Bishop's House



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Bishop's House

Bishop's House

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Bishop's House

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Bishop's House

3 Collection results for Bishop's House

3 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Carte postale from Fr Frank Browne SJ, Lourdes, France to his brother, Fr William Browne, Bishop’s House, Queenstown, Cork

Carte postale from Fr Frank Browne SJ, Loudres, France to his brother, Fr William Browne, Bishop's House, Queenstown, Cork with a photograph of Fr Frank Browne SJ and soldiers on the obverse. Individuals are named. Blank carte postale of Fr Browne and and Irish Guards outside entrance to a church in Loudres.

Browne, Francis M, 1880-1960, Jesuit priest, photographer and chaplain

Photographs of Fort Villas, Cobh, Cork

Photographs of Fort Villas, Cobh, Cork including:

1.Peacock topiary at Fort Villas;

  1. Cobh harbour from Fort Villas, Cobh, Cork;
  2. Cobh harbour from Fort Villas, Cobh, Cork;
  3. altar at bishop’s house, Cobh;
  4. [Ellen Browne], Fort Villas, Cobh;
  5. [Ellen Browne], Fort Villas, Cobh;