University College, Dublin



Scope note(s)

  • Located at 85 St Stephen's Green, Dublin, 1884.

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Hierarchical terms

University College, Dublin

University College, Dublin

Equivalent terms

University College, Dublin

  • UF University College Dublin

Associated terms

University College, Dublin

5 Collection results for University College, Dublin

5 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

'Actus Generalis ex Universa Theologia'

Actus Generalis ex Universa Theologia, die 30 Junii 1893, (defendet P. Josephus Jouanen). Defence by Josephus Jouanen of his theological studies. at the Aula Maxima, University College. Includes letters to Fr Peter Finlay SJ concerning his organisation of the ‘Grand Act’ (a theological debate) which took place in the Aula Maxima of University College, Stephen’s Green on 30 June 1893 (4 May-16 July 1893, 9 items) and newspaper extracts concerning ‘The Grand Act’ (29 June-1 July 1893, 3 items).

Jouanen, Joseph, 1860-1952, Jesuit priest

Copy of Browne's Whole Page Diary for 1913 belonging to Arthur C.J. Cox

Copy of Browne’s Whole Page Diary for 1913 belonging to ‘Arthur C.J. Cox, B.A. Sch. R.U.I & U.C.D.; Fr. Delany Scholar; 1st class Exhibitioner Arts & Law Schools, N.U.I.; Gold silver & bronze medalist etc., etc.. Auditor L. & H. Society. Auditor Solrs. App. Debating Society. M.A.’ Includes:

  • photographs;
  • references to :Home Rule for Ireland and current affairs; various Jesuits especially Aubrey Gwynn SJ; his work and university career; books he is reading and works he has had published; his finances; the activities of the Literary and Society and the Solicitors’ Apprentices’ debating Society; notes on various debates and papers;
  • entrance ticket to ‘an Interdebate To be held between the Representatives of the Law Students’ Debating Society…and of the Literary and Historical Society’ (including Arthur Cox) on 6 February 1913 in the Library, University College, Dublin and report of the debate in cutting from the Freeman’s Journal;
  • memorial card of his Aunt Frances who died on 22 August 1913;
  • newspaper cuttings on his Inaugural Address on ‘The Lawyer in Literature’ at the Solicitors’ Apprentices’ Debating Society on 29 October (2 items);
  • cuttings on the death of his friend Thomas Arkins (29 Nov., 2 Dec., 4 items);
  • list of family birthdays and rough family tree.

University College, Dublin roll book

University College, Dublin roll book detailing student's names and results obtained in examinations, starting Hilary term 1883.

Insert, p.36, printed list of students, who registered since 12 November 1884, at University College, annonated with fees; Insert pasted newspaper clipping with list of students and results from conferring of degrees by the Royal University of Ireland (1885).

University College Dublin, 1854-