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256 Collection results for London

95 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Material relating to Fr Laurence M Kearns SJ

  • IE IJA J/199/1
  • File
  • 9 May 1928 - 28 October 1986
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Material relating to Fr Laurence M Kearns SJ containing admission details, his work within the Society (chaplain in the Second World War, communications and media work in Zambia and Lesotho, correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials. Includes biographical information.

Material relating to Fr Michael Moloney SJ

  • IE IJA J/252/1
  • File
  • 15 June 1931-2 July 1984
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Material relating to Fr Michael Moloney SJ which includes correspondence describing his work in Australia and Zambia and includes correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials and curia, personal record and application to join the Society.

Material relating to Fr Richard J Kennedy SJ

  • IE IJA J/216/1
  • File
  • 7 July 1924-26 March 1960
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Material relating to Fr Richard J Kennedy SJ including correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials and curia, personal record and application to join the Society.

Miscellaneous letters and notes to the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ

Miscellaneous letters and notes to the Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ. Includes rough notes of wages and expenditure of various Jesuit chaplains (n.d., 3pp), and replies from the Senior Chaplain, Australian Imperial Force on transport to Australia for acting chaplain. Includes a note from Fr William Feran SJ, that he has commissioned him (Fr Henry Gill SJ) to discover and exterminate the influenza microbe' (18 December 1918).

Feran, William D, 1869-1942, Jesuit priest

Mission material relating to Fr Gerald Lawlor SJ

  • IE IJA J/696/4
  • Item
  • 17 September 1969 - 20 August 1971
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of mission material relating to Fr Gerald Lawlor SJ. Includes correspondence between Fr Lawlor and Fr Thomas Martin SJ, Mission Office, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin.

Mission material relating to Fr Kevin O'Dwyer SJ

  • IE IJA J/329/4
  • File
  • 17 April 1947 - April 1987
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of mission material relating to Fr Kevin O'Dwyer SJ. Includes passport, passport photographs, photographs, personal record, announcement of deate, memorial card, obituary, newspapers articles, and correspondence between Fr O'Dwyer and Frs Thomas J. Martin and Vincent Murphy, Mission Office, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin, Ireland.

Notes compiled by Fr John Grene SJ, on individual Jesuits of the Irish Province

Notes compiled by Fr John Grene SJ, on individual Jesuits of the Irish Province. A note states 'Possibly all are in Memorials Ir. Prov.' Some notes in other hand, post-date Grene.

Browne, Thomas
Burke, William
Butler, James

Cunningham, John
Curtis, John

Ferguson, Charles

Gannon, Nicholas

Halpin, Thomas
Haly, Robert
Hayes, James Mark
Hearne, John

Kavanagh, Michael
Kelly, Michael
Kernan, Edward

Lentaigne, Joseph
Lynch, Henry
Lynch, John

McDonnell, James

O'Callaghan, Sylvester
O'Connor, John
O'Farrell, Michael
O'Reilly, Edmund

Rorke, Henry
Ryder, Alexander

Seaver, Matthew
Sheehan, Patrick
Stackowski, Francis Xavier

Notices delivered by Jesuits and members of other Religious Orders to Clerks of the Peace or their Deputies in Great Britain and Ireland

Notices delivered by Jesuits and members of other Religious Orders to Clerks of the Peace or their Deputies in Great Britain and Ireland. The notices divided into counties consist of the date of registry, the name of the party, age, place of birth, name of the religious community, usual residence and name of immediate superior.

Photographs and postcards by the Imperial War Museum, London, England

Photographs and postcards sent to Prof. Alfred O’Rahilly by the Imperial War Museum, London, England, for use in his book on Fr Willie Doyle SJ. Includes a note ‘Don’t mix these with the others. Return these to me. These are photos which I bought but decided not to use.’ All photographs are dated and described on back. Photos are mostly of the ruins of Ypres, Guillemont, Loos etc. Sizes: 21 1/2cm x 16 1/2cm; 14cm x 9cm and 27 1/2cm x 9cm.

O'Rahilly, Alfred, 1884-1969, former Jesuit scholastic, President of University College Cork, Spiritan priest

Print of John Egan Esq. K.C.

Portrait print of John Egan Esq. K.C., Chariman of Kilmainham published by G. Robinson, Paternoster Row, London. Engraving attributed to James Heath after an original drawing by John Comerford in possession of Sir Jonah Barrington.

Print of John Phillpott Curran

Portrait print of John Philpot Curran, bust directed to right, head turned and looking up to left, in private dress. John Philpot Curran, Master of the Rolls in Ireland, published by G. Robinson, Paternoster Row, London.

Engraving attributed to James Heath, (1757-1834) after an original painting by John Comerford, (ca.1770-1835), in possession of Sir J. Barrington.

Print of Rev. Dr. Marlay, L.L.D

Portrait print of Rev. Dr. Marlay, L.L.D., Bishop of Waterford, bust directed to left, head turned and looking straight, in religious dress. Published by G. Robinson, Paternoster Row, London.

Engraved by James Heath from an original painting by Hamilton in possession of the Right Hon. Henry Grattan.

Receipts, requests for masses, and bequests sent to Fr Charles Farley SJ

  • IE IJA J/145/6
  • File
  • 3 January 1920 - 16 March 1922
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of receipts, requests for masses, and bequests sent to Fr Charles Farley SJ, St. Francis Xavier, Upper Gardiner Street, (Province
Procurator). Includes receipts, postcards and letters from Frs Edward Boyd Barrett, James O'Connor, Joseph Flinn, A. Magne, Daniel J. Finn (from R.M.S Orsova on the way to Australia), James Creagh, James Farrell, John Ryan (Valkenberg), William Byrne, Bernard Page, John Nerney, C. Wishoff, Leopold Skarek, and Dr. Conway Dwyer, 86 Merrion Square, Dublin.

Revisions to the Custom Book of the Irish Jesuit Province

A file relating to revisions of the Custom Book of the Irish Jesuit Province. Includes a manuscript entitled 'Some hints for Reading' (nd, 2pp). Includes a letter from Irish Fr Provincial James F Murphy SJ, St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin to Fr Rector concerning the consumption of spirits. Remarks 'Owing to grave representations made to me from many quarters and regrettable facts that have come to my knowledge...I have decided that for the future of the Province the following points should be observed as obligatory customs of the Province.' (12 March 1901, 4pp). Includes a typed supplement to the Custom Book of the Irish Jesuit Province entitled 'Customs of Serving Mass and Benediction(13pp, [1935-]); regulations for the Villa menu (1919, 1p); revision of Custom Book by Fr John J Coyne SJ, St Mary's, Emo, County Laois (12 April 1933);

Suggestion to write to Irish Fr Provincial for permission for Fr Costa to return from Malta to act as chaplain to Lady Margaret Frances Domville

Letter from [ ], writing from 9 Hill Street, Berkeley Square, London, to Dr Anderson. Suggests that the latter should apply to the Irish Fr Provincial for permission for Fr Costa to return from Malta to act as chaplain to Lady Margaret Frances Domville of Santry House. A word or phrase has been cut out of this letter.

Telegrams and letters to the Provincial from various sources following the death of Fr John Hayes SJ

Telegrams and letters to the Provincial from various sources following the death of Fr John Hayes SJ from typhus on 21 January 1945. Includes: telegram from the Rector of Crescent College Limerick to the Provincial (John McMahon SJ) informing him that the War Office had ‘wired Mrs. Hayes that Father John died of typhus Jan 21st’ (26 January 1945, 1p.);
– note of acknowledgement to the Provincial from Frank G. Hayes (Fr Hayes’ brother) (27 January 1945, 1p.);
– copy of letter sent to the Rector of Belvedere College (James Gubbins SJ) from Old Belvederian (1923-1931) and comrade of Fr Hayes, Captain W.A. Ward following the death of Fr Hayes (27 January 1945, 1p.);
– copy of letter sent by Joseph Gardner, S.C.F. (R.C.) (Senior Catholic Chaplain, Allied Land Forces, South East Asia) to Mgr. John Coghlan (Principal R.C. Chaplain, War Office, London) giving further details of Fr Hayes’ death (28 January 1945, 1p.);
– letter from Mgr. Coghlan to the Irish Fr Provincial John R MacMahon SJ (29 January 1945; 2pp);
– letters from Rev. A. Clancy (Senior Catholic Chaplain, H.Q. 36th Division, South East Asia) and from Rev. J. Gardner, S.C.F. (R.C.) to Irish Fr Provincial John R McMahon SJ (29 January 1945, 2 items, 1p. each);
– copy of letter sent to Mrs. Hayes by her son’s Commanding Officer, Major-General Francis Festing, following his death (23 January 1945, 2pp);
– letter from Agnes Hayes to Irish Fr Provincial (13 February 1945, 1p.);
– letter to Irish Fr Provincial John R McMahon SJ from George Hickson, the chaplain who was with Fr Hayes before he died (15 February 1945, 3pp);
– copy of letter from Rev. J. Gardner to Fr D. Donnelly SJ (St. Stanislaus High School, Bandra, Bombay) listing the articles of ecclesiastical equipment of the late Fr Hayes, which Fr Gardner is sending to Fr Donnelly (17 March 1945, 1p.);
– copy of an Appreciation of Fr Hayes written by Rev. Terence M. Hogan, C.F. (R.C.)(Fr Hayes’ Senior Chaplain for six months) (19 March 1945, 1p.) and
– label tags ‘O.H.M.S. Deceased Officer’s Kit’ for Fr Hayes’ property (n.d., 3 items).

Coghlan, John, 1888-1963, Roman Catholic Monsignor and chaplain

The book of almanacs

The book of almanacs with an index of reference, by which the almanac may be found for every year, whether in old style or new, from any epoch, ancient or modern, up to A.D. 2000. With means of finding the day of any new or full moon from B.C. 2000 to A.D. 2000.
Author:Augustus De Morgan
Edition:2d ed View all formats and editions
Publisher: J. Walton, London, 1871

The Doleful Fall of Andrew Sall, a Jesuit of the Fourth Vow, From the Roman Catholick and Apostolick Faith; lamented by his constant Friend; with an open Rebuking of his embracing the Confession contained in the XXXIX Articles of the Church of England

The Doleful Fall of Andrew Sall, a Jesuit of the Fourth Vow, From the Roman Catholick and Apostolick Faith; lamented by his constant Friend; with an open Rebuking of his embracing the Confession contained in the XXXIX Articles of the Church of England

French, Nicolas, c1604-1678, Bishop of Ferns

The estate of Catherine Cleary and litigation

A file relating to the estate of Catherine Cleary and litigation between Raphael Ambrose Biale, Plaintiff and Frs Timothy Kenny, Alfred Murphy and Christina Hodgens, Alice Chamberlain, Anne Healy, Mary Lentaigne, Emily O'Brien, Mary Anne Cleary and Jane Denehey.

Theatrical suppliers for the Crescent

Flyers and leaflets for stage make-up, wigs and theatrical scripts from P.J. Bourke of 64 Dame Street, Dublin. Also includes leaflet on theatre-related books from Rockliff Publishing Corporation Ltd., London.

'There was an Ancient House' by Benedict Kiely

Book entitled 'There was an Ancient House' by Benedict Kiely, Methusen and Co Ltd, London. A novel where ‘in a country house thirty novices of a religious order are learning a new, strange life, some failing, others succeeding in conforming to the pattern laid down by rule’. Benedict Kiely was a novice at St Mary's, Emo

Kiely, Benedict, 1919-2007, writer, critic, journalist and former Jesuit novice

Thomas Moore Centenary concerts

Programmes and advertisements for, and correspondence regarding the concerts. The programmes give details of the playlist of the concerts, which sometimes feature celebrity singers, such as Joseph McNally (tenor) and Michael O'Duffy (lyric tenor). The correspondence includes a letter from Michael O'Duffy in relation to the arrangements for his performance (13 September 1952, 1 page),

Volume entitled ‘O'Connell's Letter 1833’ presented to ‘the Jesuit Fathers of St. Francis Xavier’s Upper Gardiner Street...'

Specially bound volume entitled ‘O'Connell's Letter 1833’ presented to ‘the Jesuit Fathers of St. Francis Xavier’s Upper Gardiner Street For their Library. In grateful memory of much kindness received from them for nearly forty years’ from ‘W.L.' '. Includes colour poster of Daniel O'Connell (1775-1847) and O'Connell's name and address (written in his own hand) attached to the frontispiece. Contains two letters:

4 April 1833
Letter from Daniel O'Connell, London to Richard Barrett, editor of the 'Pilot' newspaper, Suffolk Street, Dublin, to be published as an open letter to the people of Ireland. ‘This is the first of a series of Letters which I intend to publish on the present state and future prospects of our Country including the best suggestions I can give for regulating your conduct in the manner most calculated to mitigate the evils of the one and to insure the amelioration of the other.’ (Letter is divided into five envelopes, each containing nine pages. Franked 6 April 1833.) 45pp

Richard Barrett, editor of the Pilot was prosecuted by the government for having published on 8 April 1833, the last letter. He was tried and found guilty, imprisoned for six months and fined £100. During his imprisonment, O'Connell paid Barrett a total of £656, consisting of his £100 fine, £150 in American subscriptions and weekly sums amounting to £406.

18 February 1840
Private letter from Daniel O'Connell, 16 Pall Mall, London, to David R. Pigot, Solicitor General, concerning the Municipal Reform Bill. Letter published in full in Maurice R. O'Connell’s (ed.) 'The Correspondence of Daniel O'Connell, Vol. VI, 1837-1840' (Blackwater Dublin for the Irish Manuscripts Commission, 1977) p.308/9 (2687a), where the source is given as ‘Jesuit Fathers, Gardiner Street, Dublin.’

Will of Matilda O'Donnell

A file relating to the will of Matilda O'Donnell in which she bequeathed the residue of her property to her trustees and executors, Fr. Thomas V. Nolan SJ and Fr Michael Browne SJ, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin. The file contains extensive background material that appears to have little to do with the Society of Jesus and their bequest. However, as Frs. Nolan and Browne were appointed as trustees and executors of the will it may have been necessary to acquaint themselves fully with Miss Matilda O'Donnell's affairs.

Wish by Baghdad College, Iraq to move the body of Fr Jeremiah Austin Hartigan SJ

  • IE IJA J/177/1
  • File
  • 1916; 14 - 21 June 1953
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File relating to the wish by Baghdad College, Iraq to move the body of Fr Jeremiah Austin Hartigan SJ from the war cemetery at Amara, to their own cemetery in the college grounds. Information from the Commonwealth War Grave Commission suggests this never happened. Includes birth certificate for Jeremiah Austin Hartigan.

Results 201 to 256 of 256