Biographical information on Fr Peter Kenney SJ
- IE IJA J/474/1
- File
- 1808 - 1977
Part of Irish Jesuits
Biographical information on Fr Peter Kenney SJ, and material related to the early years of the Irish Vice-Province.
Biographical information on Fr Peter Kenney SJ
Part of Irish Jesuits
Biographical information on Fr Peter Kenney SJ, and material related to the early years of the Irish Vice-Province.
Part of Irish Jesuits
Print out of personal history.
Lynch, Henry, 1812-1874, Jesuit priest
Part of Non-Irish Jesuit material
Letter from Rev. Henry Young, St Joseph's to his cousin Rev. Henry Lynch concerning a manuscript of Cardinal Bellarmin's Catechism which he wishes to show Rev. Lynch 'After which I will show it to Rev. Mr. Pope...who will, I hope, get Dr. Cullen's sanction for its publication.'
Young, Henry, 1786-1869, Roman Catholic priest
Part of Non-Irish Jesuit material
Letter from Rev. Henry Young, St Joseph's to his cousin Rev. Henry Lynch concerning a small bottle of water. Remarks that the water might have been '...distilled from the bones or other relicks of St. Nicholas of Bari. Remarks that he was a curate in St. Nicholas's new church in Kinsealy and it was to this church that the bottle of water was brought by a Rev. William.' Refers to the death of Rev. James and a parcel of papers including a manuscript of Bellarmin's Catechism. Remarks that he would like the manuscript to be copied '...which I shall willingly do but gradually and scrupulous by following James's copy with corrections before me for copying any work imprints more the subject on the mind than hasty reading.'
Young, Henry, 1786-1869, Roman Catholic priest
Notes compiled by Fr John Grene SJ, on individual Jesuits of the Irish Province
Part of Irish Jesuits
Notes compiled by Fr John Grene SJ, on individual Jesuits of the Irish Province. A note states 'Possibly all are in Memorials Ir. Prov.' Some notes in other hand, post-date Grene.
Browne, Thomas
Burke, William
Butler, James
Cunningham, John
Curtis, John
Ferguson, Charles
Gannon, Nicholas
Halpin, Thomas
Haly, Robert
Hayes, James Mark
Hearne, John
Kavanagh, Michael
Kelly, Michael
Kernan, Edward
Lentaigne, Joseph
Lynch, Henry
Lynch, John
McDonnell, James
O'Callaghan, Sylvester
O'Connor, John
O'Farrell, Michael
O'Reilly, Edmund
Rorke, Henry
Ryder, Alexander
Seaver, Matthew
Sheehan, Patrick
Stackowski, Francis Xavier
Photograph of Fr Henry Lynch SJ
Photograph of Fr Henry Lynch SJ.
Lauder Bros., photographers