St Andrew's Church (Port Arthur)



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St Andrew's Church (Port Arthur)

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Baxter, Richard, 1821-1904, Jesuit priest

  • IE IJA J/2371
  • Person
  • 23 March 1821-08 May 1904

Born: 23 March 1821, Carlisle, Cumberland, England / County Tyrone
Entered: 17 September 1845, St Mary’s, Montreal, Canada - Franciae Province (FRA)
Ordained: 15 August 1854, New York, NY, USA
Final Vows: 15 August 1861
Died: 08 May 1904, Hôpital Saint-Jean-de-Dieu, Longue-Pointe, Montréal, Québec, Canada - Canadensis Province Province (CAN)

part of the Collège Sainte-Marie, Montréal, Canada co0mmunity at the time of death

Born in Carlisle, England of Irish parents and brought up in County Tyrone. Emigrated to with family to Canada in the 1830’s.

◆ Woodstock Letters SJ : Vol 34, Number 1


“Father Richard Baxter SJ” p167

Father Baxter, born at Carlisle in England on March 28th 1821, was of Irish parentage and received his early training at Tyrone. His father had there enlisted in the 15th Foot Infantry - Cromwell's Own - and afterwards became a convert to the Faith. The future missionary caught, and through life retained, some traits from the medium in which he was
brought up. An erect, soldierly bearing, joined to frankness of manner and directness of speech; the laconic answer ever ready, set off with a rich vein of humor, opened for him the way to hearts and disarmed prejudice. His mother, from the city of Limerick, was a woman of remarkable piety and her influence and example left an indelible impression on his character. It showed itself to his latest years in an almost exaggerated reverence for womanhood, always giving the place of honor, and when remarked on he would say: “How can I forget the Blessed Virgin and my own mother”.

He was gifted with a strong and healthy constitution which he loved in college to exhibit by athletic feats and sometimes by pugilistic encounters, in which he was seldom worsted, but particularly in his long and indefatigable missionary journeys. "God gave me good legs" he would say “and I can do nothing better than use them for his glory”.

In the third decade of the last century young Baxter came to Canada with his father and the other members of the family and settled near Barrie, Ont., where a sister still survives. He began his studies in Toronto and completed his classical course in the Montreal College in 1845. In September of that year he entered the Jesuit Novitiate, then but recently established in Montreal. It was opened at the Rodier residence on St Antoine St, now replaced by a more imposing and academic structure.

Our missionary as well as the other members of the Order who enjoyed the hospitality of that distinguished family, never tired relating on the proofs of kindness they had received from its members.

In 1847 the young religious made the ordinary Jesuit vows at Fordham, NY. His first ministry was a professorship in a grammar class in the college, which was opened that year in Elizabeth Street, New York. When this institution was transferred to more commodious quarters in Fifteenth Street, in 1849, the young professor moved with it. He began his career under the direction of that distinguished priest and famous educator, Father Larkin, who had been professor at the Montreal College, but entering the Society of Jesus, founded in New York the present St Francis Xavier's College, and became a noted preacher and orator. The young teacher was appointed by him to a class of French, and such was the enthusiasm he excited for that particular branch that mothers complained that their boys since they came under Mr Baxter, would only talk to them at home in French. He completed his theological studies at Fordham, in 1854, and on the feast of the Assumption, in the same year he was raised to priesthood by Bishop Loughlin of Brooklyn.

The fresh apostle then started out on an active career of fifty years, over forty of which were to be spent along the Great Lakes within the limits of what is now known as New Ontario. After some time in Troy, NY, where the Jesuits where then engaged in parish work and preaching, in August 1863 he was sent to Sault Saint Marie. During eighteen months he travelled continually along the shores of Georgian Bay and in the present diocese of Marquette, saying Mass in the houses of the settlers, baptizing children, blessing marriages, and giving missions in the white centres of population. In these apostolic works he spent five or six years in the neighborhood of Garden River and the Sault. Here with Brother Reardon he dug the foundations of the church of the Sacred Heart, which Bishop Jamot had just begun to erect, and is now the titular church of the Diocese of Sault Saint Marie. In 1871, we find him in the ministry in Guelph and a few months later in Troy.

During the summer of 1872, he went to Prince Arthur's Landing at the head of Lake Superior. In a letter to the writer of these pages, Father Baxter mentions a few interesting details. “I had everything to begin on my mission at Port Arthur, when I landed there on the fourth of June, 1872. I said Mass in several buildings and sheds, and in Mr Dawson's house, alongside Flaherty's hotel. I finally secured a house, now at the point opposite the depot of the new railway - Port Arthur, Duluth and Western Railway. I had hard work in erecting St Andrew's church. Mr Dawson's Glengarry men gave me a hundred dollars. That start procured the Scotch titular for the church, which was burnt down and rebuilt immediately”.

The modest pioneer says nothing of the popularity he soon acquired among all classes of that place. He was looked upon as one of the town's valuable assets, and his figure with long beard and straw hat, held the foreground in all the photo's of the booming town. Wives would not follow their husbands to the north shore till assured there was a priest and church for themselves and a Catholic school for their children. Business stifled bigotry in those days.

The dedication of the Church, which was a great event in the young town, was shared in by all, the ladies mostly Protestants, improvised a choir - the motu proprio had not yet appeared - and a decorating committee, while the more prominent officials held places of honor. The occasion was splendid for one of Father Baxter's characteristic traits and uncompromising disposition. After the execution of the Gloria he turned around at the altar to preach the sermon from the text: Out of the church no Salvation. Needless to say the sermon was a forcible one, and from another might have given offence; but from Fr Baxter it was good form and is yet spoken of. “A nice trick” said a prominent citizen on meeting him next day “to invite us all to your church and assistance and then turn on us and send us to ---- in that fashion”.' “'But”' said the priest '”could I show you my gratitude in any better way than, when you were on the wrong road, by warning you”.

Those were the days of the silver excitement, when the precious metal was taken out in such quantities from the solitary islet under the shadow of Thunder Cape, the Sleeping Giant of the Otchipways. Father Baxter was the miners' missionary. “I had often and long to visit and stay at Silver Islet”,' he writes. “I added something to the church built by Captain Frew, and the addition served for cooking, etc. I visited all around Isle Royale and McCargoe's cove, nearly opposite Silver Islet. At other times, I went to the mines over the mountains.....” Father Baxter ministered to the miners' spiritual wants until the flooding of the Silver Islet mine compelled the owners to cease operations indefinitely.

He was, at the same time, the missionary of the workmen employed in the construction of the Dawson route, the highway that was to link the prairies to Lake Superior. When that enterprise was discontinued and the building of the railway from Fort William to Winnipeg was undertaken by the Government, in 1875, Father Baxter started out on his career as a railway missionary. He travelled from camp to camp with his chapel on his back, and said Mass for the natives on Sundays and holidays. Many instances of his charity are still fresh in the memory of the people of Fort William. Let us give one example. When the grading of the new railway had extended fifty or sixty miles west of Thunder Bay, scurvy, familiarly known as “black leg”, spread among the workmen. It was not a rare sight to see the old missionary trudging that long distance over the swampy country with a bag of potatoes on his back, solely to provide vegetable food for stricken men.

Several times he had to swim across streams to carry the consolations of religion to the injured and dying during those strenuous years. He built the church at West Fort William and called it the Nativity, because, as he tells us, the first Mass was celebrated in it on Christmas night. He made his headquarters in the little house in the rear, and there he retired after his long tiring journeys for a few days of well-earned rest. But the holy missionary found his rest in prayer. A light burning in the church one morning at two o'clock betrayed his presence at the foot of the altar.

That God was pleased to show the efficacy of his prayers we have several proofs. A couple of instances will suffice. An abscess was eating away the life of one of his flock, a young woman of West Fort William. The physicians had abandoned her case as hopeless, upon which the confiding sufferer recommended herself with earnestness to the prayers of Father Baxter. The good missionary betook himself immediately to the church and did not leave it for hours. Next day the patient was out of danger. These details were given to the writer ten years after by the woman herself, who attributed the saving of her life solely to the prayers of the holy priest.

On another occasion the missionary was called to the bedside of a dying woman in the township of Murillo, a few miles west of Fort William. Finding the patient better, and on the way to recovery apparently, he decided not to administer the Last Sacraments. After having reached nearly home, on his return journey, he was impelled by some influence to return immediately to the sick home. He started over the dreary road a second time. When he reached the house it was far into the night. He found the woman on the point of death. After he had given her Extreme Unction, she breathed her last. A consoling fact in connection with this holy man's career is that, notwithstanding the distances, very often hundreds of miles, he had to cover, and the difficulties he had to overcome, no one in his immense district ever died without the Sacraments; this district extended over a territory six hundred miles in length. It is tangible proof that the old priest's guardian angel kept a diligent watch over his ministry.

In 1881, the last stage of his remarkable career began. The newly formed Canadian Pacific Railway Company undertook the construction of the road along the north shore of Lake Superior, and a period of activity unparalleled in modern enterprise opened up. Thousands of men were sent to tunnel out mountains of granite and to bridge those rivers and streams that rush into the lake. Father Baxter was the missionary sent to live with the workmen. He shared their food and their hardships during the years of construction. He followed their camps from point to point, and in his journeys twice narrowly escaped drowning. While crossing a stream near Nepignon, the ice gave way, precipitating the old missionary into the water. His strong lungs did him good service on the occasion; but he was submerged nearly a couple of hours before he was rescued. When asked how he got out of the water, he simply replied : “Head first”. He was chilled through on that occasion, but apparently none the worse for his wintry bath.

Father Baxter stayed in the construction camps until the road was completed. When the workmen employed in the building of the road disappeared, a fresh element came in. Regular trains started to run across the continent and his ministry began among the employees of the railway from Chapleau to Bonheur, the western limit of the diocese of Peterboro. He built churches for their use at the divisional points of Schreiber and White River, and later, a third one at East Fort William.

The completion of the railway did not lighten the burdens of his ministry. He travelled continually up and down the lake shore, living more than half his time on the trains. It mattered little what kind of conveyance led to his destination. Freight cars, locomotives, hand cars, as well as colonist and first-class coaches were patronized by him. He had a particular distaste for Pullmans, giving as his reason that he liked fresh air too well to be cooped up in pillows and cushions. During the last five years of his stay on the Canadian Pacific his mileage record ran into the hundreds of thousands. Those were the years of the development of the road, when slow trains, wearing delays and hardships innumerable were the lot of travellers. He went from station to station and said Mass for the Catholics, rarely spending more than two days at one place. The incommodities of this kind of life were many and bitter. “When there is a family at a siding”, he wrote to the author of this “there is generally a means of having a bed there”. Not always however; for he wrote again recalling his own experiences : “If your Reverence uses more judgment than I did, the want of sleep and cold waiting rooms will not give you as much annoyance as they gave me”.

Father Baxter's affability and his readiness to render a service, no matter how painful, made him beloved by the railway employees and their families. The old man, laden with chapel and sacks which, as we learned from one of his flock, would prevent him from entering anything smaller than a flat car, was always a welcome figure, in his threadbare cassock and well-worn hat. The little children looked for him, for they knew his pockets were filled with candies and toys.

Three times he narrowly escaped being killed in accidents on the railway. One of these episodes he kept vividly ever after in his mind. He was on the baggage car when the train left the track at McKenzie station. The missionary was found under a pile of trunks, and escaped with a few bruises. Later, when he was asked how he succeeded in getting out of the wreck so easily. “Through the door”, was the prompt reply.

The weight of years, and the fatigues of this nomadic life, kept up for so many years, began at last to tell on the vigorous frame of the old priest, and it was felt that the time had come to relieve him of. some of his burdens. In 1893, his superiors sent him to Sault Ste Marie, Mich., where he remained three years, and then back to Port Arthur - both scenes of his former activity. He was now eighty-two years of age, and the state of his health was becoming precarious. He returned to Montreal, where his religious life was begun, to prepare himself in retirement for the moment when he was to go to meet the Master he had served so well. That moment came three years later, May 8, 1904, and the old man carrying with him the merits of fifty-nine years in the Society of Jesus, and fifty years of priesthood, entered into his reward.

The solemn moment of his death had been before him for years; when it came, it did not find him unprepared. In his writings, found after his death, it is remarkable how frequent the value of time, and the right use we should make of it, comes under his pen. Here are a few of the maxims which were the watchwords of his life: “Time flies”; “Time is like a dream”; “Nothing is more precious than time”; “Time is given us to serve and glorify God;” We meet these truths, eloquent in their simplicity, in almost every page of his private papers. In a letter sympathising with a family, bereaved through a railway accident at Gravel River, he writes: “So many accidents on land and water! We should often say the Litanies. From a sudden and unprovided death, Good Lord deliver us”. In another letter, written after his retirement, he writes: “Let us often think of our Father and our eternal home, which, I hope, will be a happy one for all of us, and where we can sing our Father's praises for all eternity. It is really a pleasure to hear the notes of our organ and the singing of our choir. It makes me think of heaven. Earthly pleasures soon cease. The many and sudden deaths along the line ought to make us seriously think of eternity. This should not make us sad or miserable; but ·it should make us act reasonably, as becomes God's children. We have time in order to prepare for eternity”. These extracts give us the clue to the inner circle of the soul of one of the heroes of the Ontario missions, who, in his long career, had in view only the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

(From E J Devine in “The Canadian Messenger”)

Dictionary of Canadian Biography

BAXTER, RICHARD (in later life he sometimes signed Richard Xavier Baxter), Roman Catholic priest and Jesuit; b. 28 March 1821 in Carlisle, England, second son of Samuel Baxter and Mary Anne Bennis, both natives of Ireland; d. 8 May 1904 in Montreal.

Richard Baxter’s father worked as a military tailor in England and Ireland, and after the family immigrated to Barrie, Upper Canada, around 1830, he likely continued his trade as a civilian. In Barrie he and the four children converted to Catholicism, the religion of his wife. Love of reading and piety characterized the Baxter home. Young Richard, who had begun his education in Ireland, attended school in Toronto before enrolling in classical studies at the Séminaire de Saint-Sulpice in Montreal, where his extracurricular activities included contact sports such as boxing. Upon graduation in 1845 he entered the newly established Jesuit noviciate in Montreal on 17 September as the order’s first English-speaking novice in Canada.

In 1847 he was sent to New York City. After taking his first vows there, he taught grammar and French for four years at a boys’ school opened by Father John Larkin*. He then studied theology at St Francis Xavier College until his ordination to the priesthood on 15 Aug. 1854. Two years of teaching at St John’s College, now Fordham University, ended his academic career (except for further study in Montreal in 1859–60). He would take his final vows in the order on 15 Aug. 1861.

Father Baxter’s pastoral career began in 1856 at Troy, N.Y. Seven years later he was posted to the Jesuit mission at Garden River, Upper Canada [see Frederic Baraga*]. His large size, physical stamina, driving energy, and ready wit made him well suited for the frontier, as did his fluency in English and French and his familiarity with Ojibwa. Except for visits to Troy and to Guelph, Ont., in 1871–72 and in 1878–79, he would spend the rest of his working life in the Georgian Bay and Lake Superior region. At his first missionary posting he celebrated mass, taught catechism, and performed baptisms, marriages, and funerals for settlers there and at Bruce Mines, Serpent River, and Sault Ste Marie, Mich. Travelling usually by boat or on foot, he always wore the voluminous black cassock of his order and carried packsacks containing a portable altar, vestments, altar cloths, candles, and other necessities.

In June 1872 Baxter was transferred to his second posting, Thunder Bay, where he would remain until 1893. Before his arrival in the district, the small group of Catholics at Prince Arthur’s Landing (later Port Arthur and now Thunder Bay, Ont.) had been served by occasional visits from Father Dominique Du Ranquet, a Jesuit posted to the Indian mission of the Immaculate Conception on the Kaministiquia River [see Nicolas-Marie-Joseph Frémiot*]. Baxter himself spent a good deal of his time until 1876 at Silver Islet, which was becoming an important mining centre, and from there visited neighbouring mining communities such as Isle Royale (Mich.), Silver Harbour, and Vert Island. He ministered regularly at Prince Arthur’s Landing, saying mass at the house of engineer Simon James Dawson until a church was erected. Named St Andrew’s in honour of a group of Scottish Catholic workers on the Dawson Road who had contributed $100 toward its construction, the church was dedicated in 1875 and rebuilt in 1881 after a fire. Baxter helped found a convent for the Sisters of St Joseph, who came to Prince Arthur’s Landing in 1881 to teach school and three years later opened St Joseph’s Hospital.

With the onset of railway construction in 1875, Baxter had begun the ministry that would earn him the sobriquet Apostle of the Railway Builders. He shared their hardships, following them from camp to camp, and brought them potatoes to prevent scurvy. After the completion of the railway he travelled by train to serve communities between English River and White River, covering a distance of about 420 miles. Several churches were built in the area during his incumbency, including St Rose of Lima at Silver Islet in 1873, St Patrick’s at Fort William (Thunder Bay) in 1882, and the Church of the Nativity and St Agnes at Fort William West in 1884. His accounts of life along the line frequently appeared between 1876 and 1878 in the Thunder Bay Sentinel, edited by the Catholic layman Michael Hagan*.

Although he was expected to retire in 1893, at the age of 72, he transferred instead to serve as pastor at Sault Ste Marie, Mich., until 1897, and then back in Port Arthur until 1900. His last years were spent at the Hôtel-Dieu du Sacré-Cœur de Jésus in Montreal. He suffered from a progressive mental disorder and in 1903 was moved to Hôpital Saint-Jean-de-Dieu, where he died the following year.

Father Baxter not only acted as a catalyst in the development of northwestern Ontario’s Catholic institutions, but he demonstrated the practical workings of Christianity to everyone he met. Essentially a man of the people, he was renowned for his great generosity and his sense of humour. Official recognition came in 1978 when a provincial plaque was erected in his memory at St Andrew’s Catholic Church, Thunder Bay.

Elinor Barr

An undated letter addressed by Richard Baxter to the mission procurator has been published under the title “Requirements for a mission” in Martyrs’ Shrine Message (Midland, Ont.), 31 (1967), no.1: 22–23.

An obituary article by Edward James Devine*, Baxter’s successor as railway missionary in the Thunder Bay area, appeared in the Canadian Messenger of the Sacred Heart (Montreal), 15 (1905): 259–67, and was reprinted, with the exception of a brief introductory note, in Woodstock Letters (Woodstock, Md), 34 (1905): 167–72.

ASJCF, BO-5-2; BO-19-16; BO-19-19. Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Garden River, Ont.), Diary, 1868–92; RBMB, 1856–87. NA, RG 31, C1, 1861, Barrie: 22. Private arch., Elinor Barr (Thunder Bay, Ont.), Fort William Mission, diary, 1874–82 (photocopies). St Andrew’s Roman Catholic Church (Thunder Bay), RBMB, vol.1 B. Sisters of St Joseph of Sault Ste Marie Arch., St Joseph’s College (North Bay, Ont.), “Father Richard Baxter, s.j.,” in Sister Mary Evarista Walsh, “The annals of the Sisters of St Joseph, 1881–1939” (typescript). Soc. of Jesus, Upper Canada Prov. Arch., Regis College (Toronto), B-B-9 (Richard Baxter file). Daily Times-Journal (Fort William [Thunder Bay]), 13 May 1904, 14 Dec. 1929. Weekly Herald and Algoma Miner (Port Arthur [Thunder Bay]), 26 May 1893. R. J. Baxter, The Baxter family history (Pembroke, Ont., 1981). Dictionary of Jesuit biography: ministry to English Canada, 1842–1987 (Toronto, 1991). Michael Nash, “Reminiscences of Father Michael Nash,” Woodstock Letters, 26 (1897): 268–82. F. J. Nelligan, “Catholic beginnings at Port Arthur,” Canadian Messenger of the Sacred Heart, 67 (1957): 384–93, 437–46, 516–21, 594–600. St. Andrew’s Catholic Church centennial, 1875–1975 (Thunder Bay, [1975]). S. [C.] Young, “The life and work of Father Richard Baxter, missionary,” Thunder Bay Hist. Museum Soc., Papers and Records, 11 (1983): 49–52.