Dublin City



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Dublin City

Dublin City

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Dublin City

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Dublin City

25 Collection results for Dublin City

2 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Fr Wilfred Chan Yu-hai SJ

Copies of educational certificates for Fr Wilfred Chan Yu-hai SJ, postcards and correspondence between Wilfred and Irish Fr Provincials, admission to the Society

Chan Yu-hai, Wilfred, 1942-2017, Jesuit priest

Historical note on Rathfarnham castle

Historical note on Rathfarnham castle. Includes a postcard with a note by Fr Richard Coyne SJ concerning the historical note and remarks that he left a copy with Mrs Carter, 12 Doddervale. Continues 'The housekeeper asked if I were from the castle and if I wanted to see the picture...The housekeeper said they were expecting another priest...to call to see the picture. I had mentioned at my last visit that Fr Rector might be interested in seeing it.' (2 September 1972, 1 item).

Coyne, Richard Charles, 1917-1999, Jesuit priest

Material on retreats and the retreat house at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin

Material on retreats and the retreat house at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin (removed from ledger folder). Includes:

  • list of retreatants at Rathfarnham Castle and notice of opening of retreat house (1922);
  • Honorary Secretary's Reports (November 1947-March 1949);
  • list of house renovations (August 1949-August 1950);
  • costings and receipts for work on the retreat house which includes glass, grotto, kneelers, lamp, radiators, roof, statutes and tabernacle (1949-1962);
  • ‘History of Our Lady's Grotto, erected by D.U.T. Co. Employees 1925’ by Thomas Scally, ex-Superintendent. Includes references to the Jesuit school, St Francis Xavier, Lower Dorset Street, better known as Father Gaffney's school (1 April 1950);
  • income and expenditure for Laymen's Retreat Association (1948-1953);
  • newsletter of the Laymen's Retreat Association, Rathfarnham Castle entitled the Week End Echo (vol. 1-5, 7), (Christmas 1953-September 1955);
  • handicap sweepstakes results for Laymen's Retreat Association at Rathfarnham Castle (1954-55)
  • order of time for retreats for Chinese students at Rathfarnham Castle (4 April 1955);
  • correspondence from Michael Scott, Architect, for drawings of the retreat house, Rathfarnham Castle (1955-57);
  • income for retreat house at Rathfarnham Castle (1958-59);
  • schedule of estimates for proposed decoration at Rathfarnham Castle (1958-1961);
  • drawings, correspondence and accounts from James A. Doyle Architect, for works at the retreat house, Rathfarnham Castle (1959-1960);
  • newspaper report of ‘Restoration of grotto erected in 1924 by D.U.T.C. men’ from Nuacht CIE (23 October 1964);
  • notes on Laymen’s Retreat Association at Rathfarnham Castle, Christian Life Communities (CLC) seminar (21 April 1974);
  • Guidelines for the constitution for the Laymen's Retreat Association & Christian Life Communities (CLC) (1977);
  • notice of the restoration work done by the Association of Retreat Promotors for the Laymen’s Retreat Association (nd.);
  • postcard with order of time on reverse of weekend retreats at Rathfarnham Castle and notice of non-attendance (nd.);

Photographs of Fr Willie Doyle SJ

File of copies photographs of Fr Willie Doyle SJ including: newspaper photograph announcing death (1917); mounted photograph of Willie and his brother, when both young; copies of portrait photographs of Fr Willie Doyle SJ used in publications, Fr Doyle in military uniform and with his parents and in group photograph with other Jesuits. Includes:

  • Postcard from Fr Willie Doyle SJ to Rosario Nesbitt, 12 May 1912;
  • Photograph of Milltown Park villa group, 1905, outside Carysfort, Kilcoole, County Wicklow.

Chancellor, photographer, [1862]-1923

Postcards and notes from the artist, Evie Hone to Fr Daniel Shields SJ

  • IE IJA J/404/9
  • File
  • 29 September 1941-11 August 1952; 1955; 1957
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of postcards and notes from the artist, Evie Hone to Fr Daniel Shields SJ (29 September 1941-11 August 1952) in which pleasantries are given and items of news, ‘I expect you heard that Michael Healy died last Mon. I feel very sad for myself but he could not have recovered to work’ (29 September 1941). Evie Hone writes from Kilkenny, Paris and Rathfarnham, Dublin. This material was found in the room of Fr Daniel Shields SJ after his death. Includes a newspaper cutting with an image of Evie Hone and her last stained-glass window, an obituary and a colour sketch of Mary and Child, by Evie Hone.

In 'Studies: An Irish quarterly review', Vol. XLVI, pp. 377-378, Autumn, 1957, Fr Daniel Shields SJ reviews ‘A tribute to Evie Hone and Mainie Jellett’.

Hone, Evie, 1894-1955, Irish painter and stained glass artist