Maison Saint Louis



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Maison Saint Louis

Maison Saint Louis

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Maison Saint Louis

  • UF St Aloysius

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Maison Saint Louis

15 Collection results for Maison Saint Louis

15 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Receipts, requests for masses, and bequests sent to Fr Charles Farley SJ

  • IE IJA J/145/6
  • File
  • 3 January 1920 - 16 March 1922
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of receipts, requests for masses, and bequests sent to Fr Charles Farley SJ, St. Francis Xavier, Upper Gardiner Street, (Province
Procurator). Includes receipts, postcards and letters from Frs Edward Boyd Barrett, James O'Connor, Joseph Flinn, A. Magne, Daniel J. Finn (from R.M.S Orsova on the way to Australia), James Creagh, James Farrell, John Ryan (Valkenberg), William Byrne, Bernard Page, John Nerney, C. Wishoff, Leopold Škarek, and Dr. Conway Dwyer, 86 Merrion Square, Dublin.

Photographs belonging to Fr Kyran Ward SJ

Photographs belonging to Fr Kyran Ward SJ which documents his life from 1912 until his death, 1972.


  1. Fr Kyran Ward SJ, [1960]-[1972]; 4 photographs
  2. Group at shore front with Fr Kyran Ward SJ in the centre
  3. [ ], Br Michael Crowe SJ, [1960]-[1972]; 2 photographs
  4. Father of Fr Kyran Ward SJ, 27 June 1920; 2 photographs
  5. Muiris Ó Séaghdha, 5 May 1945;
  6. Villa house for Jesuits at Moville, 1913;
  7. Group of Jesuits on villa [1910]-[1935];
  8. Group of Jesuits on villa [1910]-[1935], James Whitaker;
  9. Group of Jesuits on a boat, Cleggan extreme left John Sulllvian, Charles Byrne, John Neary;
  10. Mortimer Glynn, Charles Byrne, A Morris, ,;
  11. Gap of Dunloe, father of Fr Kyran Ward SJ, 26 August 1929;
  12. Charles Byrne, Cleggan
  13. Roundstone, County Galway;
  14. Clongowes Wood College villa at Glengarriff [1928] - [1931] - Br O'Grady, Frs McGlade, C Barrett, Kieran Ward; M Kelly, James Whitaker, G Finucane, T Kelly; Frank Joy, M McCarthy and Donal Trant McCarthy.
  15. Frs Robert Dillon-Kelly, Nolan and ?;

Photographic album includes:

  • family photographs of himself and his parents (1923);
  • cycling in Wicklow with G. Dunne and J Hurley, 1912;
  • his time at Rathfarnham 1915 - 1916, with names;
  • on villa at various locations;
  • Jesuit contemporaries;
  • Jersey 1916 - 1919;
  • on villa Wicklow, while at Millltown Park, Dublin, 1919;
  • postcards from Jersey; Donegal 1923;
  • election of Pope Pius XI 1922;
  • photographs of Clongowes Wood College (1919 -1923) including hurling, rugby, cricket, swimming, rugby, tennis;
  • Clongowes union day activities, the Copper beech Winter 1920;
  • tertianship at St. Beuno's, Wales 1927 - 1928;
  • Frs Robert Dillon-Kelly, Nolan and Ward; Frs. Dick Butler and Paddy Cashman; later life of Fr Ward in Galway and time in France 1960’s;

Material relating to Fr Piaras de Hindeberg SJ

  • IE IJA J/183/1
  • File
  • 4 July 1930 - 23 August 1980
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Material relating to Fr Piaras de Hindeberg SJ including admission details, catalogue entry, correspondence with Irish Fr Provincial, death certificate and mortuary card,

Letters from Fr Michael Browne SJ to Fr William Stephenson SJ

  • IE IJA J/74/2
  • File
  • 17 March 1905 - 10 November 1931
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Letters from Fr Michael Browne SJ to William Stephenson SJ:

  • from St Stanislaus College, Tullamore, County Offaly to Willie Stephenson SJ, Maison St Louis, Jersey apologising for not writing sooner and expressing his hope that the shamrock reached Jersey on time. Writes about news from home (17 March 1905, 4pp);
  • from St Stanislaus College, Tullamore, County Offaly to Willie Stephenson SJ concerning William Stephenson's impending departure for Australia (15 August 1905, 3pp);
  • from Sacred Heart College, Limerick to Willie Stephenson SJ, Australia. Apologises for not replying sooner. Encourages Willie Stephenson to 'leave yourself in His (God's) hands - where better can you be - and follow blindly the direction that brings you peace of soul.' Writes about news from home (2 January 1909, 4pp);
  • from St Stanislaus College, Tullamore, County Offaly to William Stephenson SJ. Refers to Fr McDonnell's publications on Holy Communion, which he sent to Willie Stephenson. Refers to the small number of novices entering and remarks 'I hope you are sending us Novices from Australia this year, I fear our home supply will be small'. Writes about news from home (21 June 1909, 4pp);
  • from St Stanislaus College, Tullamore, County Offaly to Willie Stephenson SJ. Refers to the novices from Australia and remarks how well they are doing. Continues 'I wish heartily you could send us more. The work you are engaged in promoting devotion to the Virgin Mother, will, I hope, produce as its special fruit subjects for the Society.' Encourages Willie Stephenson to continue his work. Remarks 'Your Australian experience will be invaluable to you in the harvest time.' (3 July 1910, 3pp);
  • from St Stanislaus College, Tullamore, County Offaly to Willie Stephenson SJ, concerning a marble altar erected in the Lady Chapel of Riverview College Chapel. Remarks 'I am delighted that you are able to do so much for the honour of the Great Mother of God.' Writes of news from home, remarks that Tertianship for the Irish and English Provinces will be in Tullamore in 1912 and that preparations are being made (21 April 1911, 4pp);
  • card from St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin to Fr Stephenson SJ thanking Fr Stephenson for his booklet for Altar Servers. Compliments him on the layout (4 February 1921,1 item);
  • from Rathfarnham Castle, County Dublin to Fr Stephenson SJ thanking him for his letter and congratulations (2 May 1930, 3pp) and
  • from Rathfarnham Castle, County Dublin to Fr Stephenson SJ congratulating him on his booklet of Fr Baxter's Meditations (10 November 1931, 1p).