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Irish Messenger Office, 1888-
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'The Church and secular education'

Pamphlet 'The Church and secular education' by Fr Peter Finlay SJ. Irish Messenger Series, Dublin.

Finlay, Peter, 1851-1929, Jesuit priest and theologian

'The Church and her marriage laws'

Pamphlet ''The Church and her marriage laws'' by Fr Peter Finlay SJ. Irish Messenger Series, Dublin.

Finlay, Peter, 1851-1929, Jesuit priest and theologian

'The Church and Anti-Clericalism'

Pamphlet entitled 'The Church and Anti-Clericalism' by Fr Peter Finlay SJ. Irish Messenger Social Action Series No. 16, Dublin. Two editions: 1st edition (n.d., 16pp) and 2nd edition (1919, 16pp).

Finlay, Peter, 1851-1929, Jesuit priest and theologian

'Scruples and their Treatment'

Booklet 'Scruples and their Treatment' (Adapted from the French). Found among the papers of the late Fr Wm. Doyle, S.J. ‘Irish Messenger’ Series, ‘5th Edition – 50th Thousand’ (1932) and ‘9th Edition – 90th Thousand’ (1943).

Doyle, Willie, 1873-1917, Servant of God, Jesuit priest and chaplain

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