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The Crescent
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Will of Ruby M. B. Lynch

A file relating to the will of Ruby M. B. Lynch, Walton Lodge, Ballysheen, Sixmilebridge, County Clare and her bequest to the Society of Jesus of her property to be used to educate members of the order or as a place of retreat.

Visit of Kenneth Kaunda to the Sacred Heart College, Limerick

Report and photograph (from the Limerick Leader and the Limerick Chronicle respectively) in relation to the visit to Ireland of the Northern Rhodesian minister. The photograph shows Mr Kaunda at the College with representatives of the community, the Past Pupils Union, and students. The article reports on his visit in general, with reference to his visit to the school.

Triennial Documents, 1933 - 1936

Documents for:

  • Second Catalogue (Catalogus Personarum Secundus);
  • Annual Letters (Litterae Annuae);
  • Catalogue of those apt for governing (Catalogus Aptorum ad Gubernandum);
  • Lives of those who have died (Summarium vitae defunctorum) et arcarum Provinciae);
  • Index of authors and books published by Ours(Index auctorem et librorum a Nostris editorum);
  • Examples of Deeds (Exemplar Contractus Perpetui);
  • Supplement to First and Second Catalogue (Supplementum Triennale ad Catalogum Personarum Primum & Secundum).

Triennial Documents, 1930 - 1933

Documents for:

  • First Catalogue (Catalogus Personarum Primus)
  • Second Catalogue (Catalogus Personarum Secundus)
  • Annual Letters (Litterae Annuae)
  • Lives of those who have died (Summarium vitae defunctorum)
  • Index of authors and books published by Ours (Index auctorem et librorum a Nostris editorum)
  • Lists of admissions to the Novitiate, (Elenchi Triennales Admissorum in First and Final Vows, etc noviciatum, Admissorum ad Vota Prima et Ultima)
  • Catalogue of journals , periodicals (Catalogus ephemeridum et and school annuals.libellorum periodicorum)
  • Supplement to First and Second Catalogue (Supplementum Triennale ad Catalogum Personarum Primum & Secundum)

Triennial Documents, 1927 - 1930

Documents for Ireland and Hong Kong.

  • House Histories (Historia Domus);
  • Annual Letters (Litterae Annuae);
  • Lives of those who have died (Summarium vitae defunctorum);
  • Province Accounts (Status temporalis trienalis domorum et arcarum Provinciae);
  • Index of authors and books published by Ours (Index auctorem et librorum a Nostris editorum)
  • Lists of admissions to the Novitiate, (Elenchi Triennales Admissorum in First and Final Vows, etc.noviciatum, Admissorum ad Vota Prima et Ultima)

Triennial Documents, 1923 - 1926

Documents for Ireland and Hong Kong.

  • House Histories (Historia Domus);
  • Annual Letters (Litterae Annuae);
  • Lives of those who have died (Summarium vitae defunctorum);
  • Province Accounts (Status temporalis trienalis domorum et arcarum Provinciae);
  • Index of authors and books published by Ours (Index auctorem et librorum a Nostris editorum).

Triennial Documents, 1920 - 1923

Documents for Ireland:

  • House Histories (Historia Domus);
  • Annual Letters (Litterae Annuae);
  • Lives of those who have died (Summarium vitae defunctorum);
  • Index of authors and books published by Ours (Index auctorem et librorum a Nostris editorum);

Triennial Documents, 1902 - 1905

Documents for Ireland (37 items):

  • First Catalogue (Catalogus Personarum Primus);
  • Second Catalogue (Catalogus Personarum Secundus);
  • House Histories (Historia Domus);
  • Annual Letters (Litterae Annuae);
  • Lives of those who have died (Summarium vitae defunctorum);
  • Province Accounts (Status temporalis trienalis domorum et arcarum Provinciae);
  • Index of authors and books published by Ours (Index auctorem et librorum a Nostris editorum);

and for Australia (39 items):

  • First Catalogue (Catalogus Personarum Primus);
  • Second Catalogue (Catalogus Personarum Secundus);
  • House Histories (Historia Domus);
  • Lives of those who have died (Summarium vitae defunctorum);
  • Province Accounts (Status temporalis trienalis domorum et arcarum Provinciae).

Triennial Documents, 1877

Documents concerning:

  • First Catalogue (Catalogus Personarum Primus);
  • Second Catalogue (Catalogus Personarum Secundus);
  • House Histories (Historia Domus), form some 1868-1877;
  • Annual Letters (Litterae Annuae);
  • Province Accounts (Status temporalis trienalis domorum et arcarum Provinciae);
  • Lists of admissions to the Novitiate, First and Final Vows, etc. (Elenchi Triennales Admissorum in noviciatum, Admissorum ad Vota Prima et Ultima).

Triennial Documents, 1868

Documents concerning:

  • First Catalogue (Catalogus Personarum Primus);
  • Second Catalogue (Catalogus Personarum Secundus);
  • Lives of those who have died (Summarium vitae defunctorum);
  • Province Accounts (Status temporalis trienalis domorum et arcarum Provinciae);
  • Lists of admissions to the Novitiate, First and Final Vows, etc. (Elenchi Triennales Admissorum in noviciatum, Admissorum ad Vota Prima et Ultima);
  • Catalogus Rerum.

Also, see ADMN/9/2. Documents relating to the 1862 Provincial Congregation.

Thomas Moore Centenary concerts

Programmes and advertisements for, and correspondence regarding the concerts. The programmes give details of the playlist of the concerts, which sometimes feature celebrity singers, such as Joseph McNally (tenor) and Michael O'Duffy (lyric tenor). The correspondence includes a letter from Michael O'Duffy in relation to the arrangements for his performance (13 September 1952, 1 page),

Theatrical suppliers for the Crescent

Flyers and leaflets for stage make-up, wigs and theatrical scripts from P.J. Bourke of 64 Dame Street, Dublin. Also includes leaflet on theatre-related books from Rockliff Publishing Corporation Ltd., London.

The Crescent Journal

2 copies of the March 1919 issue. Includes articles by pupils on school activities, including sports, theatricals, clubs, societies and volunteer camps. Also contains letters to the editor (Harold Craig). Many articles by Robert Ievers. Also includes a photocopy or equivalent of a handwritten front page of the Christmas edition of the Journal from an unknown year.

Telegrams and letters to the Provincial from various sources following the death of Fr John Hayes SJ

Telegrams and letters to the Provincial from various sources following the death of Fr John Hayes SJ from typhus on 21 January 1945. Includes: telegram from the Rector of Crescent College Limerick to the Provincial (John McMahon SJ) informing him that the War Office had ‘wired Mrs. Hayes that Father John died of typhus Jan 21st’ (26 January 1945, 1p.);
– note of acknowledgement to the Provincial from Frank G. Hayes (Fr Hayes’ brother) (27 January 1945, 1p.);
– copy of letter sent to the Rector of Belvedere College (James Gubbins SJ) from Old Belvederian (1923-1931) and comrade of Fr Hayes, Captain W.A. Ward following the death of Fr Hayes (27 January 1945, 1p.);
– copy of letter sent by Joseph Gardner, S.C.F. (R.C.) (Senior Catholic Chaplain, Allied Land Forces, South East Asia) to Mgr. John Coghlan (Principal R.C. Chaplain, War Office, London) giving further details of Fr Hayes’ death (28 January 1945, 1p.);
– letter from Mgr. Coghlan to the Irish Fr Provincial John R MacMahon SJ (29 January 1945; 2pp);
– letters from Rev. A. Clancy (Senior Catholic Chaplain, H.Q. 36th Division, South East Asia) and from Rev. J. Gardner, S.C.F. (R.C.) to Irish Fr Provincial John R McMahon SJ (29 January 1945, 2 items, 1p. each);
– copy of letter sent to Mrs. Hayes by her son’s Commanding Officer, Major-General Francis Festing, following his death (23 January 1945, 2pp);
– letter from Agnes Hayes to Irish Fr Provincial (13 February 1945, 1p.);
– letter to Irish Fr Provincial John R McMahon SJ from George Hickson, the chaplain who was with Fr Hayes before he died (15 February 1945, 3pp);
– copy of letter from Rev. J. Gardner to Fr D. Donnelly SJ (St. Stanislaus High School, Bandra, Bombay) listing the articles of ecclesiastical equipment of the late Fr Hayes, which Fr Gardner is sending to Fr Donnelly (17 March 1945, 1p.);
– copy of an Appreciation of Fr Hayes written by Rev. Terence M. Hogan, C.F. (R.C.)(Fr Hayes’ Senior Chaplain for six months) (19 March 1945, 1p.) and
– label tags ‘O.H.M.S. Deceased Officer’s Kit’ for Fr Hayes’ property (n.d., 3 items).

Coghlan, John, 1888-1963, Roman Catholic Monsignor and chaplain

St. Patrick's Night concerts at Crescent

Programmes and notice for concerts on 17 March of 1952 and 1955. Both years' concerts feature singing and dancing - mostly with Irish themes - by various groups, and the 1952 concert begins with an historic pageant, performed by the girls of the Presentation Convent, Limerick: 'The Siege of Limerick, 1651'.

Sports day programmes and newspaper articles

Material relating to athletics, swimming, tennis and golf. Includes sports day programmes from 1882 and 1908, and newspaper articles re. Billy Harris' and others' achievements in other national events, such as the All-Ireland Colleges' Sports event, re. the Treaty 1 1/4 miles swim in 1948, in which some pupils from the Crescent participated, as well as articles regarding the successes of Crescent teams in the Munster Schools Tennis Cup. Also includes two newspaper articles on the successes of Crescent pupils in golfing competitions. Both refer to the O'Regan family, two of whom - Brendan and Donal - were Crescent boys.

'Sparks' Volume 1, No.1

[Draft] copy of the first issue of the Sacred Heart College Journal. It is stated in the editorial that it is proposed to revive the School Journal, which will be 'a record of school events and will also contain articles, stories &c, written by the College boys' and that it will be 'a faithful reflection of the various phases of school life.' This issue contains an article on 'Bird Life on Ireland's Eye', short stories, as well as reports on College debating and sporting activities.

'Some reminiscences of the College of the Sacred Heart, Crescent Limerick'

'Some reminiscences of the College of the Sacred Heart, Crescent Limerick of October 1864 and of Aug. 1884 - to August 1887' by Fr James Daly SJ. Addressed to Fr Potter. Account of his visit with his father to the Crescent in 1864, before entering the Society, and an account of later years spent there.

Daly, James Aloysius, 1847-1930, Jesuit priest

Solicitor's report on the Jesuits' title to buildings and property in the Crescent

Report (draft and final version) compiled by John J. Dundon, solicitor, regarding the Jesuits' title to buildings and property in the Crescent. Gives details of various deeds in relation to Russell's House, Maunsell's House and the Tontine buildings, all of which were to form the Sacred Heart Church and College. Includes a covering letter from Dundon to Fr Patrick O'Mara SJ, Rector of the Sacred Heart College, in which he refers to the report, and also to a an issue regarding the 'Maunsell Holding'.

Solicitors' correspondence re. property on Newenham Street, Limerick

Letter from John J. Dundon, solicitor to Fr John J MacSheahan SJ in the Crescent. Dundon asks that the Crescent records be checked to see if any rent was paid out of a plot of ground at the corner of the Crescent and Newenham Street between 1886 and 1923.
Refers to accompanying letter from James Welply & Sons, solicitors, to John J. Dundon, solicitor (included), which discusses the property in question, referring to various leases made, and to the Jesuits’ interest in it. Leases of 1875 and 1923 (from Alderman P. Hogan and Mary DeCourcy respectively) referred to in the latter letter are not included.

Solicitors' correspondence re. Jones's field

Correspondence between Dundon & Treacy, solicitors for the Society in the Crescent College, and Tynan & Co., solicitors for the Jones family, in relation to the title of Jones’s field, and the interest of various members of the Jones family therein. Also includes a letter from E. Treacy of Dundon & Treacy solicitors, to Fr Redmond Roche SJ, rector of the Crescent.

MacMahon, John R, 1893-1989, Jesuit priest

S.H.C. The Magazine of the Sacred Heart College, Limerick

4 printed issues: 1929, 1930, 1931 and 1933. Edited by Fr Hurley SJ. Editorial in 1929 issue states that the magazine 'will contain nothing except the record of the doings of the Past and of the Present pupils.' Includes school history, news of past pupils, obituaries, school activities such as sport, theatricals, debating, school tours, as well as pupils' academic achievements, and news of societies, such as the Vincent de Paul and the Sodalities. The authors of most of the articles are not identified. Also includes photographs relevant to the subjects of the articles, e.g., class groups, prize-winners etc.

Secretary's Journal of the Debating Society at the Sacred Heart College, Limerick

Bound volume containing handwritten entries reporting on the Debating Society meetings. Information given includes the motion debated, the names of members of each team, a short report on the actual debate, and the result. Some of the entries refer to prizes awarded for debating skills, inter-college debates, and invited speakers. Many documents have been glued onto pages of the volume, including notices of individual debates, newspaper reports, and correspondence. The reports are signed by the society's presidents: Fr Bates, Fr Purcell and Mr Morrissey.

Season tickets for Old Crescent matches

Tickets in booklet form belonging to Fr Stephen Bates SJ. Include information on location and date of matches and other teams involved. A list of the Club's officers appears in each booklet, and some contain receipts.

Season tickets for Crescent College Rugby Football Club home matches

Season tickets for Crescent College Rugby Football Club home matches. Tickets in booklet form, for the following seasons: 1949-50, 1950-51, 1951-52, 1953-54, 1954-55, 1958-59, 1959-60, 1960-61, 1961-62, 1963-64, 1966-67. Allow admittance to all home matches played by the College, apart from Cup Matches. Include fixture details. File also includes a list of fixture details for the 1948-49 season produced by the Limerick Leader. Includes Fr Jim Moran's 1960-61 ticket.

School plays at the Sacred Heart College, Limerick

Programmes, newspaper notices, invitations, tickets, and reviews relating to theatricals, including comedies, tragedies, operettas, librettos and pantomimes, staged by pupils of the Sacred Heart College. Includes a bound copy of a programme for the Crescent College pantomime of 1901, presented by 'Miss Claire Hanrahan in 1955' to the Crescent College. Also includes some correspondence, including a letter from Fr William Lockington SJ (16 February 1907; 1 page) a [draft] letter in Irish advising participation in a festival of Gaelic drama (nd.; 1 page), for which there is also a newspaper review from 10 March 1945. Reviews of the three pages staged in the years 1858, 1963 and 1964 are to be found respectively in three copies of 'Our Catholic Life', a quarterly magazine of the Diocese of Limerick. Some correspondence re. plays and performances is also included.

School journal 'Crescentian'

Issues of the school journal, produced by Crescent pupils: nos.10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 21, 23 and 27. All contain an editorial at the beginning, and subjects of articles include school activities, such as sports, theatricals, debating, school tours etc. Some contain short stories, poems, letters and commentary on current affairs. Reports on the activities of school societies such as the Society of St. Vincent de Paul and the sodalities are included. Photographs of class groups and sports teams appear also. Among the editors were Donough O'Malley and Peter Ahern.

School diary for the Sacred Heart College, Limerick

Bound volume with handwritten entries, and some typewritten insertions. Entries refer to term dates, holidays and half-holidays, feast days, retreats, examination days, absences of lay and religious teachers, performances of plays and concerts, sports events, deaths of members of the Society, deaths of pupils and their relatives, funeral arrangements etc. Also includes commentary on attendance, length of holidays, examination results, sodality membership, heating of classrooms etc. Tables of examination results and attendance records are to be found at the end of each academic year's entries up to 1925-26, which include each pupil's name, class, date of birth, examination no., attendance record and exam results. Also includes occasional references to events in Limerick and in the country as a whole, which affected the school in some way; eg. entry for Tuesday 5 October 1918: 'All the schools in the city have been closed owing to the spread of the new species of Influenza...'; entry for 1 May 1916: 'School resume. Two Fathers, (Egan & R. D-Kelly) and one laymaster absent owing to Rebellion. Laymaster arrested later & deported. (M. Malone) No Lectio Brevis but full work!!'

Scheme for the acquisition of security of tenure re. Jones's field

Memorandum drawn up by Dundon & Treacy, solicitors for the Jesuit Fathers of the Crescent. List of suggestions in relation to what steps could be taken to ensure that the Fathers would have security of tenure with regard to Jones’s Field. Accompanied by a covering letter from the solicitors to William Binchy asking him to give his opinions on the proposals (included).

Retrenchment in expenses

Letters and circular letters concerning a circular letter from Fr General on economy measures and assisting the poor during the ‘severe economic crisis’. Includes draft of circular letter sent by Irish Fr Provincial to Jesuit houses on ways and means of economising in order to carry out the wishes expressed in Fr General’s letter and replies following House Consultations from Belvedere College; Milltown Park, 35 Lower Leeson Street; St Francis Xavier’s, Upper Gardiner Street; St Ignatius’ College, Galway; S. Stanislaus’ College, Tullamore; Clongowes Wood College, Naas; Sacred Heart College and Mungret College, Limerick and St Mary’s, Emo Court. Also includes circular list of economy measures issued to all houses.

Requisitions on title re. Crescent field

Lists of requirements drawn up by the solicitors of the purchasers of the Crescent field ('Rev. L. P. Potter & others) for Richard Hartigan & others (Ignatian Sodality) including the production of leases, receipts and other evidence of proper title to the property. Includes handwritten replies supplied by the vendors' solicitors.

Questionnaire from the Secretary of the Union of Past Pupil Unions, Limerick Area

Typed copy of reply to questionnaire, compiled by Fr Stephen Bates. Gives information regarding Crescent pupils after they finished school for the years 1959, 1960 and 1961, eg. the number who went on to university, to the priesthood etc. Also refers to the number of pupils who stay in or leave Limerick after the Leaving Certificate. Accompanied by a covering letter from Ted Russell, Union president, to Fr Bates.

Proposal re compulsory purchase of the college football field by the Railway Company

Documents including letters from solicitors and Jesuits, and newspaper cuttings, re. CIE's proposed compulsory purchase of the Crescent College playing field, owned by Mrs Pearse. Includes a number of letters from Irish Fr Provincial MacMahon to Fr Roche, Rector of the College on the subject (9 September 1945 - 15 June 1947,13 items). Some documents contain suggestions re. possible alternative fields, e.g., Cussen's field and Baker's field. Suggestion that the field be bought from Mrs. Pearse.

Proposal for reviving school magazine

Documents in relation to the proposal to bring back the production of a College magazine. Includes a handwritten memo written by the Rector, Fr Tyndall SJ, outlining his arguments for its revival, including publicity for the school, a revival of interest in the College amongst past and present pupils etc. Also includes a typewritten document by Fr Finegan SJ on the subject, in which he suggests a quarterly magazine, rather than an annual. File also includes written reactions from other members of the community.

Programmes, ads, newspaper reviews and admission tickets for various shows performed in the Crescent Concert Hall

Programmes, ads, newspaper reviews and admission tickets for various shows performed in the Crescent Concert Hall. The entertainments include charity concerts, a piano recital, a Marian year pageant produced by the pupils of the Presentation Convent: 'Crown of Glory', a Feile Luimni prizewinners concert, and a recital by Bernadette Greevy, contralto, and Margaret MacKenzie, piano.

Photographs on centenaries and dedication of the Jesuit church in Limerick

Photographs relating to the Centenary of the Sacred Heart College and Church, and to the Fourth Centenary of the death of St Ignatius Loyola. Include scenes from during and after the Thanksgiving Mass celebrated to mark the former, as well as photographs of Limerick Jesuit community members and others, such as Irish Fr Provincial Michael O'Grady SJ during the period of celebrations. Includes a group photograph of the cast of 'The First Legion', and a photograph of the stage used in the production. Also includes an image of a picture of the Sacred Heart, which commemorates the dedication of the church to the latter on 10 October 1932.

Photographic prints and negatives of various groups of boys, from both Junior and Senior schools, Crescent College, Limerick

Photographic prints and negatives of various groups of boys, from both Junior and Senior schools. Some images are accompanied by their negatives; some exist only as negatives. There are more than one copy of many of the existing prints, many of which are mounted on frames. Includes a group of First Communicants (2 mounted prints and a negative); some class groups taken indoors, with a picture of the Colosseum as a backdrop; and some less formal outdoor groups.

Photographic album by Fr Stephen Bates SJ

Photographic album by Fr Stephen Bates SJ. The photographs depict Jesuits and outdoor scenes such as on villa at:

  • Ballytrent, Wicklow (1929 and 1930);
  • Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin (1928);
  • Gormanstown (1928);
  • Clydagh, County Galway (1926, 1927);
  • the play 'Pinafore', Mungret College, Limerick (1931);
  • Lough Bray, Wicklow (1928);
  • Aloysus Dando, Donald Roset and John Moran, Jersey (17 March 1929);
  • Milltown (1928);
  • Cliffs of Moher (1933);
  • Ballydavid, Kerry (1935);
  • Kilkee, Clare (1933);
  • Killarney, Kerry (1932 and 1945);
  • Waterville, Kerry (1931 and 1932);
  • Caragh Lake, Kerry (1932);
  • Clongowes Wood College, Kildare (1932);
  • Clane, Kildare;
  • Prosperous, Kildare;
  • Maynooth, Kildare;
  • Mount Brandon, Kerry;
  • Killaloe, Clare (1943 and 1945);
  • Keeper Hill, Tipperary (1944 and 1945);
  • Quin Abbey, Clare (1944);
  • Lough Derg;
  • Sacred Heart Church, Limerick;
  • Long Avenue, Limerick;
  • Manister Abbey, Limerick;
  • Junior Rugby Team, Crescent, Limerick (1944 and 1945);
  • Dromore Lake, Limerick (1945);
  • aeroplanes at Rineanna, Clare (1946);
  • Tramore, Waterford (1946);
  • new College extension at Crescent (January 1946);
  • Crescent rugby City Cup winners (1946) and match at Mardyke, Cork (1947);

Past pupils' theatricals and Old Crescent Players

Documents regarding the theatricals staged by the College's past pupils, who came to be known as the Old Crescent Players. Includes programmes and an undated newspaper review of 'The Strong Are Lonely', which was based on the experience of the Jesuit missionaries to Paraguay.

Page from the 'Limerick Chronicle' entitled Chronicle Memories

Page from the 'Limerick Chronicle' entitled Chronicle Memories which depicts a photograph from 1956 of the Crescent College Under 12s rugby team.
Back row: Fr Connla Delany SJ and Gordon Wood.
Standing from l-r: Fergus Leahy, Robert Morris, Frank O'Connor, Des Maurer, Don McMahon, Brian McCarthy, Michael O'Malley, St. John Kelly, Martin Daly, Fred Herriott, Des Hourihan, Oliver Frawley, Jude Connellan.
Kneeling: Greg Copper, Noel O'Connor, Denis Staunton, Diarmuid Power, Tommy O'Connor, Mick Wallace, Ivan Morris, Paddy O'Connor, Jimmy Harty and Jed Spencer.

Ordinations of ex-Crescent Jesuit and non-Jesuit clergy

Consists mainly of photographs and articles from various newspapers, with the names of ex-Crescentians highlighted. Includes an edition of 'The Irish Jesuit' on ordinations in 1969, and extracts from 'Luceat', the annual publication from St Patrick's College, Thurles.

Old Crescent Boys' Association (OCBA)

Documents concerning the OCBA and connected clubs, including a rugby club. Includes handwritten notes from meetings, as well as correspondence between Fr Gubbins SJ (former Rector of the Crescent) and Fr Roche SJ (present Rector). Also includes a printed notice of a meeting of the OCBA, at which its possible winding up is to be discussed.

Notes regarding the three Tontine buildings, Limerick

Handwritten notes, and one typewritten, regarding the three Tontine buildings (nos. 12, 13 & 14 Richmond Place). Includes information re. the establishment and running of the Tontine Society; descriptions of various deeds executed in relation to the property; information on how the Jesuits came into possession of the buildings. Refers to those connected with the property, including the Earl of Limerick, members of the Maunsell family, the Marquise de Fontanelle.

Notes on property: Russell's House, Tontine Buildings and Doyle's Yard

Typewritten notes on the proprietorial history of 'Community House & Church' (aka "Mansion House & adjoining ground"/Russell's House), the school buildings (aka the Tontine buildings), and 'Builder's Yard' (aka Doyle's Yard).

Includes handwritten notes on history of Doyle's yard which sets out main terms and conditions of the 1923 lease of the property on Newenham Street to Michael Doyle. Also refers to an earlier lease from Miss de Courcy to the Crescent College.

Non-Jesuit clerical past pupils: news from and about ex-students of the Crescent

Letters from various clerics (and one novice), who were former pupils of the Crescent. Subjects include memories of schooldays and recent news of ex-classmates. Some refer to accompanying photographs (not included). Includes a letter from Canon John Hayes, founder of Muintir na Tire. Also includes some correspondence involving Sr. F. Stanislaus, Nellie Cantwell and Fr Stephen Bates SJ relating to John Joseph Cantwell, Archbishop of Los Angeles (1936-1947), who was an ex-pupil of the Crescent.

Newspaper articles on the return of the Jesuits to Limerick

Two newspaper articles, one from 1909 and one from 1929, relating to the fiftieth and seventieth anniversaries (respectively) of the return of the Jesuits to Limerick, and the establishment of the College. Also includes an invitation to a Mass of Thanksgiving in the Sacred Heart Church on 30 June 2006, to 'mark the service given to Limerick City and County by the Jesuit Community...'

Results 1 to 100 of 279