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McSweeney, Joseph, 1909-1982, Jesuit priest, chaplain and missioner
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Typed diary by Fr Joseph McSweeney SJ

  • IE IJA J/297/7
  • Item
  • 1945-1949; 1950; 1970; 1975
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

Typed diary by Fr Joseph McSweeney SJ of periods in his life - Chaplain in the R.A.F. (1945-1949), journey to Northern Rhodesia and first impressions (1950), trip to Lourdes, France (July 1970) and Rome, Italy (1975).

Mission material relating to Fr Joseph McSweeney SJ

  • IE IJA J/297/6
  • File
  • 19 August 1950 - 25 February 1982
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of mission material relating to Fr Joseph McSweeney SJ. Includes announcement of death, personal record and correspondence between Fr McSweeney and Fr Thomas Martin SJ, Jesuit Missions, 20 Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin.

Material relating to Fr Joseph McSweeney's tour of duty as chaplain to the Royal Air Force after the Second World War

  • IE IJA J/297/3
  • File
  • 5 April 1945 - 2 September 1948
  • Part of Irish Jesuits

File of material relating to Fr Joseph McSweeney's tour of duty as chaplain to the Royal Air Force in the Middle East after Second World War (material on Second World War check chaplain's file). Includes letters regarding going to Belfast in 1945 for medical examination, a letter from Fr Edmund D'Arcy SJ, 114 Mount Street, London to Irish Fr Provincial expressing his concern over Fr McSweeney. Remarks that Fr Blount, senior army chaplain , came to see him and said that he considered Fr McSweeney. to be '...very weary and ought to be brought home'. (28 July 1948, 2pp).

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Joseph McSweeney SJ written while serving as a chaplain

Letters to the Irish Fr Provincial from Fr Joseph McSweeney SJ written while serving as a chaplain in the R.A.F. at R.A.F. College, Cosford, Wolverhampton and at R.A.F. Station, Colerne, Chippenham, Wiltshire. Includes his first letter to the Irish Fr Provincial written from Cosford (June 1945, 1p.).

McSweeney, Joseph, 1909-1982, Jesuit priest, chaplain and missioner

'Irish Jesuits in Northern Rhodesia'

Booklet entitled 'Irish Jesuits in Northern Rhodesia' by Rev Joseph McSweeney SJ published by the Irish Messenger Office.

McSweeney, Joseph, 1909-1982, Jesuit priest, chaplain and missioner

'Irish Jesuits Among the Mild Batonga'

Booklet entitled 'Irish Jesuits Among the Mild Batonga' by Rev Joseph McSweeney SJ published by the Irish Messenger Office.

McSweeney, Joseph, 1909-1982, Jesuit priest, chaplain and missioner

'Dawning Day', compiled by the Juniors in Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin

Bound volumes entitled 'Dawning Day', compiled by the Juniors in Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin containing articles, poems and songs on the various missions - China, India and Australia. Binding is loose on 'Dawning Day', 10th edition. Includes photographs of Frs Edward Bourke, Gerald Kennedy and George Byrne, Mr Richard Harris, Mr John Moran, Wah Yan College, the graves of Frs Saul and McCullough.

Correspondence between the Air Ministry and Chaplains Branch, concerning the R.A.F.’s request for Catholic chaplains

Correspondence between the Air Ministry and Chaplains Branch,R.A.F. H.Q., Northern Ireland, mainly from Monsignor H. Beauchamp, (Principal Chaplain (R.C.) R.A.F.) and the Irish Fr Provincial (Laurence J. Kieran SJ, then from 8 September 1941, John MacMahon SJ) concerning the R.A.F.’s request for Catholic chaplains; Fr Tony MacSeumais’ acceptance of a post with the R.A.F. in July 1943 and Fr Joseph McSweeney’s acceptance in 1945. Includes;

  • Letter from Mgr. Beauchamp to Fr MacMahon: ‘You are probably aware that I am very short of chaplains in the Royal Air Force. At many Stations there are as many as 300 young airmen who…have no chaplain to prepare them for their great ordeals…You probably know as well as I do the temptations that young Priests in the Services, particularly in the Royal Air Force come up against, hence you will know the special type of man that is wanted’ (12 March 1942, 1p.)
  • Letter from G.J. Corboy, Senior Chaplain (R.C.), R.A.F. H.Q., Northern Ireland to Fr MacMahon: ‘I met Father Sweeney (sic) last week, when I was down, and I am very grateful to you for the offer of his services, as a R.A.F. Chaplain’ (30 April 1945, 1p.).

Beauchamp, Henry, 1883-1948, Roman Catholic Monsignor and chaplain

Correspondence between Jesuits in Nothern Rhodesia and the Irish Fr Provincial during the year 1952

A file of letters written during the year 1952 relating to the Chikuni Mission, Northern Rhodesia.

  • Includes a letter from David Matthews, Archbishop of Apamea, Apostolic delegate, Delegatio Apostolica, PO Box 468 Mombasa to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas Byrne SJ concerning the proposed boundaries of the Vicariate of Lusaka to be given to the Irish Province. Includes a free hand map of the area (9 January 1952, 3pp).
  • Includes a letter from Fr Patrick J. Walsh SJ, PO Box 125, Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia to Irish Fr Provincial informing him that the building of the residence at the regiment Church has begun. Refers to Mau Mau in Kenya and remarks 'It is likely that in the next few years we shall see similar developments in central Africa. There is a great spirit of unrest and dissatisfaction among the Africans here and there is quite a bit of Communist propaganda going on - especially through the African Congress' (29 November 1952, 1p).

Correspondence between Jesuits in Nothern Rhodesia and the Irish Fr Provincial during the year 1950

A file of letters written during the year 1950 relating to the Chikuni Mission, Northern Rhodesia. Includes numerous letters relating to the announcement that eight Irish Jesuits are to be sent to the Chikuni Mission and the need for these men to learn the language (Chitonga). Many letters express concern over the lack of preparations being made for their arrival and a reluctance to comply with Fr General's instructions that all eight men are to be housed together for one year to obtain a firm grasp of the language.

  • Includes a letter from the Apostolic Delegation, PO Box 468, Mombasa to Irish Fr Provincial Thomas Byrne SJ concerning the division of the mission between the Irish and Polish Jesuits. Advises Fr Byrne to send a suitable Jesuit to Northern Rhodesia to take on the role of Vicar Apostolic of Lusaka when the division takes place (12 June 1950, 1p).
  • Includes a memorandum by Fr John Collins SJ concerning Bantu courses in London University (nd, 2pp).
  • Includes a photograph published in the Irish Independent of the nine Irish Jesuits (eight priests and one brother) before their departure for Chikuni, Northern Rhodesia (19 July 1950, 1p).
  • Includes a letter from Fr Brian MacMahon SJ to Fr Provincial Thomas Byrne SJ announcing their safe arrival in Lusaka (7 August 1950, 2pp).
  • Includes a letter from Fr Patrick J Walsh SJ describing a trip he and Fr Louis Meagher SJ made in the Zambesi Valley (22 September 1950, 2pp).
  • Includes a letter from Fr Brian McMahon SJ, Chikuni Mission PO Chisekesi, Northern Rhodesia to Fr Provincial Thomas Byrne SJ describing the school system here and the training colleges for African teachers (2 October 1950, 7pp).