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Pius X, Pope, 1835-1914, Head of the Catholic Church
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Photograph of Pope Pius X

Photograph of Pope Pius X, taken after Mr Frank Browne SJ and his uncle, Robert Browne, bishop of Cloyne, had a private Mass with the Pope.

Photograph of ‘Most Holy Father’, Pope Pius X

Photograph of ‘Most Holy Father’, (Pope Pius X ) with the inscription ‘The community + Pupils of St. Ignatius College, Galway, Ireland humbly prostate at the feet of Your Holiness beg you to grant them the Apostolic Benediction and plenary Indulgence in ‘Articulo Mortis’’. Papal embossment seal.

Photograph of ‘Most Holy Father’ with the inscription ‘The community + Pupils of St. Ignatius College, Galway'

Photograph of ‘Most Holy Father’, (Pope Pius X) with the inscription ‘The community + Pupils of St Ignatius College, Galway, Ireland humbly prostate at the feet of Your Holiness beg you to grant them the Apostolic Benediction and plenary Indulgence in ‘Articulo Mortis’’. Papal embossment seal.