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4 Collection results for Monkstown

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Fr J Kevin O'Donnell SJ

File containing Kevin O'Donnell's admission papers and brief subsequent correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials.

O'Donnell, J Kevin , 1908-1991, Jesuit priest

Letters regarding admissions to the Society of Jesus

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from possible candidates and various parish priests seeking information on and interviews to discuss, the possibility of entrance into the Society of Jesus. Also includes applications to join the Society; letters from those who have been accepted and letters concerning financial support from novices’ families.

Walsh, William Joseph, 1841-1921, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Dublin

Letters to the Irish Provincial on various matters

Letters to the Irish Provincial on various matters. Includes letters concerning:

  • Polish scholastics coming to Ireland to study;
  • the censuring individual scholastics;
  • financial matters of the late Fr Henry Browne SJ;
  • the taking of villas during wartime;
  • a report on Irish theologians in Hong Kong;
  • the question of censorship of various publications (See also ADMN/3/1 and 23);
  • the question of Jesuit support for the Catholic Association for International Relations;
  • a proposal by Fr Patrick J Connolly SJ to open a Jesuit school in Dartry;
  • the Secret Instruction of the Holy See: Normae Quaedam De Agendi Ratione Confessariorum Circa VI Decalogi Praeceptum;
  • the prohibition of female characters in plays produced by scholastics;
  • comments on Director’s Service from Sodality reports of summer 1944 (See also ADMN/3/65 and 74);
  • the publication of a book entitled Selected Writings of Father Ledochowski (See also ADMN/3/44);
  • an invitation to the Irish Fr Provincial to the inauguration of President Seán T. Ó Ceallaigh (see also ADMN/3/43 and 76) in June 1945, signed by Taoiseach Éamon de Valera;
  • relations with the Confederación Nacional de Congregaciones Marians;
  • the proposal to purchase Crawfordsburn Estate, County Down (see also ADMN/3/6);
  • the Chair of Education in University College, Dublin and
  • some suggestions about choirs in the Province.

Material relating to an article written by Fr Patrick Gannon SJ in the 'Irish Ecclesiastical Record' supporting a fellow Jesuit's interpretation of a passage in St Mark

  • IE IJA J/460/4
  • Item
  • 10 November 1944 - 7 April 1953
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

A file relating to an article written by Fr Patrick Gannon SJ in the 'Irish Ecclesiastical Record' supporting a fellow Jesuit's interpretation of a passage in St. Mark. This article sparked a controversy as Fr Gannon's views were disagreed with by Cardinal MacRory (and other eminent scripture scholars). Includes a letter from Fr John R MacMahon SJ (Fr Provincial), St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin to Fr Byrne SJ concerning the controversy. Remarks 'In reply to a letter from Fr Gannon, I wrote to him to say that I could not allow him to pursue the discussion about St. Mark III, 20 - 21 any further…that I would not approve of his seeking an interview with the Cardinal; that he might write to the Cardinal, but that I would have to see a draft of the letter beforehand.' Remarks that he received a reply from Fr Gannon and includes a passage from the letter describing it thus 'He is taking a most extravagant view of the situation.' (15 April 1945, 1p). Includes a copy of a letter from Fr Provincial (Fr MacMahon SJ) concerning a letter Fr Gannon wishes to write to Cardinal MacRory regarding the difference of opinion between the two men. Remarks 'Let me assure you (and I wish I could convince you) that you are taking far too tragic a view of the whole business. If you could put it out of your mind for a month, you would, I am confident, take a more tranquil view of things.' (26 January 1945, 1p). It would appear from the file that Fr Gannon was not able to put the matter out of his mind and that it was only as a result of his death in 1953 that the matter was laid to rest. It would also appear that Fr Gannon's view was gaining some support amongst scripture scholars when he died.