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Jesuit history
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Analysis by Fr Francis Finegan SJ of documents relating to the Irish College in Lisbon

Analysis by [perhaps Fr Frank Finegan SJ, however named on p3] of documents transcribed or listed re the Irish College of St Patrick in Lisbon, [1590-1754]. Refers to Gonçalves da Costa, Manuel (ed.), ‘Fontes inéditas portuguesas para a história de Irlanda’ Braga, (1981). and Collectanea Hibernica (1989). Includes documents (transcripts) examined by Fr Frank Finegan SJ.

Finegan, Francis J, 1909-2011, Jesuit priest

Dance in aid of Penny Dinners and postponement

File of letters and copy of letters related to the postponement of the Penny Dinners in Galway at Columban Hall and its eventual re-establishment. Correspondence between Irish Fr Provincial Laurence Kiernan SJ, Fr John MacSheahan SJ, Rector, St Ignatius Church, Galway and Thomas O'Doherty, Bishop of Galway, Kilmacduagh and Kilfenora, relating to Bishop O'Doherty’s pastoral letter in which he indirectly refers to the Penny Dinners and the Jesuits, when he condemns dances organised in aid of Penny Dinners by non – Jesuits, ‘I have the strongest possible objection to the means of raising money employed last January…who can control the evils perpetuated in motor cars' (6 April 1926). Includes correspondence between Fr John MacSheahan SJ, Rector, St Ignatius Church, Galway and M. O. Lainn, Clerk, Galway Urban District Council, relating to the re-establishment of Penny Dinners.

MacSheahan, John, 1885-1956, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Female students from UCG attend Mass and the Children of Mary Sodality at St Ignatius, Galway

Correspondence between Fr John MacSheahan SJ, Rector, St Ignatius College, Galway and Fr James O’Dea, Dean, University College Galway over concerns of Fr O’Dea, that pressure was applied to female students to attend Mass and attend the Children of Mary Sodality at St Ignatius Church, instead of the university, ultra vires the authority of St Ignatius Church.

MacSheahan, John, 1885-1956, Jesuit priest and chaplain

Historia Domus for St Ignatius, Galway

Lined notebook 'COLL S. IGNATII, HIST. DOM.' (House history for St. Ignatius College, Galway) Historia Domus, with handwritten entries which record important dates in the history of the church, college and community in Galway. At the start, it lists the instructions for the ‘Scriptores Historiae Domus’. Reports on number of confessions for each year, the Men’s Sodality and the Apostleship of Prayer. Lists the members of the community for each academic year and records the arrival of new members and the departure of the old, as well as last vows, illnesses, deaths and funerals. Details building work carried out to the buildings and new sport pitches and includes a photograph of such work in 1939. The renovations to the roof and the boiler are described as are the cost of work done, the craftsmen and architects involved etc. Relevant references are made to weather conditions and current affairs, including the reopening of the school ‘which had been suspended for 3 years (1929), ‘War declared. Invasion of Poland’ (1939), fourth centenary of the Society of Jesus (1941), ‘Around this time, the presence of a strange cat was felt (“perceived is better word”) in various parts of the house... she was caught, but escaped, + continued her evil way’ (1942), Taoiseach broadcast to the Nation on the conclusion of the War in Europe’ (16 May 1945), ‘Spiddal priest released by Communists’ (7 June 1952). Other entries refer to feast days, special Masses, novenas and processions, as well as to special periods within the Church calendar, such as Lent and Christmas. Provincials’ visitations are also recorded, as are the visits of other important guests. School events, such as the beginning and end of terms, examinations and prize-giving, operettas, theatricals, Féis Cheoil, debates, sports fixtures, excursions etc. also feature in the house history.

Also contains several insertions, some loose and some pasted onto notebook pages including; newspaper cuttings of special ceremonies, debates, school tours, reviews of theatricals, prize days, obituaries for Jesuits such as Fr Edmund Downing SJ, Jesuit educated pupils and past pupils, articles by Jesuits for example, ‘Why is not more Irish spoken?’ by Fr John J. Mac Sheahan SJ., articles of Jesuit interest in Galway, ‘Attacked by Beetle: Work to Save Church Roof’ (1939), ‘Past Pupils’ union for St Ignatius College’ (December 1946); numbers and finances of the Jesuits in Galway from 1862- 1877 (In Latin); leaflets; Lenten lectures & devotions; musical and theatricals programmes such as Concert & Dramatic Entertainment (4 January 1899); ‘The Rale True Doctor’ and ‘The Cuckoo’ (1936), ‘Sinbad the Sailor’ (1945); copy of report in the Galway Pilot of private theatricals at the College of St Ignatius (5 March 1892); copy of excavation plan done by Mr Edwards, Clerk of Works; holograph letter from Fr John MacErlean SJ to Fr Andrew O'Reilly SJ concerning the early history of the Jesuits in Galway (29 March 1947). Includes copy book which contains correspondence and articles in Galway newspapers about Scoil Fursa, a school which educates through Irish (December 1945 - January 1946).

Irish Jesuits in Foreign Missions From 1574 to 1773

Pamphlet entitled 'Irish Jesuits in Foreign Missions From 1574 to 1773' by Fr John MacErlean SJ (n.d., 14pp) and typescript of same, consisting of brief biographical sketches of the following 41 Irish Jesuits:

Thomas Field (1549 – 1626);
Richard Cary or Carew (1619 – 1696);
Ruperto de Campos (Robert Field) (1637 – 1712);
Thomas Lynch (1685 – 1761);
William Lynch (1712 – 1774);

John William Butler (1703 – ?);

James Grace (1644 – 1673);
Francis Skerret (1683 – 1721);
James Alyward (17?? – 17??)

Michael Wadding (1586 – 1644);
John Vasquez (1631 – 16?);
Stephen Font (de la Fuente) (1631 – 1673);
Cornelius Guillereag (MacGiolla Riabhaigh) (1635 – 1671);
John Munoz (Muñoz de Burgos) (1645 – 1700);
Thomas Butler (1722 – 1790);
Thomas Arsdekin (1721 – 1767);
Joseph Arsdekin (1743 – 1788);

Nuevo Reino:
Francis Lea (1605 – 1675);
Ruperto de Acuna (Kyne?) (1620 – 1675);
Thomas Lewis (1648 – 1721);

Thomas Field (1549 – 1626);
Thomas Browne (1656 – 1717);
William Leny or de Leny (Delaney?) (1692 – 1769);
Thaddeus Enis (? – 1769);
Andrew Stritch (17? – 1773);
Thomas William Browne (? – ?);
Ignatius Walter (1625 – 1672);
Maurice Ophelan (1693 – 1772);
Michael Lynch (1701 – 17??);
John Brand (1712 – 17(62));
James Woulfe (1724 – 1783);

Philippine Islands:
John Baptist (1581 – 1630);
Francis O'Driscoll (1630 – 1682);
Richard O'Callaghan (1728 – 1807);
Charles O’Dwyer (1729 – 1772);

West Indies:
John Stritch (1616 – 1681);
John O'Daly (1663 – 1738);
James Galway (1655 – 1732);
Roger(?) Maguire (Louis de Magloire) (1701 – 17??) and
Philip O'Reilly (1719 – 1775).

MacErlean, John Campbell, 1870-1950, Jesuit priest, historian and archivist

Jesuits in Galway and Connacht

Poster recounting the history of Jesuits in Galway and document which give a chronology of the history of Jesuits in Connacht, 1605-, and Galway and St Ignatius Parish Church.

List of students and their progress

List of students and their progress in their studies and Holy Orders,11 June 1615-21 March 1682; 24 September 1736, by Fr John MacErlean SJ.

MacErlean, John Campbell, 1870-1950, Jesuit priest, historian and archivist

Manuscript by Dr Richard Robert Madden comprising a history of the Society of Jesus

Unpublished manuscript by Dr Richard Robert Madden comprising a history of the Society of Jesus from its foundation to the early nineteenth century. Attached is a printed title page dated 1874, ‘The Jesuits: In Relation to Religion, Civil Government and Society at Large, In the Several Countries From Which They Have Been Expelled’. Manuscript is divided into two ‘volumes’ (each with an attached printed title page). Volume 1 comprises 17 chapters (c.1,163pp) and Volume 2 contains 21 chapters (c.1,100pp). Also includes three sets of appendices – Volume 1 Appendix with 6 Sections (c500pp); Volume 2 Appendix with 4 Sections (c400pp) and Appendix with 14 Sections (c400pp). Also includes an explanatory note by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ (Irish Province Archivist until 1986) (2pp, 20 April 1977). (R.R. Madden lived at 3 Vernon Terrace, Booterstown, County Dublin; the manuscript also contains envelopes dating to 1874 addressed to Madden at the Loans Office, Dublin Castle) (Part of the last page of chapter 17, volume 1 is missing)

Madden, Richard Robert, 1798-1886, doctor, traveller, historian and anti-slavery campaigner

Newspaper article on 17th century altar stone

Photocopy of newspaper article from The Irish Times entitled ‘Work on historical Galway shop ordered to stop’ which references an altar stone belonging to the Jesuits during the 17th century which had been smashed by Cromwell.

Irish Times Limited, 1859-

Notes by Fr James Rabbitte SJ on the history of the Jesuits in Galway

Volumes of handwritten notes by Fr James Rabbitte SJ charting the history of the Jesuits in Galway: ‘The fragments gathered in this book deal with the Society in Galway. 1: From the time Fr Holywood was appointed Superior of the Irish Mission in 1598 down to the Suppression of the Soc[iety]. 2: From the coming of Fr Haly as Superior of a Residence and School to Galway in 1859.’ Includes inserts of hand drawn maps of Galway; local history notes; photographs and newspaper clippings; Fr Rabbitte traces the history of the Jesuits in Galway through the use of primary material which are quoted and his knowledge of Jesuit history. Details Superiors of the College and Residence in Galway; Directors of the Confra[ternity] of the Sacred Heart; list of priests educated at St Ignatius College, Galway. Early photograph of St Ignatius Church, Galway and St Ignatius College Athletic Sports at Merlin Park.

Rabbitte, James, 1857-1940, Jesuit priest

Notes on the history of the Jesuits in Galway

Typed notes on the history of the Jesuits in Galway by [Fr Paddy O'Kelly SJ]. Includes reference to books in Waterford and Carlow College which belonged to the Jesuit residences of Galway, New Ross and Dublin and book on the Jesuit residence at Athlone in Galway. Note by Rupert Coyle SJ (17 January 1964); list of priests educated at St Ignatius College, Galway; list of furnishings of St Ignatius Church.

Coyle, Rupert F H, 1896-1978, Jesuit priest

Number of Sunday Masses, St Ignatius, Galway

Correspondence between Irish Fr Provincial Laurence Kieran SJ, Fr John MacSheahan SJ, Rector, St Ignatius, Galway and Thomas O'Doherty, Bishop of Galway and Kilmacduagh relating to the authority of the Bishop in insisting that the acts and five minutes sermons are connected, and limiting the number of Masses said at St Ignatius. Refers to the university sodality question, and Fr O'Dea mentioned that he didn't bring it to the Bishops attention (Canon Davis).

MacSheahan, John, 1885-1956, Jesuit priest and chaplain

'The Ignatian'

Photocopy of pages of the 'The Ignatian' 1929 - 30; 1979-80'; which contains an article by Fr Liam Greene SJ on the history of Coláiste Iognáid and sketches and photographs of the 'Jes' and the students of the school, circa 1910 - 1918.

Greene, Liam F, 1942-2008, Jesuit priest

Transcripts in Italian made by Fr John MacErlean SJ concerning the Suppression of the Society of Jesus

Transcripts in Italian made by Fr John MacErlean SJ from various sources, concerning the Suppression and preservation of the Society of Jesus. Includes:
– extract of a published document dating from 1773 ‘Frederic II to his agent in Rome, giving reasons why he wishes to preserve the Jesuits in his states’ and
– ‘Lettera del Cardinale Cristoforo Migazzi Arcivescovo di Vienna alla Santità di N.S. Papa Clemente XIV’ (3pp).

MacErlean, John Campbell, 1870-1950, Jesuit priest, historian and archivist

Volumes relating to the Irish College in Lisbon

Two volumes, one bound, relating to the Irish College in Lisbon. The volumes contain various papers bound together. The first volume relates to the foundation of the college (485ff). The second volume consists of six sections: Accounts of the college; Ordinances from Rome; Custom book of college life; Statutes and customs; Mass and Orders book; The narration of the imprisonment and expulsion of Fr Dionysius Charti. Note by Fr Francis Finegan SJ on provenance of volumes - that Fr Manuel Gonçalves da Costa SJ visited Milltown Park in 1948, consulted volumes which in custody of Fr John MacErlean SJ (1981), and translation by Fr Fergus O'Donoghue SJ (5 February 1987).

Works in progress by various Irish Jesuits on the 'Fourth Centenary of the Foundation of the Society of Jesus'

Documents, mainly letters to Irish Fr Provincial reporting on works in progress by various Jesuits, to be published during the fourth centenary year of the foundation of the Society. Includes letters from Frs John Ryan, Timothy Mulcahy, Charles Scantlebury, Henry Gill, Joseph Canavan, Michael McGrath, Patrick Gannon, Stephen Brown, Arthur Little, John MacErlean, Edward Coyne (See also ADMN/3/37; 39; 42; 57), Timothy Corcoran, Aubrey Gwynn and Seán Ó Catháin. Also includes lists of titles and authors and a memorandum on historical publications of the Irish Province by Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ (See also ADMN/3/18; 37; 40).