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  • UF Holland

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Letters and telegrams to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr John Anthony MacSeumais SJ written while serving as a chaplain

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Anthony MacSeumais SJ written while serving as chaplain in the R.A.F. at R.A.F. Stations in Cosford, Wolverhampton, Staffs. and Leuchars, Fife, Scotland; with the 5023 Airfield Construction Squadron in Holland and Germany and 124 Wing in Lübeck. Includes his first letter to the Irish Fr Provincial written from Belfast (March 1944, 2pp) and letter in which he lists all the places he has served since arriving in Belgium (1 June 1945, 4pp). This letter also contains Fr MacSeumais's only reference to Belsen Concentration Camp. Also includes Fr MacSeumais’s memorial card (with photograph) (Fr MacSeumais died on 13 January 1989).

MacSeumais, J Anthony, 1910-1989, Jesuit priest

Letters to the Irish Provincial on various matters

Letters to the Irish Provincial on various matters. Includes letters concerning:

  • Polish scholastics coming to Ireland to study;
  • the censuring individual scholastics;
  • financial matters of the late Fr Henry Browne SJ;
  • the taking of villas during wartime;
  • a report on Irish theologians in Hong Kong;
  • the question of censorship of various publications (See also ADMN/3/1 and 23);
  • the question of Jesuit support for the Catholic Association for International Relations;
  • a proposal by Fr Patrick J Connolly SJ to open a Jesuit school in Dartry;
  • the Secret Instruction of the Holy See: Normae Quaedam De Agendi Ratione Confessariorum Circa VI Decalogi Praeceptum;
  • the prohibition of female characters in plays produced by scholastics;
  • comments on Director’s Service from Sodality reports of summer 1944 (See also ADMN/3/65 and 74);
  • the publication of a book entitled Selected Writings of Father Ledochowski (See also ADMN/3/44);
  • an invitation to the Irish Fr Provincial to the inauguration of President Seán T. Ó Ceallaigh (see also ADMN/3/43 and 76) in June 1945, signed by Taoiseach Éamon de Valera;
  • relations with the Confederación Nacional de Congregaciones Marians;
  • the proposal to purchase Crawfordsburn Estate, County Down (see also ADMN/3/6);
  • the Chair of Education in University College, Dublin and
  • some suggestions about choirs in the Province.

Safe travel pass issued for Kevin Richard Stanislaus Nolan, by the German military authorities to travel from Bad Orb, through Holland to England

Safe travel pass issued for Kevin Richard Stanislaus Nolan, by the German military authorities to travel from Bad Orb, through Holland to England. Kevin Nolan was a brother of Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ, and had been a solicitor in London. On the eve of the First World War, he travelled to Bad Nauheim, Germany to undergo treatment for a heart condition. He was arrested as a spy, imprisoned however later released. He died in November 1918. See 'The Clongownian', 1919, p.308. Material hand in by Margaret Doyle, Archivist, Clongowes Wood College, 9 January 2017.