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Nolan, Edward, 1826-1893, Jesuit priest
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Bound volume of the accounts of the Australian Mission in account with the Irish Province

Bound volume of the accounts of the Australian Mission in account with the Irish Province. Includes Robert Little Estate (23 March 1922 - 25 February 1926, pp. 246 - 247), Fr Joseph Canavan's Estate (1 March 1924, p. 399), Half Year's Contribution (25 March 1884 - 29 September 1884 pp. 401 - 402).

Irish Jesuit Mission to Australia, 1865-1931

Correspondence between Joseph Winter, Fr Edward Nolan SJ and Fr Joseph Dalton SJ concerning a newspaper article

A file of copy correspondence between Joseph Winter, owner of the Advocate (a Catholic publication) and Fr Nolan SJ concerning a paragraph about St Francis Xavier College in the paper. A note concerning the correspondence by Fr Joseph Dalton SJ remarks 'Fr Nolan's language is not only very uncharitable and unjustifiable it is also a "libel" - Winter appeals to me for redress. I intend requesting Fr Nolan to "withdraw" the expressions.' (nd, 1p).

Dalton, Joseph, 1817-1905, Jesuit priest

Fee Farm Grant for 7 Sackville Street, City of Dublin

Samuel Page, Notary Public, Dame Street, Dublin and William Napoleon Nolan, Esquire, 32 College Green, Dublin.

7 Sackville Street, City of Dublin

Terms and Conditions:
£105 sterling to be paid in four quarterly payments on 1st March, 1st June, 1st September and 1st December.

Signed and sealed by the parties

Fee Farm Grant for dwelling house on Lower Sackville Street

William Napoleon Nolan, Esquire, Lower Dominick Street, city of Dublin and Thomas Henry Kohler, Merchant Tailor, 7 Lower Sackville Street, city of Dublin.

Dwelling house on Lower Sackville Street

Terms and Conditions:
Yearly rent of £151.1.4 sterling to be paid in four equal payments on 1st March, 1st June, 1st September and 1st December.

Letter from Fr Edward Nolan SJ concerning a paper he had made to make arrangements for the payment of debts

Letter from Fr Edward Nolan SJ, St Patrick's College, Melbourne to [ ] concerning a paper he had drawn up, before leaving Ireland, to make arrangements for the payment of debts. Remarks that the paper has gone astray. Asks for a donation towards the building of the church of the Immaculate Conception.

Nolan, Edward, 1826-1893, Jesuit priest

Letters from Fr Edward Nolan SJ to Fr Joseph Dalton SJ describing New Zealand

A file of letters from Fr Edward Nolan SJ to Fr Joseph Dalton SJ. Includes letters concerning matters in the college at Kew (9 November 1881 - 29 April 1882, 3 items). Includes a letter describing his visit to New Zealand and the journey from Hokitika to Greymouth. Remarks: 'Those who have seen the European Alps say that the Southern Alps of N. Zealand are quite equal to them for grandeur. The scenery too is most varied...The roads over the mountains are cut out of the rock and the precipices hundreds of feet deep along which they run make many a stout heart quail.' (1May [ ], 4pp). Includes a letter concerning his visit to Greymouth, New Zealand. Remarks '...(it) is the most stirring town on the west coast and I believe the most so in N.Z. for its size. A new rush broke out about two months ago...There are 'tis said a thousand Irish there.' (6 May [ ], 4pp).

Nolan, Edward, 1826-1893, Jesuit priest

Letters from Fr Edward Nolan SJ to Irish Fr Provincials concerning the Australian Mission

A file of letters from Fr Edward Nolan SJ to Irish Fr Provincials concerning the Australian Mission. Includes a letter describing the voyage to Australia (16 April 1866, 4pp). Includes a letter referring to St Patrick's College and the poor reputation it has. Remarks '...I am sorry to say that the college was fast losing ground in the estimation of the public for want of management and even yet the evil is not completely checked...we have been informed lately by the priests that we had not succeeded as was anticipated...the college has been looked upon as a failure.' Refers to Fr Dalton and his position as Superior of the Mission. Remarks '...he seems to me to want firmness of purpose and resolution to face the difficulty...My conviction is that if he goes on we cannot succeed.' (26 April 1867, 8pp). Includes a letter describing a trip to Ballarat to preach a sermon and a visit he paid to one of the gold mines called "the Band of Hope". Remarks 'The yield on the day I was there was 437 oz; a few days before it had been 1637 oz for one day, the largest yield ever obtained in a gold mine in Australia and worth over £6,500.' Remarks that he was presented with a nugget which he sold '...for the benefit of Richmond Church.' Continues 'Four hundred miners are employed at this one mine...the close bad air of the mines tells very quickly on them and they die off rapidly. Three batches of them relieve one another every eight hours...the work goes on night and day - Sunday and holiday - otherwise the water would go in upon them and flood the mine.' (22 August 1867, 8pp). Includes a letter referring to a plot of ground made available for the construction of a church at Hawthorn (24 October 1867, 4pp). Includes a letter describing the church at Hawthorn. Remarks ' is greatly admired by all - Catholic and Protestant. It will of the prettiest in the colony (11 October [1868], 12pp). Includes a letter, describing, in detail, a trip to New Zealand, the people he met there and the landscape. Remarks 'There is a complete dearth of good respectable Catholic boys-schools throughout the whole of New Zealand.' Remarks that there is a lack of clergy and as a result many people have lost their faith. (12 August 1870, 12pp). Includes a letter referring to the opening of a boarding school. Asks Fr Provincial for more fathers who can teach in the school (28 March 1872, 4pp).

Nolan, Edward, 1826-1893, Jesuit priest

Renewal of lease for 7 Sackville Street, city of Dublin

Esther Gibson, Sandymount, County Dublin and John Philip Nolan, Solicitor, Upper Abbey Street, city of Dublin.

7 Sackville Street, city of Dublin

Terms and Conditions:
Yearly rent of £113.15 (late currency), £105 sterling to be paid in equal quarterly payments on1st March, 1st June, 1st September and 1st December. John Philip Nolan may quit the premises at the end of any fifth year of the term providing six months notice has been given.

Signed and sealed by the parties

Renewal of lease for 7 Sackville Street, Parish of St Thomas, city of Dublin

Patrick Nolan, Tobacconist, Sackville Street, city of Dublin and Jonathan Carr and Charles Kohler, Merchant Tailors, 7 Lower Sackville Street, city of Dublin.

7 Sackville Street, Parish of St. Thomas, city of Dublin.

Terms and Conditions:
Yearly rent of £163.13 (late currency), £151.1.3 sterling paid in four quarterly payments on 1st March, 1st June, 1st September and 1st December.

Signed and sealed by the parties