Biographical information on Fr John Hayes SJ
- IE IJA CHP/2/20
- Item
- 1942
Part of Irish Jesuit chaplains
Biographical information by Fr John Hayes SJ from the 1942 ‘Catalogus personum primus.’
Hayes, John, 1909-1945, Jesuit priest and chaplain
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Biographical information on Fr John Hayes SJ
Part of Irish Jesuit chaplains
Biographical information by Fr John Hayes SJ from the 1942 ‘Catalogus personum primus.’
Hayes, John, 1909-1945, Jesuit priest and chaplain
Documents and letters relating to Fr John Hayes' career before becoming a military chaplain
Part of Irish Jesuit chaplains
Documents and letters relating to Fr John Hayes’ career before becoming a military chaplain. Includes:
Hayes, John, 1909-1945, Jesuit priest and chaplain
Documents relating to Fr Michael Pelly's time as a chaplain.
Part of Irish Jesuit chaplains
Documents relating to Fr Michael Pelly's time as a chaplain. Includes Fr Pelly's ‘British Military Identity Document’ with photograph (December 1943, 1 item) and photocopy from a newspaper [Irish Independent?] of an article on the ‘Mass of Reparation said in Monte Cassino Ruins’ by Fr Pelly (1944, 1p).
Pelly, Michael C, 1907-1990, Jesuit priest and chaplain
Fr Conor Naughton's experiences as a chaplain in India during the Second World War
Part of Irish Jesuits
Copy of typed document of Fr Conor Naughton's experiences as a chaplain in India during the Second World War.
Part of Irish Jesuit Missions
A file relating to a proposal by Dr Fehily of the Colonial Office that some Jesuits be incorporated in the Welfare Mission which he is leading to Hong Kong following the liberating army.
Material relating to the imprisonment of Frs Patrick Joy and Gerard Casey by the Japanese
Part of Irish Jesuit Missions
A file relating to the imprisonment of Frs Patrick Joy and Gerard Casey by the Japanese.
Part of Irish Jesuit Missions
Permission from the Colonial Office for four priests to apply for passages to Malaya, Borneo and Hong Kong.
Typescript entitled 'Steer Neutral in Troubled Waters, Hong Kong 1941 - 1945'
Part of Irish Jesuit Missions
Typescript entitled 'Steer Neutral in Troubled Waters, Hong Kong 1941 - 1945' describing the experience of Irish Jesuits during the Japanese occupation by Fr Eddie Bourke SJ. Not related to Fr Thomas Ryan's 'Jesuits Under Fire'.
Bourke, Edward, 1895-1985, Jesuit priest