Typed notes concerning Fr William Ronan's fund-raising tour of America
- Item
- [1940]-[1970]
Part of Jesuit colleges in Ireland
Typed notes concerning Fr William Ronan's fund-raising tour of America.
Typed notes concerning Fr William Ronan's fund-raising tour of America
Part of Jesuit colleges in Ireland
Typed notes concerning Fr William Ronan's fund-raising tour of America.
The Mercurian Project: Forming Jesuit Culture 1573-1580
Edited by Fr Thomas McCoog SJ, Institute of Jesuit Sources, St Louis
McCoog, Thomas, Jesuit priest
The Jesuit mission in Ireland: 1598-1651
PhD thesis by Fr Fergus O'Donoghue SJ entitled: The Jesuit mission in Ireland: 1598-1651.
O'Donoghue, Fergus, Jesuit priest
Tales of a Missionary in Zambia
Tales of a Missionary in Zambia
O'Holohan, John, 1923-2018, Jesuit priest
Special Collections at Georgetown
Special Collections at Georgetown
A Descriptive Catalog
Washington DC
Georgetown University library
Text set in Palatino types by Ampersand, Rutland, Vermont. Printed by Edwards Brothers, Ann Arbor, Michigan, on 80-lb. Natural Endleaf.
Georgetown University
Sources relating to Fr Peter Kenney SJ in Maryland and Missouri compiled by Fr Thomas Morrissey SJ
Part of Irish Jesuits
A file containing information on sources relating to Fr Peter Kenney SJ in Maryland and Missouri compiled by Fr Thomas Morrissey SJ.
Morrissey, Thomas J, Jesuit priest, educationalist and historian
Letters and circular letters concerning a circular letter from Fr General on economy measures and assisting the poor during the ‘severe economic crisis’. Includes draft of circular letter sent by Irish Fr Provincial to Jesuit houses on ways and means of economising in order to carry out the wishes expressed in Fr General’s letter and replies following House Consultations from Belvedere College; Milltown Park, 35 Lower Leeson Street; St Francis Xavier’s, Upper Gardiner Street; St Ignatius’ College, Galway; S. Stanislaus’ College, Tullamore; Clongowes Wood College, Naas; Sacred Heart College and Mungret College, Limerick and St Mary’s, Emo Court. Also includes circular list of economy measures issued to all houses.
Relic of St Francis Xavier's at St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin
Part of Irish Jesuit community houses
Folder of material related to the relic of St Francis Xavier's at St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin. Includes newspaper articles, correspondence, article on the origins of the plan to secure the relic for Gardiner street Church and airline and gardai details.
Proposed trip by Fr Patrick Simpson SJ to Zambia
Part of Irish Jesuits
File of material concerning the proposed trip by Fr Patrick Simpson SJ to Zambia.
Part of Irish Jesuit community houses
Prayer to Our Lady by E.C Donnelly from the 'Ave Maria', J Schafer Publisher, 23 Barclay St, New York.
Part of Jesuit colleges in Ireland
Enquiry by Walter T. Murphy, Michigan, USA to Fr John Humphreys SJ relating to the supposed Jesuit involvement in a piscatorial school in Galway. Includes letters between Fr Humphreys and Padraig Folen, and Fr Humphreys response to Mr Murphy, with a copy of an article by Luke J. Tanney, O.P in which the Piscatorial School in Galway was a Dominican foundation and not a foundation of the Jesuits.
Murphy, Walter T.
Photographs of Fr Timothy Corcoran's family
Part of Irish Jesuits
Photographs of Fr Timothy Corcoran's family, mainly of the carte de visite type
Photograph of Peter O'Connor, former student of Clongowes
Part of Jesuit colleges in Ireland
Formal portrait photograph Peter O'Connor of Sligo, former student of Clongowes 1844-1848. Taken in San Francisco USA in 1908.
Peter Kenney, SJ, 1779-1841: the restoration of the Jesuits in Ireland, England, Sicily, and North America. Catholic University of America Press, Washington, DC, 2014
Morrissey, Thomas J, Jesuit priest, educationalist and historian
Part of a letter from [ ], Oliver House, Toledo, Ohio, America to Fr Matthew Russell SJ
Part of Irish Jesuits
Part of a letter from [ ], Oliver House, Toledo, Ohio, America to Fr Matthew Russell SJ. Describes what it is like to live in Ohio and remarks ‘Toledo has very little in the way of refined society and almost nothing in the way of intellectual force or cultivation...’. Discusses a book of published poems and describes problems with the publishers.
Pamphlets and articles by Edward Boyd Barrett
Published pamphlets and articles by Edward Boyd Barrett. Includes:
Boyd Barrett, Edward J, 1883-1966, former Jesuit priest
Notes made by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ concerning Fr Gerard Hopkins's books
Part of Irish Jesuits
Notes made by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ concerning Fr Gerard Hopkins's books. Includes:
– memorandum recording an inquiry into ‘the annotated books of Hopkins’ from a Dr. James Cotter, New York, in summer 1976, ‘I wrote to him (Fr Anthony Bischoff SJ) June 21st 1977…I received no acknowledgement. He was on a visit to…Inishannon, Co. Cork’ (n.d., 1p.);
– ‘1st Memorandum re Hopkins’ Books. Sept. 8th…1976’ noting how Fr Anthony Bischoff SJ spent a summer examining all the books in the library in 1947; how Fr Fergal McGrath SJ, on becoming Province Archivist in 1975 ‘received a few enquiries about these books. Nobody in the community knew anything about them’, how he wrote to Fr Bischoff about the matter. ‘In August 1976, I found ten of these books in the lower shelf of the press immediately outside my room. I have identified them and list is herewith. There was a typed note…(by)… Fr Gwynn in the press (See J11/17) stating that the books belonged to or were used by Hopkins. I made a card index of all the books…I have marked H those certainly connected with Hopkins.’ (8 September 1976, 1p.);
– ‘2nd Memo’: ‘At present certainly identified with Hopkins 5, probably 2’ and lists them (8 September 1976, 1p.)
McGrath, Fergal P, 1895-1988, Jesuit priest
Notes made by Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ relating to various archival documents relating to the West Indies
Part of Irish Jesuits
Notes made by Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ relating to various archival documents (many from the State Papers (Dominions) ), includes citations and extracts from documents relating to the West Indies (1622-1731). In pencil.
Notes by Fr Peter Kenney SJ relating to his visitation to the American Mission
Part of Irish Jesuits
Notes by Fr Peter Kenney SJ relating to his visitation to the American Mission.
Notes and correspondence concerning Fr John MacErlean's family tree
Part of Irish Jesuits
A file of notes and correspondence concerning Fr John MacErlean's family tree. Includes letters from a relative, Teady McErlean, Portglenore concerning their family history (8 August 1928 - 14 January 1932, 31 items).
Northern Irish stereotypes.
Research Branch, College of Industrial Relations, Dublin, 1977.
Originally presented as the author's thesis, University of Southern California, 1975.
O'Donnell, Edward E, Jesuit priest
Mission Office material relating to Fr Laurence Kearns SJ
Part of Irish Jesuits
Mission Office material relating to Fr Laurence Kearns SJ, which includes announcement of death, personal record and correspondence between Fr Kearns and Frs Thomas Martin and Vincent Murphy, Mission Office, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin.
Mission office material relating to Colm Ó Riordan
Part of Irish Jesuits
Mission office material relating to Fr Colm Ó Riordan SJ. Includes passports; copy of birth and death certificates; announcement of death; passport photographs; obituaries; medical and travel issues; correspondence between Fr Ó Riordan and Frs Thomas Martin and Vincent Murphy, Irish Jesuit Mission Office, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin; report of the Commission of Inquiry into Disturbances in Certain African Schools by Northern Rhodesian Government (23 June 1960).
Mission material relating to Fr Thomas O'Brien SJ
Part of Irish Jesuits
File of mission material relating to Fr Thomas O'Brien SJ. Includes passport; photographs; announcement of death; personal record; and correspondence between Fr O'Brien and Frs Thomas Martin and Vincent Murphy, Jesuit Missions, 20 Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin.
Mission material relating to Fr Rory Maguire SJ
Part of Irish Jesuits
File of mission material relating to Fr Roger Maguire SJ. Includes photograph; personal record; and correspondence between Fr Maguire and Fr Thomas Martin SJ, Irish Jesuit Mission Office, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin.
Mission material relating to Fr Patrick McGovern SJ
Part of Irish Jesuits
Mission material relating to Fr Patrick McGovern SJ. Includes announcement of death, obituary, personal record, and correspondence between Fr McGovern and Fr Thomas J Martin SJ, Mission Office, Dublin.
Mission material relating to Fr Patrick Benson SJ
Part of Irish Jesuits
File of mission material relating to Fr Patrick Benson SJ. Includes passports; vaccination card; photographs; personal record; announcement of death; key, copy of birth and death certificates; university certificates; correspondence between Fr Benson and Fr Thomas Martin SJ, Irish Jesuit Mission Office, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin.
Mission material relating to Fr Kevin O'Dwyer SJ
Part of Irish Jesuits
File of mission material relating to Fr Kevin O'Dwyer SJ. Includes passport, passport photographs, photographs, personal record, announcement of deate, memorial card, obituary, newspapers articles, and correspondence between Fr O'Dwyer and Frs Thomas J. Martin and Vincent Murphy, Mission Office, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin, Ireland.
Mission material relating to Fr Henry O'Brien SJ
Part of Irish Jesuits
File of material relating to Fr Henry O'Brien SJ, Includes passport, personal record and correspondence between Fr Henry O'Brien SJ and Fr Thomas J. Martin SJ, Mission Office, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin, Ireland.
Part of Irish Jesuits
Miscellaneous notes made by Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ on Irish Jesuits in Europe, some reference to Maryland and Barbados, including citations to various archival documents.
Minutes of the Mungret College Alumni meeting held in St Louis, Missouri
Part of Jesuit colleges in Ireland
Minutes of the Mungret College Alumni meeting held in St Louis, Missouri.
Men to remember: Jesuit teachers at Saint Louis University 1829-1979
Men to remember: Jesuit teachers at Saint Louis University 1829-1979.
Faherty, William Barnaby, 1914-2011, Jesuit priest, historian and writer
Memorandum for Irish Fr Provincial on property matters
‘Memo. For Rev. Fr. Prov. in re Proc. Prov. Hib.’ Relates to dealings with a solicitor, Mr. Maxwell, who owes money; a field in Milltown bought from Lord Mount Temple; a debt due to John Errington SJ in California etc. Signed ‘P.H. S. J.’ [Patrick Hughes]
Material relating to the imprisonment of Frs Patrick Joy and Gerard Casey by the Japanese
Part of Irish Jesuit Missions
A file relating to the imprisonment of Frs Patrick Joy and Gerard Casey by the Japanese.
Material relating to Mr William Tucker SJ, his poor health and his unsuitability for the Society
Part of Irish Jesuit Missions
A file relating to a scholastic, William Tucker SJ, his poor health and his unsuitability for the Society. Includes a letter from Fr John Ryan SJ, St Ignatius, Richmond, Melbourne to Fr Charles Farley SJ concerning Mr Tucker's expenses at the sanatorium. (18 November 1918, 1p).
Tucker, William John, 1888-, former Jesuit scholastic
Material relating to Fr Michael Moloney SJ
Part of Irish Jesuits
Material relating to Fr Michael Moloney SJ which includes correspondence describing his work in Australia and Zambia and includes correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials and curia, personal record and application to join the Society.
Material relating to Fr Laurence M Kearns SJ
Part of Irish Jesuits
Material relating to Fr Laurence M Kearns SJ containing admission details, his work within the Society (chaplain in the Second World War, communications and media work in Zambia and Lesotho, correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials. Includes biographical information.
Material relating to Fr John E Murphy SJ
Part of Irish Jesuits
Material relating to Fr John E Murphy SJ which includes correspondence relating to his work in the following areas: HAM (House a Marriage) - a low cost option for young married couples to rent affordable accommodation (helped found this scheme), Bethany support group for bereaved (founded by him in 1983) and the Catholic Social Services. The file reflects other social issues that Fr Murphy became involved in e.g. Guild of St Mary, St Francis Social Service Centre and his work as a chaplain in the training unit of Mountjoy Gaol. Includes correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials and curia, personal record and application to join the Society.
Material relating to Fr Hugh Kelly SJ
Part of Irish Jesuits
File relating to to Fr Hugh Kelly SJ which includes two scrap books containing newspapers cuttings of Lenten lectures delivered by Fr Hugh Kelly SJ in St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin, correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials.
Material relating to Fr Henry O'Brien SJ
Part of Irish Jesuits
File of material relating to Fr Henry O'Brien SJ which includes correspondence with Irish Fr Provincials and curia regarding his years spent in Arizona, obituary, personal record and application to join the Society.
Part of Irish Jesuits
A file relating to an article written by Fr Patrick Gannon SJ in the 'Irish Ecclesiastical Record' supporting a fellow Jesuit's interpretation of a passage in St. Mark. This article sparked a controversy as Fr Gannon's views were disagreed with by Cardinal MacRory (and other eminent scripture scholars). Includes a letter from Fr John R MacMahon SJ (Fr Provincial), St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin to Fr Byrne SJ concerning the controversy. Remarks 'In reply to a letter from Fr Gannon, I wrote to him to say that I could not allow him to pursue the discussion about St. Mark III, 20 - 21 any further…that I would not approve of his seeking an interview with the Cardinal; that he might write to the Cardinal, but that I would have to see a draft of the letter beforehand.' Remarks that he received a reply from Fr Gannon and includes a passage from the letter describing it thus 'He is taking a most extravagant view of the situation.' (15 April 1945, 1p). Includes a copy of a letter from Fr Provincial (Fr MacMahon SJ) concerning a letter Fr Gannon wishes to write to Cardinal MacRory regarding the difference of opinion between the two men. Remarks 'Let me assure you (and I wish I could convince you) that you are taking far too tragic a view of the whole business. If you could put it out of your mind for a month, you would, I am confident, take a more tranquil view of things.' (26 January 1945, 1p). It would appear from the file that Fr Gannon was not able to put the matter out of his mind and that it was only as a result of his death in 1953 that the matter was laid to rest. It would also appear that Fr Gannon's view was gaining some support amongst scripture scholars when he died.
Material on the promotion of 'Catholic Action’
Documents relating to a report prepared by the Irish Fr Provincial for Fr General on the activities of the Irish Province for ‘the promotion of Catholic Action’. Includes covering letter and questionnaire sent out by the Irish Fr Provincial to Jesuit houses and individuals with detailed replies from: St Francis Xavier’s, Upper Gardiner Street; Milltown Park, Dublin; Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin; St Stanislaus’ College, Tullamore; St Mary’s, Emo Court; University Hall, Hatch Street; Belvedere College; Clongowes Wood College; St Ignatius’ College, Galway; Sacred Heart College, Limerick; the editors of the following periodicals: 'Madonna', 'The Messenger of the Sacred Heart', 'An Timire' (The Gaelic Messenger), and 'Studies'. Also includes handwritten draft report entitled ‘The Society of Jesus in Ireland and Catholic Action’ (Summer 1936) and final printed Latin version 'De Actione Catholica in Hibernia'.
Material containing Michael J Connolly's admission to the Society of Jesus and correspondence
Part of Irish Jesuits
File of material relating to the admission of Michael J Connolly to the Society of Jesus and his subsequent Jesuit life including his time as rector of the Jesuit house at Tullabeg, County Offaly and as Tertian instructor at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin, catalogue entries, memorial card and obituary.
Material containing Joseph Conran's admission to the Society of Jesus and correspondence
Part of Irish Jesuits
File relating to the admission of Joseph Conran to the Society of Jesus and his subsequent Jesuit life, including his move to the Jesuit community at Carmel, California.
Manuscript on Fr John Bannon SJ by Frs Kevin A Laheen and William Barnaby Faherty
Part of Irish Jesuits
Typed manuscript on Fr John Bannon SJ. The first portion of the manuscript is an introduction by Fr Kevin A Laheen SJ and traces the earlier years of Fr Bannon before he became a Jesuit. The second part of the manuscript by Fr William Barnaby Faherty SJ is entitled 'Father John Bannon, S.J. (1829 - 1913)'.
Faherty, William Barnaby, 1914-2011, Jesuit priest, historian and writer
Part of Irish Jesuits
Typed manuscript of an article by [ ] entitled 'The Confederacy's "Fighting Chaplain": The Civil War Years of Father John B. Bannon'.
Part of Irish Jesuits
Typed manuscript of a paper read at a meeting of Camp St. Louis no. 731, United Confederate Veterans by Captain Joseph Boyce Co. D. St. Louis Greys, First Missouri Confederate Infantry. The paper is entitled 'Rev. John Bannon - Chaplain Price's Missouri Confederate Division'.
Manuscript entitled 'A short rule of a good life'
A short rule of good life To direct the deuout Christian in a regular and orderly course.
With a letter from Prof. Nancy Pollard Brown, (Professor of English, Trinity College, Washington) to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ, 2 February 1967. Brown traces the history of the printed version of the 'Short Rule, and it seems Gwynn had a microfilm made of the manuscript which he sent to her.
Part of Irish Jesuits
Typed manuscript by Fr William Barnaby Faherty SJ, on Fr John Bannon SJ and his years as military chaplain during the American Civil War.
Faherty, William Barnaby, 1914-2011, Jesuit priest, historian and writer
List of Mungret men ordained for Mobile and Birmingham, Alabama, USA
Part of Jesuit colleges in Ireland
List of Mungret men ordained for Mobile and Birmingham, Alabama, USA.
Letters to the Irish Provincial on various matters
Letters to the Irish Provincial on various matters. Includes letters concerning:
Letters to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas Brown SJ
A file of letters to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas Brown SJ (term 7 May 1883 - 2 February 1888). Includes an index/précis to the letters by Fr James Rabbitte SJ.
Letters to Irish Fr Provincial Nicholas Walsh SJ
A file of letters to Irish Fr Provincial Nicholas Walsh SJ. Includes an index/précis to the letters by Fr James Rabbitte SJ.
Letters to Irish Fr Provincial James Murphy SJ
File of letters to Irish Fr Provincial James Murphy SJ. Includes an index/précis to the letters.
Letters to Irish Fr Provincial Edmund J O'Reilly SJ
A file of letters to Irish Fr Provincial Edmund J O'Reilly SJ (term as Fr Provincial 1863 - 19 April 1870). Includes an index/précis to the letters by [ ]. Other letters including undated letters have been added to, but not described, Fr E O'Reilly's list, J455.
Letters to Fr William A Sutton SJ from Walter Begley
Part of Irish Jesuits
Letters to Fr William A Sutton SJ from Edwin Reed, Andover, Massachusetts, U.S.A..
Part of Irish Jesuits
A file of letters written by various people to Fr Robert Haly SJ:
Letters to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ Gwynn from Monsignor Professor John Tracy Ellis
Part of Irish Jesuits
Letters to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from Monsignor Professor John Tracy Ellis (Secretary of the American Catholic Historical Association and Editor of the 'Catholic Historical Review'), on academic matters, including:
– the difficulties of gaining access to contemporary religious archives;
– ideas on academic exchanges between Ireland and the Unites States, ‘for scholarship, professors etc.’;
– the commemoration of the 1,500th anniversary of the death of St. Patrick;
– information on new American church historical publications;
– Fr Gwynn’s review of Mgr. Tracy Ellis’s 1952 'The Life of James Cardinal Gibbons, Archbishop of Baltimore 1834 - 1921' in 'Studies';
– financial difficulties of the Catholic University of America;
– the Monsignor’s lecturing activities;
– a proposed three-volume history of the Church in Ireland;
– comments on ‘the prospect of a Catholic in the White House’ (10 November 1960, 1p.);
– a proposed series of lectures in Dublin as part of the Patrician centennial celebration and the acquisition of copies of several letters of Archbishop Carroll in the Jesuit Archives.
Ellis, John Tracy, 1905-1992, Roman Catholic priest, monsignor and historian
Letters to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from H. George Fletcher, Director of Fordham University Press
Part of Irish Jesuits
Letters to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from H. George Fletcher, Director of Fordham University Press, concerning Fr Gwynn’s efforts in providing the publishers with ‘a photograph of the Burke portrait…for Professor Hoffman’s The Marquis’ and their gift of certain books to the library in Milltown Park.
Part of Irish Jesuits
Letters to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from Prof. Nancy Pollard Brown, (Professor of English, Trinity College, Washington) and Dr Peter Beal, concerning a seventeenth-century transcript of Robert Southwell’s 'Rule of Good Life' in Milltown Park, Dublin.
Brown, Nancy Pollard, 1921-2015, professor
Letters to Dr Charles Russell concerning his book on the Life of Cardinal Mezzofanti
Part of Non-Irish Jesuit material
A file of letters to Dr Charles Russell concerning his book on the Life of Cardinal Mezzofanti, 'The life of Cardinal Mezzofanti; with an introductory memoir of eminent linguists, ancient and modern', Longman, Brown, and Co, London, 1858
The letters offer praise and compliments to Dr Russell and suggestions for a second edition of the book. The following is a list of the people who wrote to Dr Russell concerning his book on Cardinal Mezzofanti:
25 March 1859; George [ ]
7 June 1858; P. J. [Aerts]
17 April - 7 May 1855; Edward Badely
23 August 1866; L'Abbe Blanchot
19 January 1859; [ J. B. Borrcho]
4 February 1863; F. C. Brooke
25 August - 3 November 1858; Lord Broughman
11 July 1860; A. Bruni SJ
16 October 1858; [ ] Bunsen
6 May 1858; L. Major Cavagnari
13 April - 26 August [ ]; John Dalberg Acton (Lord Acton)
3 [ ] 1858; Luigi Da Via
22 December 1859; Joseph Barnard Davis
n.d.; Auguste Donnet
19 May [ ]; James E. Doyle
11 February 1859; [Fernando]
21 April 1958; Goodwin Son & [ ]
5 May 1858; Thomas Grant
5 October - 1 December 1858; Imperial Austrian Legation
19 - 28 April 1860; Evan Jones
4 July 1858; Pierre Le Croix
23 April 1858 - 9 March 1860; Longman Brown and Company
6 May 1858; E. C. Lewis
[1858]; Henry E. Manning (later Cardinal)
17 June 1858; Patrick F. Moran (later Cardinal)
25 May 1858; John Morris
[ ] 1858; A. Pezzanat
5 - 10 May [1858]; E. H. Reeves
19 April 1852; James Roche
2 March 1858; James Hope Scott
12 May 1858; [ ] Shilman
15 June 1858; W. H. Smyth
[1858]-[1859]; James Spencer Northcote
5 May 1858; A. P. Stanley
15 [ ] 1856; Franco Venditti
9 May 1858; Dr. [Wals]
19 April 1855; Charles Ward[ ]th
29 March 1858 - 12 February 1863; Thomas Watts
[1857]; Vladimir Petcherine
Part of Non-Irish Jesuit material
A file of letters from Sr Mary Baptist Russell, St Mary's Hospital, San Francisco, California to her family in Ireland including her brothers Fr Matthew Russell SJ and Lord Russell of Killowen. Describes her life and work in California and discusses news from Ireland. Includes a letter to Arthur [ ] concerning Lord Russell of Killowen and his re-election but with a lower majority. Remarks 'Folks here do not seem quite so confident of Home Rule as they were a few weeks ago but all seem to say it must come in time.' Refers to Lord Russell's speech in the House of Commons. (7 July 1886, 8pp).
Russell, Mary Baptist, 1829-1898, Sister of Mercy
Letters from Prof. Ross Hoffman of Fordham University, New York
Part of Irish Jesuits
Letters from Prof. Ross Hoffman of Fordham University, New York, to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ and Denis Gwynn on personal matters, mainly his work, health and family and discussions on various American Presidents, the Pope and the Church. Includes:
– letter describing his work on arriving at the Manuscript Room in Sheffield Central Library to unpack and sort ‘three boxes (each about 2' by 2' by 8”) of unsorted (Edmund) Burke papers…they are largely the originals of the published letters, but there is also a rich collection of unpublished letters of Earl Fitzwilliam to Burke in the 1790’s and a few other fairly important letters that never have been printed…I am, it seems the first person to examine them since their delivery here…you can imagine how exciting is the experience of turning up, for example, original letters from George III to Rockingham…It is but one of scores, probably hundreds, of museum pieces that are usually kept under lock, key, and glass…collectors would pay fabulous things for these things…There is no one else in the room and I am in a constant state of exaltation, surely this is an experience that comes once in a life-time to one historian in a thousand.’ Also refers to the bomb damage in Sheffield, following the War (1 May 1949, 2pp);
– letter describing his work transcribing the Burke letters – ‘The whole body of documents runs to about 230 letters between 1759 and 1776…they throw a great deal of new light on Anglo-Irish relations, or rather upon Mr. Burke’s idea of those relations’ and his ‘projected book on Burke and the New York Agency, which really is becoming a large work on Burke and the Origins of the American Revolution’ (30 June 1950, 1p.);
– letter to Denis Gwynn concerning a book on Burke and Barry correspondence and his book on Edmund Burke and Charles O’Hara (28 March 1952, 2pp);
– letters on the publication of his books on Edmund Burke and Charles O’Hara and Burke, New York Agent (1956);
– lengthy commentaries on: the American (both internal and external policy, including the Korean and Vietnam Wars and race relations) and British political situations; the awarding of an honorary degree from the National University on him; his book on Lord Charles Rockingham, The Marquis (1973) and
– references to a portrait of Edmund Burke by James Barry in the National Gallery (24 March – September 1973, 4 items).
Also includes letters written by James White, Director of the National Gallery to Fr Gwynn, concerning the portrait which was presented to Trinity College Dublin and ‘is in the Andrew’s Room in the Provost’s House’ (23 August, 4 September 1973, 2 items);
Includes letter to Fr Gwynn from Prof. Hoffman’s daughter, Mary Ellen Flinn, following her father’s death on 16 December 1979. Encloses a memorial card (3 January 1980, 2pp).
Hoffman, Ross John Swartz, 1902-79, American historian, author and educator
Part of Irish Jesuit Missions
Letters from Mr Martin Hanley SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ on board a New Zealand shipping company boat concerning the voyage from Australia to England. Describes an encounter with the American naval fleet off the east coast of America.
Hanley, Martin, 1885-1921, Jesuit priest
Part of Jesuit colleges in Ireland
A file of letters from Fr William Ronan SJ to Fr Jean-Baptist René SJ concerning his fund-raising trip to and around America. Includes typescript copies of the letters by Fr Thomas Morrissey SJ.
Ronan, William, 1825-1907, Jesuit priest and chaplain
Letters from Fr William Ronan SJ concerning his fund-raising trip to America
Part of Jesuit colleges in Ireland
A file of letters from Fr William Ronan SJ to members of the community and the Apostolic students at Mungret concerning his fund-raising trip to America.
Ronan, William, 1825-1907, Jesuit priest and chaplain
Part of Irish Jesuit Missions
Letters from Fr William I. Baker SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ concerning arrangements to sail to Australia and the stopover in America en route.
Baker, William, 1879-1943, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Letters from Fr John Barrett SJ, Shrine of Our Lady of Martyrs’, Auriesville, New York to Fr Daniel Shields SJ requesting his assistance in the return of scripts deposited at the Gate and Abbey Theatres. Includes a note from The Abbey Theatre and a copy Fr Barrett’s play ‘Requiem for Jesuits’.
Barrett, John, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuit Missions
A file of letters from Fr George Byrne SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ concerning the voyage to Australia and his work with the Novices and the community in Loyola, Greenwich Road, Greenwich. Includes a letter concerning a trip to America and refers to a meeting he had with the doctor of Mr William Tucker SJ. Remarks 'I saw the Doctor, his opinion is that, as far as climate etc. is concerned, home was just as good as USA but because of "T(ucker)'s temperament he believed California would be better...I doubt very much whether the man himself really seriously wants to remain in the Society...' (31 May 1919, 3pp).
Byrne, George, 1879-1962, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuit Missions
A file of letters from Fr Albert Power SJ to Irish Fr Provincial concerning his voyage to Australia via America. Includes letters referring to William Tucker SJ and his health (6 October 1918 & 7 October 1918, 2 items). Includes a letter concerning his journey to San Francisco. Remarks 'At San Francisco there is a Priest (Fr O'Neill) who is Rector of Newman Hall in the University at Berkeley...a Catholic Hall like the one I am going to be acquainted with. I have a letter of introduction to him and hope to get some lights from him. They say he has done a great deal for his Hall...' (21 November 1918, 2pp). Includes a letter concerning his new position as Rector of Newman College. Refers to Fr O'Dwyer SJ. Remarks 'The poor man has had a v. heavy trial over this Newman College affair - and I think he has been dealt with rather unceremoniously.' Refers to an offer by the Archbishop of Perth inviting the Jesuits to establish a see also residence in Perth. Remarks 'I would remind your Reverence that we are very much undermanned out here - and unless you can send us out a good few subjects, it might be better not to extend the frontier that we have to garrison.' (21 January 1919, 2pp). Includes a letter reporting on Newman College after 18 months as Rector of the College (19 August 1920, 4pp). Includes a letter referring to a consult of the mission at which the proposal of Australia becoming a Vice-Province was discussed. Summarises the points raised (13 October 1924, 3pp).
Power, Albert, 1870-1948, Jesuit priest
Letters from Edward Boyd Barrett (Soquel, California) to his friends Frs Charles Byrne SJ, Edward Coyne SJ and Joseph Canavan SJ. Includes:
– letters to Fr Charles (Charlie) Byrne SJ concerning Fr Joseph Canavan’s declining health, his work for ‘Strays’ and his new book 'Shepherds in the Mist' ([21 November 1949] – [January 1963], 7 items);
– letter to Fr Edward (Ned) Coyne, S.J. stating ‘Now that you’re ‘laid up’ and have to listen to me I want to say this to you. “You’re in my heart – not because of being handsome or smart – but because of being kind and good to me!’ ” (16 March 19??, 1p.) and
– letter to Fr Joseph (Joe) Canavan SJ who is recovering from a serious operation. Also mentions his new book 'Shepherds in the Mist' (3 September 1949, 3pp).
Letters from Dr Blanche Touhill to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ on news, and reviews of her book
Part of Irish Jesuits
Letters from Dr Blanche Touhill to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ on Fr Gwynn’s health and some of their mutual colleagues including Geoffrey Hand. Encloses copies of various Irish and American reviews of her book 'William Smith O'Brien – And His Irish Revolutionary Companions in Penal Exile', (4 November 1981-17 April 1982, 6 items).
Touhill, Blanche, historian
Letters concerning Fr Michael Mansfield SJ
Part of Irish Jesuit Missions
A file of letters concerning Fr Michael Mansfield SJ and the legitimacy of his stay in the United States. Fr Mansfield had been en route to Australia but had remained in America without permission. Includes a letter from F. A. McQuade SJ, Provincial's Office, 501 East Fordham Road, New York City to Irish Fr Provincial John R. MacMahon SJ, St. Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin remarking 'He seems to have a terrible aversion to the Australian Jesuits and he feels unwanted there.' (17 July 1947, 1p).
Mansfield, Michael, 1910-1985, former Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Letters and royalty statements from publishers Russell & Russell Inc., New York, who reissued 'Roman Education' in 1964. ‘As you know, the book has never been protected by copyright in the United States and is, therefore, in the public domain in this country. Nevertheless, it is our practice as a courtesy to the author to pay a royalty on all copies sold.’ (29 January 1964, 1p.)
Letters and postcards to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from Fr Robert E. McNally SJ
Part of Irish Jesuits
Letters and postcards to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ from Fr Robert E. McNally SJ (Munich University, Woodstock College, Maryland and Fordham University, New York), mostly concerning Fr McNally’s research and publishing work, including ‘a new edition of the Pseudo-Isidore, Liber de numeris, which we suspect to be certainly a product of early Irish scholarship.’
Letters about, and reviews of, 'The Jesuit Enigma'
Letters about, and reviews of, 'The Jesuit Enigma' published in 1927 by Boni & Liveright, New York. Includes book cover.
Part of Irish Jesuits
Letter to Fr Fergal McGrath SJ (Irish Province Archivist 1975 to 1986) from Fr Anthony Bischoff SJ (Jesuit Community, Georgetown University, Washington), concerning books used by or belonging to Fr Gerard Hopkins SJ, found in St Ignatius’ House of Writers, 35 Lower Leeson Street. ‘I confess I am appalled at the idea that these books have been carelessly assimilated into the house library. In 1947, I spent hours examining every book in the Leeson Street house Library. The result was that I segregated some fifteen or twenty books that had definitely belonged to or been used by Hopkins. All of these I turned over to Father Aubrey Gwynn, then librarian. I made clear to him what the books were, their value as having been associated with Hopkins, and suggested that they be kept as a separate collection. I do not have a detailed listing of the books…I have only two definite titles that I recall…There are also several books by Richard Watson Dixon that belonged to Hopkins…You ought to also have the autograph manuscript of Hopkins’s poem ‘St. Thecla’, as well as manuscripts of one or two of his letters.’
Books used by or belonging to Fr Gerard Hopkins SJ
Annotated books, 1876 - 1884
IE IJA J/11/18 - 'The History of Tacitus According to the Text of Drelli. Books III, IV, V.'
IE IJA J/11/19 - 'Corpus Poetarum Latinorum'
IE IJA J/11/20 - 'The Acharnians of Aristophanes'
IE IJA J/11/21 - 'Aeschylus – Choephoroi'
Non-annotated books, 1884 - 1918
IE IJA J/11/22 - ‘Poems’ by Richard Watson Dixon
IE IJA J/11/23 - 'Poems' by Henry Patmore
IE IJA J/11/24 - 'Prometheus. The Firegiver' by Robert Bridges
IE IJA J/11/25 - 'Eros and Psyche. A Poem in Twelve Measures' by Robert Bridges
Bischoff, Anthony, 1910-1993, Jesuit priest and academic
Letter to ‘Cullen’ from Edward Boyd Barrett telling him about his new book 'While Peter Sleeps'
Letter to ‘Cullen’ from Edward Boyd Barrett (New York) telling him about his new book 'While Peter Sleeps' which was published in 1929 by Ives Washburn, New York.
Boyd Barrett, Edward J, 1883-1966, former Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuit Missions
Letter from the Maryknoll Fathers, Maryknoll, New York addressed 'Dear Friend' offering the services of the Maryknoll Fathers in Chungking, Free China in forwarding mail to people in China.
Letter from Stephen Kuttner to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ
Part of Irish Jesuits
Letter from Stephen Kuttner (President of the Institute of Medieval Canon Law, School of Law, University of California, Berkeley, California) to Fr Aubrey Gwynn SJ, a ‘Corresponding Member’ of the Institute, informing him that the ‘appointment of Corresponding Members should henceforth be understood as made for a period of five years…’
Part of Non-Irish Jesuit material
Letter from Sr Mary Baptist Russell, St Mary's Hospital, San Francisco to her sister Sarah Russell (later Mother Mary Emmanuel, Sister of Mercy, Newry) concerning Sarah's desire to join the sisters in Newry but that their mother has objected to this. Suggests that Sarah might come out to join her in California. Remarks '...I half concluded in my own mind that the Almighty destined you to share in our [life] here and was making use of dear Mamma's opposition to your wishes.' Remarks that they are very short of sisters. Concludes 'I dare say Mother Catherine (in Newry) will think I am somewhat selfish but no selfish motive activates me I assure you...'
Russell, Mary Baptist, 1829-1898, Sister of Mercy
Part of Non-Irish Jesuit material
Letter from Sr Mary Baptist Russell, St. Mary's Hospital, San Francisco to her mother concerning her life in California, her work there and news from the convent.
Russell, Mary Baptist, 1829-1898, Sister of Mercy
Part of Non-Irish Jesuit material
Letter from Sr Carroll, Convent of Mercy, Mobile, Alabama, USA to Sr Mary Baptist (Katherine) Russell sympathising over the death of Lord Russell of Killowen (brother of Sr Russell). Remarks 'what made the shock greater for me was the fact that I had never heard of his being weak or ailing...'
Letter from Richard Doyle to Dr Charles Russell apologising for the delay in replying to his note
Part of Non-Irish Jesuit material
Letter from Richard Doyle, 17 Cambridge Terrace, Hyde Park, England to Dr Charles Russell apologising for the delay in replying to his note and informing Dr Russell that he will make inquiries to an acquaintance on his behalf. Includes a note by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ (former Irish Province Archivist) on Richard Doyle and surmises that he is Dickie Doyle, an artist for Punch.
Doyle, Richard, 1824-1883, illustrator, printmaker, and watercolour painter
Letter from Patrick William Riordan, Archbishop of San Francisco, writing from Thurles, to the Father Superior. Reports that he was seeking some students for the San Francisco diocese at an un-named seminary. States that he will be unable to return to Dublin before sailing, as the president of the seminary was not there, and therefore he has to remain in Thurles until the next day. Thanks the Father Superior for his invitation.
Riordan, Patrick William, 1841-1914, Roman Catholic Archbishop of San Francisco
Letter from Patrick Griffin to Fr William Ronan SJ asking for a prospectus for Mungret College
Part of Jesuit colleges in Ireland
Letter from Patrick Griffin, Woburn, Mass., USA to Fr William Ronan SJ asking for a prospectus for Mungret College with a view to training as a priest.
Letter from Mr John Murphy SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ
Letter from Mr John Murphy SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ.
Murphy, John, 1885-1960, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuit Missions
Letter from Mr John J. Murphy SJ, Woodstock College, MD to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ congratulating him on his new position as Fr Provincial. Refers to storms in Mid-West, especially Ohio.
Murphy, John J, 1884-1955, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuit Missions
Letter from J. E. Walsh, Superior General, Maryknoll, New York to Irish Fr Provincial John R. MacMahon SJ, St Francis Xavier's Church, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin concerning notes sent from China intended for the Irish Province.
Part of Irish Jesuit Missions
Copy of a letter from Irish Fr Provincial John R MacMahon SJ, St Francis Xavier's, Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin to Rev James E. Walsh MM, Bishop of [ ], Superior General, Catholic Foreign Mission, Society of America sympathising over the death of the Vicar General of Maryknoll.
MacMahon, John R, 1893-1989, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
From Fr William Stack Murphy SJ, St Mary’s, Lebanon, Kentucky, U.S.A. to Fr Patrick Bracken SJ. Thanks him for the books that were brought out by Dr Litton. Refers to the fact that Fr Peter Kenney SJ had been appointed Rector of Palermo. Asks Fr Bracken to arrange for a subscription to be made to the 'London Tablet'. Refers to the Teetotalism and Partial Abstinence campaign in the US. Answers Daniel O'Connell’s views on America’s tradition of slavery. Gives a brief outline of the establishment of the school (St Mary’s in Kentucky).
Murphy, William Stack, 1803-1875, Jesuit priest
Letter from Fr William Ronan SJ to Mother [ ] concerning the Apostolic School
Part of Jesuit colleges in Ireland
Letter from Fr William Ronan SJ, Parochial House, Houston, Texas to Mother [ ] concerning a nephew of hers who wishes to enter the Apostolic School. Remarks that he will do all he can help however 'We must then leave the rest to God'.
Ronan, William, 1825-1907, Jesuit priest and chaplain
Letter from Fr William J. Lockington SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ
Letter from Fr William J. Lockington SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ.
Lockington, William, 1871-1948, Jesuit priest
Letter from Fr Theobald W Butler SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ
Letter from Fr Theobald W Butler SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ.
Butler, Theobald W, 1829-1916, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuits
Letter from Fr Terence L Connolly SJ, Boston College Library, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, USA to Frank Gallagher, Director of Government Information Bureau, Merrion Street, Dublin (brother of Fr Richard) thanking him for sending a inscribed copy of his book ‘The Four Glorious Years’.
Connolly, Terence L, 1888-1962, Jesuit priest
Letter from Fr Robert Whitty SJ, writing from Fiesole, to Fr Murphy
Letter from Fr Robert Whitty SJ, writing from Fiesole, to Fr Murphy. Refers to the reaction in America to an article in the March 1890 edition of the Lyceum on ‘The Church in America’, and to a letter received by the Father General from an American Jesuit on the subject. Includes a review taken from a Chicago Catholic newspaper, which criticises the article.
Whitty, Robert, 1817-1895, Jesuit priest
Letter from Fr Michael Moynihan SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ
Letter from Fr Michael Moynihan SJ to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V Nolan SJ.
Mattern, Emile, 1865-1935, Jesuit priest
Letter from Fr Michael Earls SJ to [ ] concerning a lecture he gave on Irish Music at Worcester, Massachusetts, USA. Encloses a cutting from a newspaper and ask that it be passed on to Fr O'Brien SJ, of 'The Irish Monthly'.
Earls, Michael, 1873-1937, Jesuit priest
Part of Jesuit colleges in Ireland
Letter from Fr Joseph Arthuis SJ, Gonzaga College, Spokane, Washington to Fr Edward Cahill SJ, Rector of Mungret writing on behalf of Fr Jean-Baptist René SJ regarding building work at Mungret.
Arthuis, Joseph, 1854-1934, Jesuit priest
Part of Irish Jesuit Missions
Letter from Fr John J. Nerney SJ, The Queen's Work, A Magazine of Catholic Activities, 3220 Russell Avenue, Saint Louis to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas V. Nolan SJ concerning his visit to America to observe the work of the magazine so that he can start a similar enterprise in Australia.
Nerney, John, 1879-1962, Jesuit priest