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3 Collection results for Santry

Only results directly related

Suggestion to write to Irish Fr Provincial for permission for Fr Costa to return from Malta to act as chaplain to Lady Margaret Frances Domville

Letter from [ ], writing from 9 Hill Street, Berkeley Square, London, to Dr Anderson. Suggests that the latter should apply to the Irish Fr Provincial for permission for Fr Costa to return from Malta to act as chaplain to Lady Margaret Frances Domville of Santry House. A word or phrase has been cut out of this letter.

Note from Lady Margaret Domvile to the Irish Fr Provincial Joseph Lentaigne SJ

Note from Lady Margaret Domvile to the Irish Fr Provincial Joseph Lentaigne SJ. Informs the latter that her husband is anxious to engage a Jesuit private chaplain who is English by birth. Asks if Fr Lentaigne would consent to recall Fr Costa from Malta. Encloses a letter from Fr Ryan (not included). Includes a note: ‘F. Costa was refused, as can't live out of Community’.