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Kenny, Peter, 1851-1912, Jesuit priest
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Material relating to Jesuits in Athlone, County Westmeath in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries

Material relating to Jesuits in Athlone, County Westmeath in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Includes:

  • extract from the Journal of 'The Old Athlone Society' comprising an article entitled 'The Jesuits and Athlone In The Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries', by Fr Francis Finegan SJ, p.77 – 83 (1970-71, 8pp);
  • typescript entitled ‘Residentia Athloniensis’ concerning early references to a Jesuit house in Athlone, c.1605 by Fr Patrick O'Kelly S (19 October 1961);
  • letter from W.W. English, Old Athlone Society to Fr Francis Finegan SJ (9 October 1971);
  • list of Jesuits from the Meath diocese 1563 - 1773 and
  • biographical notes of Jesuits born in Meath diocese post 1773.

Finegan, Francis J, 1909-2011, Jesuit priest

Fr Peter Kenny SJ

Print out of personal history.

Kenny, Peter, 1851-1912, Jesuit priest