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Talbot, Peter, c.1618-1680, Roman Catholic archbishop of Dublin and former Jesuit priest
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Erastus Senior. Scholastically Demonstrating this Conclusion, that (admitting their Lambeth Records for true) those called Bishops here in England, are no Bishops, either in Order, or Jurisdiction, or so much as legal. [...] With an Appendix, containing Extracts out of ancient Rituals, Greek and Latine, for the Form of Ordaining Bishops: And Copies of the Acts of Parliament, quoted in the third Part

Erastus Senior. Scholastically Demonstrating this Conclusion, that (admitting their Lambeth Records for true) those called Bishops here in England, are no Bishops, either in Order, or Jurisdiction, or so much as legal. [...] With an Appendix, containing Extracts out of ancient Rituals, Greek and Latine, for the Form of Ordaining Bishops: And Copies of the Acts of Parliament, quoted in the third Part

Talbot, Peter, c.1618-1680, Roman Catholic archbishop of Dublin and former Jesuit priest

Clypeus septemplex

Clypeus septemplex. Authore I.S. [i.e. John Sergeant.] [Consisting of "Declaratio Joannis Sergeantii circa doctrinam in libris suis contentam", "Appendix seu querimonia Joannis Serjeantii adversus M. Lominum", etc.]

Publisher: typis Mariæ Serrurier sub signo Salamandræ Anno 1677

Sergeant, John, 1621-1707, Roman Catholic priest, controversialist and theologian