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Phelan, Michael, 1854-1932, Jesuit priest
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Visit of Mondragone party which stayed at Manresa

Visit of Mondragone party which stayed at Manresa - included three priests, two scholastics and sixteen pupils of the Collegio Nobile of Mondragone, Frascati, Italy and Jesuits( including front row, l-r: Mr Delmirari J, Sigior Bellegamba (Italian Legation), Fr. Alberico Grass SJ. Fr Denis P. Kennedy SJ (Rector of Belvedere College), Mr Waldron (Dept. of External Affairs), Fr Chile DJ, Fr Bondani SJ, Fr Laurence Kearns SJ (Minister Manresa). Back row: Mr Phelan, Mr Mooney, Fr Sean McCarron SJ (Superior Manresa), Fr Charles Byrne SJ (Belvedere College), [ ], Fr Peader McSeaumais SJ (Belvedere College) and [ ], at Manresa, Dollymount 9 August 1950;

Lists of writers of the Restored Society and their publications compiled by Fr James Rabbitte SJ

Lists of writers (arranged alphabetically) of the Restored Society and their publications (1832-1925, 38pp, ). Compiled by Fr James Rabbitte SJ of Gardiner Street, (Custodian of the Irish Province Archives, 1924-1930). Typed list of Irish Jesuit authors and title, 20th century (1900-1939, 6pp).

Rabbitte, James, 1857-1940, Jesuit priest

Gardiner Street ‘excursion’ to Lough Tay

Gardiner Street ‘excursion’ to Lough Tay. L-r: Fr Frank Browne SJ, P McGlade, N J Tomkin, Charles Farley, John Fahy, Matthew Devitt, J Keane and M Phelan taken at Mrs McGurk’s cottage, Lough Bray, Wicklow.

Fr Michael Phelan SJ

Catalogue entry for Fr Michael Phelan SJ.

Phelan, Michael, 1854-1932, Jesuit priest