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Wolfe, David, 1528-1578, Jesuit priest
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Biographical material concerning David Woulfe SJ

Biographical material concerning David Woulfe SJ. Includes

  • typescript on his life, by Fr James Stephenson SJ (n.d., 13pp);
  • correspondence collected by Fr Stephenson in the course of research for the article (19 February - 26 October 1953, 4 items) - letter from Mary, Hartfiled, Santo Amaro, Oeiras, Lisbon, Portugal, Margaret Woulfe, Kerry and Joseph Ranson, Salamanca;
  • notes and letter compiled by Fr John MacErlean SJ on Fr Woulfe (1929, 4pp);
  • reprint 'The Last Years of a Confessor of the Faith, Father David Wolf' from 'Archivium Historicum Societatis Jesu', vol. XV, 1946 (15pp);
  • journal of notes made by Richard Woulfe, Dromlought, Lisselton, County Kerry, intended to comprise a ‘short and incomplete family history’;
  • biographical notes on Fr Woulfe, copies of correspondence, letters contributed to various newspapers by Maurice Woulfe (5 Bolton Street, Clonmel) on Woulfe family history (1904 – 1928) and copies of letters of Dr T. Woulfe of Bruff, County Kerry (1923-1924) (25 November 1935, c76pp);
  • draft typescript entitled ‘Unpublished Letter of Father David Wolf’ by Fr Manuel da Costa SJ (Portuguese Jesuit and historian). Foreword in English (3pp); letter (October 1568) in Latin to the Bishop of Killala, Redmond O'Gallaghair, written when Fr Woulfe was in jail in Dublin Castle, describing the events of 1566 – ‘68 (n.d., 24pp);
  • article on David Wolfe SJ and
  • article by Fr Thomas Morrissey SJ, 'The Career and Problem of David Wolfe, 1528-1579? Jesuit, and Papal Commissary to Ireland', NMAJ, vol. 47, 2007, pp21-37.

Documents containing accounts of Jesuit involvement in contemporary religious, political and social affairs, with reference to Limerick

Documents containing accounts of Jesuit involvement in contemporary religious, political and social affairs, with reference to Limerick. Includes a letter (in Italian, and an English translation) from Fr David Wolfe SJ to the Cardinal Protector taken from 'Ibernia Ignatiana' (1880).

Fr David Wolfe SJ

Print out of personal history.

Wolfe, David, 1528-1578, Jesuit priest

Material concerning the reason(s) behind Fr David Woulfe’s leaving of the Society of Jesus

Material concerning the reason(s) behind Fr David Woulfe’s leaving of the Society of Jesus. Includes typescript by Fr Francis Finegan SJ entitled ‘Why did David Wolf Leave the Society?’ an appendix to his privately published pamphlet on the earliest period of the Society in Ireland (n.d., 7pp);

  • nineteenth century transcript of a Latin document ‘formerly’ in the archives of the Society at Gesu, supposedly the evidence of Fr William Good SJ, accusing Fr Woulfe of a ‘moral delinquency’ (n.d., 15pp) and
  • transcript of the same made by Fr Fergal McGrath SJ (Irish Province Archivist to 1986), with explanatory note attached (n.d., 30pp).

'The Limerick Diocesan School' by Michael Quane

'The Limerick Diocesan School' by Michael Quane. Reprint from the 'Journal of the Cork Historical and Archaeological Society', vol. LXVII, 1962. Contains references to Fr David Woulfe SJ (1520-1578/9) and Edmund Daniel SJ (1542 – 1575), p104 - 107.