Xavier College



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Xavier College

Xavier College

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Xavier College

41 Collection results for Xavier College

41 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Consultor's letters to Irish Fr Provincial

  • File
  • 31 January 1885; 23 July 1885; 3 July 1897; 7 January 1913 - 31 January 1919
  • Part of Irish Jesuit Missions

A file of Consultor's letters from the following to Irish Fr Provincial:
Fr Patrick Keating SJ St. Ignatius College, Riverview, Sydney;
Fr William Hughes SJ, St. Francis Xavier's College, Kew, Melbourne;
Fr J. R. Murphy SJ, St. Ignatius College, Riverview, Sydney;
Fr Lucas Murphy SJ, Glenferrie Presbytery, Melbourne;
Fr C. Morrogh SJ, St Ignatius, Richmond, Melbourne;
Fr Francis Ryan SJ, St Patrick's College, East Melbourne;
Fr Thomas O'Dwyer SJ, St Patrick's College, East Melbourne;
Fr J. C. Hartnett SJ, St Patrick's College, East Melbourne;
Fr Patrick McGrath SJ, St. Ignatius, Richmond, Melbourne;
Fr J. Martin SJ, Xavier College, Kew, Melbourne
Fr Michael Egan SJ, Xavier College, Kew, Melbourne and a general summary of points raised by Consultors.

Irish Jesuit Mission to Australia, 1865-1931

Copy of a letter from Fr Richard Coyne SJ to Fr Patrick J. Stephenson SJ concerning the Mungret Annual and priests

Copy of a letter from Fr Richard Coyne SJ, Editor, Mungret Annual, Mungret College, Limerick to Fr Patrick J. Stephenson SJ, Xavier College, Kew, Melbourne concerning the Mungret Annual and priests, working in Australia, who attended Mungret.

Coyne, Richard Charles, 1917-1999, Jesuit priest

Fr Patrick Joseph Stephenson SJ

Obituary and memorials of Fr Patrick Stephenson SJ sent to Irish Fr Provincial Philip Harnett SJ from Fr Christopher Glesson SJ, Headmaster of St Xavier's School, Melbourne, Australia. Includes negative of Fr Stephenson (1958).

Stephenson, Patrick Joseph, 1896-1990, Jesuit priest

Letter from Fr Michael Watson SJ concerning news about various members of the Australian Mission of the Irish Province who have died

Letter from Fr Michael Watson SJ, St Francis Xavier's College, Kew, near Melbourne, Australia to the Irish Novices concerning news about various members of the Australian Mission of the Irish Province who have died. They include Frs Aloysius Kranewitter, James Joyce, Bros. John O'Flynn, William Aloysius Wrigley, Michael Goodwin and Archbishop Steins.

Watson, Michael J, 1845-1931, Jesuit priest

Letter from Fr James O'Dwyer SJ to Irish Fr Provincial

A file of letters from Fr James O'Dwyer SJ to Fr Provincial. Many of the letters refer to Xavier College and the administration of the school e.g. teaching staff, subjects taught, equipment needed (laboratory/scientific materials), finances. Includes a letter referring to the Premiership in football '...which we won last Thursday from the Scotch - you would think it was a reversal of the Battle of the Boyne.' (26 August 1910, 2pp). Includes a letter enclosing the Rector's report of Xavier College, Kew (27 December 1911, 2 items). Includes a letter referring to the war. Remarks 'As I write from this side of the globe we hardly know whether the British Empire is still standing. We still hope the sea is clear - but we are really being kept in the dark. All we know is that Germany is pressing on and Namar has fallen. We know that the Holy Father and Father General are dead and Franz Joseph is dying.' (25 August 1914, 5pp). Includes a letter discussing the opening of Newman College. Remarks that the prestige of the Society is at stake and suitable men must be appointed to it, particularly the position of Rector. (17 see also June 1917, 7pp). Includes a letter referring to a crisis that has occurred over the opening of Newman College. Remarks that Fr Superior (Fr Ryan SJ) has raised queries over the amount of money to be paid to the Jesuits, a sum he (Fr Ryan) regards to be too little. Remarks 'The trouble is we cannot exactly see what Fr Ryan's position is. He has a vague fear that he is outwitted by Dr Mannix and a vague recollection of possible better terms from Dr Carr at a time when more money was expected to come in and when the cost of building was lower...You may remember that one of my reasons for pressing you to visit Australia was that I held that Fr Ryan was not the man to do business with Dr Mannix. There is a temperamental difference between them. Dr M. thinks Fr Ryan shifty and Fr Ryan thinks Dr. M. most exacting.' (15 October 1917, 6pp). Includes two letters referring to the appointment of Fr Power SJ to the position of Rector of Newman College and how this was achieved. Expresses his extreme disappointment and annoyance at being put in a very embarrassing situation. Points out that everybody assumed he (Fr O'Dwyer) would be appointed even though he accepts that no official confirmation of this was sent by Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ). Remarks 'Newman College Council met...only laymen were present. It was before Fr Power's name was disclosed to the public and I was greeted as Rector by the members...When Dr. M entered the room business was begun by asking for information re Rector. Then to the consternation of all he repeated your cable to him without any word to his council, without a hint to me, over the heads of the Mission CCs. I was publicly repudiated and humiliated not only by my own superiors (which might be considered part of the game) but by Dr M. acting as superior of Ours.' Concludes 'I have been rejected and snubbed so often by superiors and have always found myself so much better off as the result, that I have great trust in Providence. I should never have got to Australia if Fr J. Murphy had not turned me out of CWC (Clongowes Wood College) as a dangerous character. And I should not have got to Melbourne...if Fr Ryan had not declared me unfit for Riverview...All that does not prevent me from writing strongly...nor prevent me from saying again that my poor efforts for the Society in Australia deserved more consideration.' (23 February 1918, 3pp & 3 July 1918, 6pp).

O'Dwyer, James, 1860-1925, Jesuit priest

Letters from Fr Aloysius Sturzo SJ to Irish Fr Provincial concerning the Mission in Australia

A file of letters from Fr Aloysius Sturzo SJ (Superior: 2 September 1883 - 5 April 1890) to Irish Fr Provincial concerning the Mission in Australia. Includes a letter asking permission to open a novitiate if he felt it was needed (12 November 1883 , 6pp). Includes a letter expressing his frustration over the delay in receiving answers to his letters. Remarks 'I feel very much embarrassed when there is anything to be done that requires the signing of a contract. I think that Fr General should give me as much power as he can communicate...' Refers to the lack of men and remarks that Fr Bietal SJ, an Austrian Jesuit is likely to be recalled to his own Mission in Adelaide (17 December 1883, 4pp). Includes a letter referring to the type of person suitable for the Mission in Adelaide (17 December 1883, 4pp). Includes a letter referring to the type of person suitable for the Mission. Remarks 'I hope you will not send to Australia anyone who is in any way weak concerning drink and the other fault that comes after drinking to excess. In this country...our dealings are more before the public and any fault in those two matters would ruin our character entirely.' (14 October 1886, 4pp). Includes a letter referring to Fr Joseph O'Malley's return from New Zealand. Remarks that Fr Thomas McEnroe SJ remains in New Zealand but that he is not certain whether the Mission has been closed or not. Includes a letter referring to the election of Fr Clancy as Rector of St John's College. Remarks that his election has been declared invalid. Describes how this has occurred. (10 January 1889, 4pp). Includes a further letter concerning Fr Clancy and the Rectorship of St. John's College. Remarks that they have consulted a lawyer who felt the election was invalid '...we saw that this was the best opportunity for us to retire with honours and without offending our friends from the truly dangerous battlefield...' (7 February 1884, 6pp). Includes a letter referring to the need for more Fathers to be sent out particularly a German or French Father that could be employed as a prefect in one of the colleges (17 September 1884, 8pp). Includes a letter concerning a decision to publish the Messenger of the Sacred Heart in Melbourne. Refers to the sale of land at St Patrick's Melbourne for the construction of a portion of the railway. Remarks that Fr Christopher Nulty SJ (Rector) has paid off all debts and wishes to spend the remainder on finishing the college (9 August 1886, 3pp). Includes a letter referring to the closure of Tullabeg and the possibility of Fathers being sent out to Australia. Remarks 'I hope that even independently from the closing of Tullabeg you will send me some good prefects and masters who are wanted here very badly...' (20 August 1886, 3pp). Includes a letter concerning an offer by the Bishop of Tasmania to the Society of a house for the purposes of opening a seminary for the Bishop's diocese and that it could also be used as a sanatorium for Jesuit Fathers '...I wrote to him that...it would not be prudent...for us to accept an offer...which we could not accomplish through want of men and money (1 October 1886, 10pp).

Sturzo, Aloysius,1826-1908, Jesuit priest

Letters from Fr John Ryan SJ to Irish Fr Provincial concerning the Mission in Australia

An extensive file of letters from Fr John Ryan SJ to Irish Fr Provincial. As Superior of the Mission (11 February 1901 - 14 June 1908 & 9 April 1913 - 24 October 1917), Fr Ryan wrote to his superior, the Irish Fr Provincial on all matters concerning the administration (including visitations he made to the various communities) of the Mission and members of the Society living and working in see also Australia. Includes a letter to Fr J. Murphy SJ concerning Fr John O'Neill's health. Remarks '...there is only one proper course open to us viz. to send Fr O'Neill to Europe where he will have, at least, a chance of recovery...He is a source of constant anxiety, and we have no institution in Australia where we can put him, except the public Lunatic Asylum.' Remarks that following discussion with his Consultors he has decided to send Fr O'Neill home. (8 December 1902, 2pp). Includes a memorandum concerning the mission of the Jesuit Fathers in North Sydney. (5 March 1912, 7pp). Includes a letter concerning the Sydney Synod. Remarks 'It seems the secular clergy are urging His Grace to dock more and more the missionary districts of Regulars and apparently he means to satisfy them as much as possible.' (6 August 1913, 2pp). Includes a letter discussing the proposed additions to St. Aloysius College (6 August 1913, 5pp). Includes a letter referring to the war and the difficulty of sending letters. Remarks '…it is a blessing that so far none of our mail boats have been sunk'. Refers to Sevenhills and remarks that he will do his best '…to work up the Altar Wine Industry which I hope will be of great help to Loyola. And I do hope you will succeed in getting some Bros. That understand the making of wine.' Concludes by remarking that more chaplains are needed by the Military Authorities and remarks that he cannot supply even one Father. Refers to Fr Hearne SJ, at the front and remarks '…everyone who has met him is loud in his praises.' (9 February 1914, 2pp). Includes a letter concerning a loan for Riverview (a second mortgage on the property) (18 February 1914, 3pp). Includes a letter regarding the reopening of the Novitiate at Loyola (18 February 1914, 4pp). Includes a letter concerning the proposed administration of St. John's College in the University of Sydney by the Jesuit Fathers (23 - 25 February 1914, 3pp). Includes a letter (with rough drawings) regarding the alterations made at Loyola for the reopening of the Novitiate (16 June 1914, 3pp). Includes a letter referring to a statement sent to Fr General concerning the lax discipline at Riverview. Remarks that the statements made by Fr General were too sweeping (1 September 1915, 2pp). Includes letters concerning an offer made by Archbishop Dunne (Archbishop of Brisbane), Toowong Parochial District, Brisbane. In a letter from Fr Ryan to Fr Thomas V Nolan SJ he remarks that Toowong would be the most suitable district in Brisbane for the work of the Jesuits (29 August 1915 - 18 June 1916, 9 items). Includes letters see also concerning the property Ellangowan (Adelaide) and the desire of the Society of Jesus to secure the property (9 March 1916, 3pp). Includes a number of letters concerning a new Superior for Norwood and problems with Fr McCurtin over the matter (8 March 1916 - 27 March 1916, 6 items). Includes a letter expressing his surprise at the employment of female cooks at Xavier College, Kew, Melbourne. Remarks that he challenged Fr O'Dwyer SJ (Rector) about it at once as 'It was well known that I would not consent without referring the matter to Your Reverence.' Includes a letter from Fr O'Dwyer to Fr Ryan explaining the reasons why he employed female cooks (1 April 1917 & 2 April 1917, 2 items). Includes a memorandum concerning the sending of Juniors to Ireland and opposition of the Consultors to sending them to Ireland. Outlines various reasons why the Consultors are opposed to this (2 May 1917, 1p). Includes a letter referring to a meeting with the Consultors at which the question of a Juniorate in Australia was fully discussed (30 October 1917, 1p).

Ryan, John, 1849-1922, Jesuit priest

Letters from Fr Joseph Brennan SJ, St Ignatius, Richmond, Melbourne to Irish Fr Provincial

A file of letters from Fr Joseph Brennan SJ, St Ignatius, Richmond, Melbourne to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ. Includes a letter advising that the terms offered by Dr Mannix (Archbishop of Melbourne) for Newman College should be accepted (15 October 1917, 1p). Includes letters referring to the opening of Studley Hall, a preparatory school for Xavier College (22 April 1920 - 28 June 1920, 3pp).

Brennan, Joseph A, 1867-1945, Jesuit priest

Letters from Fr Michael Dooley SJ to Irish Fr Provincial James Tuite SJ relating to finances of the Australian Mission

A file of letters from Fr Michael Dooley SJ, St. Francis Xavier's College, Kew, Australia to Irish Fr Provincial James Tuite SJ. Includes a letter referring to the finances of St. Francis Xavier's College. Expresses his concern over the debts that have accumulated. Remarks that the Archbishop has opened a new High School and appears to have lost confidence in St. Francis Xavier's College. Refers to Fr Therry's estate and remarks that it has been sold off '...and what has become of the money, I can't say.' Concludes that a debt of £20,000 has accumulated. (3 July 1881, 4pp).

Dooley, Michael, 1850-1922, Jesuit priest

Letters from Fr Michael J Watson SJ to irish Fr Provincial

  • File
  • 10 April 1873; 4 June 1881; 5 September 1884-4 January 1886; 21 May 1901
  • Part of Irish Jesuit Missions

A file of letters from Fr Michael J Watson SJ to Irish Fr Provincial. Includes a letter describing the voyage to Australia. Remarks 'I wish you could have seen Fr Nulty, S.J. at the end of our voyage. He allowed his beard to grow, as indeed did Father Hughes and myself but Father Nulty's grew to a surprising degree and presented a bushy and fierce appearance. How imposing he looked as he walked about the deck...' (10 April 1873, 4pp). Includes letters written as a Consultor for St Francis Xavier's College, Kew. Includes a letter remarking that Fr Sturzo SJ (Superior of the Mission) wishes to transfer the Novitiate to Kew (4 January 1886, 4pp).

Watson, Michael J, 1845-1931, Jesuit priest

Letters from Fr Thomas Cahill SJ to Irish Fr Provincial concerning his life and work in Australia

A file of letters from Fr Thomas Cahill SJ (Superior of the Mission 1872-79) to Irish Fr Provincial concerning his life and work in Australia. Includes a letter written from Macao, China concerning the expulsion of the Society from the colony due '...to the hostility of a newly appointed Administrator of the diocese. He's the chief author of a new code of rules for his seminary one of which excludes foreigners.' Continues '...I am to go to Australia.' (20 July 1871, 4pp) Includes a letter referring to the laying of the foundation stone of St Francis Xavier, Melbourne on 8 December 1872. Refers to the passing of the Education Bill. Remarks 'The Bill establishes compulsory free and secular education Catholics cannot therefor accept it...' (2 January 1873, 6pp). Includes a letter confirming his appointment as acting superior of St Patrick's College (21 May 1873, 4pp). Includes a letter concerning the provision of education for the poor and the possibility of the Christian Brothers and the Sacred Heart Sisters establishing such schools in the Richmond Mission (10 September 1873, 4pp). Includes a letter referring to the erection of a wooden house at Kew to establish a school for the sixty Catholic children in Kew (10 August 1874, 3pp). Includes a letter referring to the building of Kew College. Remarks that work has been stopped because the tenders were far higher than expected. Refers to the opening of St John's College in Sydney. Remarks '(The)...college was opened with great eclat by Dr. Vaughan last week. This college under him will be a formidable rival.' (19 April 1875, 6pp). Includes a letter referring to Fr Dalton and a story concerning him and his endeavours on the part of two children whom he promised (to their dying Mother) to see reared as Catholics. Remarks that the incident has attracted a lot of publicity and that a question will be asked in Parliament on the subject. (12 July 1875, 4pp). Includes a letter referring to Dr Moran, Bishop of Dunedin, New Zealand and his invitation to the Society to set up a college at Dunedin (14 November 1876, 3pp). Includes a letter referring to a meeting with the recently appointed Archbishop of Sydney who offered an invitation to the Society to establish a Mission in Sydney (10 March 1877, 7pp).

Cahill, Thomas, 1827-1908, Jesuit priest

Material relating to Fr Joseph Dalton SJ - notebook and calendar of letters

A file relating to Fr Joseph Dalton SJ. Includes a calendar of letters received by Fr Joseph Dalton SJ compiled by Errol Lea-Scarlett, Archivist, Riverview (1977-2001, 17pp). Includes notebook compiled by Fr Joseph Dalton SJ entitled 'Consultations St. Patrick's College, Melbourne.' The notebook in fact contains other notes including copies of letters to Irish Fr Provincial and notes relating to other communities in Australia e.g. Sevenhills, St Francis Xavier's College, Kew, Richmond Parish, St. Kilda House, Riverview. (3 November 1870 - [ ] January 1883, ca. 60pp). Includes notes on Sir Edward Strickland compiled by Fr Dalton SJ (1 March 1899, 2pp).

Dalton, Joseph, 1817-1905, Jesuit priest

Triennial Documents, 1902 - 1905

Documents for Ireland (37 items):

  • First Catalogue (Catalogus Personarum Primus);
  • Second Catalogue (Catalogus Personarum Secundus);
  • House Histories (Historia Domus);
  • Annual Letters (Litterae Annuae);
  • Lives of those who have died (Summarium vitae defunctorum);
  • Province Accounts (Status temporalis trienalis domorum et arcarum Provinciae);
  • Index of authors and books published by Ours (Index auctorem et librorum a Nostris editorum);

and for Australia (39 items):

  • First Catalogue (Catalogus Personarum Primus);
  • Second Catalogue (Catalogus Personarum Secundus);
  • House Histories (Historia Domus);
  • Lives of those who have died (Summarium vitae defunctorum);
  • Province Accounts (Status temporalis trienalis domorum et arcarum Provinciae).