A file of letters from Evie Hone, Dower House, Marlay, Rathfarnham, Dublin to Fr Aubrey Gwynn, SJ regarding the design and the cost of the stained glass windows in the chapel in University Hall, Hatch Street, Dublin. Remarks that she will try to keep the estimate as low as possible but refers to the increase in cost for glass and glazier’s wages (14 March 1947, 3pp). Refers to the difficulty of purchasing glass in London ‘...the glass situation over there is very bad, I found I could get no flesh colour...and no likelihood of getting any for months...I am going to try Belgium now but when will one get the glass from there!’ (22 October 1947, 2pp). Refers to the design of the windows and remarks ‘I do hope I shall do windows which will please you, I agree with you that the symbols should be clear and intelligible to the students...’ (25 March 1948, 2pp). Apologises for the incorrect amount quoted for the windows ‘...I never trust my own calculations about square ft so I get them checked over by a business man and friend of mine...I am afraid to say I muddled up what he wrote out for me...’ (18 October 1948, 2pp). Refers to the finished design and remarks ‘I am so very glad you like the windows and feel they express what you need in the chapel.’ (15 October 1948, 3pp).