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6 Collection results for Accounts

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Receipts from businesses in Galway to St Ignatius College and Church

File of receipts from businesses in Galway to St Ignatius College and Church. Receipts from 1875 include: Midland Great Western Railway; Mercantile and General Printing Office; Galway Town Commissioners; E. O'Malley, China, Delph & Glass warehouse, Galway; Burns, Oates & Co., Office of the Irish Ecclesiastical Record; Martin, Hill & Co. File of receipts from 1964 include: BBC Publication;, Browne and Nolan Limited; Patrick J. Sheahan; Consulting Architect & Civil Engineer; John Carr & Sons Ltd; The Chappell Piano Co. Ltd; The Educational Company of Ireland, Limited; Gunning & Son Ltd, Ecclesiastical Art Metal Manufacturers; Tony O'Sullivan, Pork Butcher and Sausage Manufacturer; O'Gorman Limited.

Account book of Irish Jesuit property

Account book of Irish Jesuit property. Includes a description of the finances of the Irish Mission account, written by Fr John Fullam SJ. Remarks 'In 1760 this mission had in Paris a capital of £1000 ster. including the deposits of individuals and what belonged to different residences. By the persecution which ensued the whole was nearly despaired of when by Fr Crookshank's activity and cleverness about half that sum was recovered and transmitted to Ireland where Mr Ward placed it as occasions presented.'

Fullam, John, 1719-1793, Jesuit priest