Upper Gardiner Street



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Upper Gardiner Street

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Upper Gardiner Street

777 Collection results for Upper Gardiner Street

47 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Original correspondence concerning Jesuit establishment in Galway

Original correspondence with title page 'Litterae et Documenta', which gives an index to the following:

  • 17 December 1858, reply of Dr MacEvillly, Bishop of Galway to Vice-Provincial Joseph Lentaigne;

  • 15 April 1859, grants permission to preach, establish a college etc..(copy by Fr Robert Haly SJ 15 April 1859);

  • 5 June 1858, Altare Maius Ecclesia Sti. Patricii in oppodo Galviae Privilegiatum designatur;

  • 2 August 1860, Dr MacEvillly, Bishop of Galway, grants permission for the erection of Sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Convent, Taylor’s Hill;

  • 2 February 1863, copy of faculties to hear Confessions granted by Dr MacEvillly, Bishop of Galway;

  • 18 February 1863, faculties to hear Confessions granted by Dr MacEvillly, Bishop of Galway to Fr Stephan Farrell;

  • 17 January 1871, Fr Nicholas Walsh SJ, Milltown Park, Dublin to Fr Murphy re: Dr Nulty and examination for faculties to hear Confessions;

  • 23 March 1874, Fr Alfred Murphy SJ re: faculties of Regulars to hear Confessions outside their own Churches;

  • 6 August 1880, Fr Philip O'Connell SJ to Bishop re: Diocesan regulations;

  • 1888, Memoriale Visitationis Provinciae Hiberniae (1 ms. copy, 2 printed copies) and letter from Father Provincial Timothy Kenny to Fr Hughes regarding memorial (27 July 1888);

  • 25 December 1890, Father Provincial Timothy Kenny SJ gives extract from a letter from Father General dated 20 October 1890;

  • 15 April 1907, Unum Altare in privatis sacellis domorum Soc. Iesu Privilegiatum designari potest;

  • 28 August 1914, Vote of sympathy from the Board of Guardians, Galway Union, on occasion of the death of Father General;

  • 8 September 1914, Vote of sympathy from the Council of the Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality on occasion of the death of Father General;

  • 15 May 1919, Vote of sympathy from the Board of Guardians, Galway Union, on occasion of Fr Donovan’s death;

  • 16 May 1919, Fr Henry Foley SJ to Mr Mullery, Secretary, the Board of Guardians, Galway Union;

  • 10 February 1923, Fides Matrimonii Contracti a Lettia Monica Leatham, quae in Ecclesia Catholica (Jesuit) an. 1898 baptizata est. and

  • 1810-1896, Necrologia Provinciae Hiberniae Soc..

Pensions and rents payable to the Pioneers, Jesuit Foreign Missions

Pensions and rents payable to the Pioneers, Jesuit Foreign Missions. Includes correspondence between Fr Thomas Martin SJ, Jesuit Foreign Missions, 28 Upper Sherrard Street, Dublin, Fr McCarron SJ (Pioneers), Manresa House, Dollymount, Dublin and Fr Troddyn SJ, St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street.

Photograph of Fr John Bannon SJ

Mounted photograph of Fr John Bannon SJ by W. G. Moore, 11 Upper Sackville Street, Dublin.

Moore, W. G., photographer

Photographs belonging to Fr Joseph Conran SJ

File of photographs belonging to Fr Joseph Conran SJ which includes:

  • family photographs Fr Joseph Conran SJ;
  • stamp guild of St John de Britto, St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, with Fr Joseph Conran SJ, c.(1955);
  • Children of Mary in garden of St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, looking onto Upper Sherrad Street;
  • and his sister (been waked), Sheila Eva Conran, who died in 15 July 1921, 11 years old, Victoria Street, Armagh.

Photographs of Hong Kong missionaries

  • File
  • 1 December 1 December 1938 - 12 January 1939; 1946 - 1948
  • Part of Irish Jesuit Missions

Photographs of Hong Kong missionaries. Most of the individuals are identified. Inlcudes a letter from Br E Connolly, Secretaritus Missionum, Borgo S. Spirito, Roma, Italy to Fr John Coyne SJ, St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin enclosing a list of photograph in their archives of missionaries on the Hong Kong mision.

Includes photograph of visit of Fr General Pedro Arrupe SJ to Wah Yan College

Photographs of the interior and exterior of St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin

Group of photographs of the interior and exterior of St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin. Includes: father’s library; a view of the residence; organ; main statue on entrance; first installation of loud speakers; father’s refectory; St. Joseph side chapel; St. Patrick’s altar; battery switches; Suffering of Christ mantle statue; St. Aloysius altar; the garden.

Pilgrimage to Rome by Irish pilgrims in connection with the jubilee of his holiness, Pope Leo XII

Documents and objects relating to a pilgrimage to Rome by Irish pilgrims in connection with the jubilee of his holiness, Pope Leo XIII. Includes travel documents; diary of journey; pilgrim's enrolment certificate for Michael Mulraney, 21 Mid Gardiner Street, Dublin, medals of Pope Leo XIII and green maniple with harps.

Postcards and notes from the artist, Evie Hone to Fr Daniel Shields SJ

  • IE IJA J/404/9
  • File
  • 29 September 1941-11 August 1952; 1955; 1957
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of postcards and notes from the artist, Evie Hone to Fr Daniel Shields SJ (29 September 1941-11 August 1952) in which pleasantries are given and items of news, ‘I expect you heard that Michael Healy died last Mon. I feel very sad for myself but he could not have recovered to work’ (29 September 1941). Evie Hone writes from Kilkenny, Paris and Rathfarnham, Dublin. This material was found in the room of Fr Daniel Shields SJ after his death. Includes a newspaper cutting with an image of Evie Hone and her last stained-glass window, an obituary and a colour sketch of Mary and Child, by Evie Hone.

In 'Studies: An Irish quarterly review', Vol. XLVI, pp. 377-378, Autumn, 1957, Fr Daniel Shields SJ reviews ‘A tribute to Evie Hone and Mainie Jellett’.

Hone, Evie, 1894-1955, Irish painter and stained glass artist

Postponement of Fr Arthur Little’s last vows

  • IE IJA J/32/3
  • File
  • 21 November - 29 December 1932
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

A file relating to the postponement of Fr Arthur Little’s last vows. Includes a letter from Irish Fr Provincial, St Francis Xavier’s, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin to Fr Little outlining the reasons behind the postponement (27 December 1932, 1p).

Prayer leaflet entitled ‘League of Prayer’, from St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin

Prayer leaflet entitled ‘League of Prayer’, from St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin: ‘Thousands of our fellow-countrymen, thousands of our co-religionists in France and Belgium, thousands who, though they do not profess our Faith, are united to us by ties of friendship and interest, are exposed to every danger, and hardship, and suffering, that must attend the present war’.

Printed circular letter from Fr Robert Kelly SJ

Printed circular letter from Fr Robert Kelly SJ to [clergy and prelates]. Urges the introduction of his Association of Prayer against intemperance. Refers to its rules, and to ‘the organ of the Association’, the Monitor. Also reports on its success in various dioceses of Great Britain and Ireland. Includes handwritten note from James Quinn, Archbishop of Brisbane, to Fr Kelly. Archbishop Quinn expresses his approval of Fr Kelly’s Association.

Proposal re compulsory purchase of the college football field by the Railway Company

Documents including letters from solicitors and Jesuits, and newspaper cuttings, re. CIE's proposed compulsory purchase of the Crescent College playing field, owned by Mrs Pearse. Includes a number of letters from Irish Fr Provincial MacMahon to Fr Roche, Rector of the College on the subject (9 September 1945 - 15 June 1947,13 items). Some documents contain suggestions re. possible alternative fields, e.g., Cussen's field and Baker's field. Suggestion that the field be bought from Mrs. Pearse.

Proposal to found a Jesuit Weekly Paper

Documents examining ‘the question of the advisability or otherwise of our…(the Irish Jesuit Province)…founding & running a Weekly Paper’ following Fr General’s letter asking the Provincial to “find out the views of ‘peritorum Patrum’ on this subject.” Includes copy of circular letter and questionnaire sent by the Provincial to sixteen ‘knowledgeable’ Jesuits and replies from the following Fathers: Patrick Connolly (Editor of 'Studies'), Michael Kirwan, John Ryan, Aubrey Gwynn (ADMN/3/18; 29; 40), Timothy Corcoran, Michael Egan, Edward Cahill, Joseph Canavan, Timothy Mulcahy (Editor of 'Madonna', 'Irish Monthly' and 'The Jesuit Directory'), Edward J. Coyne (See also ADMN/3/29; 39; 42; 57), John McMahon, George Roche, John Keane, Charles Doyle (includes two unsigned replies from Frs Stephen Brown and Charles Scantlebury). Also includes tables of summaries of the views expressed.

Province file for Fr John A McAvoy SJ

Province file for Fr John A McAvoy SJ which includes correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials and curia, personal record, testimonial letters, and application to join the Society.

Province file for Fr Seán J McCarron SJ

Province file for Fr Seán J McCarron SJ which includes correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials and curia, personal record and application to join the Society.

Receipts for income and expenditure for St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin

File of receipts of dividends from investments by the Jesuit fathers in companies such as: The Dublin United Tramways Company, Limited; Arthur Guinness Son & Co., Limited; The Western Telegraph Company, Limerick; Ballinrobe and Claremorris Light Railway Co., Limited; Loughrea and Attymon Light Railway Co., Ltd.; Great Southern and Western Railway Co.; South Clare Railways Company; Limited.

Receipts for payment of work on St Patrick’s Chapel, candlesticks and marble altars at St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin

Receipts from Taylor Brothers, Stone & Marble Work, 25 Talbot Street and 6 Fairview Strand Works and Todd Burns & Co. Limited for payment of work on St Patrick's Chapel, candlesticks and marble altars at St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin. Includes specification for marble altar.

Receipts, requests for masses, and bequests sent to Fr Charles Farley SJ

  • IE IJA J/145/6
  • File
  • 3 January 1920 - 16 March 1922
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of receipts, requests for masses, and bequests sent to Fr Charles Farley SJ, St. Francis Xavier, Upper Gardiner Street, (Province
Procurator). Includes receipts, postcards and letters from Frs Edward Boyd Barrett, James O'Connor, Joseph Flinn, A. Magne, Daniel J. Finn (from R.M.S Orsova on the way to Australia), James Creagh, James Farrell, John Ryan (Valkenberg), William Byrne, Bernard Page, John Nerney, C. Wishoff, Leopold Skarek, and Dr. Conway Dwyer, 86 Merrion Square, Dublin.

Record of monthly expenditure of the Jesuit community at St Francis Xavier's

Handwritten record of monthly expenditure of the Jesuit community at St Francis Xavier's and income received from the procurator and Superior. Expenses include stamps, travelling, hair-cuts, medical and hospital expenses, bicycle, funerals, repairs of clocks and watches, books, sacristy boys, alms, electric, tobacco, etc...

Register of Sodality of Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary for Men, St Francis Xavier, Upper Gardiner Street

Handwritten alphabetical register of names (male), 1933 - Sodality of Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, St Francis Xavier's Church, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin.

Supplementary register containing names of all live members transferred from old register up to 13 November 1932.

Handwritten alphabetical register of male names of all live members transferred to supplementary register 1942 - Sodality of Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary for Men, Church of St Francis Xavier, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin. Stamp, Jan. 1937 indicates lapsed members and these are not in 1937 Guild Books. First date of admission is November 1894. Index to sections (Patron: St Patrick, St Kevin...) given on inside page.

Handwritten register of names (male), Sodality of Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, St Francis Xavier's Church, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin. Dates of enrolement 1933 onwards until 1967.

Handwritten register of lapsed members of the Sodality of Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, St Francis Xavier's Church, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin, 1939-1944.

Regulations made by the Father General in response to the Vice-Provincial's visit and his report

Regulations made by the Father General in response to the Vice-Provincial's visit and his report thereon. The rules concern the regulation of timetables in relation to ‘the duties of the day’, such as prayer, meditation, Masses, confessions etc., as well as mealtimes. There is an emphasis on obedience to authority, as well as economy, and a certain amount of disengagement from secular life. It is noted that the ‘Spirit of the Rule…is quite inconsistent with unnecessary visits to persons of the other sex’.

Release for the will of the late Annie Catherine Fox

Rev. John Conmee SJ, Provincial, St. Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin of the first part, Rev. Thomas Forde (Fr Stanislaus), St. Teresa's, Clarendon Street, Dublin of the second part and Ellen B. D. Griffen, Monasterevin, County Kildare of the third part.

Terms & Conditions:
In consideration of a sum of £800 left to the Society of Jesus for the training of a priest for the Foreign missions provided that the sum of money is accepted by the Society of Jesus in full satisfaction and discharge of the legacies mentioned in the will of the late Annie Catherine Fox.

Signed and sealed by John Conmee and Ellen B. D. Griffen.

Religious duties of staff of St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin

Notice which has been taken out of its frame previously hung in the Jesuit community, Gardiner Street, which indicates the 'Religious duties obligatory on all members of the staff who live in the house'. Details times of mass and communion. Indicates that 'repeated violations of any of the above regulations particularly with regard to attendance at daily mass, will incur dismissal from the Service'. Signed by Fr Frank Browne SJ, Superior of the Gardiner Street Community.

Browne, Francis M, 1880-1960, Jesuit priest, photographer and chaplain

Responses to Irish Fr Provincial's letter seeking volunteers to serve as chaplains

Responses to Irish Fr Provincial's letter seeking volunteers to serve as chaplains. Includes;

  • Copy of Provincial's letter (16 February 1942, 1p.)
  • Responses from Frs Michael O'Meara SJ (2 letters, See also CHP2/32), Peter MacSeumais SJ, Brian MacMahon SJ, Fergus Cronin SJ (See CHP2/14), Thomas J. Martin SJ (See CHP2/28), Aidan Ennis SJ, Gerard Perrott SJ (brother of Cyril Perrott SJ) (2 letters) (See CHP2/35), Brendan Lawler SJ, Gerard MacLoughlin SJ and Thomas O'Callaghan SJ.

Retreat and sermon notes attributed to Fr William Flynn SJ

Retreat and sermon notes attributed to Fr William Flynn SJ in the main. One document refers to Easter Sunday, 1 April 1866, [Fr.] James Butler [SJ]. References to sermons at St Beuno's, Wales, Mungret, St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Galway.

Retrenchment in expenses

Letters and circular letters concerning a circular letter from Fr General on economy measures and assisting the poor during the ‘severe economic crisis’. Includes draft of circular letter sent by Irish Fr Provincial to Jesuit houses on ways and means of economising in order to carry out the wishes expressed in Fr General’s letter and replies following House Consultations from Belvedere College; Milltown Park, 35 Lower Leeson Street; St Francis Xavier’s, Upper Gardiner Street; St Ignatius’ College, Galway; S. Stanislaus’ College, Tullamore; Clongowes Wood College, Naas; Sacred Heart College and Mungret College, Limerick and St Mary’s, Emo Court. Also includes circular list of economy measures issued to all houses.

Revisions to the Custom Book of the Irish Jesuit Province

A file relating to revisions of the Custom Book of the Irish Jesuit Province. Includes a manuscript entitled 'Some hints for Reading' (nd, 2pp). Includes a letter from Irish Fr Provincial James F Murphy SJ, St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin to Fr Rector concerning the consumption of spirits. Remarks 'Owing to grave representations made to me from many quarters and regrettable facts that have come to my knowledge...I have decided that for the future of the Province the following points should be observed as obligatory customs of the Province.' (12 March 1901, 4pp). Includes a typed supplement to the Custom Book of the Irish Jesuit Province entitled 'Customs of Serving Mass and Benediction(13pp, [1935-]); regulations for the Villa menu (1919, 1p); revision of Custom Book by Fr John J Coyne SJ, St Mary's, Emo, County Laois (12 April 1933);

Results 601 to 700 of 777