- Bishop's Stortford
- Bishopstown
- Biskra
- Bismarck
- Bitterne
- Bizerte
- Blackburn
- Blackditch
- Blackfriars Hall
- Blackfriars Priory
- Blackhall Place
- Blackheath
- Blackpool
- Blackpool (Cork City)
- Blackrock
- Blackrock Clinic
- Blackrock College
- Blackrock (Cork CIty)
- Blackrock (Dundalk)
- Blackrock Road
- Blackrock Technical school
- Blackstaff
- Blake Road
- Blakestown
- Blakestown Way
- Blanchardstown
- Blandford
- Blandford St Mary
- Blantyre
- Blarney
- Blarney Castle
- Blarney Street
- Blessed Sacrament Roman Catholic Church
- Blessing Way
- Blessington
- Blida
- Blinman
- Bloemfontein
- Blois
- Blonay
- Bloomfield Care Centre
- Bloomfield Park
- Bloomingdale
- Bloomsbury
- Blue Fin Building
- Blue Mountains
- Bluebell
- Blythburgh
- Bocadh
- Bochum
- Bodenstown
- Bodington
- Bodmin
- Bodney
- Bogotá
- Bohemia
- Boher
- Bohermore
- Bohermore (Limerick)
- Bohermore National School
- Bohernagore
- Boho
- Bohola
- Bohreen
- Boise
- Bokaro Steel City
- Bolag
- Bolart
- Bolivia
- Bologna
- Bolton Abbey
- Bolton Street
- Bolton Trust
- Bolzano
- Bon Accord
- Bon Secours Hospital (Glasnevin Hill)
- Bond Street
- Bondi
- Bondi Beach
- Bondi Junction
- Bonn
- Bonnybrook
- Boomanoomana
- Boot Road
- Booterstown
- Booterstown Avenue
- Bordeaux
- Bordeaux Collège
- Bordon
- Boreham
- Borehamwood
- Borgo Santo Spirito
- Borja
- Bornacoola
- Borneo
- Boroko
- Boroondara cemetery
- Boroondara General Cemetery
- Borris
- Borris Little
Results 901 to 1000 of 9929
St Bridget's Place
- County Galway
- Galway City
- Salthill
- St Bridget's Place
Scope note(s)
Source note(s)
Display note(s)
Hierarchical terms
St Bridget's Place
BT Salthill
St Bridget's Place
Equivalent terms
St Bridget's Place
Associated terms
St Bridget's Place
0 Collection results for St Bridget's Place