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Finlay, Thomas Aloysius, 1893-1932, Irish politician and senior counsel
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Lists of writers of the Restored Society and their publications compiled by Fr James Rabbitte SJ

Lists of writers (arranged alphabetically) of the Restored Society and their publications (1832-1925, 38pp, ). Compiled by Fr James Rabbitte SJ of Gardiner Street, (Custodian of the Irish Province Archives, 1924-1930). Typed list of Irish Jesuit authors and title, 20th century (1900-1939, 6pp).

Rabbitte, James, 1857-1940, Jesuit priest

Memorial card and legal documents arising from the death of Thomas A. Finlay, K.C., T.D.

Memorial card and legal documents arising from the death of Thomas A. Finlay, K.C., T.D., (43 Pembroke Road, Dublin) [nephew of Fr Finlay]. Includes letter from stockbrokers Horan & Devine, 12 Dame Street [representatives of Mrs. Eva Finlay, widow of Thomas) to [ ] enclosing ‘a list of a few safe Trustee Securities from which you might be able to make a selection for the Trust Funds in this case’ (1 February 1933, 2pp). Memorial card missing (2020).