
10 Collection results for Ireland

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Documents related to retreats given by Jesuits which include sermons and novenas

File of documents related to retreats given by Jesuits which includes: ‘A short catechism for the instruction for those who are preparing to make their first Communion’- Addressed to Parents’ (12 January 1767); ‘A sermon on the duties of parents to their children (1803); ‘Analysis or General Notion of Discourse in various religious subjects’ (1806); ‘A discourse on the 2nd Precept of Charity’ (1 July 1809); ‘novena in preparation for the festival of the Sacred Heart of Jesus – chiefly taken from the Italian of Father Charles Borge’; scholars’ retreat (1839); ‘A sermon on the Love of God’.

Jesuits in Galway and Connacht

Poster recounting the history of Jesuits in Galway and document which give a chronology of the history of Jesuits in Connacht, 1605-, and Galway and St Ignatius Parish Church.

Printed forms confirming faculties in the Diocese of Dublin from Paul Cardinal Cullen, Archbishop of Dublin

Printed forms confirming faculties in the Diocese of Dublin from Paul Cardinal Cullen, Archbishop of Dublin. Also includes information on reserved sins and ‘Animadversiones’. Pages form part of a larger document. (In Latin).

Cullen, Paul, 1803-1878, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Dublin and cardinal