- Item
- 1610
Part of Irish Jesuit Mission books of the Pre-Suppression period
A Dominica prima Aduentus, & deinceps per totam quadragesimam, in singulas ferias vsque ad Pascha. Pars Hyemalis
Avila, Alfonso
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Part of Irish Jesuit Mission books of the Pre-Suppression period
A Dominica prima Aduentus, & deinceps per totam quadragesimam, in singulas ferias vsque ad Pascha. Pars Hyemalis
Avila, Alfonso
A reply to Mr. James Ussher his answere. Wherein it is discovered how Answerlesse the said Mr. Ussher returneth. The uniforme consent also of Antiquity is declared to stande for the Roman Religion: And the Answerer is convinced of vanity in challenging the Patronage of the Doctors of the Primative Church for his Protestancy
Malone, William, 1586-1656, Jesuit priest
A sermon preached at Christ-Chvrch in Dublin before the Lord Lieutenant & Council, the fifth day of July 1674 : with a declaration made in St. John's Church in Cashel before the archbishop of the province : and a preface shewing the reasons for deserting the communion of the Roman Church, and embracing that of the Church of England
Sall, Andrew Fitzjohn, 1624-1682, scholar and former Jesuit priest
A treatise of the nature of Catholick faith, and heresie : with reflexion upon the nullitie of the English Protestant church and clergy
Talbot, Peter, c.1618-1680, Roman Catholic archbishop of Dublin and former Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuit Mission books of the Pre-Suppression period
Adversus omnes haereses
de Castro, Alfonso, 1495-1558, Franciscan theologian and jurist
An answer to a challenge made by a Jesuite in Ireland. Wherein the judgement of Antiquity in the points questioned is truly delivered, and the Noveltie of the now Romish doctrine plainely discovered. Whereunto is added a sermon Preached before His Majesty at Wansted, by the same Author
Ussher, James, 1581-1656, Church of Ireland Archbishop of Armagh and scholar
An answer to a challenge Made by a Jesuite in Ireland. Wherein, The Judgment of Antiquity in the points questioned is truly delivered, and the Novelty of the now Romish Doctrine plainly discovered. To which is added A Discourse of the Religion anciently professed by the Irish and British. The Fourth Edition Corrected and Augmented from a Copy left under the Authors own hand
Ussher, James, 1581-1656, Church of Ireland Archbishop of Armagh and scholar
An answer to a challenge Made by a Jesuite in Ireland. Wherein, The Judgment of Antiquity in the points questioned is truly delivered, and the Novelty of the now Romish Doctrine plainly discovered. To which is added A Discourse of the Religion anciently professed by the Irish and British. The Fourth Edition Corrected and Augmented from a Copy left under the Authors own hand
Ussher, James, 1581-1656, Church of Ireland Archbishop of Armagh and scholar
Anteloquia in Salomonis Canticorum Canticum, ethica pariter et historica
Anteloquia in Salomonis Canticorum Canticum, ethica pariter et historica
Sherlock, Paul, 1595-1646, Jesuit priest
Aphthonii progymnasmata á Rodolpho Agricola partim, partim á Iohannae M. Cataneo Latinitate donata
Part of Irish Jesuit Mission books of the Pre-Suppression period
Aphthonii progymnasmata á Rodolpho Agricola partim, partim á Iohannae M. Cataneo Latinitate donata
Publisher: Amsterdami: Apud Johannen Janssonium
Agricola, Rodolphus, 1443-1485, humanist
Aristotelis Stagiritae perpateticorum principis organum
Part of Irish Jesuit Mission books of the Pre-Suppression period
Aristotelis Stagiritae perpateticorum principis organum: hoc est, Libri omnes ad logicam pertinentes, Graece, et Latinae. Francofurti, apud heredes Andreae Wechelie
Ars metrica: id est, ars condendorum eleganter versuum
Part of Irish Jesuit Mission books of the Pre-Suppression period
Ars metrica, id est ara condendorum eleganter versum, ab uno e Societate Jesu. Editio novissima, alteris prioribus auctior, multoque emendatior.
Metis, apud Josephum Collignon, Civitatis et Collegii typographum, sub signo Biblioum Aureorum.
de Cellières, Laurent, 1630-1721, Jesuit priest
Britannomachia ministrorum,in plerisque et fidei fundamentis,et fidei articulis dissidentium
Britannomachia ministrorum,in plerisque et fidei fundamentis,et fidei articulis dissidentium
FitzSimon, Henry, 1566-1643, Jesuit priest
Catholic University of Ireland. Report of the Committee, and List of Subscriptions
Catholic University of Ireland. Report of the Committee, and List of Subscriptions
Chronicorum opus, in tres partes diuisum
Part of Irish Jesuit Mission books of the Pre-Suppression period
Chronica. Ptd. (Chronicorum opus:-Chronicon pantibus tribus distircla ab. Initio mundi ad MCCCLIX).
Antoninus of Florence, 1389-1459, Saint and Dominican friar
Clypeus septemplex. Authore I.S. [i.e. John Sergeant.] [Consisting of "Declaratio Joannis Sergeantii circa doctrinam in libris suis contentam", "Appendix seu querimonia Joannis Serjeantii adversus M. Lominum", etc.]
Publisher: typis Mariæ Serrurier sub signo Salamandræ Anno 1677
Sergeant, John, 1621-1707, Roman Catholic priest, controversialist and theologian
Collection of pamphlets of Jesuit interest in the 16th century
Commentaria allegorica et moralia de Christo figurato in Veteri Testamento
Part of Irish Jesuit Mission books of the Pre-Suppression period
Commentaria allegorica et moralia de Christo figurato in Veteri Testamento. Lutetiae Parisiorum
Baeza, Diego De, 1582-1647, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuit Mission books of the Pre-Suppression period
Commentaria allegorica moralia de Christo Abrahamo, et Iosue figurato in Veteri Testamento, tomus tertius
Baeza, Diego De, 1582-1647, Jesuit priest
Commentaria allegorica moralia de Christo figurato in Veteri Testamento, tomus secundus
Part of Irish Jesuit Mission books of the Pre-Suppression period
Commentaria allegorica moralia de Christo figurato in Veteri Testamento, tomus secundus. Lugduni, sumptibus Jacobi Prost.
Baeza, Diego De, 1582-1647, Jesuit priest
Commentaria in Psalmos Davidicos
Part of Irish Jesuit Mission books of the Pre-Suppression period
Commentaria in Psalmos Davidicos, prisci cuiusdam auctoris incogniti, In duos divisa tomos. Lugduni, apud Corolum Pesnot, 1582
Commentaria moralia in evangelicam historiam. Tomus primus…
Part of Irish Jesuit Mission books of the Pre-Suppression period
Commentaria moralia in evangelicam historiam. Tomus primus…
Baeza, Diego De, 1582-1647, Jesuit priest
Commentaria moralia in Evangelicam historicam. Tomus quartus
Part of Irish Jesuit Mission books of the Pre-Suppression period
Commentaria moralia in Evangelicam historicam. Tomus quartus. Vallisoleti: Excudebat Ionnaes Baptista Varesius
Baeza, Diego De, 1582-1647, Jesuit priest
Commentaria moralia in Evangelicam historicam. Tomus secundus
Part of Irish Jesuit Mission books of the Pre-Suppression period
Commentaria moralia in Evangelicam historicam. Tomus secundus
Baeza, Diego De, 1582-1647, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuit Mission books of the Pre-Suppression period
Commentary on Old Testament (probably early 16th century) No title page
Considerationes de frequentanda Communione, aliaque documents etpracepta
Part of Irish Jesuit Mission books of the Pre-Suppression period
Considerationes de frequentanda Communione, aliaque documents etpracepta…Omnia recens ex Italico idiomate in Latinum conversa Moguntiae.
Milan: Apud Ioannem Albinum
Androzzi, Fulvio, 1523-1575, Jesuit priest
Consolation de la Philosophie / traduite du latin de Boèce en françois, par le P.R. de Ceriziers
Part of Irish Jesuit Mission books of the Pre-Suppression period
Consolation de la Philosophie / traduite du latin de Boèce en françois, par le P.R. de Ceriziers SJ A Paris, chez Nathurin Henault, 1639.
de Ceriziers, René, 1609-1662, Jesuit priest
Cronologia y reportorio de la razon de los tiempos : el mas copioso que hasta oy se a visto
Part of Irish Jesuit Mission books of the Pre-Suppression period
Cronologia y reportorio de la razon de los tiempos : el mas copioso que hasta oy se a visto En la imprenta de Andrea Pescioni y Iuan de Leon, En Sevilla, 1585
Zamorano, Rodrigo, 1542-1620, cosmographer
D. Aurelii Augustini Hiponensis Episcopi Enarrationes
Part of Irish Jesuit Mission books of the Pre-Suppression period
D. Aurelii Augustini Hiponensis Episcopi Enarrationes in Psalmos mysticos : tomi octaui, pars prima
D. Avrelii Avgvstini Hipponensis Episcopi Enarrationes In Ioannis Euangelium
Part of Irish Jesuit Mission books of the Pre-Suppression period
D. Avrelii Avgvstini Hipponensis Episcopi Enarrationes In Ioannis Euangelium, Epistolam, & Apocalypsim.
De eloquentia sacra et humana libri XVI
Part of Irish Jesuit Mission books of the Pre-Suppression period
De eloquentia sacra et humana libri XVI
Caussin, Nicolas, 1583-1651, Jesuit priest
De septem verbis a Christo in cruce prolatis libri duo
Part of Irish Jesuit Mission books of the Pre-Suppression period
De septem verbis a Christo in Cruce prolatis libri duo.
Coloniae Agrippianae. 1st published, Rome, 1618.
Bellarmine, Saint Robert, 1542-1621, Jesuit priest
De symbolica Aegyptiorum sapientia in qua symbola, parabolae, historiae selectae
Part of Irish Jesuit Mission books of the Pre-Suppression period
De symbolica Aegyptiorum sapientia in qua symbola, parabolae, historiae selectae
Caussin, Nicolas, 1583-1651, Jesuit priest
Declaracion copiosa de la doctrina Christiana
Part of Irish Jesuit Mission books of the Pre-Suppression period
Declaracion copiosa de la doctrina Christiana. Para instruir los idotas, y ninos enlas cosas de nuestra Santa Fe Catholica. Con licencia en Madrid, por Gregorio Rodriguez.
Bellarmine, Saint Robert, 1542-1621, Jesuit priest
Disputatio Apologetica, de Iure Regni Hiberniae pro Catolicis Hibernis Adversus Hereticos Anglos
Disputatio Apologetica, de Iure Regni Hiberniae pro Catolicis Hibernis Adversus Hereticos Anglos. With insert note explaining background to re-printing (Mullen).
O'Mahony, Conor, 1594-1656, Jesuit priest
Erastus Senior. Scholastically Demonstrating this Conclusion, that (admitting their Lambeth Records for true) those called Bishops here in England, are no Bishops, either in Order, or Jurisdiction, or so much as legal. [...] With an Appendix, containing Extracts out of ancient Rituals, Greek and Latine, for the Form of Ordaining Bishops: And Copies of the Acts of Parliament, quoted in the third Part
Talbot, Peter, c.1618-1680, Roman Catholic archbishop of Dublin and former Jesuit priest
Gritos del Purgatorio, y medios para acallarlos
Part of Irish Jesuit Mission books of the Pre-Suppression period
Gritos del Purgatorio, y medios para acallarlos. Libro primero, y secundo. Compusto por el Doctor Joseph Boneta,…En Sevilla, por Locus Martin de Hermosilla, 1718
Barnabæ Kearnæi Casselensis Hyberni e Societate Iesu Sacerdotis, Heliotropium, sive Conciones tam de festis, quam de Dominicis, quæ in solari totius anni circulo occurrunt, adiectis in fine concionibus de sacerdotio, & morte. Cum duplici indice tum rerum, tum locorum Sacræ Scripturæ, quae in ijs passim explicantur
Publisher: Sumptibus Antonii Pillehotte, sub signo Sanctissimæ Trinitatis, Lugduni, 1622
Kearney, Barnaby, 1567-1640, Jesuit priest and writer
Ianua linguarum, siue Modus maxime accommodatus quo patefit aditus ad omnes linguas intelligendas
Ianua linguarum, siue Modus maxime accommodatus quo patefit aditus ad omnes linguas intelligendas.
apud Franciscum de Cea Tesa, Salmanticae, 1611
Includes insert note by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ, referencing Fr Timothy Corcoran's mention oF the 1st edition of 'Ianua linguarum' in his 'Studies in the History of Classical Teaching', p.14.
Bathe, William, 1564-1614, Jesuit priest
Irish Jesuit Mission books of the Pre-Suppression period
Many of the books have Milltown Library and College Library Carlow stamps.
Irish Mission of the Society of Jesus, 1542-1773
Juris canonici theoria et praxis
Juris Canonici Theoria et Praxis ad forum tam Sacramentale quam Contentiosum, tum Ecclesiaticum, tum Seculare. Opus exactum non solum ad normam Juris Communis & Romani, sed etiam Juris Francici : Authore Joanne Cabassutio Aquisextiensi, Congregationis Oratorii Domini Jesu Presbytero. Editio postrema ab ipso Authore recognita & aucta
Cabassut, Jean, 1604-1685, Oratorian theologian
La vie du Reverend Pere Vincent Carafe Septieme General de la Compagnie de Jesus
Part of Irish Jesuit Mission books of the Pre-Suppression period
La vie du Reverend Pere Vincent Carafe Septieme General de la Compagnie de Jesus…avec l'abbrege des vertus de D.Maria Carafe sa mere. Escrite em Italien…et traduaite en Francois par le P. Thomas le Blanc S.J.
Bartoli, Daniello, 1608-1685, Jesuit priest
Le bouquet sacré. Ou Le voyage de la Terre Sainte
Part of Irish Jesuit Mission books of the Pre-Suppression period
Le bouquet sacré. Ou Le voyage de la Terre Sainte,…. A Rouen, chez Jean B. Besogne, 1698
Boucher, Jean
Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr John MacErlean SJ on various matters
Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr John MacErlean SJ on various matters including:
– Fr MacErlean’s censure on a Society Appeal for Funds;
– the progress of his historical research, news from Rome and news about the Society in Australia;
– the establishment of the Society in Ireland including a ‘list of whatever documents exist to my knowledge regarding the establishment of the Society in Ireland…What exactly the establishment of the Society in Ireland means I do not know. It may be a question for a canonist to solve. The canonical succession of the New Society to the Old is disputed, and Rome has never decided the point’;
– the proposed purchase of a volume consisting of ‘the indexes of the first eleven volumes of the Bollandist Acta Sanctorum down to the 3rd volume of April’ and the binding which is ‘much older than the contents…the binding of a Missal that was presented to Father (Nicholas) Leynach in 1613 - 14 by Francis Bray, at a time when Fr Leynach was trying to establish a chapel or oratory of the Society in Clonmel’;
– the Irish College in Rome;
– lists of books the Province could present to ‘the library to be established for the use of the Coll(egium) Scriptorum and a ‘list of those members of our Province who might now or hereafter be fit to cooperate with the Collegium Scriptorum in the production of works’ and a
– ‘Brief Sketch of the Work of the Irish Jesuits from the foundation to the Suppression of the Society 1540 – 1773’ (11pp).
MacErlean, John Campbell, 1870-1950, Jesuit priest, historian and archivist
Lists of spiritual books suitable for distribution by Directors at Diocesan Retreats
Lists of spiritual books suitable for distribution by Directors at Diocesan Retreats.
Lists of works by Fr Edmund Hogan SJ with annotations
Part of Irish Jesuits
Lists of works by Fr Edmund Hogan SJ with annotations.
Hogan, Edmund, 1831-1917, Jesuit priest
Memorials of the Irish Province
Vol. 1, No.1 June 1898 – Centenary year, Part II 1814 – 1914
(For circulation among Ours Only)
Contains Obituaries
Handwritten index biographical notices in the Memorials of the Irish Province and general index. Compiled by Fr John MacErlean SJ.
Vol. 1, No.1 June 1898
‘A Short History of the Irish Province Part I, From its foundation under St. Ignatius down to the year 1626’;
‘Memoir of Father Peter Kenney, S.J.’;
‘Brief Memoirs of the Fathers and Brothers of the Society who Died in Clongowes up to 1826’;
University College Results;
Catalogus Hib A.. 1752 in Missione Hibernica’.
Vol. 1, No.II June 1899
‘Biographical Sketch of the Rev. T. Betagh’;
Brief Memoirs of the Fathers and Brothers of the Society who Died in: Clongowes, from 1826 to 1869 Tullabeg, previous to the year 1874;
Notes on the lives of early Irish Jesuits written in 1877 by Fr John Curtis SJ;
‘Voyage to Palermo and Back’ by Fr Charles Aylmer SJ;
‘Fr Edmund J O’Reilly’ by Fr Matthew Russell SJ;
‘An Old MSS Catalogue of Clongowes, 1820-1821’;
Chronological list of Jesuits connected with the Irish Mission from 1550-1779;
Vol. 1, No.III June 1900
‘Memoirs of the Suppression and Restoration of the the Society of Jesus in Ireland’ by Fr Bracken SJ’;
‘Testimonies to Fr Peter Kenney SJ’;
Brief Memoirs of the Fathers and Brothers of the Society who Died at: the Residence, Gardiner Street from 1845 to 1895. Belvedere College from 1855 to 1892;
‘Some manuscript catalogues of Clongowes, 1823, 1824, 1825 - 1834, 1837 and 1839’;
Vol. 1, No.IV June 1901
‘Memoirs of the Suppression and Restoration of the the Society of Jesus in Ireland, Part II’ by Fr Bracken SJ’;
‘Vale Novitiorum’;
‘Testimonies to Fr Peter Kenney SJ’;
Brief Memoirs of the Fathers and Brothers of the Society who Died at: University College, Dublin, from 1889-1893.
Vol. 1, No. V June 1902
‘Short History of the Australian Mission’;
‘Some Irish Worthies S.J.’ by Edmund Hogan SJ;
Memoirs of Fathers who Died at Milltown Park, from 1865 to 1887;
‘Further Testimonies to Fr Peter Kenney SJ’;
‘Two letters, 1813, 1814’ written by Fr Charles Aylmer.
Vol. 1, No. VI January 1903
‘Memoirs of Fr Alfred Murphy SJ’;
‘Some Early Irish Jesuits’;
‘Testimonies to Fr Peter Kenney SJ’;
‘A Short History of Irish Province Pt.1’(Fr Grene).
Vol. 1, No. VII June 1903
‘A Short History of Some Early Irish Jesuits (continued)’ by Rev. J. McDonnell SJ;
‘A contribution towards a History of the Irish Province of the Society of Jesus, from its Revival soon after the year 1800. Part II’ by Fr John Grene SJ.
‘Some Letters in Jesuit Archives in Ireland’;
Memoir of Father P.E. Duffy, S.J. Part I.
Short Memoirs of the Early Irish Jesuits down to the year 1840
by Fr Joseph McDonnell SJ, 1903
Centenary Year, 1814-1914, Part I
‘The Irish Province 1814-1914’;
‘Rathfarnham Castle and some of its Former Owners’;
‘First Dublin residence, George's Hill, 1812’;
‘Brief Chronological Notes, 1829-1914’;
Necrologia: 1900 to December 1913.
Centenary Year, 1814-1914, Part II
‘The Irish Province 1814-1914’;
‘Milltown Park and and some of its Owners’;
‘Brief Chronological Notes, Milltown Park, 1858-1914’;
‘Irish Province, 1860-1914, Brief Chronological Notes’;
‘Gardiner Street, 1860-1914, Brief Chronological Notes’.
Moralitates Bibliorum Petri Berthorii
Part of Irish Jesuit Mission books of the Pre-Suppression period
Moralitates Bibliorum Petri Berthorii. Publisher: Pinchon, Duaci Catuacorum.
Bersuire, Pierre, c. 1290-1362, Benedictine, translator, encyclopaedist, and author
Notices to be read in the Refectory of the Irish Jesuit Province
A file containing notices to be read in the Refectory and annual proclamations of the Irish Jesuit Province.
Part of Irish Jesuit Mission books of the Pre-Suppression period
On Old and New Testaments - title pages missing. 2 vols.: Secunda pars huius operis…Sexta pars huius operis…(no date from format probably early 16th century)
Part of Irish Jesuit Mission books of the Pre-Suppression period
Operum de morali theologia,…in tres tomos distributorum, tomus secundus. Lugduni, sumpt. FFr. Anissoniroum & Ioan. Posuel, 1678.
Bonacina, Martino, 1585-1631, theologian
Part of Irish Jesuit Mission books of the Pre-Suppression period
Parnassus poeticus (title page damaged). Anthology.
Apud Coloniae Agrippinae
Part of Irish Jesuit Mission books of the Pre-Suppression period
Pauline commentaries [title page missing] Coloniae Agrippinae: impensis M.Godefrid Hittorpii.
Not by S. Anselm (note by Brendan Woods SJ)
Practica de la theologia mystica
Practica de la theologia mystica by Miguel Godinez [Michael Wadding] SJ
Wadding, Michael, 1587-1644, Jesuit priest
Revisions to the Custom Book of the Irish Jesuit Province
A file relating to revisions of the Custom Book of the Irish Jesuit Province. Includes a letter informing of the decision taken by Fr General to revise the Custom Book of the Irish Jesuit Province (15 December 1934, 1p). Includes two minutes books of the Custom Book Commission. Details suggested changes. The minute books are in the handwriting of Fr John MacErlean SJ who was the secretary of the Commission (15 December 1934 - 7 June 1935, 51pp; 18 January - 7 June 1935, 43pp). Includes a letter from Fr John MacErlean SJ, Milltown Park, Dublin to the Irish Fr Provincial concerning protests against altering the Custom Book. Remarks 'I put in (a notebook) everything that came into my head that might be made use of in building up our protest.' (10 April 1940, 1p). Includes a notebook containing details of protests against changes to the Custom Book (handwriting of Fr John MacErlean SJ).
MacErlean, John Campbell, 1870-1950, Jesuit priest, historian and archivist
Part of Irish Jesuit Mission books of the Pre-Suppression period
Saint Basil 'Writings'...Basilii Magni
Sancti Patris nostri Claudiani ecdicii Mamerti De statu animae libri III
Part of Irish Jesuit Mission books of the Pre-Suppression period
Sancti Patris nostri Claudiani ecdicii Mamerti De statu animae libri III. Cygnae, typiset sumptibus Melciotis Gopaeri
The alleged conversion of the Irish bishops to the reformed religion, at the accession of Queen Elizabeth; and the assumed descent of the present established hierarchy in Ireland from the ancient Irish church, disproved.
Longmans, Green, & Co., London, 1867.
Includes insert letter from William Maziere Brady, Navan, County Meath, 8 December 1868 to [G S] outlining reviews to the book.
Brady, William Maziere, 1825-1894, clergyman and historian
The description of Ireland: and the state thereof as it is at this present in anno 1598
The description of Ireland: and the state thereof as it is at this present in anno 1598. With amendments by Fr Hogan.
Hogan, Edmund, 1831-1917, Jesuit priest
The Doleful Fall of Andrew Sall, a Jesuit of the Fourth Vow, From the Roman Catholick and Apostolick Faith; lamented by his constant Friend; with an open Rebuking of his embracing the Confession contained in the XXXIX Articles of the Church of England
French, Nicolas, c1604-1678, Bishop of Ferns
The Irish Roman Catholic University and the Jesuits
The Irish Roman Catholic University and the Jesuits.
Hodder and Stoughton
McCarthy, Michael John Fitzgerald, 1862-1928, political writer
The Philosophical Catechism, or, a collection of observations fit to defend the Christian religion against its enemies, by F. X. de Feller, translated from French by J. P. Mulcaile S.J.
De Feller, François-Xavier, 1735–1802, Belgian Jesuit priest
The polititians cathechisme: for his instruction in divine faith, and morall honesty
The polititians cathechisme: for his instruction in divine faith, and morall honesty
Talbot, Peter, c.1618-1680, Roman Catholic archbishop of Dublin and former Jesuit priest
The unerring and unerrable church or An answer to a Sermon preached by Mr. Andrew Sall, formerly a Jesuit, and now a Minister of the Protestant Church. Written by I.S. and dedicated to his Excellency The most honorable Arthur Earl of Essex Lord Lieutenant of Ireland
Brown, Ignatius, 1630-1679, Jesuit priest
Theologia Tripartita (Editio Nona)
Tomus Secundus: Theologia Universa primo Speculativa postea Practica, Nova, Brevi, et facili Methodo comprehensa, Et ad Normam totius Cursus Theologici commodissime redacta, juxta Praef. sequentem. Cum recentibus Decretis, modernis Quaestionibus, multiplici Praxi, et Idea aliarum Scientiarum in omni genere Materiae.
Tomus Tertius: Apparatus Doctrinae Sacrae, Complectens Materiam et Formam expeditam, pro quavis Dictione, Concione, & tota Catechesi per exquisitam Expositionem, & selectissima Exempla: Cum Praxi solida assistendi per omnia aegris, & sanis: Ac Documentis particularibus pro quolibet hominum statu: Pro ipsius Sacerdotis Vita & Conservatione: Pro Ritibus singulorum Sacramentorum: Et pro quacunque functione Missionarii Apostolici, ac Curatoris animarum
Archdekin, Richard, 1619-1693, Jesuit priest and scholar
Theologia Tripartita (Editio Quinta)
Tomus Secundus: Resolutiones Polemicae, Speculativae, Practicae, Controversiarum, et Quaestionum, etiam recentissimarum, quae in Schola, et Praxi per omnia usum praecipuum habent. Missionariis, et aliis animarum Curatoribus, et Theol. studiosis solerter accomodatae. Cum novo Apparatu Ad quamlibet Doctrinam Sacram in Concione, et Catechesi, Et ad quaelibet Sacerdotis erga Proximum Ministieria copiose ac erudite tractanda.
Tomus Tertius: Apparatus Doctrinae Sacrae Complectens Materiam, & Formam pro quavis Dictione, & Catechesi facile ac copiose paranda, & proponenda. Cum Praxi solida & expedita Assistendi per omnia Aegris, ac Sanis in quolibet statu, & quovis Sacerdotis Ministerio publico, aut privato. Pro Missionariis, & Curatoribus animarum potissimum elaborata
Archdekin, Richard, 1619-1693, Jesuit priest and scholar
Theologia Tripartita Universa Complectens nunc perfectam Bibliothecam Viri Ecclesiastici (Editio Novissima)
Archdekin, Richard, 1619-1693, Jesuit priest and scholar
Theologia Tripartita Universa Complectens Perfectam Bibliothecam Viri Ecclesiastici (Editio Novissima Jussu Sac. Congregationis)
Archdekin, Richard, 1619-1693, Jesuit priest and scholar
Theologia tripartita universa, complectens nunc bibliothecam perfectam viri ecclesiastici, ordini sequenti. Tomus primus
Contiene, segun consta en port.: Tomus primus : Controversiae heterodoxae ac scolasticae ..., con port., pag. y sign. propias ; Tomus secundus. Pars I. : Theologia speculativa brevi methodo integre comprehensa ..., con port. pag. y sign. propias. ; Tomi II. Pars II. : Theologia practica universa ... ; Tomus tertius : Apparatus practicus pro omni prorsus functione viri ecclesiastici ..., con port., pag. y sig. propias
Archdekin, Richard, 1619-1693, Jesuit priest and scholar
Theologia Tripartita Universa, Complectens nunc perfectam Bibliothecam Viri Ecclesiastici (Editio Posthuma)
Archdekin, Richard, 1619-1693, Jesuit priest and scholar
Theologiae moralis absolutissimum compendium in quinque partitum
Part of Irish Jesuit Mission books of the Pre-Suppression period
R.P. Pauli Laymann L' Societate Iesu theologiae moralis absolutissimum compendium in quinque libros partitum : nunc demum post nuperam impressionem Moguntinam accuratiùs recognitum, mednis omnibus, quibus undique scatebat repurgatum, plurimisque hinc inde notabilibus auctum, ac ad mentem auctoris redactum.
Publisher: Duaci : Typis Ioannis Serrurier, sub signo Salamandrae, 1640.
Laymann, Paul, 1574-c.1635, Jesuit priest
Thesaurus hispano-latinus : utriusque linguae diues opum
Part of Irish Jesuit Mission books of the Pre-Suppression period
Thesaurus hispano-latinus : utriusque linguae diues opum Por Rafael Figuerò ..., En Barcelona, 1717
Bravo, Bartolomé, 1554-1607, Jesuit priest
Tractatus adventualis, seu expectatio incarnati verbi divini, complectens conciones
Part of Irish Jesuit Mission books of the Pre-Suppression period
Tractatus adventualis, seu expectatio incarnati verbi divini, complectens conciones Antverpiae, typis Cornelii Woons, 1667
Tractatus de contractibus in genere et in specie
Tractatus de contractibus in genere et in specie
Wadding, Peter, 1583-1644, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuit Mission books of the Pre-Suppression period
Caussin, Nicolas, 1583-1651, Jesuit priest
True Catholic and Apostolic Faith maintain'd in the Church of England. Being A Reply to several Books published under the names of J. E. N. N. and J. S. against his Declaration for the Church of England, and against the motives for his Separation from the Roman Church, declared in a Printed Sermon which he Preached in Dublin
Sall, Andrew Fitzjohn, 1624-1682, scholar and former Jesuit priest
Two histories of Ireland. The one written by Edmund Campion, the other by Meredith Hanmer Dr of Divinity
A View of the State of Ireland, Written dialogue-wise betweene Eudoxus and Irenaeus, By Edmund Spenser Esq. in the yeare 1596
Campion, Edmund, 1540-1581, Saint and Jesuit priest
Universa philosophia scholastica
Universa philosophia scholastica
Lynch, Richard, 1611-1647, Jesuit priest