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  • UF Ráth Fearnáin

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21 Collection results for Rathfarnham

Only results directly related

Copy letter from Donal O'Buachalla and Company Ltd. to Mr. J. J. Donnellan, concerning the request to acquire additional land at the rear of his premises

Copy letter from Donal O'Buachalla and Company Ltd., 86 Merrion Square, Dublin 2 to Mr. J. J. Donnellan, Castle Inn, Rathfarnham, Dublin concerning the request by J. J. Donnellan to acquire additional land at the rear of his premises. Note to Fr Matthew Meade SJ (4 October 1978).

Donal O'Buachalla and Co. Ltd, property advisor, 1954-

Correspondence between Donal Ó Buachalla, Fr Patrick Doyle SJ and others relating to the sale of a portion of land at Rathfarnham Castle

File containing correspondence between Donal Ó Buachalla, Fr Patrick Doyle SJ and others relating to the sale of a portion of land at Rathfarnham Castle, the gift of 5½ acres of land as a public park to Dublin Corporation and communication with the office of public works relating to purchase of land at Rathfarnham for the construction of a government department building. Also includes statement issued by the Jesuit Fathers on the sale of the land and indications of the charitable uses of the purchase money.

Development of Jesuit property at Rathfarnham Castle

File relating to the development of Jesuit property at Rathfarnham Castle. Includes correspondence relating to the appeal for planning permission, the building development at Rathfarnham, the road improvement scheme, and meetings with officials from Dublin Corporation; maps and plans, valuations of the property, accounts of negotiations with developers and their proposals. Main correspondents include Frs Patrick Doyle, Cecil McGarry, and Andrew Devane, Donal Ó Buachalla and Tom Bacon.

Letters addressed to Fr Patrick Doyle SJ containing expressions of interest in sites or houses in the proposed new development at Rathfarnham

File of letters addressed to Fr Patrick Doyle SJ, Rector, Rathfarnham Castle, mainly containing expressions of interest in sites or houses in the proposed new development at Rathfarnham. Letters include both those from individual applicants and cooperative housing associations.

Letters from Evie Hone, Dower House, Marlay, Rathfarnham, Dublin to Fr Aubrey Gwynn, SJ regarding the design and the cost of the stained glass windows in the chapel in University Hall

A file of letters from Evie Hone, Dower House, Marlay, Rathfarnham, Dublin to Fr Aubrey Gwynn, SJ regarding the design and the cost of the stained glass windows in the chapel in University Hall, Hatch Street, Dublin. Remarks that she will try to keep the estimate as low as possible but refers to the increase in cost for glass and glazier’s wages (14 March 1947, 3pp). Refers to the difficulty of purchasing glass in London ‘...the glass situation over there is very bad, I found I could get no flesh colour...and no likelihood of getting any for months...I am going to try Belgium now but when will one get the glass from there!’ (22 October 1947, 2pp). Refers to the design of the windows and remarks ‘I do hope I shall do windows which will please you, I agree with you that the symbols should be clear and intelligible to the students...’ (25 March 1948, 2pp). Apologises for the incorrect amount quoted for the windows ‘...I never trust my own calculations about square ft so I get them checked over by a business man and friend of mine...I am afraid to say I muddled up what he wrote out for me...’ (18 October 1948, 2pp). Refers to the finished design and remarks ‘I am so very glad you like the windows and feel they express what you need in the chapel.’ (15 October 1948, 3pp).

Hone, Evie, 1894-1955, Irish painter and stained glass artist

Letters from Fr David Gallery SJ, Rathfarnham Castle, to Irish Fr Provincial concerning an invitation by the Loreto nuns in Rathfarnham and other community matters

Letters from Fr David Gallery SJ, Rathfarnham Castle, County Dublin to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ concerning an invitation by the Loreto nuns in Rathfarnham and other community matters.

Gallery, David, 1849-1934, Jesuit priest

Letters relating to a small plot of land between Rathfarnham Castle and the golf course and the decision of the golf club to sell the plot of land to a builder

A file of letters relating to a small plot of land between Rathfarnham Castle and the golf course and the decision of the golf club to sell the plot of land to a builder. Includes a letter from J. Keane SJ, Rathfarnham Castle, County Dublin to Fr Socius remarking that the building of houses on this plot of land would interfere with Rathfarnham Castle's privacy. Suggests the construction of a boundary wall along this plot (19 March 1929, 2pp).

Property developments at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin

File of material relating to developments at Rathfarnham Castle. Includes letters by Donal O'Buachalla, Fr Matthew Meade SJ, Rector, Rathfarnham, and Irish Fr Provincial Paddy Doyle SJ; market valuations for sites A and B by Hamilton and Hamilton Estates Limited; expressions of interest in the site by various groups of developers; letters by representatives of the Rathfarnham Traders Association.

Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin

In 1913, the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) purchased the 16th century-built Rathfarnham Castle from a Dublin building company, Bailey and Gibson. Initially, the plan was for a noviciate for Jesuit novices and in time, for working men’s retreats to be established at the Castle. However, by September 1913, this had changed to a house of studies for those Jesuits attending university. This decision was made following the change of regulations to the National University requiring students to attend lectures whereas previously they could be prepared for examinations elsewhere. The Jesuit Juniors as they were known would live at the Castle and cycle to lectures at University College Dublin, then located at Earlsfort Terrace in the centre of Dublin.

The papers of Rathfarnham Castle concern: the management of Rathfarnham Castle (1911-1995); the Jesuit community (1913-1985); the history of Rathfarnham Castle (1912-1994); the farm (1917-1920); the seismograph (1918-1954) and retreats (1922-1995). Material is in the form of letters, plans, maps and photographs.

Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin

Road widening scheme at Rathfarnham and work carried out by Dublin Corporation on part of the boundary wall of Rathfarnham Castle

A file relating to the road widening scheme at Rathfarnham and work carried out by Dublin Corporation on part of the boundary wall of Rathfarnham Castle and the subsequent problems that arose due to the Corporation's failure to complete the work. Includes a letter from Tom Bacon, Solicitor (acting on behalf of the Jesuit Fathers), 9 Clare Street, Dublin to Fr McDonald SJ Remarks 'This matter has taken a new and interesting turn... Mr Beausang (Dublin Corporation).. .explained his predicament. Apparently in his final anxiety to get the work through he agreed our terms without obtaining any additional estimates as to the cost... Mr Beausang states that there is a deficiency of at least £7,000...There is no fund out of which this deficiency can be met...Mr Beausang's first suggestion was that the Jesuit Fathers would make a grant to the corporation of half the increased cost namely £3,500. When he was told that this was out of the question it was then suggested that you might disclaim the acquisition money £2,000.' (11 October 1956, 3pp).

Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin

Sale catalogues on particulars and conditions of sale and tender form for land owned by the Jesuit Fathers at Rathfarnham Castle

Sale catalogues, prepared by Donal Ó Buachalla auctioneers, containing particulars of land, and particulars and conditions of sale and tender form for land owned by the Jesuit Fathers at Rathfarnham Castle; Later catalogue containing description of further site for sale on behalf of the Society of Jesus at Rathfarnham Village.

Donal O'Buachalla and Co. Ltd, property advisor, 1954-