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7 Collection results for Accounts

7 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Will of Charles Kennedy

File containing extensive documentation concerning the will of Charles Kennedy and his bequest to the Society of Jesus. The Society used the proceeds from this bequest to construct University Hall, Hatch Street. The extent of the file can be explained by the numerous properties owned by Charles Kennedy and the necessary documentation that inevitably accompanies ownership of property, receipts and vouchers from professional companies involved in the construction of University Hall and the fact that the will of Charles Kennedy was contested by his brother Frank Kennedy. His legal action was unsuccessful (29 January 1909 & 30 January 1909 & 30 May 1912, 3 items).

Letter from Fr Edward Scott SJ, writing from London, to an unnamed Irish Jesuit father

Letter from Fr Edward Scott SJ, writing from London, to an unnamed Irish Jesuit father. Reminds the latter of debts to be paid, and informs him of his activities in relation to the accounts, including the payment to Fr Jennesseaux of an amount of money. Begs to relinquish his role as agent. Encloses his correspondent’s account with the Rector of F[ ]bough (not included).

Scott, Edward, 1776-1836, Jesuit priest

Letter from Fr Edward Scott SJ, writing from London, regarding finance

Letter from Fr Edward Scott SJ, writing from London, to an unnamed Jesuit father. Refers to two enclosed letters (not included). States that Mr Glover ‘still lingers at Rome’, and reports that luminous crosses have been visible for months over summits of the Masques of the Turks in a city in Bulgaria. Refers to the failure of St. Francis’ Bill, and to ‘Orange Bigots’. Gives a brief statement of accounts.

Scott, Edward, 1776-1836, Jesuit priest