- IE IJA J/1361
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Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Gerrot, John, 1558-1614, Jesuit priest
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Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Gerrot, John, 1558-1614, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Gough, John, 1580-1652, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Graham, John, 1855-1927, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Grech-Cumbo, John, 1892-1960, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Document confirming faculties to Fr John Grehan SJ from Dr James Brown, Archbishop of Shrewsbury. (In Latin; with shellac seal).
Grehan, John, 1820-1865, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Gwynn, John, 1866-1915, Jesuit priest and chaplain
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Harrison, John, 1682-1738, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Hollis, John, 1896-1974, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Houling, John, 1543-1599, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Hughes, John, 1834-1888, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Coghlan, John I, 1829-1897, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
FitzGibbon, John J, 1882-1918, Jesuit priest and chaplain
Part of Irish Jesuits
Obituary for Fr John J O'Carroll SJ [1980] by Fr Thomas Morrissey SJ, article written by Fr John J O'Carroll SJ entitled 'La littérature féniane' pp507-516, and testimonials of Rev. J. J. O'Carroll candidate for a fellowship in modern languages in the Royal University of Ireland.
O'Carroll, John J, 1837-1889, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Healy, John Joseph, 1909-1988, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Cronin, John M, 1873-1939, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Carpenter, John R, 1901-1976, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Bourke, John Stephen, 1876-1969, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Deignan, John V, 1891-1966, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Butler, John William, 1703-1771, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Connolly, John William, 1779-1818, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Brennan, Joseph A, 1867-1945, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Photocopy of brief memoir by Fr Joseph A Shiel SJ 'Jottings over 60 Years'.
Shiel, Joseph Aloysius, 1891-1969, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of history for Joseph Archdekin.
Archdekin, Joseph, 1743-1788, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Barry, Joseph, 1880-1922, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Cahill, Joseph Bernard, 1857-1928, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Life of Fr Joseph Brown SJ, written in Latin. Annotation that 'HIbernus He told Madame Kelly his father [John] was Irish'.
Brown, Joseph, 1801-1879, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Chang Szu-Heng, Joseph, 1913-1980, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Corr, Joseph, 1879-1971, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Craig, Joseph, 1894-1969, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Cunningham, Joseph, 1825-1861, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
de Maistre, Joseph, 1861-1931, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Delamer, Joseph, 1668-1728, Jesuit priest
Fr Joseph Dillon de Coughlan SJ
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Dillon de Coughlan, Joseph, 1669-1737, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Carroll, Joseph F, 1892-1955, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Fish, Joseph, 1860-1930, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Fitzgerald, Joseph, 1899-1973, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Gates, Joseph, 1889-1947, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Healy, Joseph, 1876-1954, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Hearn, Joseph, 1854-1941, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Hughes, Joseph, 1843-1878, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Hickey, Joseph M, 1854-1927, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Dietel, Karl, 1844-1905, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Carroll, Kevin, 1911-1972, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Grogan, Kevin, 1913-1980, Jesuit priest
Fr Laurence Nicholas Hession SJ
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Hession, Laurence Nicholas, 1901-1978, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Corcoran, Lawrence, 1932-2019, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Hicks, Leo, 1888-1968, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Bourassa, Léo-Paul, 1904-1979, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Harper, Leslie, 1906-1969, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Cardiff, Lewis, 1911-1988, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Chan Yiu-sing, Lúcás, 1968-2015, Jesuit priest
Fr Luis María Asarta Navascués SJ
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Asarta Navascués, Luis María, 1943-2013, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Barthélemy, Marc, 1857-1913, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Hardy, Mark, 1912-1973, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Grene, Martin, 1617-1667, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Jacques, Martin, 1835-1890, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Egan, Matthew, 1872-1941, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Gahan, Matthew, 1782-1837, Jesuit priest
Fr Maurice Dowling's fitness to work in the Northern Rhodesia mission
Part of Irish Jesuit Missions
Medical statement declaring Fr Maurice Dowling's fitness to work in the Northern Rhodesia mission by Dr Corboy, 11 The Crescent, Limerick.
Corboy, D, fl 1948, Doctor
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Higgins, Michael A, 1854-1914, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Bellew, Michael, 1825-1868, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Breen, Michael, 1804-1861, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Butler, Michael, d.1772, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Cawood, Michael, 1707-1772, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Chamberlain, Michael, 1590-1662, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Corbett, Michael, 1827-1912, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Dean, Michael, 1696-1760, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Dougherty, Michael, 1791-1863, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Driscol, Michael, 1805-1880, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Biographical information, and correspondence relating to the health of Fr Michael Erraught SJ.
Erraught, Michael, 1913-1971, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Cronin, Michael F, 1871-1936, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
FitzGerald, Michael, 1694-1781, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Geraldine, Michael, 1588-1621, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Byrnes, Michael J, 1843-1907, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Material available 2051.
Kelly, Michael J, 1929-2021, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Barrick, Michael John, 1585/6-1648, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Jordan, Michael, 1610-1673, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Byrne, Milo, 1671-1746, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Gibbons, Myles, 1812-1850, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Barron, Nicholas, 1719-1784, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Bermingham , Nicholas, 1721-1758, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Frayne, Nicholas, 1668-1722, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Frayne, Richard, 1672-1695, Jesuit novice
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Hanrahan, Nicholas, 1831-1891, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Hore, Nicholas, 1620-1649, Jesuit priest
Fr Nicolas Tuite de MacCarthy SJ
Part of Irish Jesuits
Biography of Fr Nicolas Tuite de MacCarthy SJ taken from the archives of the Society of Jesus in Toulouse (1977), and copybook belonging to Fr Proinsais Ó Fionnagaín SJ (Frank Finegan) entitled ‘P. Fr. Nicolas Tuite McCarthy, S.J. + 1833 à Annecy’, sourced from the Menologe de la Compagnie de Jesus par le P. Eleban de Guilhenny da la meme Compagnie (Paris 1892). At rear of copybook, reference is made to Irish Jesuits who died in the First World War.
de MacCarthy, Nicolas Tuite, 1769-1833, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Hehir, Noel, 1898-1947, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
de Bénazé, Octave Joseph, 1843-1908, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Eustace, Oliver, 1605-1671, Jesuit priest
Fr Pastor Gutiérrez Ossorio SJ
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Gutiérrez Ossorio, Pastor, 1916-1999, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of history for Patrick Anderson.
Anderson, Patrick, 1843-1900, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Barnewell, Patrick, 1709-1762, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Barrett, Patrick, 1866-1942, Jesuit priest and chaplain
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Cahill, Patrick, 1708-1766, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Claven, Patrick, 1846-1885, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
A file relating to Fr Patrick Coffey SJ. Includes biographical information, correspondence, concerning his health during his early years in the Society and correspondence during his time in England working in parishes in Birmingham and London.
Coffey, Patrick, 1909-1983, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Colgan, Patrick, 1707-1772, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Conway, Patrick, 1605-1662, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Cormick, Patrick, 1658-1721, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Cotter, Patrick, 1659-1721, Jesuit priest