Jesuit library (Milltown Park)



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Jesuit library (Milltown Park)

Jesuit library (Milltown Park)

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Jesuit library (Milltown Park)

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Jesuit library (Milltown Park)

89 Collection results for Jesuit library (Milltown Park)

89 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

True Catholic and Apostolic Faith maintain'd in the Church of England. Being A Reply to several Books published under the names of J. E. N. N. and J. S. against his Declaration for the Church of England, and against the motives for his Separation from the Roman Church, declared in a Printed Sermon which he Preached in Dublin

True Catholic and Apostolic Faith maintain'd in the Church of England. Being A Reply to several Books published under the names of J. E. N. N. and J. S. against his Declaration for the Church of England, and against the motives for his Separation from the Roman Church, declared in a Printed Sermon which he Preached in Dublin

Sall, Andrew Fitzjohn, 1624-1682, scholar and former Jesuit priest

Theologiae moralis absolutissimum compendium in quinque partitum

R.P. Pauli Laymann L' Societate Iesu theologiae moralis absolutissimum compendium in quinque libros partitum : nunc demum post nuperam impressionem Moguntinam accuratiùs recognitum, mednis omnibus, quibus undique scatebat repurgatum, plurimisque hinc inde notabilibus auctum, ac ad mentem auctoris redactum.

Publisher: Duaci : Typis Ioannis Serrurier, sub signo Salamandrae, 1640.

Laymann, Paul, 1574-c.1635, Jesuit priest

Theologia tripartita universa, complectens nunc bibliothecam perfectam viri ecclesiastici, ordini sequenti

Theologia tripartita universa, complectens nunc bibliothecam perfectam viri ecclesiastici, ordini sequenti. Tomus primus

Contiene, segun consta en port.: Tomus primus : Controversiae heterodoxae ac scolasticae ..., con port., pag. y sign. propias ; Tomus secundus. Pars I. : Theologia speculativa brevi methodo integre comprehensa ..., con port. pag. y sign. propias. ; Tomi II. Pars II. : Theologia practica universa ... ; Tomus tertius : Apparatus practicus pro omni prorsus functione viri ecclesiastici ..., con port., pag. y sig. propias

Archdekin, Richard, 1619-1693, Jesuit priest and scholar

Theologia Tripartita (Editio Quinta)

Tomus Secundus: Resolutiones Polemicae, Speculativae, Practicae, Controversiarum, et Quaestionum, etiam recentissimarum, quae in Schola, et Praxi per omnia usum praecipuum habent. Missionariis, et aliis animarum Curatoribus, et Theol. studiosis solerter accomodatae. Cum novo Apparatu Ad quamlibet Doctrinam Sacram in Concione, et Catechesi, Et ad quaelibet Sacerdotis erga Proximum Ministieria copiose ac erudite tractanda.
Tomus Tertius: Apparatus Doctrinae Sacrae Complectens Materiam, & Formam pro quavis Dictione, & Catechesi facile ac copiose paranda, & proponenda. Cum Praxi solida & expedita Assistendi per omnia Aegris, ac Sanis in quolibet statu, & quovis Sacerdotis Ministerio publico, aut privato. Pro Missionariis, & Curatoribus animarum potissimum elaborata

Archdekin, Richard, 1619-1693, Jesuit priest and scholar

Theologia Tripartita (Editio Nona)

Tomus Secundus: Theologia Universa primo Speculativa postea Practica, Nova, Brevi, et facili Methodo comprehensa, Et ad Normam totius Cursus Theologici commodissime redacta, juxta Praef. sequentem. Cum recentibus Decretis, modernis Quaestionibus, multiplici Praxi, et Idea aliarum Scientiarum in omni genere Materiae.
Tomus Tertius: Apparatus Doctrinae Sacrae, Complectens Materiam et Formam expeditam, pro quavis Dictione, Concione, & tota Catechesi per exquisitam Expositionem, & selectissima Exempla: Cum Praxi solida assistendi per omnia aegris, & sanis: Ac Documentis particularibus pro quolibet hominum statu: Pro ipsius Sacerdotis Vita & Conservatione: Pro Ritibus singulorum Sacramentorum: Et pro quacunque functione Missionarii Apostolici, ac Curatoris animarum

Archdekin, Richard, 1619-1693, Jesuit priest and scholar

The unerring and unerrable church or An answer to a Sermon preached by Mr. Andrew Sall, formerly a Jesuit, and now a Minister of the Protestant Church. Written by I.S. and dedicated to his Excellency The most honorable Arthur Earl of Essex Lord Lieutenant of Ireland

The unerring and unerrable church or An answer to a Sermon preached by Mr. Andrew Sall, formerly a Jesuit, and now a Minister of the Protestant Church. Written by I.S. and dedicated to his Excellency The most honorable Arthur Earl of Essex Lord Lieutenant of Ireland

Brown, Ignatius, 1630-1679, Jesuit priest

The Doleful Fall of Andrew Sall, a Jesuit of the Fourth Vow, From the Roman Catholick and Apostolick Faith; lamented by his constant Friend; with an open Rebuking of his embracing the Confession contained in the XXXIX Articles of the Church of England

The Doleful Fall of Andrew Sall, a Jesuit of the Fourth Vow, From the Roman Catholick and Apostolick Faith; lamented by his constant Friend; with an open Rebuking of his embracing the Confession contained in the XXXIX Articles of the Church of England

French, Nicolas, c1604-1678, Bishop of Ferns

The alleged conversion of the Irish bishops to the reformed religion, at the accession of Queen Elizabeth; and the assumed descent of the present established hierarchy in Ireland from the ancient Irish church, disproved

The alleged conversion of the Irish bishops to the reformed religion, at the accession of Queen Elizabeth; and the assumed descent of the present established hierarchy in Ireland from the ancient Irish church, disproved.
Longmans, Green, & Co., London, 1867.

Includes insert letter from William Maziere Brady, Navan, County Meath, 8 December 1868 to [G S] outlining reviews to the book.

Brady, William Maziere, 1825-1894, clergyman and historian

Schedule of documents transcribed/translated by Fr John Grene SJ

  • IE IJA J/459/4
  • Item
  • October 1879 - 11 March 1881
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Bound volume containing documents transcribed/translated by Fr John Grene SJ, Milltown Park, Dublin.

Pp1-68: State of the Society in Ireland 1641-1650, by Fr John Young SJ;
Pp 69-70: A prophecy of Fr Julius Mancinelli SJ, 1606;
Pp 70-106: Annual letter of the Irish Mission, January 1669-December 1674, by Fr Stephen Rice SJ;
Pp 107: Copy of letter addressed by Supreme Council of Kilkenny to Fr Mercure Verdier SJ, Visitor of the Society of Jesus in Ireland;
Pp 108-120: De Arte Logica Carmen Didactium, 1825 by Francis Mahony (Fr Prout);
Pp 121-149: Annual letters of the Irish Mission, 1619-1620;
Pp 149-158: Life of Br James Murphy, Scholastic, 1839-1869;
Pp 159-414: Julius Cordera De Suppressione Socitatis Iesu. Opus nodum prolo commissum.

Pamphlets relating to 'University Education, Ireland 1849 - 1918'

Pamphlets relating to 'University Education, Ireland 1849 - 1918', with a catalogue compiled by Brendan Woods SJ, May 1989, (4pp). Includes:

  • Address of the Catholic University Committee to the people of Ireland, 1850, (12pp, 2 items), (Ir.082.4158/T32B);
  • Catholic University, Dublin. School of Engineering, 1855-56, 2 items, (Ir.082.4158/T53B);
  • Rules and Regulation of the University (Catholic University), 1856, (34pp), (Ir.082.4158/LI55);
  • Scheme of Rules and Regulations, afterwards to be adapted to University use. 9 May 1856, (55pp), (Ir.082.4158/T53B);
  • The Rector's Report, Catholic University, for the year 1856-1857, 1858, (35pp), (Ir.082.4158/T53B);
  • Calendar of the Catholic University for the year 1854-58, 1860, 1860, (Ir.082.4158/T53B);
  • The Rambler, Vol. III New Series, May 1860, Part VII. The Catholic University of Ireland, (10pp), (Ir.082.4158/T53B);
  • The Catholic University Charter, 1862, (33pp, 2 copies), (Ir.082.4158/T42A);
  • Report of the Dean and Faculty of Science of the Catholic University of Ireland, Session 1857-1858, 1858, (40pp), (Ir.082.4158/T53B);
  • Report of the Catholic University, 1863, (6pp), (Ir.082.4158/T53B);
  • The financial exigencies of Ireland before and after the legislative union, 1864, (26pp), (Ir.082.4158/L179);
  • Notes on "University Education in Ireland", 1865, (45pp), (Ir.082.4158/T42B);
  • Catholic University of Ireland. Instruction for students desirous to enter as interns or externs resident in Dublin, 1865, (11pp), (Ir.082.4158/T53B);
  • A free inquiry into the Education Question by John McEvoy, 1866, (45pp), (Ir.082.4158/T42B);
  • Constitution and statutes of the Catholic University of Ireland, 1869, (79pp), (Ir.082.4158/T42B);
  • Catholicity and Progress: An essay which obtained the prize offered by the Solicitor-General of Ireland to the Literary, Historical, and Aesthetical Society of the Catholic University written by Charles Dawson, 1869, (21pp), (Ir.082.4158/L195);
  • Academical course and examinations of the Catholic University of Ireland in the faculty of Philosophy and Letters, 1873, (30pp), (Ir.082.4158/T53B);
  • Report on the present condition of the Catholic University, 1873, (26pp), (Ir.082.4158/T53B);
  • Intellectual Resources of Ireland. Supply and Demand for and enlarged system of Irish University Education. by Robert D. Lyons, London, 1873, (84pp), (Ir.082.4158/T42B);
  • Report on the Catholic University, 1875, (28pp), (Ir.082.4158/T59B);
  • A National university for Ireland. A speech. by Isaac Butt, 1876, (24pp), (Ir.082.4158/T42B);
  • Catholic University of Ireland. Academical Course. Programme of Examinations. Examination Papers 1875, 1876, (75pp), (Ir.082.4158/T53B);
  • On the study of mental philosophy by Catholic students in the Royal University of Ireland by Rev. James Kavanagh, 1885, (28pp), (Ir.378.415/T130);
  • Address given by the J.F. Whittington Howley, auditor of the Literary and Historical Society, University College Dublin, on Prussian Education: A history and a lesson, 15 November 1889, (23pp), (Ir.082.4158/T121A);
  • Prize Essay on Love of Nature in English Poetry by Patrick Morgan MacSweeney, M.A., winner of the Chancellor's Gold Medal for English prose composition, Royal University of Ireland, 1896, (52pp), (Ir.082.4158/T74B);
  • Irish University Education: An academic study by J.P. Pye, 1897, (41pp), (Ir.082.4158/T42B);
  • Catholic Higher Education in Ireland by Thomas Arnold, 1897, (17pp), (Ir.082.4158/T130);
  • A University for Catholics in relation to the material interests of Ireland by Edward Thomas O'Dwyer, Bishop of Limerick, 1898, (72pp), (Ir.082.4158/T130);
  • University College, Dublin. Rules and Ordinances. [1903], (14pp), (Ir.082.4159/T30B);
  • Statement of Proceedings in reference to the Disorder on Degree Day, 27th October 1905, The Royal University of Ireland, 1906, (30pp), (Ir.082.4159/T30B);
  • University College, Dublin. Prospectus [1908], (4pp), (Ir.082.4159/T30B);

Woods, Brendan, 1924-2014, Jesuit priest

Milltown Park, Dublin

The papers of Milltown Park concern the Jesuit community (1861-1979) and works which have occurred there: Tabor House (1969-1993); The Milltown Institute (1968-1992) and The Irish School of Ecumenics (1969-1980). There are references to the missions, chaplaincy, villas, finances, customs, property retreats, library, customs, rules, studies, health, staff, ordinations, the establishment and eventual closure of a retreat centre at Tabor House, the foundation of courses in theology and philosophy for the training of religious and lay people, Milltown Lectures (1960-1970), Lay Retreat Association and the establishment of the Irish School of Ecumenics.

Material is in the form of handwritten letters, ledgers, postcards, accounts, architectural plans, cuttings from newspapers, maps, photographs, menus, bills and receipts.

Milltown Park, Dublin, 1858-

Manuscript entitled 'A short rule of a good life'

A short rule of good life To direct the deuout Christian in a regular and orderly course.

With a letter from Prof. Nancy Pollard Brown, (Professor of English, Trinity College, Washington) to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ, 2 February 1967. Brown traces the history of the printed version of the 'Short Rule, and it seems Gwynn had a microfilm made of the manuscript which he sent to her.

Letters to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from Dom Daniel Rees, Downside Abbey, Bath

  • IE IJA J/10/149
  • File
  • 29 June 1974 - February 1981
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Letters to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from Dom Daniel Rees, novicemaster [and librarian] Downside Abbey, Bath, relating to various research queries from Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ and the exchange of books between Milltown Park Library and Downside, including a ‘complete bound set of the Downside Review’ (24 June 1975, 2pp).

Juris canonici theoria et praxis

Juris Canonici Theoria et Praxis ad forum tam Sacramentale quam Contentiosum, tum Ecclesiaticum, tum Seculare. Opus exactum non solum ad normam Juris Communis & Romani, sed etiam Juris Francici : Authore Joanne Cabassutio Aquisextiensi, Congregationis Oratorii Domini Jesu Presbytero. Editio postrema ab ipso Authore recognita & aucta

Cabassut, Jean, 1604-1685, Oratorian theologian

Ianua linguarum, siue Modus maxime accommodatus quo patefit aditus ad omnes linguas intelligendas

Ianua linguarum, siue Modus maxime accommodatus quo patefit aditus ad omnes linguas intelligendas.

apud Franciscum de Cea Tesa, Salmanticae, 1611

Includes insert note by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ, referencing Fr Timothy Corcoran's mention oF the 1st edition of 'Ianua linguarum' in his 'Studies in the History of Classical Teaching', p.14.

Bathe, William, 1564-1614, Jesuit priest

Heliotropium, sive conciones tum des festis quam de Dominicis quae in solani totius anni circulo occurrunt

Barnabæ Kearnæi Casselensis Hyberni e Societate Iesu Sacerdotis, Heliotropium, sive Conciones tam de festis, quam de Dominicis, quæ in solari totius anni circulo occurrunt, adiectis in fine concionibus de sacerdotio, & morte. Cum duplici indice tum rerum, tum locorum Sacræ Scripturæ, quae in ijs passim explicantur

Publisher: Sumptibus Antonii Pillehotte, sub signo Sanctissimæ Trinitatis, Lugduni, 1622

Kearney, Barnaby, 1567-1640, Jesuit priest and writer

General Sir Thomas Kelly-Kenny

  • Fonds
  • 1809-2013
  • History of General Sir Thomas Kelly-Kenny collection;
  • Lithographs & Posters;
  • Military;
  • Scottish Widows’ Fund and Life Assurance Society, Finance and Ireland;
  • Correspondence;
  • Boer War;
  • 1906 Travels.

Kelly-Kenny, Sir Thomas, 1840-1914, General

Erastus Senior. Scholastically Demonstrating this Conclusion, that (admitting their Lambeth Records for true) those called Bishops here in England, are no Bishops, either in Order, or Jurisdiction, or so much as legal. [...] With an Appendix, containing Extracts out of ancient Rituals, Greek and Latine, for the Form of Ordaining Bishops: And Copies of the Acts of Parliament, quoted in the third Part

Erastus Senior. Scholastically Demonstrating this Conclusion, that (admitting their Lambeth Records for true) those called Bishops here in England, are no Bishops, either in Order, or Jurisdiction, or so much as legal. [...] With an Appendix, containing Extracts out of ancient Rituals, Greek and Latine, for the Form of Ordaining Bishops: And Copies of the Acts of Parliament, quoted in the third Part

Talbot, Peter, c.1618-1680, Roman Catholic archbishop of Dublin and former Jesuit priest

Disputatio theologica

Disputatio theologica de poenitentia: quam in Catholica et celebri Academia Dilingana iii. Nonas Decembres, Apud Ioannem Mayer, Dilingae (1613), 20pp;
Disputatio theologica de incarnatione Filii Dei : quam in Catholica et celebri Academia Dilingana anno 1614 die 1. Iulij, Apud Ioannem Mayer, Dilingae [i.e. Dillingen], [1614], 28pp;
Disputatio theologica de sacramento baptismi, et confirmationis, Apud Ioannem Mayer, Dilingae (1614), 20pp;
Disputatio theologica de Augustissimo Eucharistiae Sacramento, Apud Ioannem Mayer, Dilingae (1615), 38pp;
Disputatio Theologica. De Religiosorum Ecclesiae Christianae Ordinum Status Natura, Dignitate, obligationibus, effectis, commodis, proprietatibus, aliis, Apud Ioannem Mayer, Dilingae (1619), 69pp;
Positiones theologicae de Deo uno et trino, Apud Udalricum Rem., Dilingae (1622), 32pp.

White, Stephen, 1575-1647, Jesuit priest

Collection of pamphlets of Jesuit interest in the 16th century

  1. De persecutione Anglicana Robert Persons SJ, Rome, 1582. Ex libris Josephi Mariani and inscription in Italian;
  2. Rationes decem quibus Edmund Campion SJ, Rome, 1582;
  3. Historia del William Allen, 1583;
  4. Alcune lettere della cose del Giappone, 1584;
  5. Relations della felice morte, by Alessandro Valignano SJ, 1584.

Clypeus septemplex

Clypeus septemplex. Authore I.S. [i.e. John Sergeant.] [Consisting of "Declaratio Joannis Sergeantii circa doctrinam in libris suis contentam", "Appendix seu querimonia Joannis Serjeantii adversus M. Lominum", etc.]

Publisher: typis Mariæ Serrurier sub signo Salamandræ Anno 1677

Sergeant, John, 1621-1707, Roman Catholic priest, controversialist and theologian

Catalogue of Publications by Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ

Copybook containing a ‘Catalogue of Publications by Aubrey Gwynn SJ in the library of Milltown Park.’ Compiled by Fr Gwynn.

Gwynn, Aubrey, 1892-1983, Jesuit priest and academic

Brother Bookbinder (Sir Edward Sullivan, Bart.)

Brother Bookbinder (Sir Edward Sullivan, Bart.). A selection from Brother Bookbinder's ... contributions (verses) to the O.V. Menus between 1904-1928.

Compiled by Brother Ivor Stewart-Liberty, sciolist to the Sette and Imprinted for him by Alabaster, Passmore & Sons, Ltd. 64 Cannon Street, E.C. 4., and to be had of no bokesellers, 1929.

Stewart-Liberty, Ivor, 1887-1952

Booklet of "War List" for Clongowes Wood College SJ

Booklet of list of War List, which is an updated version of the booklet of list of Clongownians in Military and Naval Service. This version is updated to January 1917. There is a loose insert from the editor of 'The Clongownian', indicating that there will be an "Album" published with the Clongownians who have taken part in the (sic) War. This volume is published by E Ponsonby Limited, 116 Grafton Street, Dublin.

Includes a copy, taken from the Jesuit Library, Milltown Park, Dublin before transfer to DCU, 2019.

An answer to a challenge Made by a Jesuite in Ireland. Wherein, The Judgment of Antiquity in the points questioned is truly delivered, and the Novelty of the now Romish Doctrine plainly discovered. To which is added A Discourse of the Religion anciently professed by the Irish and British. The Fourth Edition Corrected and Augmented from a Copy left under the Authors own hand

An answer to a challenge Made by a Jesuite in Ireland. Wherein, The Judgment of Antiquity in the points questioned is truly delivered, and the Novelty of the now Romish Doctrine plainly discovered. To which is added A Discourse of the Religion anciently professed by the Irish and British. The Fourth Edition Corrected and Augmented from a Copy left under the Authors own hand

Ussher, James, 1581-1656, Church of Ireland Archbishop of Armagh and scholar

An answer to a challenge Made by a Jesuite in Ireland. Wherein, The Judgment of Antiquity in the points questioned is truly delivered, and the Novelty of the now Romish Doctrine plainly discovered. To which is added A Discourse of the Religion anciently professed by the Irish and British. The Fourth Edition Corrected and Augmented from a Copy left under the Authors own hand

An answer to a challenge Made by a Jesuite in Ireland. Wherein, The Judgment of Antiquity in the points questioned is truly delivered, and the Novelty of the now Romish Doctrine plainly discovered. To which is added A Discourse of the Religion anciently professed by the Irish and British. The Fourth Edition Corrected and Augmented from a Copy left under the Authors own hand

Ussher, James, 1581-1656, Church of Ireland Archbishop of Armagh and scholar

An answer to a challenge made by a Jesuite in Ireland. Wherein the judgement of Antiquity in the points questioned is truly delivered, and the Noveltie of the now Romish doctrine plainely discovered. Whereunto is added a sermon Preached before His Majesty at Wansted, by the same Author

An answer to a challenge made by a Jesuite in Ireland. Wherein the judgement of Antiquity in the points questioned is truly delivered, and the Noveltie of the now Romish doctrine plainely discovered. Whereunto is added a sermon Preached before His Majesty at Wansted, by the same Author

Ussher, James, 1581-1656, Church of Ireland Archbishop of Armagh and scholar

A sermon preached at Christ-Chvrch in Dublin before the Lord Lieutenant & Council, the fifth day of July 1674 : with a declaration made in St. John's Church in Cashel before the archbishop of the province : and a preface shewing the reasons for deserting the communion of the Roman Church, and embracing that of the Church of England

A sermon preached at Christ-Chvrch in Dublin before the Lord Lieutenant & Council, the fifth day of July 1674 : with a declaration made in St. John's Church in Cashel before the archbishop of the province : and a preface shewing the reasons for deserting the communion of the Roman Church, and embracing that of the Church of England

Sall, Andrew Fitzjohn, 1624-1682, scholar and former Jesuit priest

A reply to Mr. James Ussher his answere. Wherein it is discovered how Answerlesse the said Mr. Ussher returneth. The uniforme consent also of Antiquity is declared to stande for the Roman Religion: And the Answerer is convinced of vanity in challenging the Patronage of the Doctors of the Primative Church for his Protestancy

A reply to Mr. James Ussher his answere. Wherein it is discovered how Answerlesse the said Mr. Ussher returneth. The uniforme consent also of Antiquity is declared to stande for the Roman Religion: And the Answerer is convinced of vanity in challenging the Patronage of the Doctors of the Primative Church for his Protestancy

Malone, William, 1586-1656, Jesuit priest