on the various Old Society Jesuit residences in Dublin (2 items, both 11pp) and
  • pamphlet 'Roman Catholic Chapels in Dublin AD 1749' with an introduction by Most Rev. N. Donnelly, Bishop of Canea, (Catholic Truth Society of Ireland, Dublin, 1907) (40pp).

Mission material relating to Fr John Foley SJ

  • IE IJA J/663/4
  • File
  • 15 September 1950 - 1991
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of mission material relating to Fr John Foley SJ. Includes announcement of death; personal record; obituary; sermons, articles and correspondence between Fr Foley and Frs. Thomas O'Brien, Vincent Murphy and Thomas J. Martin, Mission Office, Dublin.

Offprint from 'English Studies. A Journal of English Language and Literature'

Offprint from 'English Studies. A Journal of English Language and Literature' (Vol. 68, No. 4) of an article by Dr Norman White (English Department, U.C.D.) entitled ‘G.M Hopkins’s Contribution to the English Dialect Dictionary’ pp.325 – 335. With dedication to Fr Fergal McGrath SJ (Irish Province Archivist from 1975 to 1986) from the author.

White, Norman, English Department, University College Dublin

Pamphlets and articles by Edward Boyd Barrett

Published pamphlets and articles by Edward Boyd Barrett. Includes:

  • reprint entitled ‘ The Education of the Will’ from 'The Irish Ecclesiastical Record' (May 1929, 13pp);
  • pamphlets entitled 'Effects of Strikes' (Office of the Irish Messenger, Dublin). One edition is inscribed “To the ‘Loveliest and Best’ of Mothers from her most affec(tionate) Son. E.B.B., S.J.” (1914, 1926, 24pp each);
  • pamphlet entitled 'Our Schools and Social Work' (Office of the Irish Messenger, Dublin) (1922, 24pp);
  • copy of 'The American Mercury' containing an article by Boyd Barrett entitled ‘The Catholic Church Faces America’ (Vol. XVI, No. 61, pp. 1 - 10) (Jan. 1929, 10pp).

Boyd Barrett, Edward J, 1883-1966, former Jesuit priest