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1490 Collection results for Document

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Frs Ernest Mackey SJ and Michael Garahy SJ travelling to South Africa

A file relating to two Irish Jesuit missionaries Frs Ernest Mackey SJ and Michael Garahy SJ who travelled to South Africa to conduct a mission in honour of the centenary celebrations in the Vicariate of the Western Districts of the Cape of Good Hope.

MacSherry, Hugh, 1852-1940, Roman Catholic Bishop

Galway in 1645

Note on what happened in Galway in 1645 - marriage stone of Thomas Lynch who married J. Browne by G. Quinn P. P.

Genealogical notes compiled and collected by Fr Timothy Corcoran SJ on his family

A file of genealogical notes compiled and collected by Fr Timothy Corcoran SJ on his family. Includes letters, from Margaret Ryan, 14 Grand Street, Pokepsie, New York, U.S.A. to Fr Corcoran concerning other relatives in America (18 October 1931), Rody Dwan, Lisnagonoge, Thurles, County Tipperary (1 June 1915) and John D Corcoran, Williamsport, Ohio, U.S.A. (24 January 1929) ; genealogical notes on Corcoran of Clontaffe, parish of Killea (1766-1842) and of Honeymount, parish of Rathnaveoge, Ikerrin (1855-1929) and Curraduff, parish of Killea, Ikerrin, (1855-1929), 1p; copies made by Fr Timothy Corcoran SJ of family relatives in census material, 1821, 6 June 1841, at the Public Record Office, Dublin, (16 April 1916, 24 December 1917), 2pp; copies of originals at Lisnagonoge, Thurles, County Tipperary (25 August 1915), 1p; notes by Fr Timothy Corcoran SJ from the Public Record Office, Dublin (March 1914) on the numbers of peoples in townlands related to him - Rathnaveoge, Honeymount, Gurteen in 1821 census; inscription in Monsea burial ground and photocopies of newspaper clippings (1911).

History of the College of Technology, Bolton Street from the 1950s until 1968

‘An Historical Critique’. History of the College of Technology, Bolton Street from the 1950s up to the writing of the document, in relation to its development, education, student numbers and facilities. The writer, in an attempt to encourage the directors of the College to extend the facilities to cope with the changing needs of the students, warns of imminent revolt.

Information on the history of Rathfarnham Castle

A file containing information on the history of Rathfarnham Castle. Includes a photocopy of a chronological timeline, ‘Notes on Rathfarnham’ from the Irish Jesuit Directory and a photocopy of ‘Rathfarnham Castle and some of its former owners’ published in Memorials of the Irish Province, Part 1, Centenary Year 1814 – 1914.

Invitation to the Jesuit Mission to take over the administration of Wah Yan College, Hong Kong

A file relating to an invitation to the Jesuit Mission to take over the administration of Wah Yan College, Hong Kong. The College was started by a Chinese Catholic as a secondary day-school. Includes letters from the mission consultors to Irish Fr Provincial concerning the proposal.

Wah Yan College, Hong Kong, 1919-

Irish Province News, Galway

Photocopies of entries for the Jesuit community at Galway and at St Ignatius College, contained in the Jesuit publication, the Irish Province News.

Jesuits in Galway and Connacht

Poster recounting the history of Jesuits in Galway and document which give a chronology of the history of Jesuits in Connacht, 1605-, and Galway and St Ignatius Parish Church.

Journal of the Mungret Apostolic School

Journal of the Mungret Apostolic School containing newspaper cuttings, lists of addresses of past pupils, addresses of Apostolic Schools, exam results of pupils, photographs of Apostolic students, new arrivals etc.

Latin inscription by Franciseus Syl. O'Mahony SJ

Latin inscription which translates as 'I testify that this dust taken from the tomb of the holy martyrs Fusciani and companions by me on 22 August 1825, to my very dear friend Robert Haly, S.J. I give it as a gift, St. Acheoli – 24 August 1825. Franciseus Syl. O'Mahony SJ'.

Mahony, Francis Sylvester, 1804-1866, former Jesuit priest, priest and humorist

Lease and Copy Lease of part of the town and lands of Dromdarrig in the Barony of Pubblebrien, County Limerick

Baron Emly, Tervoe, County Limerick, Sir David Vandeleur Roche, County Limerick, Sir Stephen de Vere, Monare Foynes, County Limerick, Edward William O'Brien, Cahermoyle, County Limerick, James Grene Barry, Sandville, County Limerick (Trustees of the Mungret Agricultural School and Model Farm) called the Lessors and Rev. William Ronan SJ, Crescent House, city of Limerick, Rev. Thomas A. Finlay, Tullabeg College, Tullamore, County Offaly and John White, Nanternan, County Limerick called the Lessees.

Part of the town and lands of Dromdarrig in the Barony of Pubblebrien, County Limerick containing 71 acres statute measure.

Terms & Conditions :
From 1 January 1883 for 500 years at a yearly rent of £70 to be paid on 1 January and 1 July.

The original Lease has a map of the property, area coloured pink 'Lands of Dromdarrig or Mungret Model Farm''.

Letter from Florence E Quirke, Association of Secondary Teachers Ireland, to Irish Fr Provincial, concerning the dismissal of a teacher from Clongowes Wood College SJ

Letter from Florence E Quirke, General Secretary, Association of Secondary Teachers Ireland, 33 South Frederick Street, Dublin to Irish Fr Provincial John R MacMahon SJ, St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin concerning the dismissal of Mr R O'Connor from his teaching position in Clongowes Wood College SJ, and stating that "it will be unnecessary for Mr R O'Connor to proceed with the appeal against his dismissal..." (1p). Attached to this letter is a formal document entitles "Procedure in Dismissal of Lay Secondary Teacher and Appeal from Such Dismissal" (1p).

Quirke, Florence E

Letter from James G. O'Connor, solicitor, to Fr Patrick Kennedy SJ, concerning a portion of land held by William George Bailey

Letter from James G. O'Connor, solicitor, 9 Clare Street, Dublin to Fr Patrick Kennedy SJ, Rathfarnham Castle, Rathfarnham, County Dublin concerning a portion of land held by William George Bailey under his own conveyance, rent free. Remarks that the rent on the land held by the Jesuits is incorrect and advises the correct amount.

J.G. O'Connor & Co., solicitors

Letter to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from Bishop Theodor Kramer, Würzburg, on sending Fr Gwynn a paper on the Cult of St Killian

Letter to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from Bishop Theodor Kramer, Würzburg, on sending Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ a paper on the Cult of St. Killian (3pp). Includes copy of Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ review of 'New Light on St. Killian' by J. Dienemann (Würzburg, 1955) the 'Irish Ecclesiastical Record', 1957 (88, pp.1–16) ).

Letters from Fr Patrick J Connolly SJ, Clongowes Wood College SJ, to Irish Fr Provincial concerning a Social Action project

A file of letters from Fr Patrick J Connolly SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ proposing to develop a "Social Action Series" of pamphlets, to be produced by the "Irish Messenger Office", as well as publishing his own MS in book form. Included among the letters is a "Statement of Case" for the "Social Action Series", as well as a "proofed" extract by a censor.

Connolly, Patrick J, 1875-1951 Jesuit priest and editor

Letters from Irish Fr Provincial to the Rector of the Lay School and Superior of the Apostolic School, Mungret College urging them to establish a harmonious working relationship

Letters from Irish Fr Provincial to Fr Edward Dillon SJ (Rector of the Lay School, Mungret College) and Fr Jeremiah Kelly SJ (Superior of the Apostolic School, Mungret College) urging them to establish a harmonious working relationship between the two schools.

Kieran, Laurence J, 1881-1945, Jesuit priest

Letters to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from Fr Patrick J. Dunning, C.M.

  • IE IJA J/10/142
  • File
  • 18 January 1973 - 23 January 1975
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Letters to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from Fr Patrick J. Dunning, C.M. (President of St. Patrick’s College, Armagh). Includes:

  • letter seeking information on St Malachy for an article Fr Dunning wishes to write in the school magazine and expressing surprise at the apparent lack of interest, on the part of the Irish, in St Malachy (18 January 1973, 2pp);
  • letter seeking information for a lecture he is going to give to the London Medieval Society on ‘The attitude of the Irish Church to the Norman Invasion’ (13 November 1974, 3pp);
  • letter on his brother Tom’s ‘valuable collection on Old and Middle English Literature’ which has been offered to U.C.D.. Includes a memorial card of Prof. Thomas P. Dunning, C.M. who died in 4 May 1973.

Also includes references to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ ‘presenting to U.C.D.’ his ‘most valuable card-index on Irish Medieval History, together with your most valuable correspondence with distinguished scholars. I am sure the History Department will be delighted with this generous presentation’ (23 July 1975, 2pp). (Inquiries to the Archives Department, U.C.D. in February 1998 revealed that no such presentation was made, either to the Library, History or Archive Departments in U.C.D.)

Dunning, Patrick, Vincentian priest

Letters to Prof Ludwig Bieler from various critics and editors associated with the 'Scriptores Latini Hiberniae' series

  • IE IJA J/10/135
  • File
  • 17 March 1952 - 6 December 1976
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Letters to Prof Ludwig Bieler from various critics and editors associated with the 'Scriptores Latini Hiberniae' series and other academics, concerning the series and Prof. Bieler’s writings, especially the question of the publisher’s financial difficulties and the proposed collaboration between the Institute for Advanced Studies and the British Academy in the publishing of the series.

Limerick Branch activity of Crescent Past Pupils's Union

Limerick Branch activity of Crescent Past Pupils's Union - relating to the annual dinners organised by the Union in Limerick. Includes invitations, tickets, menus, newspaper articles reporting on the nights' events, including elections of new presidents, and speeches made.

London Branch annual dinners for Crescent Past Pupils's Union

Documents re. the establishment and early years of the union in London. Includes meeting minutes, lists of contact details of members and potential members. Correspondence includes letters to Fr Stephen Bates SJ from John McMahon and Fr Donough O'Malley, and one from the latter to Michael O'Malley, president of the Union.

Results 1001 to 1100 of 1490