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  • UF Letters

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2640 Collection results for Correspondence

2640 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Note from Lady Margaret Domvile to the Irish Fr Provincial Joseph Lentaigne SJ

Note from Lady Margaret Domvile to the Irish Fr Provincial Joseph Lentaigne SJ. Informs the latter that her husband is anxious to engage a Jesuit private chaplain who is English by birth. Asks if Fr Lentaigne would consent to recall Fr Costa from Malta. Encloses a letter from Fr Ryan (not included). Includes a note: ‘F. Costa was refused, as can't live out of Community’.

Note from Dr Patrick Foley, Bishop of Kildare and Leighlin, requesting a priest to conduct a retreat in the diocese of Kildare

Note from Dr Patrick Foley, Bishop of Kildare and Leighlin, to [Fr] Joseph. Requests him to procure the services of a priest to conduct a retreat in the diocese of Kildare at the end of the year. Expresses his preference for a Jesuit priest.

Foley, Patrick, 1858-1926, Bishop of Kildare and Leighlin

Non-Jesuit clerical past pupils: news from and about ex-students of the Crescent

Letters from various clerics (and one novice), who were former pupils of the Crescent. Subjects include memories of schooldays and recent news of ex-classmates. Some refer to accompanying photographs (not included). Includes a letter from Canon John Hayes, founder of Muintir na Tire. Also includes some correspondence involving Sr. F. Stanislaus, Nellie Cantwell and Fr Stephen Bates SJ relating to John Joseph Cantwell, Archbishop of Los Angeles (1936-1947), who was an ex-pupil of the Crescent.

New building at St Ignatius College, Galway

File of correspondence and copies of documents related to the new building at St Ignatius College, Galway and subsequent work done on the building including the staircase and window frames. Includes copy of correspondence between Irish Fr Provincial Laurence J. Kieran and Rectors, Fr John MacSheahan SJ and Fr Andrew O'Reilly SJ, St Ignatius College, Galway regarding the new building and differences of opinion about plans; copy of garden agreement between Kate Egan, Sea Road, Galway, Thomas Byrne, 3 Ely Place, Galway and Fr John MacSheahan SJ, (Rector), St. Ignatius College, Galway (March 1937); consultors’ opinions on the new building and acquiring property; plan of St Ignatius College and Church with new building shaded (October 1937); tenders for Galway building (17 May 1938); proposals and contracts for work; receipts; sketch of the present altar; guarantees; particulars of work carried out; correspondence between Neil H. Nolan Electrical & Radio, 2 Ardilaun Road, Clonliffe Road, Dublin and Fr Andrew O'Reilly SJ,(Rector) St Ignatius College, Galway.

Mr Brian Delaney SJ

  • IE IJA J/119
  • File
  • 19 April - 14 July 1972
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

A file relating to Mr Brian Delaney SJ including biographical information.

Delaney, Brian, 1938-1973, Jesuit novice

Misson material relating to Fr Patrick Toner SJ

  • IE IJA J/419/3
  • File
  • 3 March 1947 - 16 May 1972
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of misson material relating to Fr Patrick Toner SJ, Includes passport; passport photographs; photographs; personal record; and correspondence between Fr Toner and Fr Thomas J. Martin SJ, Mission Office, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin, Ireland.

Mission Office material relating to Fr Thomas Ryan SJ

Mission Office material relating to Fr Thomas Ryan SJ. Includes photographs, announcement of death, obituaries, personal record; review of ‘Jesuits Under Fire’ (1943-4), proofs and illustrations of ‘Jesuits Under Fire’ by Fr Ryan; correspondence between Fr Coyne, St. Francis Xavier, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin, Ireland and the publishers of ‘Jesuits Under Fire’; censorship judgements, book requests and receipts for the book; article entitled ‘The Church in China’ (1950); and correspondence between Fr Ryan and Fr Thomas J Martin SJ, Mission Office, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin, Ireland.

Mission office material relating to Fr Thomas O'Brien SJ

Mission office material relating to Fr Thomas O'Brien SJ including correspondence on support for a Zambia student, announcement of Jesuit deaths, annual report for Jesuit Mission Office (1989) and leaflet for funeral Mass for Fr Thomas O'Brien SJ

Mission office material relating to Fr Matthew Corbally SJ

Mission office material relating to Fr Matthew Corbally SJ. Includes passport, photographs, announcement of death, personal record; and letter from Fr Corbally to Fr Thomas J. Martin, Mission Office, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin and Mission Office staff, and Online obituary taken from the Hong Kong Catholic Diocesan Archives:

Mission Office material relating to Fr Laurence Kearns SJ

  • IE IJA J/199/2
  • File
  • 12 September 1969 - 1986
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Mission Office material relating to Fr Laurence Kearns SJ, which includes announcement of death, personal record and correspondence between Fr Kearns and Frs Thomas Martin and Vincent Murphy, Mission Office, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin.

Mission office material relating to Fr Gerard Casey SJ

  • IE IJA J/488/2
  • File
  • 20 August 1947 - 6 March 1989
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Mission office material relating to Fr Gerard Casey SJ. Includes photographs, photographic plate, announcement of death and correspondence between Fr Casey and Fr Thomas J Martin SJ, Mission Office, Dublin.

Mission Office material relating to Fr Donald Lawler SJ

  • IE IJA J/229/4
  • File
  • 3 February 1951 - 29 August 1985
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Mission office material relating to Fr Donald Lawler SJ. Includes personal record; passport; passport photographs; photographs; mortuary card; documents concerning the estate of Fr Lawler; and correspondence between Fr Lawler and Frs Thomas J Martin and Vincent Murphy, Mission Office, Dublin.

Mission office material relating to Fr Daniel Louis Meagher SJ

  • IE IJA J/245/2
  • File
  • 24 October 1950 - 19 April 1980
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of mission office material relating to Fr Daniel Louis Meagher SJ. Includes passport, photographs, personal record; announcement of death and correspondence between Fr Meagher and Frs Thomas Martin and Vincent Murphy, Jesuit Missions, 20 Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin.

Mission office material relating to Fr Brian Sharkey SJ

  • IE IJA J/399/2
  • File
  • 22 October 1950 - 28 October 1980
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Mission office material relating to Fr Brian Sharkey SJ. Includes passport, passport photographs, personal record, announcement of death, obituary and correspondence between Fr Sharkey and Frs Thomas Martin and Vincent Murphy, Irish Jesuit Mission Office, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin.

Mission office material relating to Colm Ó Riordan

  • IE IJA J/534/3
  • File
  • 10 February 1951 - 28 September 1979
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Mission office material relating to Fr Colm Ó Riordan SJ. Includes passports; copy of birth and death certificates; announcement of death; passport photographs; obituaries; medical and travel issues; correspondence between Fr Ó Riordan and Frs Thomas Martin and Vincent Murphy, Irish Jesuit Mission Office, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin; report of the Commission of Inquiry into Disturbances in Certain African Schools by Northern Rhodesian Government (23 June 1960).

Mission office material on Fr Richard J Kennedy SJ

  • IE IJA J/216/3
  • Item
  • 1941 - 12 August 1986
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of material relating to Fr Richard J Kennedy SJ. Includes personal record; passport photographs; photographs; article entitled ‘What I saw of the Red Terror in China’ (1954); newspaper clippings on the arrest, ‘trial’ and release of Fr Kennedy in Canton (1953); certificate of post-war credit and financial statements from the Midland Bank Limited and correspondence between Fr Kennedy and Fr Thomas J Martin SJ, Mission Office, Dublin.

Mission material relating to Fr William Lee SJ

  • IE IJA J/509/2
  • File
  • 24 May 1950 - 24 June 1956
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of mission material relating to Fr William Lee SJ. Includes photograph; personal record; article entitled ‘Wings over Africa’; and correspondence between Fr.William Lee SJ and Fr Thomas Martin SJ, Irish Jesuit Mission Office, Dublin.

Mission material relating to Fr Timothy Doody SJ

  • IE IJA J/653/4
  • File
  • 11 January 1947 - 1989
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of mission material relating to Fr Timothy Doody SJ. Includes passport photograph; identity papers; personal record; announcement of death; obituary; Ten Yuan Held Bank Note - The Bank of Ming Tung - Currency for the Other World (1941); ‘residence and identity card issued by puppet government in Shanghai’; invitations to weddings; and correspondence between Fr Doody and Frs Thomas J. Martin, Vincent Murphy and Thomas O'Brien, Mission Office, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin.

Mission material relating to Fr Thomas O'Brien SJ

  • IE IJA J/687/4
  • File
  • 22 July 1959 - August 1992
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of mission material relating to Fr Thomas O'Brien SJ. Includes passport; photographs; announcement of death; personal record; and correspondence between Fr O'Brien and Frs Thomas Martin and Vincent Murphy, Jesuit Missions, 20 Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin.

Mission material relating to Fr Terence Sheridan SJ

  • IE IJA J/401/2
  • File
  • 19 March 1953 - 13 January 1973
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Mission material relating to Fr Terence Sheridan SJ. Includes passport photograph, photographs, personal record, announcement of death (December 1970), list of executors of will, newspapers articles on court case involving Fr Sheridan relating to a publication entitled ‘Outlook’ and correspondence between Fr Sheridan and Frs Thomas J. Martin and Vincent Murphy, Mission Office, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin, Ireland.

Mission material relating to Fr Seán Turner SJ

  • IE IJA J/468/5
  • File
  • 1932 - 6 February 1972
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of material relating to Fr Seán Turner SJ. Includes obituary, personal record, travel details, photograph, letter from Fr Turner to Fr Thomas J. Martin SJ, Mission Office, Dublin (27 August 1949) and a letter from Jim Turner, Sligo to Irish Fr Provincial (6 February 1972).

Mission material relating to Fr Sean McCarron SJ

  • IE IJA J/275/2
  • File
  • 8 September 1957 - 1964
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of material relating to Fr Sean McCarron SJ. Includes copy of birth certificate; details of Zambian Independence celebrations and correspondence between Fr McCarron and Fr Thomas Martin SJ, Jesuit Missions, Dublin.

Mission material relating to Fr Seamus Doris SJ

  • IE IJA J/654/4
  • File
  • 24 July 1954 - 31 March 1988
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of mission material relating to Fr Seamus Doris SJ. Includes passport photograph; personal record; announcement of death; homily; and correspondence between Fr Doris and Frs Thomas J. Martin and Thomas O'Brien, Mission Office, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin.

Mission material relating to Fr Rory Maguire SJ

  • IE IJA J/726/1
  • File
  • 1950; 27 June 1952 - 14 September 1959
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of mission material relating to Fr Roger Maguire SJ. Includes photograph; personal record; and correspondence between Fr Maguire and Fr Thomas Martin SJ, Irish Jesuit Mission Office, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin.

Mission material relating to Fr Patrick Walsh SJ

  • IE IJA J/436/3
  • File
  • 2 May 1951 - 15 May 1975
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of mission material relating to Fr Patrick Walsh SJ. Includes photograph; announcement of death; personal record; obituary and correspondence between Fr Patrick Walsh SJ and Frs Thomas Martin and Vincent Murphy, Irish Jesuit Mission Office, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin.

Mission material relating to Fr Patrick O'Brien SJ

  • IE IJA J/686/3
  • File
  • 28 November 1951 - 14 October 1991
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of mission material relating to Fr Patrick O'Brien SJ. Includes passport photograph; announcement of death; obituaries; death certificate; personal record; Zambian stamps from 1980 - 81; newspaper cuttings from the trial of Laurence Sullivan, Lusaka, Zambia in which Fr O'Brien refused to be called as a witness (1952) and correspondence between Fr O'Brien and Frs. Thomas Martin, Vincent Murphy and Thomas O'Brien, Jesuit Missions, 20 Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin.

Mission material relating to Fr Patrick McGovern SJ

Mission material relating to Fr Patrick McGovern SJ. Includes announcement of death, obituary, personal record, and correspondence between Fr McGovern and Fr Thomas J Martin SJ, Mission Office, Dublin.

Mission material relating to Fr Patrick Howatson SJ

  • IE IJA J/721/1
  • File
  • 1932 - 25 September 1972
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Mission material relating to Fr Patrick Howatson SJ. Includes passport; mortuary card; announcement of death; requiem; and correspondence between Fr Howatson and Frs. Thomas J. Martin and Vincent Murphy, Mission Office, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin and his sister, Helen Clarke, Tralee, County Kerry and Fr Martin.

Mission material relating to Fr Patrick Grogan SJ

  • IE IJA J/665/3
  • File
  • 10 June 1946 - 3 June 1972
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of mission material relating to Fr Patrick Grogan SJ. Includes photographs; announcement of death; personal record; and correspondence between Fr Grogan and Fr Thomas J. Martin, Mission Office, Dublin.

Mission material relating to Fr Patrick Finneran SJ

  • IE IJA J/659/4
  • File
  • 4 November 1950 - 6 October 1989
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of mission material relating to Fr Patrick Finneran SJ. Includes passport photographs; announcement of death; death notice; mortuary card; personal record; correspondence between Fr Finneran and Frs Vincent Murphy, Thomas O'Brien and Thomas J. Martin, Mission Office, Dublin.

Mission material relating to Fr Patrick Benson SJ

File of mission material relating to Fr Patrick Benson SJ. Includes passports; vaccination card; photographs; personal record; announcement of death; key, copy of birth and death certificates; university certificates; correspondence between Fr Benson and Fr Thomas Martin SJ, Irish Jesuit Mission Office, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin.

Mission material relating to Fr Michael Moloney SJ

  • IE IJA J/252/2
  • File
  • 18 June 1975 - 4 July 1984
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of material relating to Fr Michael Moloney SJ. Includes death certificate, announcement of death;, and correspondence between Fr Moloney and Fr Vincent Murphy SJ, Jesuit Missions, 20 Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin.

Mission material relating to Fr Maurice Dowling SJ

  • IE IJA J/729/1
  • File
  • 1948; 13 May 1957 - 29 August 1965
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Mission material relating to Fr Maurice Dowling SJ. Includes announcement of death; personal record; mortuary card, and correspondence between Fr Dowling and Fr Thomas Martin SJ, Jesuit Missions, 20 Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin.

Mission material relating to Fr Liam Egan SJ

  • IE IJA J/656/4
  • File
  • 21 March 1950 - 7 December 1994
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of mission material relating to Fr Liam Egan SJ. Includes announcement of death; funeral mass pamphlet; and correspondence between Fr Egan and Frs Thomas J. Martin, Vincent Murphy, Thomas O'Brien and Francis Keenan, Mission Office, Dublin.

Mission material relating to Fr Kevin O'Dwyer SJ

  • IE IJA J/329/4
  • File
  • 17 April 1947 - April 1987
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of mission material relating to Fr Kevin O'Dwyer SJ. Includes passport, passport photographs, photographs, personal record, announcement of deate, memorial card, obituary, newspapers articles, and correspondence between Fr O'Dwyer and Frs Thomas J. Martin and Vincent Murphy, Mission Office, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin, Ireland.

Mission material relating to Fr Joseph McSweeney SJ

  • IE IJA J/297/6
  • File
  • 19 August 1950 - 25 February 1982
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of mission material relating to Fr Joseph McSweeney SJ. Includes announcement of death, personal record and correspondence between Fr McSweeney and Fr Thomas Martin SJ, Jesuit Missions, 20 Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin.

Mission material relating to Fr Joseph McCarthy SJ

  • IE IJA J/277/2
  • File
  • 20 June 1950 - 7 March 1986
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of mission material relating to Fr Joseph McCarthy SJ. Includes passport, passport photographs, personal details, obituary, next of kin details, account of Fr McCarthy’s death (13 January 1986), Curriculum Vitae, and correspondence between Fr McCarthy and Frs Thomas Martin and Vincent Murphy, Jesuit Missions, 20 Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin.

Mission material relating to Fr Joseph B Conway SJ

  • IE IJA J/100/2
  • File
  • 6 March 1961 - 24 June 1981
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of mission material relating to Fr Joseph Conway SJ. Includes passport, photograph, announcement of death, obituary, personal record and correspondence between Fr Conway and Frs Thomas Martin and Vincent Murphy, Irish Jesuit Mission Office, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin.

Mission material relating to Fr John Moran SJ

  • IE IJA J/677/4
  • File
  • 21 March 1947 - 2 May 1991
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of mission material relating to Fr John Moran SJ. Includes passports; passport photographs of Fr Moran; announcement of death; obituary; personal record; and mainly correspondence between Fr Moran and Frs. Vincent Murphy and Thomas J. Martin, Mission Office, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin.

Mission material relating to Fr John Foley SJ

  • IE IJA J/663/4
  • File
  • 15 September 1950 - 1991
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of mission material relating to Fr John Foley SJ. Includes announcement of death; personal record; obituary; sermons, articles and correspondence between Fr Foley and Frs. Thomas O'Brien, Vincent Murphy and Thomas J. Martin, Mission Office, Dublin.

Mission material relating to Fr Henry O'Brien SJ

  • IE IJA J/312/2
  • File
  • 18 November 1949 - Mar 1966
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of material relating to Fr Henry O'Brien SJ, Includes passport, personal record and correspondence between Fr Henry O'Brien SJ and Fr Thomas J. Martin SJ, Mission Office, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin, Ireland.

Mission material relating to Fr Gerald Lawlor SJ

  • IE IJA J/696/4
  • Item
  • 17 September 1969 - 20 August 1971
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of mission material relating to Fr Gerald Lawlor SJ. Includes correspondence between Fr Lawlor and Fr Thomas Martin SJ, Mission Office, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin.

Mission material relating to Fr Geoffrey Murphy SJ

  • IE IJA J/264/3
  • File
  • 20 July 1956 - 16 October 1985
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of mission material relating to Fr Geoffrey Murphy SJ. Includes announcement of death. death certificate, personal record; passport photographs; and correspondence between Fr Geoffrey Murphy SJ and Frs Thomas J. Martin and Vincent Murphy, Mission Office, Dublin.

Mission material relating to Fr Fergus Cronin SJ

  • IE IJA J/651/4
  • File
  • 13 June 1950 - December 1990
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of mission material relating to Fr Fergus Cronin SJ. Includes passport photograph and photograph on 75th birthday; announcement of death; homily; personal record; and correspondence between Fr Cronin and Frs Thomas J. Martin, Vincent Murphy and Thomas O'Brien, Mission Office, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin.

Mission material relating to Fr Edward O'Connor SJ

  • IE IJA J/689/4
  • File
  • 1932; 1935; 24 April 1960 - 15 September 1993
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of mission material relating to Fr Eddie O'Connor SJ. Includes photographs; personal record; announcement of death; articles produced by Fr O'Connor giving local news in Zambia - ‘Monze calling’, ‘Chivuna calling’, ‘This is Chivuna’, ‘This is Choma’, ‘Nawala calling’, correspondence between Fr O'Connor and Frs. Thomas Martin, Thomas O'Brien and Vincent Murphy, Irish Jesuit Mission Office, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin.

Mission material relating to Fr Edmund Sullivan SJ

  • IE IJA J/694/4
  • File
  • 5 January 1948 - 1956; 1960 - 8 December 1967
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of mission material relating to Fr Edmund Sullivan SJ. Includes passport; passport photographs; personal record; obituary; accounts of the trial of Canadian Sisters in Canton (2 December 1951); the Communists in Canton (1949); Fr Sullivan’s experiences 1942 - 1945 ; and correspondence between Fr Edmund Sullivan and Fr. Thomas J. Martin, Mission Office, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin.

Mission material relating to Fr Dermot J Murphy SJ

  • IE IJA J/262/2
  • File
  • 9 September 1950 - 8 June 1978
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of mission material relating to Fr Dermot Murphy SJ. Includes photographs, personal record and correspondence between Fr Murphy and Frs Thomas Martin and Vincent Murphy, Jesuit Missions, 20 Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin.

Mission material relating to Fr Derek Reid SJ

  • IE IJA J/693/4
  • File
  • 26 July 1955 - 12 August 1960; 1992
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of mission material relating to Fr Derek Reid SJ. Includes announcement of death and newspaper articles; obituaries; personal record; and correspondence between Fr Reid and Fr Thomas J. Martin SJ, Mission Office, Dublin.

Mission material relating to Fr Denis Carroll SJ

  • IE IJA J/644/3
  • File
  • 4 September 1952 - 7 November 1992
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of mission material relating to Fr Denis Carroll SJ. Includes passports; announcement of death; personal record; obituary; faculties and correspondence between Fr Carroll and Frs Thomas Martin, Vincent Murphy and Thomas O'Brien, Jesuit Missions, 20 Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin.

Mission material relating to Fr Daniel Byrne SJ

Mission material relating to Fr Daniel Byrne SJ. Includes passport photographs; announcement of death; mortuary cards; personal record; obituaries; newspaper articles and correspondence between Fr Byrne and Fr Thomas Martin SJ, Irish Jesuit Mission Office, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin and other Irish Jesuits.

Mission material relating to Fr Cyril J Barrett SJ

  • IE IJA J/641/4
  • File
  • 31 July 1957 - 11 April 1975; 1989
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of material relating to Fr Cyril J Barrett SJ. Includes passport photograph of Fr Barrett, announcement of his death and obituaries, and correspondence between Fr Barrett and Frs Thomas J. Martin and Vincent Murphy, Mission Office, Upper Gardiner Street Dublin (31 July 1957 - 11 April 1975).

Mission material relating to Fr Charles Daly SJ

  • IE IJA J/652/4
  • File
  • 2 July 1951 - 5 October 1959; August 1991
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of mission material relating to Fr Charles Daly SJ. Includes announcement of his death, appreciations; personal record; scriptural texts annotated by Fr Daly; and correspondence between Fr Daly and Fr Thomas J. Martin, Mission Office, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin.

Mission material relating to Fr Brian MacMahon SJ

  • IE IJA J/293/2
  • File
  • 25 August 1950 - 1960
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of mission material relating to Fr Brian MacMahon SJ. Includes passport, photographs, obituary, personal record and correspondence between Fr MacMahon and Fr Thomas Martin SJ, Jesuit Missions, 20 Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin.

Mission material relating to Fr Brian Kelly SJ

  • IE IJA J/669/3
  • File
  • 1 April 1955 - 15 February 1974
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of mission material relating to Fr Brian Kelly SJ. Includes personal record; and correspondence between Fr Kelly and Fr Thomas J. Martin, Mission Office, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin, Ireland and Fr Tim Mulcahy, SJ, Dublin, Ireland.

Mission material relating to Fr Alan Birmingham SJ

  • IE IJA J/642/5
  • File
  • 1945 - 28 October 1991
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of material relating to Fr Alan Birmingham SJ. Includes photograph, announcement of his death and obituaries, letter from Rosie Birmingham, 16 Roebuck Road, Clonskeagh, Dublin to Fr O'Brien, upon Fr Birmingham's death and letters from Fr Thomas J. Martin SJ, Mission Office, Upper Gardiner Street Dublin to Fr Birmingham.

Mission material relating to Br Patrick Sherry SJ

  • IE IJA J/402/2
  • File
  • 18 August 1954 - 9 May 1985
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Mission material relating to Br Patrick Sherry SJ. Includes passport photographs, passports, personal record, announcement of death, and correspondence between Br Sherry and Frs Thomas J. Martin and Vincent Murphy, Mission Office, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin, Ireland.

Mission material relating to Br George Feeney SJ

  • IE IJA J/657/2
  • File
  • 1960 - 9 February 1989
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of mission material relating to Br George Feeney SJ. Includes passport photographs, personal record and correspondence between Br Feeney and Frs Thomas Martin, Vincent Murphy and Tom O'Brien, Mission Office, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin.

Mission material relating to Robert Thompson SJ

  • IE IJA J/545/2
  • File
  • 2 December 1952 - 30 April 1959
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of mission material relating to Robert Thompson SJ. Includes photograph, list of photographic transparencies introducing Chikuni; personal record; correspondence related to donation of a bell (Patrick Reilly, Multyfarnham, County Westmeath) between Fr Thompson and Fr Thomas Martin SJ, Irish Jesuit Mission Office, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin and Fr John Coyne SJ, St Francis Xavier's, Gardiner Street, Dublin.

Mission bulletin entitled ‘Irish Jesuits in China’

Mission bulletin No.2 entitled ‘Irish Jesuits in China’, which mentions the work and demand for the services of Fr Gallagher. Gives brief background information on Fr Gallagher.

Irish Jesuit Missions, Dublin, [1945]-

Miscellaneous letters and notes to the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ

Miscellaneous letters and notes to the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ. Includes rough notes of wages and expenditure of various Jesuit chaplains (n.d., 3pp), and replies from the Senior Chaplain, Australian Imperial Force on transport to Australia for acting chaplain. Includes a note from Fr William Feran SJ, that he has commissioned him (Fr Henry Gill SJ) to discover and exterminate the influenza microbe' (18 December 1918).

Feran, William D, 1869-1942, Jesuit priest

Miscellaneous items belonging to Fr Michael Morrison SJ

Miscellaneous items belonging to Fr Michael Morrison SJ. Includes:

  • photograph (8½cm x 13½cm) of Fr Michael Morrison SJ, (1945-1955);
  • group photograph (8½cm x 6cm) of Jesuits including: back, l-r, Michael O'Grady, [Frank Finegan], Michael Morrison, J. Kelly, Maurice Dowling, Conal Murphy, Sydney Lennon. Front, l-r: Perrott, John McAvoy and Michael O'Meara;
  • pouch containing various documents belonging to Fr Michael Morrison SJ such as: British Forces Identification Card (with photograph); Chaplains’ Identification Cards; Officer’s Ration Card; War Department Driving Permit; British Red Cross Identity Certificate; travel permit, ‘Authorisation for Travel To and From Eire by Personnel During Release Leave’; Services Clothing Coupon Sheet; details of his eyesight from Davidson & Regenstreif ‘Ophthalmic Opticians’ in Cairo and ‘Most Secret’ list of ‘Unit Vehicle Numbers’ of the First Armoured Division (194[1]-194[6], 12 items);
  • leather cover (9cm x 14½cm) for the identity card of Fr Michael Morrison SJ;
  • ‘Field Service Pocket Book. Part I – Pamphlet No. 13. Discipline, Office Work, Pay, and Burial Parties’ (June 1943, 25pp);
  • booklet entitled ‘Infantry Training. Part I – The Infantry Battalion' (1943, 54pp);
  • booklet entitled ‘Memorandum for Catholic Army Chaplains and Officiating Chaplains to the Forces’. With annotations by Fr Morrison (1941, 59pp);
  • signed photograph (10cm x 7cm) of five girls/woman, dated ‘Belsen 24-8-45’ [24 August 1945], [Eva Nuosnovicz], Geūia Freūkiel, with my friendship [Feuier], Best regards from Cecilia, Best wishes [ ]';
  • typescript account of the ‘Chaplains’ Work in Belsen’ by Fr Michael Morrison SJ (1947, 3pp);
  • illustrated booklet ‘The Story of Belsen’ written by Captain Andrew Pares, Adjutant of the 113 L.A.A. Regiment, R.A. (D.L.I.) T.A.. (Cover is detached) (n.d., 12pp);
  • medals belonging Fr Michael Morrison SJ. Includes ‘The 1939-1945 Star’; ‘The France and Germany Star’; ‘The Africa Star’; ‘The Defence Medal’ and a medal for serving from ‘1939-1945’. Includes original box in which the medals were sent to Fr Morrison in Australia in March 1950 by the War Office (6 items, 1950) and
  • file relating to the exhibition in Belvedere College of two cases of material from the Fr Michael Morrison SJ collection as part of a commemoration ceremony to mark the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Belsen concentration camp. Includes a copy of the labels used for the exhibition, a programme of events for the commemoration ceremony and copies of photographic slides taken from the Imperial War Museum of Belsen concentration camp (April 2005, 5 items).

Morrison, Michael, 1908-1973, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Memoriale of Irish Vice Provincial Fr Patrick Bracken SJ, following Visitation at Clongowes Wood College SJ

Memoriale of Irish Vice Provincial Fr Patrick Bracken SJ, following Visitation at Clongowes Wood College SJ. Encourages the community to a stricter observance of conduct and rules for Jesuits living and working in community. Fr Bracken was Vice Provincial 1836-1841.

Bracken, Patrick, 1795-1867, Jesuit priest

Memorandum of agreements between Fr Robert Nash SJ and publishers

Memorandum of agreements between Fr Robert Nash SJ and Brown & Nolan Limited, 41 42 Nassau street, Dublin, The Newman Press, Westminster, Maryland, U.S.A, M.H Gill & Son, 50 Upper O’ Connell Street, Dublin and Benziger Brothers, 6 - 8 Barclay street, New York 8, N.Y, U.S.A

  • 2 March 1946, ‘Send forth thy light’;
  • 23 July 1946, ‘Marriage, before and after’;
  • 17 February 1947, ‘Send forth thy light – Part II’ (Thy light and thy truth);
  • 15 October 1948, ‘The Riddle of Life’ afterwards called ‘Is life worthwhile’;
  • 29 January 1949, ‘The Priest at his Prie - Dieu’;
  • 14 November 1949 ‘The Nun at her Prie - Dieu’
  • 9 August 1955, ‘Standing on holy ground’;
  • 5 March 1959, ‘Ideals to live by’.

Includes issues such as delivery date, royalty payments and conditions of sale and resale.

Memoranda detailing the terms of agreement between Irish Fr Provincial and the Rector of Clongowes Wood College on the financial liability of Clongowes Wood College SJ

Memoranda detailing the terms of agreement between Irish Fr Provincial Timothy Kenny SJ and the Fr John Conmee SJ, Rector, Clongowes Wood College on the financial liability of Clongowes Wood College SJ to the Irish Province. Refers to the additional financial liability accruing from St Stanislaus College SJ, Tullabeg, following it's amalgamation with Clongowes, and the Province taking ownership of St Stanislaus College following it's closure as a College (Tullabeg became a noviceship) and amalgamation with Clongowes Wood College.

Kenny, Timothy J, 1843-1917, Jesuit priest

Memoranda and notes, lists relating to chaplains in the Second World War

Memoranda and notes relating to chaplains and lists of those serving as chaplains. Includes:
– Memorandum on 'Emergency Arrangement for Irish Army Chaplains', Clongowes Wood College, 1939;
– Draft of letter sent by Irish Fr Provincial to Frs Thomas O'Donnell, James Bates, [James] Stephenson and Leo Donnelly; inquiring if they would be willing to ‘work for God as a military chaplain’ (n.d., 1p.);
– Note listing names of first two ‘batches’ of chaplains and the dates of their departures from Dublin (n.d., 1p.)
– Lists of ‘Volunteers for post of Army Chaplain’ (17 February 1942, 2pp, n.d., 1p.).

Medal of the Order of the Crown, class Officier, conferred by the King of Belgium to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ

Medal of the Order of the Crown (Ordre de la Couronne), class Officier, conferred by the King of Belgium to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ. Includes official document concerning the decoration (6 May 1919) and letter from the Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs (22 May 1919). The medal in case, with name of Fernanrd Heremans, Schaerbeek, is a five-armed white enamel and silver-gilt Maltese cross with silver-gilt graduated rays between the arms, on green enamel oval laurel wreath suspension; the face with a gilt-edged circular central blue enamel medallion bearing the gilt crown of Belgium; the reverse with a gilt-edged circular central blue enamel medallion bearing the cipher of King Leopold II, founder of the Order. Material hand in by Margaret Doyle, Archivist, Clongowes Wood College, 9 January 2017. Medal given by King of Belgium in recognition for the work of Irish Jesuits in helping Belgian refugees in Ireland during the First World War.

Mechanical Services for St Francis Xavier's Hall

Specifications for the Mechanical Services for St Francis Xavier's Hall, Sherrard Street by Architect, Messrs. Jones and Kelly and Consulting Engineer, L.C.G. Leonard, 12 Clare Street. Includes a letter from L.C.G. Leonard, Dublin to Fr Troddyn, Upper Gardiner Street concerning tenders for mechanical services and an analysis of the estimates submitted.

Jones and Kelly, architects

Material relating to the proposed appointment of Fr Arthur Little SJ to the Chair of Philosophy at the Royal University of Malta

  • IE IJA J/32/7
  • File
  • 10 July - 27 October 1948
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

A file relating to the appointment of Fr Arthur Little SJ to the Chair of Philosophy at the Royal University of Malta. Includes a letter from Fr Joseph Delia SJ, St. Aloysius College, B’Raia, Malta to Irish Fr Provincial informing him that at the last minute ‘...the Rev. gentleman, who was to leave the Chair of Philosophy, changed his mind and is now determined to continue to lecture at the University.’ Expresses his regret at the situation ‘Your Reverence cannot imagine how frightfully disappointed His Grace and myself feel about this whole business, as we both realize what a disgraceful figure we are both cutting before his Paternity, Your Reverence and Father Little. (21 October 1948, 3pp).

Material relating to the Pioneer Total Abstinence Association of the Sacred Heart with correspondence from the Irish Fr Provincial

Documents relating to the Pioneer Total Abstinence Association of the Sacred Heart founded by Fr James Cullen SJ. Includes: correspondence between the Irish Fr Provincial, the office of the Archbishop of Dublin, Dr John Charles McQuaid and Fr Seán McCarron SJ of the P.T.A.A.; memoranda concerning minutes of meetings, annual reports and statistics. Also includes edited text on Fr James Cullen SJ and documents relating to indulgences for Pioneers.

Material relating to the Jesuits in Dublin

Material relating to the Jesuits in Dublin. Includes:

  • notes by Fr John MacErlean SJ, on Dublin Jesuits and their activities from 1592 to 1800 [1910]-[1950] (180pp);
  • typescript extract from the 1766 South Dublin Religious Census (5pp);
  • photocopies of newspaper articles on Jesuits in Dublin (18[ ], 1961, 1962, 3pp);
  • copy of John Speed’s plan of Dublin, 1610, showing Back Lane (Jesuit residence in the 1620s) (1p.);
  • book, 'The Jesuits in Dublin, or Brief Biographical Sketches of those Deceased Members of the Society of Jesus, who were Born or who Laboured in the Irish Metropolis; with an Account of the Parish of St Michan, their Ancient Residence' by William J Battersby (John Fowler, 3 Crow Street, Dame Street, Dublin, 1854) (124pp);
  • pamphlet 'The Parish of St Michan' by Very Rev. Myles Ronan, (Dollard, Printinghouse Ltd., Dublin, 19[48]). Presented to Fr Charles Scantlebury SJ by the author. (c.30pp);
  • booklet 'The History of the Roman Catholic Church and Parish of St Michan, Dublin' (Office of ‘The Irish Builder’, Dublin, 1892). Includes references to Jesuits, p.19 - 23 and p.27 - 29 (34pp);
  • reprint from 'Archivium Hibernicum', Vol. XXIV, 1970, entitled 'Letters from a Jesuit in Dublin on the Confraternity of the Holy Name, 1747 - 1748 (Documents from the archives of the Irish College, Rome)', edited by Hugh Fenning, O.P., p.133 - 154 (22pp);
  • extract from 'Reportorium Novum' entitled 'The Jesuits in Dublin (1660 - 1760)' by Fr Francis Finegan SJ, p.43 – 100 (58pp);
  • extracts from 'Interfuse', No. 18, Christmas 1981 and No. 19, February 1982, entitled 'Old Dublin S.J.' and 'Jesuit Dublin' by Eddie O'Donnell, on the various Old Society Jesuit residences in Dublin (2 items, both 11pp) and
  • pamphlet 'Roman Catholic Chapels in Dublin AD 1749' with an introduction by Most Rev. N. Donnelly, Bishop of Canea, (Catholic Truth Society of Ireland, Dublin, 1907) (40pp).

Material relating to the Jesuit presence in Galway in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries

Material relating to the Jesuit presence in Galway in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Includes:

  • letter from Fr James Rabbitte SJ to Fr John MacErlean SJ, concerning Galway records and Jesuit chalices (1 December 1935, 2pp);
  • notes by Fr John MacErlean SJ on the chalice of the Galway Jesuits (n.d., 1p.) and drafts of a typescript article by [Fr Francis Finegan SJ] on the Centenary of St Ignatius’ Galway, recalling the history of the Jesuits in the city in the seventeenth century (1963, 8pp and 9pp);
  • copybook by Fr John MacErlean SJ on the Jesuits in Galway using James Hardiman's version of 1651 map, and his history of Galway [1905], (71pp). Includes letter from Fr John MacErlean SJ, University College, St Stephen's Green, Dublin to Fr William Byrne SJ, St Ignatius, Galway on townlands (19 September 1905).

Material relating to the Jesuit presence in Cork in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries

Material relating to the Jesuit presence in Cork in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Includes:

  • notes by Fr John MacErlean SJ (n.d., 73pp);
  • letters from T.J. Walsh, C.C., South Presbytery, George’s Quay, Cork to Fr MacErlean on the Jesuits in Cork in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries (the second with annotations by Fr MacErlean) (3, 11 February 1948, 2pp);
  • transcripts of extracts from various sources concerning the seventeenth century Cork Jesuits, made by Fr MacErlean (n.d., 4pp);
  • typescript by unknown Jesuit entitled The Jesuits in Cork, (n.d., 2pp);
  • historical notes and lists of Jesuits in Cork made by [Fr P. O’Kelly SJ?] (n.d., 7pp) and
  • ‘Sermon on the Sacred Heart, attributed to Fr Nicholas Barron (1719-1784) preached to the Presentation Sisters, Cork. Original with the Sisters in Cork’. Typescript transcript (11pp) and photocopy of the handwritten text, with signature of Fr Barron (14pp).

MacErlean, John Campbell, 1870-1950, Jesuit priest, historian and archivist

Material relating to the Irish Jesuit priests working in Hong Kong during the Second World War and the Japanese occupation of the city

A file relating to the fate of the Irish Jesuit priests working in Hong Kong during the Second World War and the Japanese occupation of the city. Includes returned letters to Irish Fr Provincial marked 'No Service Return to Sender'. Includes letters from family members asking for news or reporting to Irish Fr Provincial on letters received by them. Includes letters from other individuals seeking news about non Jesuit family members. Includes a copy of a request by Irish Fr Provincial John R. MacMahon SJ to Joseph P. Walshe, Department of External Affairs seeking help in assisting four Jesuit students to return home to Ireland (23 March 1943, 1p). Includes a reply stating that a proposed scheme to exchange civilian internees applies only to British or Allied subjects (12 May 1943, 1p). Includes a memorandum written by Fr Joy on Irish nationals in Hong Kong. The memorandum was sent by Irish Fr Provincial to the Irish Red Cross (24 October 1942, 2pp). Includes letters concerning Irish Jesuits who left Hong Kong to live and work in India during the war and subsequent return to Hong Kong when the war was over. Includes 'A Priest in a Japanese Jail' by Fr Gerard Casey SJ (1948)

Material relating to the Irish Jesuit Mission Office (The Ricci Mission Unit) based in Ireland

A file relating to the Irish Jesuit Mission Office (The Ricci Mission Unit) based in Ireland. The file contains financial information (accounts, donations and burses) relating to the Hong Kong mission, letters by Fr Thomas Martin SJ, relating to the administration of the Hong Kong mission and personnel/volunteers for the mission.

Ricci Mission Unit, Tullamore, County Offaly, 1928-

Material relating to the development of property at Rathfarnham Castle

File containing material relating to the development of property at Rathfarnham Castle. Includes correspondence concerning the widening of the road running through the property, as envisaged by Dublin Corporation as part of its general town plan, and initial correspondence relating to the development and planning permission for the land itself. Contains letters by Donal Ó Buachalla, auctioneer, Thomas Bacon of J.G. O'Connor and Company Solicitors, E.J. Bourke, Dublin City Engineer, Frs Fergal McGrath and Patrick Doyle, Rectors, Rathfarnham Castle, and Irish Fr Provincial Cecil McGarry SJ.

Material relating to the 'Bruton Controversy/Debt'

A file relating to the 'Bruton Controversy/Debt'. In February 1884, Dr Bruton, a Dublin merchant transferred, to the Apostolic School, Mungret, a debt of £869.2.6 owed to him by Clongowes. According to Bruton's document of transfer, Clongowes was to pay the debt within a reasonable time, and, pending the payment of the principal sum was to pay, in addition, 3% yearly interest to the Apostolic School. Clongowes refused to pay the principal sum or the interest Includes a letter from Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ, St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin to Rector, Fr James Corboy SJ, Mungret College remarking that he has instructed Fr Nicholas J Tomkin SJ, Rector of Clongowes to pay £332.15.4 to Mungret. Remarks that Fr General decided that Clongowes should pay half the interest due on the debt and '…put an end finally to all disputes about the debt.' (25 June 1917, 2pp).

Material relating to teaching through Irish at St Ignatius College, Galway

A file relating to teaching through Irish. Includes a letter from Fr John Egan SJ, to editor of 'An Claidheamh Soluis', promoting the teaching of Irish [1912], naming the Irish teachers at St Ignatius College and that the 'Claidheamh' is mad throughout the school. Includes a detailed letter from Fr Francis McSwiggan SJ, St Ignatius College, Galway to Irish Fr Provincial Laurence Kieran, SJ explaining why he thinks Irish is not suitable as a medium for teaching other subjects ([ ] May 1940, 4pp),

Material relating to Mr William Tucker SJ, his poor health and his unsuitability for the Society

A file relating to a scholastic, William Tucker SJ, his poor health and his unsuitability for the Society. Includes a letter from Fr John Ryan SJ, St Ignatius, Richmond, Melbourne to Fr Charles Farley SJ concerning Mr Tucker's expenses at the sanatorium. (18 November 1918, 1p).

Tucker, William John, 1888-, former Jesuit scholastic

Results 201 to 300 of 2640