Zambia (Northern Rhodesia)



Scope note(s)

  • Northern Rhodesia reveretd to Zambia in 1964.

Source note(s)

Display note(s)

Equivalent terms

Zambia (Northern Rhodesia)

  • UF North-Western Rhodesia
  • UF Barotziland-North-Western Rhodesia
  • UF North-Eastern Rhodesia
  • UF Northern Rhodesia
  • UF Republic of Zambia

Associated terms

Zambia (Northern Rhodesia)

2 Name results for Zambia (Northern Rhodesia)

2 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Irish Jesuit Mission to Zambia, 1946-1969

  • Corporate body
  • 1946-1969

Irish Jesuits arrived, in what was then Northern Rhodesia, in 1946. They worked in parish work, education and development, and geographically, this took place in the southern part of the country and in the capital, Lusaka. The impact of the Irish presence is seen especially in Canisius High School and Charles Lwanga College of Education in Chikuni, the parishes in the Monze Diocese, and development projects around the diocese. The Vice-Province of Zambia was formed in 1969 and the Province of Zambia and Malawi was established in 1992. The Irish Jesuits' work in Zambia is complemented by other Jesuit Provinces such as: Canada; Croatia; Oregon; Poland and Slovenia.

Chikuni Mission

  • Corporate body
  • 1905

Founded by a French Jesuit, Joseph Moreau, in 1905. From its beginning, it has a some form of school at its core.

See: Carmody, Brendan. "Secular and Sacred at Chikuni: 1905-1940." Journal of Religion in Africa 21, no. 2 (1991): 130-48.