
3 Collection results for Scotland

Photographs of Fr Willie Doyle SJ

File of copies photographs of Fr Willie Doyle SJ including: newspaper photograph announcing death (1917); mounted photograph of Willie and his brother, when both young; copies of portrait photographs of Fr Willie Doyle SJ used in publications, Fr Doyle in military uniform and with his parents and in group photograph with other Jesuits. Includes:

  • Postcard from Fr Willie Doyle SJ to Rosario Nesbitt, 12 May 1912;
  • Photograph of Milltown Park villa group, 1905, outside Carysfort, Kilcoole, County Wicklow.

Chancellor, photographer, [1862]-1923

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial and printed pamphlets relating to the First World War

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial and printed pamphlets relating to the War. Includes: circular sent to the Irish Fr Provincial from the Irish Volunteers protesting against the proposal to introduce conscription in Ireland;
– letter from the Irish National Aid and Volunteer Dependants’ Fund seeking contributions towards their ‘Gift Sale’ in order to raise funds [for the administration of the campaign against the introduction of conscription];
– circular and printed matter from the Irish War Savings Committee seeking support for their ‘Thrift campaign’;
– letter from the Lord Lieutenant’s Private Secretary regarding a proposal to establish a fund ‘to be devoted to the purchase of literature suited to be despatched to Irish Regiments at the front’, also includes copy of Irish Fr Provincial’s reply;
– copy letter from Andrew Bonar Law (Treasury Chambers, Whitehall) to the Irish Fr Provincial seeking a subscription to ‘the new War Loan’.
Also includes printed matter on ‘Catholicism and War’; ‘Voluntary Women Patrols’ and an ‘Address From the French Catholic Association for Young People. To the young Catholics – Allies and Neutrals’.

Copies of photographs of Fr Willie Doyle SJ

Copies of photographs of Fr Willie Doyle SJ, collected by his brother Fr Charles Doyle SJ. Includes image of Fr Willie Doyle SJ, taken in Aberdeen, 1908 by MacMahon, portrait photographer.

MacMahon, Vincent, photographer