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Kenny, Peter, 1851-1912, Jesuit priest
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Fr Peter Kenny SJ

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Kenny, Peter, 1851-1912, Jesuit priest

Material relating to Jesuits in Athlone, County Westmeath in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries

Material relating to Jesuits in Athlone, County Westmeath in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Includes:

  • extract from the Journal of 'The Old Athlone Society' comprising an article entitled 'The Jesuits and Athlone In The Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries', by Fr Francis Finegan SJ, p.77 – 83 (1970-71, 8pp);
  • typescript entitled ‘Residentia Athloniensis’ concerning early references to a Jesuit house in Athlone, c.1605 by Fr Patrick O'Kelly S (19 October 1961);
  • letter from W.W. English, Old Athlone Society to Fr Francis Finegan SJ (9 October 1971);
  • list of Jesuits from the Meath diocese 1563 - 1773 and
  • biographical notes of Jesuits born in Meath diocese post 1773.

Finegan, Francis J, 1909-2011, Jesuit priest